TWILIGHTAHOLICS! Part 2~*~ Should've been started by Caribbeanprincess!!!!

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I am bummed.

I got the cd and my booklet was the BELLA poster. Why oh why can I not just have Edward?!?!?!?!?!!?!!?

Bella, Bella, Bella!!!!! (said to "Marsha, Marsha, Marsha!") :mad:

Thanks. :goodvibes When you call next time, find out what time their shipments usually arrive. My store had told me they get shipments Mon thru Fri, usually after 2:00 so to call around 5 each day. It's nice if you can pinpoint the time alittle better. Good luck! Keep checking HT online, too. I'm sure they'll be showing up in the very near future. That seems to be the pattern. :thumbsup2 :goodvibes

im way ahead of you gf;) they told me to call them at 4:30 tomorrow:goodvibes
Ok, it's poll time people!! Cut and paste the questions and fill in your own answers!! :thumbsup2

1. Have you read all four books?
2. Who created you into a 'newborn' (i.e. who turned you on to the series?)
3. How many times have you seen the far?
4. Team Edward or Team Jacob? :lovestruc
5. What was your most favorite scene in the first book?
6. What was your favorite scene in the movie?
7. Say you were the director for New Moon, would you change anything from the first movie? Would you re-cast anyone?
8. Do you wish that Midnight Sun, the unfinished book written from Edward's point of view, should still be young adult fiction or written with a more mature frame of mind?
9. If you were Bella, would you want to become a vampire?
10. Just what is it about Edward Cullen?? :love:

Bonus question :confused:
Do you think:
A: We should still not try and post spoilers to protect those who haven't finished the series OR
B: Should we put a disclaimer in the first post, and post freely from now on?

1. Have you read all four books? Yes
2. Who created you into a 'newborn' (i.e. who turned you on to the series?) I think I just "heard" about it.
3. How many times have you seen the far? 2
4. Team Edward or Team Jacob? Team Edward
5. What was your most favorite scene in the first book? First Kiss
6. What was your favorite scene in the movie? The Baseball Game
7. Say you were the director for New Moon, would you change anything from the first movie? Would you re-cast anyone? Not Sure
8. Do you wish that Midnight Sun, the unfinished book written from Edward's point of view, should still be young adult fiction or written with a more mature frame of mind? YES
9. If you were Bella, would you want to become a vampire? YES
10. Just what is it about Edward Cullen?? Edward the IDEA--I LOVE, Edward the ACTOR grosses me out

Bonus question
Do you think:
A: We should still not try and post spoilers to protect those who haven't finished the series OR
B: Should we put a disclaimer in the first post, and post freely from now on? B
I have to go get the pillow case and blanket . Off to Hot Topic some more .

Ok, it's poll time people!! Cut and paste the questions and fill in your own answers!!

1. Have you read all four books? YES
2. Who created you into a 'newborn' (i.e. who turned you on to the series?) My middle DD Katie
3. How many times have you seen the far? Just once
4. Team Edward or Team Jacob? Team Edward
5. What was your most favorite scene in the first book? In the woods when she tells him she knows he's a vampire .
6. What was your favorite scene in the movie? I love when they are in his room and he wants to dance with her.
7. Say you were the director for New Moon, would you change anything from the first movie? Would you re-cast anyone? No and NO
8. Do you wish that Midnight Sun, the unfinished book written from Edward's point of view, should still be young adult fiction or written with a more mature frame of mind? Mature frame of mind . He is a vampire with many years of age and wisdom it should be written that way .
9. If you were Bella, would you want to become a vampire? ONLY if it was EDWARD that was gonna do it .
10. Just what is it about Edward Cullen?? I never pictured him the way Rob looks but it is the mystery of him . The great looks the passion he feels around her and the old fashioned ways about him.

