Universal.. is this true?


Earning My Ears
Mar 17, 2001
Is it true that if you stay in a Universal hotel, you do not have to wait on lines for the attractions there?
While I am planning our 1st trip to Universal this fall I have been reading the Universal message board as well as the Disney ones. You might want to check those boards out as well, their are some very informed people on it.

You can stay at either the Hard Rock Hotel or Portofino's to qualify to go through a special line that will put you in the front of the line. Check the boards out, Everyone says if you get what's called an entertainment card you can get a room for something like 114.00 a night? Some have paid more I guess. I have personally not made my reservations yet because I'm not quite ready to get the best deal. I'm still learning all I can.

We will be splitting our vacation up this trip to Flordia between Disney and Universal, 5 days Disney, 3 days Universal. I was thinking about staying offsite but I think the front of the line pass is well worth staying on site at Universal and because of that we'll just stay at All Stars at Disney. It doesn't get much cheaper than that.

Hope this helps some and I hope you have a great trip!


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