Trying to figure out Tour Guide Mike


DIS Veteran
Feb 28, 2004
I'm a dunce - first of all I've been to WDW 1000 times and could probably start my own "Tour Guide Auntpolly" , and second of all I'm a little overwhelmed by the sight. I thought he would kind of lay it all out of me, what he thought I should do, touring-wise. I'm taking some people who've never been and need to be a little more focused this trip!

I keep finding articles - is there a touring plan just for me somewhere in there?
I gotta agree with you, I just got it and did the tutorials and everything, and I still don't get it. I don't feel like it is that user friendly, but I am trying my best to figure it out!

Try posting your TGM site questions on the TGM boards. You should get a lot of help. There are many people there who can help you with specific guidance on how best to use the site.

If you are wondering if there is a customized touring plan created based on your information. There is not.

Good Luck!!
Oh man! Well this is my own fault for not reading before I signed up - but I thought the whole point was kind of like having your own tour guide with personalized help!

I'm the one that buys something that needs to be assembled and whines that it's too hard but won't read the directions, so it's not that surprising!!:)
TGM isn't easily followed when you first sign up. Mike SAYS it's all layed out in a particular fashion but I think he could do a better job.

That being said, it's worth it to sift through things! Read the vacation articles and FOLLOW THE LEAST CROWDED PARKS CHARTS!!! It's easy to pick up on Mike's "whys" by reading those charts because for each parkon each day he gives an explanation as to WHY it's ranked the way it is!

Once you decided upon your itinerary of parks based ont he charts, then it's helpful to go through the attractions you want to see at those parks. He gives a detailed overview of every attraction and HOW and WHEN to see it. There ARE sample tours for the parks and following those is a VERY good idea.

You will find that there are several MAIN principles you need to follow at the parks to benefit yourself most but they aren't LISTED anywhere.... you ust have to find them, notice that he repeats them again and again throughout his articles... and eventually you realize that thse are the "cornerstones" of his touring philosophy.

If you want some more specifics, feel free to PM from TGM.... my login is the same as it is here. :goodvibes
it isn't that user frinedly but it is chock full of can view sample tours they should be listed there...
You're not alone. Most people subscribe thinking they're gonna get a personalized tour plan just for them. What TGM does is provide you with all the information you'll need to design your own itinerary. I'm a member and absolutely LOVE TGM. You just have to surf his site until you figure it out. I followed his instructions to the letter when I subscribed because I had heard about the confusion beforehand. It's really quite simple. Sure, I forget how to access a certain bit of information sometimes but I usually figure it out in a relatively short amount of time. If I can't, then I go to the TGM Forums and there's always someone there to point me in the right direction. If you do decide that TGM isn't for you, he'll refund your $$. No muss. No fuss. I love:

Least Crowded Parks Charts
Park Hours for each month/with times of parades and fireworks included
Printable Itinerary (I've used it twice! Print it, put it in a 4X6 photo album)
I really liked the countdown page too. Each day you sign-on, it tells you how many days are left before you go. Simple to figure out but I liked seeing it every day.

There's just a wealth of info there. If you need help with it, PM me. Either here or there.

Good Luck!
As already mentioned, to get my park itinerary, I went to the least crowded parks charts and clicked on the park that I would be going to on that day (for directions on how to "best" tour that specific park).

It worked great for us. I took my laptop with me on the trip, and each night I would pull up the information for the next day. It simplified things for me, because I really didn't have a lot of time to get everything ready to go before we left.
When I first started using TGM I would be unable to find that great page the next day I looked for it. I now save any page I like in 'My Vacation Articles' on the site.
Hope you are able to get comfortable with the site. It is hands down the best planning tool I have used for WDW (well, after the Dis, but that goes without saying...:thumbsup2 ).
I had over 20 trips behind me when I signed up for TGM last year. I was taking my brother-in-law's family of 4 with us. None of them had been before. My BIL requires a mid-day rest due to medical issues and they only had less than 4 days. Using the info in TGM I was able to not only hit the highlights of each park but do most every thing in the 4 days.

It took a while to get used to how to navigate the site, but I found it worth it. I was able to print out an itinerary and send it to them ahead of time. We were there in May and had no waits using TGM's strategies. I used it again in September for a trip for just the two of us. I don't have my next trip scheduled yet - hard for me to believe! - but I'll use it again when we go!

I say give it a chance!
I signed up last week. I do not feel overwhelmed, but I agree there is a lot of information.

The best advice I can give you about TGM is to use the forums on his site and post your questions. You will find the forums to be a bit different than the DISboards.

It may take a little longer to get a reply because the number of members is less, but everybody is so super helpful and will answer you.

You can also PM me if you would like and I will do my best to help.


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