Bonus question
Do you think:
A: We should still not try and post spoilers to protect those who haven't finished the series OR
B: Should we put a disclaimer in the first post, and post freely from now on?
I vote for B put up a disclaimer and let us chat away .
1. Have you read all four books? Ayup. Like, 4 times, not counting multiple flips to my favorite parts...
2. Who created you into a 'newborn' (i.e. who turned you on to the series?) Partly a good friend of mine who told me about them, and partly my DD13, who borrowed it from a friend, so I wanted to read it to make sure it was ok for her.
3. How many times have you seen the far?4 times in the theatre. Lord knows how many times I've watched all the various clips, trailers and interviews!
4. Team Edward or Team Jacob? Definitely Team Edward, although I LOVE Jacob-- he's funny and a regular guy.
5. What was your most favorite scene in the first book? Tough one... Blood typing, maybe? Meadow scene? Or... the one where Edward is about to take Bella to go play baseball and he has to persuade her to take another ride on his back. He can be very... persuasive.
6. What was your favorite scene in the movie? Uh, definitely the first kiss. :faint: Just... wow.
7. Say you were the director for New Moon, would you change anything from the first movie? Would you re-cast anyone? I would not recast anyone, but please, Santa, can we have a better special effects budget and a better screenwriter... some of the dialogue was just ridiculous.
8. Do you wish that Midnight Sun, the unfinished book written from Edward's point of view, should still be young adult fiction or written with a more mature frame of mind? You know, I kind of think it's already there. It's not quite teen lit; Edward has too big a vocabulary. :rotfl: However, I like the level of ... how shall I put this.. explicitness at which SM has chosen to write. As a former English teacher and an amateur writer myself, I don't believe you need to be explicit to be considered really good adult fiction. That's what your imagination is for. You can fill in your own details! ;)
9. If you were Bella, would you want to become a vampire? This is hard, depending on whether you are asking if I was Bella with all her thoughts and opinions, in which case of course. Or if I was Bella with my own upbringing, thoughts and opinions.. which, sad to say, I'm too freakin' practical to fall in love with a gorgeous guy and want to become a vampire.
10. Just what is it about Edward Cullen?? He is smart, gorgeous, extraordinarily sensual and even occasionally funny. Plus he's loving and devoted in a way that tends to sort of settle down after the first sweet heady rush of romance in a relationship. When DH is slouched on the sofa with the remote and doesn't notice that you happen to be wearing a new outfit and have makeup and perfume on... well, Edward starts to look pretty good.:rotfl:

Bonus question
Do you think:
A: We should still not try and post spoilers to protect those who haven't finished the series OR
B: Should we put a disclaimer in the first post, and post freely from now on?

Oh, I think it's pretty good the way it's been, where if you are writing spoilers you say so and put it in white text.
1. Have you read all four books?YES!!
2. Who created you into a 'newborn' (i.e. who turned you on to the series?)My 16 year old sister.
3. How many times have you seen the far?3 times, once with my sister, twice by myself.
4. Team Edward or Team Jacob? TEAM EDWARD!!!
5. What was your most favorite scene in the first book?Too many to list.
6. What was your favorite scene in the movie?Favorite scene is when the Cullens first appear on screen. The music, slow motion, it was fantastic!!!
7. Say you were the director for New Moon, would you change anything from the first movie? Would you re-cast anyone?I wouldn't recast anyone. I would definitely show more Alice and develope their relationship more.
8. Do you wish that Midnight Sun, the unfinished book written from Edward's point of view, should still be young adult fiction or written with a more mature frame of mind?I love it the way it is and I really wish she would just finish it already!!LOL
9. If you were Bella, would you want to become a vampire?Yes, I couldn't imagine being without Edward.
10. Just what is it about Edward Cullen?? He's romantic, protective, old fashioned, mature, smart, funny, handsome......

Bonus question
Do you think:
A: We should still not try and post spoilers to protect those who haven't finished the series OR
B: Should we put a disclaimer in the first post, and post freely from now on?Spoilers please!! Put a disclaimer and let us talk about everything.
I guess I will answer my own poll!!

