*Update* First Bad Experience with MS


DIS Veteran
May 20, 2006
I am so mad I could explode!! I had a 2 BR booked for the first 4 nights of our stay and a studio and a 1 BR for the last night all at OKW. I just called to check availability for the 2 BR and they had a lockoff for the entire stay. MS cancelled the 1 BR and studio and in the middle of booking the 2 BR, one of the nights in the 2 BR suddenly became unavailable!!! Of course when he went back to rebook the 1 BR and studio, the studio was gone too. I am so upset!!!!!:mad: This has never happened to me before so I'm freaking out. They put me on the waitlist for the 2BR or the studio and it better come through!!! Now I'm wondering why I didn't leave well enough alone.....:worried: :furious:
This happened to me regarding an inn room at VB and our SV BWV studio for our upcoming June trip. I do not understand how it can happen...if they can hold a waitlist room for people to respond to why can't they hold the room for the seconds it takes to complete the transaction? If they are going to automatic waitlist responding, is it possible for someone to be completely unaware of the switch and while the switch is happening, both are somehow lost? So you go to your ressies one day and have nothing for an upcoming trip?

What happened to us happened on April 2nd, a day that the computers were actually down during the morning, and I wrote a letter to them on the 3rd and as of today, I've never heard a word back. I suppose I will write another letter, but, yes, this is a very bad experience, and I'm sorry you had it too.

I've wondered if they bump you to the top of the wait list when something like this happens?
I've wondered if they bump you to the top of the wait list when something like this happens?

I was told that we would be, but after a 1 month wait for the 2 nights at BWV, I took myself off of that "next in line" waitlist and we're at SSR for the stay. We just didn't want to move for the last night.

I didn't ask that when I was on the phone with them because I was fuming but I'll be on the phone with them on Monday morning. I am so pi$$ed off about this you can't imagine. I just can't understand how this can happen if he was in the middle of booking the whole reservation????? It just doesn't make any sense to me at all.......it was available when he went into check and while he was in the middle of booking it, all of a sudden, the 4th night out of 5 was gone.....(not even the first or last nights) it just boggles my mind. :badpc: :badpc: :badpc:
Wow! It certainly sounds as though this is something to do with the automatic waitlists. They need to update the software to make sure this can't happen. You'd think they could unravel it in your situation. I know that means that someone else who thought their waitlist choice had come through is going to be disappointed, but MS would just have to explain what happened. Hope this resolves itself - really feeling for you.
Deffinatly sounds like there is a glitch in the system somewhere, when you call try to remember that the CM on the phone is at the mercy of his/her computer. Have them get thier supervisor they can usually do more. With luck this is your first and last problem with MS. Only hope I continue to be one the folks that only reads about problems, so far it's all been smooth sailing for us. Hope everything works out in the end and you have another magical vacation. Keep us up to date on how/if MS comes through.
I've just typed out another letter to Members Service. I cannot imagine why they can't simply put a block on what we are trying to change to for the minutes it takes to cancel the old ressie. Or...if they can't tell us that we have to double book or risk the chance of losing both. In my case I COULD have double booked and then cancelled and banked the points from the original ressie, but not everyone can, nor do I think we should have to do that.

I am so sorry for your distress. In my case I did deal with a supervisor immediately after the situation, and he didn't follow up on booking me a new ressie at OKW for the nights that I lost.

Why can't dvc develop online reservations system such as the major (and minor) hotel chains do? Most chains have various parameters, ie dates, accomdations, locations, etc., that you request online. The results are realtime, and allow you to change your requests then and there; rather than wait 3 business days to hear back. This would diminish the long waits on the phone with MS; eliminate the problems above. Any feedback, or has this been discussed before?
This is my biggest fear about changing reservations-- that they will "lose" the one I already had. It's why I hate to have to change ressies. There doesn't seem to be any time that is "safe" anymore when it comes to availability.
I would think that the chances that someone who was on the waitlist would happen to be online when their reservation came through would be really slim, so they should be able to lock out the waitlist for a short time without anyone being the wiser.
As a side note, my waitlist came through for BWV for August, so don't give up hope!
Why can't dvc develop online reservations system such as the major (and minor) hotel chains do? Most chains have various parameters, ie dates, accomdations, locations, etc., that you request online. The results are realtime, and allow you to change your requests then and there; rather than wait 3 business days to hear back. This would diminish the long waits on the phone with MS; eliminate the problems above. Any feedback, or has this been discussed before?

