Walking to the settlement.


Earning My Ears
Jan 26, 2001
We are going to be at FW Cabins at Easter holidays and staying at the Cabins.
We love to run and walking we are wondering how far is to walk or jog from the cabins to the settlement? Do you recommend to rent a bike, my husband is against to rent a cart ....
Please give us your opinion
Silvia From Alberta- Canada
From the cabin loops to the settlement trading post (at the marina), I would say it's probably close to a mile. There is the meadow trading post in the middle of the campground, that would definitely be closer for you. It's hard for me to say exact distances because we've always rented a cart (I've wanted to rent bikes and my husband says no--opposite of your problem). But if you like to walk or run, the trip to the meadow trading post will be fine for you, and possibly you won't mind the trip to the settlement trading post. My husband has walked it with the kids sleeping in the stroller and said it wasn't bad. Have a good trip :)
Since you enjoy walking or jogging you won't have any problems with the distance (about a mile). Renting a bike (at the bike barn at the Meadows) or a surrey (at the marina) wouldn't be a bad idea if you want to explore the bike paths there and even ride over to Wilderness Lodge. If you're driving down from Canada it may pay to bring your own bikes?

Andrew Lubow
Email A_AndyL@hotmail.com
http://communities.msn.com/MyWaltDisneyWorldTrip My Adventures at Fort Wilderness
"Live every day as if it were your last. Some day you'll be right!" Benny Hill
Thanks to your suggestion but we can't bring our bikes because we are flying ( we live at western Canada)
TTFN, Silvia :cool:


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