1. Have you read all four books?Yes, in a little over a week just recently.
2. Who created you into a 'newborn' (i.e. who turned you on to the series?) While a co-worker lent me the first two books, I give full credit to travelmel and her Prom post in her TR for peaking my interest in the series.
3. How many times have you seen the far? twice in the theaters.... :rolleyes1
4. Team Edward or Team Jacob? Look at my sig, I like my men cold, dead and that would be the dazzling Edward!
5. What was your most favorite scene in the first book? The restaurant scene because that is when Edward starts really opening up and the tension starts to build as they drive back in his car!
6. What was your favorite scene in the movie? When she turns on his cd player in his bedroom and they listen to Debussy. You can tell she totally thinks he is about to kiss her, and yet he starts to dance with her. :love:
7. Say you were the director for New Moon, would you change anything from the first movie? Would you re-cast anyone? I do want to see what Edward is up to while trying to track Victoria and dealing with his own anguish. Those little outtakes on Meyer's web site totally peaked my interest. Also, it will be interesting to see how they handle when Bella thinks Edward is talking to her. As far as casting, I wasn't impressed with Rosalie, but I think it would be too distracting to change people like that. The only thing I would maybe change is Jacob after the wolf transition.
8. Do you wish that Midnight Sun, the unfinished book written from Edward's point of view, should still be young adult fiction or written with a more mature frame of mind? I totally agree with coastermom. Since Edward is OLDER, it should be more true to that. It would be a gift to us older faithful Twilight readers. :lmao:
9. If you were Bella, would you want to become a vampire?Yes, oh and yes yes yes. Sorry, Edward, a lifetime is just not enough! Spoiler:I just totally thought her transition was going to happen during the feather shredding, bedboard breaking scenes. hehe
10. Just what is it about Edward Cullen?? The total gentleman thing. His devotion, those EYES! And in the movie form, Rob P. sure is yum-alicious, but don't tell my DH!

Bonus question:
I pick
B: Should we put a disclaimer in the first post, and post freely from now on!! haha should I post that answer in white as well?
Thanks. :goodvibes When you call next time, find out what time their shipments usually arrive. My store had told me they get shipments Mon thru Fri, usually after 2:00 so to call around 5 each day. It's nice if you can pinpoint the time alittle better. Good luck! Keep checking HT online, too. I'm sure they'll be showing up in the very near future. That seems to be the pattern. :thumbsup2 :goodvibes

ugh...It's so frustrating that ya'lls stores keep getting new stuff. Ours hasn't gotten any new shipments of Twilight merch in 3 there is basically nothing left and I still want an Alice shirt!

now onto this:

1. Have you read all four books? yup at least 8 times altogether
2. Who created you into a 'newborn' (i.e. who turned you on to the series?) me, myself and I...saw the first book not long after it came out, read it and kept going!
3. How many times have you seen the far? 3 times at the theater
4. Team Edward or Team Jacob? :lovestruc definitely Team Edward, though I have nothing against Jacob.
5. What was your most favorite scene in the first book? the first time Bella sits with Edward at lunch
6. What was your favorite scene in the movie? definitely the meadow scene. I love the look of beautiful and one of the sweetest moments we actually see of Edward and Bella in the movie
7. Say you were the director for New Moon, would you change anything from the first movie? Would you re-cast anyone?I'm actually pretty excited for the Jacob change. no offense to Taylor, but he is SO NOT NM Jacob
8. Do you wish that Midnight Sun, the unfinished book written from Edward's point of view, should still be young adult fiction or written with a more mature frame of mind? umm..maybe a little of both?
9. If you were Bella, would you want to become a vampire? 100% yes!
10. Just what is it about Edward Cullen?? :love: I think it's that sense of chivalry and sweetness that he has still retained from the time he grew up in...

Bonus question :confused:
Do you think:
A: We should still not try and post spoilers to protect those who haven't finished the series OR
B: Should we put a disclaimer in the first post, and post freely from now on?