There are major differences between a simple room/cash reservation system and a points based timeshare. It would need to check banking and borrowing, home resort priority, multiple contracts, points needed for a stay, status of account (are your dues paid, outstanding resort charges, etc.), point status (holding accounts, reservation points, etc.) All in all, a much more complex system than booking a cash room at Best Western for a weekend. Plus the DVC resorts operate at a much higher average occupancy rate than cash hotels. Then make that system extremely internet user friendly, and pretty nearly "idiot proof." Now make that software communicate in real time with the existing DVC database, and have a similar system available for the call-in Member Services reps. The cost of developing that software would be substantial, and come from our dues, not Disney. DVC has been saying for years that they are "working on it."
There should definitely be a "block" on the reservation while it's up there in front of them on the screen in the middle of being booked. If it was right there in the middle of completion, then they really need to do something about their system. It seems impossible that if 5 nights are being booked all at once, that 1 night in the middle of it all would suddenly disappear!!! He put me on hold 4-5 times doing it to boot....:sad2: I'll ask for a manager when I call before I speak to anyone else tomorrow morning.:headache:
You know, the more I think about this, the more it's driving me nuts. I think this MS rep was new. First of all, I had to make a change the other day to this reservation. The woman I got on the phone just "modified" the reservation. This is exactly what this other guy should have done because I think if he just modified it, maybe all this wouldn't have happened. The first rep never really cancelled anything so there was nothing to be "lost". All he had to do was change the existing reservation leaving the same number. Why did he ask me if I wanted to cancel it and not even suggest that all he would have to do is "modify" it? I was so excited it was even available that I wasn't even thinking of that at the time...... Does any one agree? I hope I'm explaining this right so you understand.
Why can't dvc develop online reservations system such as the major (and minor) hotel chains do? Most chains have various parameters, ie dates, accomdations, locations, etc., that you request online. The results are realtime, and allow you to change your requests then and there; rather than wait 3 business days to hear back. This would diminish the long waits on the phone with MS; eliminate the problems above. Any feedback, or has this been discussed before?

What Chuck said :) Seriously, the cost and development time is substantial and will no doubt cause an increase in dues. I'd love it, but I don't think it will happen anytime soon. The cost may not be justified when a large percentage of members would probably call on the phone anyway.

MS is generally quick -- I've never had to wait more than 15 minutes to talk to someone.

I waited 1 hour and 20 minutes on the phone yesterday to talk to Delta about getting a seat assignment -- something I should have been able to do online but couldn't for whatever reason...
Have you talked to a supervisor??

I had a foul up one year at the BVC while there and after talking to supervisors at both the hotel and MS it got straightened out. Somehow they had us booked 2 days short. It did help I had the paperwork to back me up. I think they may have ended up giving me a room that was turned over to Disney for cash.
You know, the more I think about this, the more it's driving me nuts. I think this MS rep was new. First of all, I had to make a change the other day to this reservation. The woman I got on the phone just "modified" the reservation. This is exactly what this other guy should have done because I think if he just modified it, maybe all this wouldn't have happened. The first rep never really cancelled anything so there was nothing to be "lost". All he had to do was change the existing reservation leaving the same number. Why did he ask me if I wanted to cancel it and not even suggest that all he would have to do is "modify" it? I was so excited it was even available that I wasn't even thinking of that at the time...... Does any one agree? I hope I'm explaining this right so you understand.

I'm not going to make excuses for MS, but I bet this happens more than we think it does, but I'm not sure if it's "right" that this can happen or not.

Is it possible that another member was calling for a 2BR the same night you also wanted it, and they snagged it in between the time the MS rep looked and actually made your reservation?

If I call up and cancel a studio night, even by mistake while talking to MS, then 1 minute later decide I want it back -- am I still entitled to it, or does the member who been waiting 3 months for one to open up now get the room?
There are major differences between a simple room/cash reservation system and a points based timeshare. It would need to check banking and borrowing, home resort priority, multiple contracts, points needed for a stay, status of account (are your dues paid, outstanding resort charges, etc.), point status (holding accounts, reservation points, etc.) All in all, a much more complex system than booking a cash room at Best Western for a weekend. Plus the DVC resorts operate at a much higher average occupancy rate than cash hotels. Then make that system extremely internet user friendly, and pretty nearly "idiot proof." Now make that software communicate in real time with the existing DVC database, and have a similar system available for the call-in Member Services reps. The cost of developing that software would be substantial, and come from our dues, not Disney. DVC has been saying for years that they are "working on it."

It seems they have most of that info on the DVC member's website. They notiffy the status of your account(s); track your points, dues, etc. You can ever request a reservation. Why can't they meld the info into one reservation system, and reduce the MS staff to offset the cost? Overtime they'd work out the kinks, and make it user friendly, and intuitive. I admit I know nothing about programming, but it seems brighter minds could integrate all the needed info. Program developers respond. How difficult, and costly would it be?
We have had multiple different problems with MS and their booking system.I had finally had enough and sent a email to Disney management. My complaint was sent down the chain of command and I was contacted by a manager at MS. Over a two day period we corrected our account and reservation problems. I was told that even though the advisers at MS mean well, mistakes are made and they are limited on repairing problems due to programming safeguards. I was told that if things are not right, request a manager.
It seems they have most of that info on the DVC member's website. They notiffy the status of your account(s); track your points, dues, etc. You can ever request a reservation. Why can't they meld the info into one reservation system, and reduce the MS staff to offset the cost? Overtime they'd work out the kinks, and make it user friendly, and intuitive. I admit I know nothing about programming, but it seems brighter minds could integrate all the needed info. Program developers respond. How difficult, and costly would it be?

In reality, there is actually very little of this online, and none of it in interactive real time. The reservation request is nothing more than a simple email to member services, it does not check status or interact with the system in any way.

Nor does it show any resort availability, or interact with reservations at all. It only shows what is already in an individual members account, basically a snapshot of that account, like existing reservations, points available to bank, etc. They have just added the node to interact with the point banking system, and it has already been taken down more than once for code revisions and debugging. Saying that overtime they would work out the kinks and make it use friendly is of no value. How many accunts/reservations would be messed up in the process? Can you imagine someone showing up with a computer generated confimation, only to find that no reservation exists?

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