UPDATE to fellow DISer needs help....


<font color=green>Queen of DIS dorks<br><font colo
Jan 17, 2002
Well, it looks like the DIS pulled through AGAIN. I am crying tears of joy right now. So here is her reply. The thread is on the cruise board under DESPERATELY NEEDS HELP ON AUG 17TH.

UPDATE!...UPDATE!... And more to come! :)
I just finished writing an involved update with the POSITIVE NEWS that our daughter, Grace, will be able to go with us on Aug. 17 due to the generosity and kind-hearted COMPASSION of Disney Cruise Line's "Mouse upstairs" and his VERY hard working resourceful assistants.

I don't know WHAT buttoned I pushed, but the original reply I just wrote is GONE, nowhere to be seen again, best I can tell. I will NEVER understand the complex relationship I have with this computer! It by far wins hands down, everytime.

As I am bleary-eyed and tired beyond making sense at 3 am in the morning, I will write later today to try to reconstruct the post and include the MANY, MANY thanks I owe to the individuals, families, and people of this board that held us in prayer and sent pixie dust our way. Let me tell you, it REALLY did work true MAGIC!!!

Story at 11...or 12....or 1. Got to find a quiet moment away from 4 kids to write and compose my thoughts, but I will. Just wanted to update you ASAP, though regretfully only in part at the moment due to my computer error. Dreams really do come true and to say that Disney really is MAGIC is an understatement! Thank you all for holding us in prayer and thought and God bless! Will write more tomorrow. And also will be responding to today's days latest e-mails that included SO many TRULY wonderful, generous, strangers that said they thought they might be able to helpas well. Going to bed with PEACE in my mind, a full heart and thankfulness to God, for showing me, AGAIN, this time through the people of this board, how much GOOD really does exist in this world, that acts of kindness every day- all around the world - FAR outweigh the terrible, awful, unexplainable acts of a few. That kindness, goodness, and love still have the upper hand and always will. < smiling, knowing angels all around > Good night and God bless you ALL!

Most sincerely,

Liz and family
There are still wonderful people everywhere...and this place is a magnet for them.... :)

I am so happy things worked out for her and her family!!!
That was very sweet of Trinity and Osprey, but I think it was a "big cheese" that helped Liz out. He is one terrific guy, and I believe the sole reason that DCL is as successful as it is.
That is so wonderful!!!! So glad to hear this! The DIS is a great place full of wonderful people!!
Glad to hear someone was able to help her out. :teeth:
That's great that they'll all be together!

Amazing people, here! ;)
It is always wonderful to hear some up-beat news! YAY! Glad everything worked out. YAY for PD!:D


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