Post spoilers, but if it's anything too earth shattering, make sure it continues to be "hidden" in the highlited text!
1. Have you read all four books? Yes, presently working on my 2nd reading of the 4th book. I can't get enough!
2. Who created you into a 'newborn' (i.e. who turned you on to the series?) I stumbled upon them myself. I've always been intrigued by vampires but don't like horror. I was thrilled to find out how awesome the series is without being at all terrifying.
3. How many times have you seen the far? 3 times in the theatre along with watching anything and everything Twilight I can find online, every chance I get! ;) ;) ;)
4. Team Edward or Team Jacob? Edward all the way baby! Jacob annoyed me too much when he kept pushing himself on Bella in the books.
5. What was your most favorite scene in the first book? There are so many amazing scenes in the first book.... I agree about the blood typing scene, the night times when Bella and Edward were alone in her room, their first kiss...
6. What was your favorite scene in the movie? Again, there were many I enjoyed. For some reason, I loved when Bella went to the Cullen's house the first time and saw them all cooking, as well as the graduation caps on the wall; loved the first kiss, loved the prom scene when he kissed her neck...
7. Say you were the director for New Moon, would you change anything from the first movie? Would you re-cast anyone? I'm not really sure. If they really feel the need to add more Edward to the movie, I wouldn't mind glimpses of what he's doing. As for recasting, I would probably have left the original cast in tact. I'm already attached to them.
8. Do you wish that Midnight Sun, the unfinished book written from Edward's point of view, should still be young adult fiction or written with a more mature frame of mind? I'd love to see it with a slightly more adult theme. I think if anyone could make it tasteful, it'd be Stephenie! I am not talking about anything too explicit but I really love the way she writes and would love to read her version of it if it was targeted to an adult audience.
9. If you were Bella, would you want to become a vampire? Yes, I'd want to become a vampire to be an equal to Edward. It'd be nice to never age knowing I was staying with him, and also not being so fragile.
10. Just what is it about Edward Cullen?? I honestly don't know! Stephenie created the perfect being in Edward Cullen. It's kind of amazing how we're all drawn to this series because of him. I've grown to accept Rob as Edward and think he did a great job with the role.

Bonus question
Do you think:
A: We should still not try and post spoilers to protect those who haven't finished the series OR
B: Should we put a disclaimer in the first post, and post freely from now on?
Are there still people out there who haven't finished the seiries? :scared1: :rotfl: Seriously though, I'm okay with putting a disclaimer or continuing with the white text, for spoilers as well as any adult content that others don't care to read.
ugh...It's so frustrating that ya'lls stores keep getting new stuff. Ours hasn't gotten any new shipments of Twilight merch in 3 there is basically nothing left and I still want an Alice shirt!

It's so surprising that some stores get a shipment every single day that has new Twilight merchandise in it and yet yours doesn't get anything. PM me what you're looking for and what size and I'll keep my eye out here for you. I think every Twilight fan should be able to get their fix! :rotfl:
1. Have you read all four books? Three times
2. Who created you into a 'newborn' (i.e. who turned you on to the series?) My co-worker
3. How many times have you seen the far? Just twice, not nearly enough
4. Team Edward or Team Jacob? TEAM EDWARD
5. What was your most favorite scene in the first book? When they are on the way to play baseball and he has to "persuade" her to run with him
6. What was your favorite scene in the movie? Their first kiss in her bedroom!!
7. Say you were the director for New Moon, would you change anything from the first movie? Would you re-cast anyone? No but I would cast ME as Bella!!
8. Do you wish that Midnight Sun, the unfinished book written from Edward's point of view, should still be young adult fiction or written with a more mature frame of mind? Honestly, it's pretty fine with me as is, but I wouldn't throw a "mature" book out!
9. If you were Bella, would you want to become a vampire? Heck Yea!!
10. Just what is it about Edward Cullen?? His old-fashionedness, the devotion and love he feels for her, and the notes he leaves ( take care of my heart, I've left it with you). And it doesn't hurt that he's freakin' hot in the movie!!

Bonus question
Do you think:
A: We should still not try and post spoilers to protect those who haven't finished the series OR
B: Should we put a disclaimer in the first post, and post freely from now on?
I vote for B put up a disclaimer and let us chat away .
I think the way we've been doing it is okie-dokie. Isn't there only like 2 or 3 people who haven't read the book anyway??
1. Have you read all four books?
Yes - quite a few times actually. I started at the beginning of November. After I finished Twilight in one day, I bought the set in hardback. I've re-read them all 4 times now.

2. Who created you into a 'newborn' (i.e. who turned you on to the series?)
No one. I saw a preview of the movie in passing. My friend got me hooked on Tru Blood so I was on a Vamp kick. I saw the paperback at Wal-mart and thought, why not?
3. How many times have you seen the far?

4. Team Edward or Team Jacob?
Do I have to choose? I definitely lean Team Edward. Something about the outcome of Jacob in BD puts me off. But until then, I really liked Jacob a lot. Now he's just another character to me.

5. What was your most favorite scene in the first book?
Ummm... Most? Well, I like the part when Edward is asking to drive her to Seattle, and the part when he first starts talking to her again, and the part when he is trying to relieve her fears about his running - you know on the way to play baseball... um I think I'll stop there
6. What was your favorite scene in the movie?

7. Say you were the director for New Moon, would you change anything from the first movie? Would you re-cast anyone?
Jacob needs to be recast, but Taylor should be in the beginning and some how digitally make a smooth transition of growth into a new actor. Is that possible? And I'm sorry but Bella needs to freakin' cook. How do they explain the fish-fry scene when they always eat at the diner?
8. Do you wish that Midnight Sun, the unfinished book written from Edward's point of view, should still be young adult fiction or written with a more mature frame of mind?
It should stay YA just because it would not flow with the others.

9. If you were Bella, would you want to become a vampire?
To be with Edward forever? Heck Yeah!
10. Just what is it about Edward Cullen??
His sincere interest. His protectiveness. His love. He's fascinating. OK, he's pretty hot too!

Bonus question
Do you think:
A: We should still not try and post spoilers to protect those who haven't finished the series OR
B: Should we put a disclaimer in the first post, and post freely from now on?
Neither. Just make all spoilers white that way those who aren't done with all 4 (5 actually) don't have to miss out on the whole thing or risk the spoiler and the rest of us can still discuss it!
OMG I still haven't finished my TR because I'm always on this thread. Does it ever let up? Hahaha... I hope everyone had a good weekend!
OK ya'll, how much is the Hot Topic fleece blanket? 'Cuz this one on ebay is currently at a $102 bid, with 3 more days left!:scared1:|66%3A2|65%3A12|39%3A1|240%3A1318|301%3A1|293%3A1|294%3A50
Not sure if this has been posted yet, but here's the link to the article. . .

I hope that Taylor Launter stays in the next one, I think he'd make such a good Jacob Black. If he goes, then I don't know what the movie would be like without him in it. :\ It surely wouldn't be the same without him in the New Moon movie. :sad2: This news is making me very sad inside. . .
1. Have you read all four books?
Yes. My current total is five times. But I just can't seen to stay away from them.
2. Who created you into a 'newborn' (i.e. who turned you on to the series?)I guess I created myself. I saw Twilight at Target Labor Day weekend and thought "what the heck. I hear people talk about it.
3. How many times have you seen the far?So far five times. But I am going again tomorrow for the sixth time.
4. Team Edward or Team Jacob? Of course Team Edward. He sparkles!
5. What was your most favorite scene in the first book?From the first book I really like Blood Typing and of course the Meadow scene.
6. What was your favorite scene in the movie?That would have to be the baseball scene. And I am obsessed with the song too.
7. Say you were the director for New Moon, would you change anything from the first movie? Would you re-cast anyone?Well, I definitely agree that something has to be done about Jacob. I mean he literally grows before Bella's eyes in the book. If they can keep Taylor and accomplish this than great! But I am not against a recast to keep to the book. As far as the first movie, I would probably add the Blood Typing scene, it gives some insight into Bella and Edward and its one of my favorites.
8. Do you wish that Midnight Sun, the unfinished book written from Edward's point of view, should still be young adult fiction or written with a more mature frame of mind?Since nothing really happened other than PG before they got married I think this is a moot point.
9. If you were Bella, would you want to become a vampire? Heck yeah!
10. Just what is it about Edward Cullen?? He just knows what to say to make you melt. Plus who isn't attracted to the 'bad/dangerous' guy?

Bonus question
Do you think:
A: We should still not try and post spoilers to protect those who haven't finished the series OR
B: Should we put a disclaimer in the first post, and post freely from now on?
B. Just as long as we indicate that spoilers are ahead I think its ok.
1. Have you read all four books? Twighlight, New Moon, Midnight Sun. I am waiting for Amazon to deliver Eclipse, and Breaking dawn in the next couple of days. I have had the first two books for about a year but didn't read them till after seeing the movie.

2. Who created you into a 'newborn' (i.e. who turned you on to the series?)
Nobody they looked interesting and I told my DS he could read them first and then I just never found the time to read them myself till recently.

3. How many times have you seen the far? 3 times

4. Team Edward or Team Jacob? Edward. Jacob reminds me of one of my little brothers friends who can be annoying at times.

5. What was your most favorite scene in the first book? My first favorite was tied between when he sits with her in the cafeteria, the meadow scene, the bedroom scene.

6. What was your favorite scene in the movie? Another tie between bedroom, meadow, and baseball.

7. Say you were the director for New Moon, would you change anything from the first movie? Would you re-cast anyone? I would get Bella to smile when she Edward makes her happy. It drove me nuts that she never smiled and didn't seem happy at all in the movie so it was hard to see her love for him. I would also show Alice and Bella become friends. I would recast Rosalie (what happened to the most beautiful woman in the world?) and Taylor though he did a great job in Twilight he is too baby faced and short for New Moon.

8. Do you wish that Midnight Sun, the unfinished book written from Edward's point of view, should still be young adult fiction or written with a more mature frame of mind? I love them just the way they are. I would fear that it might take away some of the gentlman that Edward is if it went too far in detail. I have a good enough imagination not to need more.

9. If you were Bella, would you want to become a vampire? Yes, for her character. No if it were me. Who the heck wants to go through high school over and over again. It was boring enough once. lol

10. Just what is it about Edward Cullen?? As the character it is the passion and energy he puts into his feelings for her. He is a complete gentleman yet mysterious. He always puts Bella and her happiness and well being before himself. He is strong but gentle. As an actor it is his personality and charisma. At first I found him kind of fuggly (reminded me of a guy who liked me in high school that I didn't like) and then he smiled and I melted.

Bonus question
Do you think:
A: We should still not try and post spoilers to protect those who haven't finished the series OR
B: Should we put a disclaimer in the first post, and post freely from now on?

I don't think it matters even as someone who didn't read the last two books I don't mind spoilers. Heck, I am glad I saw the movie first before reading the book.
1. Have you read all four books? Yes, many times-although BD the least.
2. Who created you into a 'newborn' (i.e. who turned you on to the series?) the original thread on the Disboards. I'm not normally into horror but after reading so many people raving about it, I read part of the first chapter online on Amazon and was hooked.3. How many times have you seen the far?2 times in the theater....
4. Team Edward or Team Jacob? Team Edward although I love Jacob
5. What was your most favorite scene in the first book? Probably the scene where Bella wakes up and finds Edward still in her room6. What was your favorite scene in the movie? the kiss at the prom
7. Say you were the director for New Moon, would you change anything from the first movie? Would you re-cast anyone? I would show Bella cooking in the first movie-I would not recast anyone-I'm too attached now.8. Do you wish that Midnight Sun, the unfinished book written from Edward's point of view, should still be young adult fiction or written with a more mature frame of mind? I already feel that it's written from a mature perspective.9. If you were Bella, would you want to become a vampire? If I was Bella yes but I am too chicken.10. Just what is it about Edward Cullen?? I think it's the old-fashioned romance he projects.
Bonus question
Do you think:
A: We should still not try and post spoilers to protect those who haven't finished the series OR
B: Should we put a disclaimer in the first post, and post freely from now on? B

On another note, Avalon-I loved your answer to number 10! Too funny.:rotfl:
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