TR - A Gregarious Ghostly Gallivant - Final Thoughts Finally Posted!

Well we left off with Pumpkin Girl, Bean, and Kris walking through Mickey's house. Here are some of the shots they captured on their way through:

Pluto's Dog Door

Happy Radio

Any messages for me?

Kris and bean jammed on the piano

Bean warms herself by the fire

Kyra takes a seat

Bean snuggles into Pluto's dog bed

Mickey's cleaning supplies

A note from Mickey

Out into the "yard" we find Pluto's doghouse

Bean hugging a birthday cake and looking distracted


Painting in progress

Bean on a crazy pipe organ

Cartoons while you wait

Bean makes it to Mickey, who plays Peek-a-Boo with the camera. I swear, she brings out the silliness with the characters

Pumpkin Girl's turn with Mickey

While they were inside I got a call from Roxy saying she was in the park and heading our way. The kids were still in Mickey's when Roxy showed up, so the two of us were just hanging out in Mickey's house when Pluto and Goofy came strolling in!

We texted the kids to let them know and then Roxy took a shot of me with Goofy

Then the kids caught up with us so it was their turn




Then it was on around the corner to Pluto!

Bean was first up

Got a busy evening ahead so It'll probably be tomorrow before I can post more on this. Cheers all!
I love Bean all curled up in Pluto's bed. I have to be honest, in all the times I have been to Mickey's house I never noticed Pluto's door. I need to pay more attention next time.
I love Bean all curled up in Pluto's bed. I have to be honest, in all the times I have been to Mickey's house I never noticed Pluto's door. I need to pay more attention next time.

Yeah, being the animal person that she is she really enjoyed being able to snuggle into his doggie bed :)

Yeah, I didn't notice the doggie door (or maybe it is more of a doggie gate) either. Just goes to show that your kids will pick up on things that us adults are oblivious to ;) :thumbsup2
Yeah, being the animal person that she is she really enjoyed being able to snuggle into his doggie bed :)

Yeah, I didn't notice the doggie door (or maybe it is more of a doggie gate) either. Just goes to show that your kids will pick up on things that us adults are oblivious to ;) :thumbsup2

That's got to be it, old eyes.:thumbsup2 Sounds right to me. I am feeling old right now, we have been battling the flu here.
Ooh you experienced the same "all the characters here" mishmash thing that we got when it rained. I like it SO much better that way!

And yes, we got the honorary thingie, mainly b/c E caught the CMs' eyes...he came into ToonTown slightly separated from us, in full made-up pirate regalia (purchased hat, silky sash he loves, purchased sword, some other things). He saw Mickey. Lights up. Goes running, arms open, towards Mickey....then saw the Jolley Trolley and veered right off towards it, forgetting all about the Mouse.

CMs saw him, liked him, chose him, and we got to go along with it.

More great pictures!
Love your pics

Looks you all had so much fun with the characters

You are really making me more serious about getting to DL very soon

Looks so awesome there :woohoo:
Looks like a fun start to your day. Great pics in ToonTown!! There is SOOOOOOO many things to take pictures of....a lot of people rush thru & never notice all the details. We have a blast in ToonTown & always find something new each visit.

Glad to see you up & going on Day 3!!!
Yay for more character pictures! Love the one of Bean with Mickey. She really does seem to bring out the sillies in the characters. :goodvibes
Okay, is it just me or is Mickey's house waaay bigger at DL. I don't think characters could even fit in Mickey or Minnie's houses at WDW!

I am pretty sure Toon Town wasn't there when Tomato and I went to DL in 87... :confused3 Either that or we just missed it... we were teenagers and we didn't hardly know anything at all. :laughing:

Anyhoo... great update! Can't wait for more! popcorn::
That's got to be it, old eyes.:thumbsup2 Sounds right to me. I am feeling old right now, we have been battling the flu here.

Well I sure felt old last night at a school carnival I was chaperoning for. Tried to keep up with Bean through a "bouncy dragon" and got smoked by her - lo. Hopefully you're on the mend and feeling better now :goodvibes

Ooh you experienced the same "all the characters here" mishmash thing that we got when it rained. I like it SO much better that way!

And yes, we got the honorary thingie, mainly b/c E caught the CMs' eyes...he came into ToonTown slightly separated from us, in full made-up pirate regalia (purchased hat, silky sash he loves, purchased sword, some other things). He saw Mickey. Lights up. Goes running, arms open, towards Mickey....then saw the Jolley Trolley and veered right off towards it, forgetting all about the Mouse.

CMs saw him, liked him, chose him, and we got to go along with it.

More great pictures!

Yup, characters all in a row for us - hehe. Cool story on how E got noticed and y'all got chosen :)

Love your pics

Looks you all had so much fun with the characters

You are really making me more serious about getting to DL very soon

Looks so awesome there :woohoo:

It was a fun experience that made up for the damp weather. Happy kids and happy characters all around! Yes yes, come to Disneyland - you must, you must :cool1:

Looks like a fun start to your day. Great pics in ToonTown!! There is SOOOOOOO many things to take pictures of....a lot of people rush thru & never notice all the details. We have a blast in ToonTown & always find something new each visit.

Glad to see you up & going on Day 3!!!

Oh yes, I live for those little details and spend my time looking up/down/around to find and take pictures of them. I even had a dream last night in which I was at a new Disney park looking for things to take pictures of - the land was a mix of Venice and Bavaria :laughing:

Yay for more character pictures! Love the one of Bean with Mickey. She really does seem to bring out the sillies in the characters. :goodvibes

Indeed! Lots of characters and lots of silliness.

Okay, is it just me or is Mickey's house waaay bigger at DL. I don't think characters could even fit in Mickey or Minnie's houses at WDW!

I am pretty sure Toon Town wasn't there when Tomato and I went to DL in 87... :confused3 Either that or we just missed it... we were teenagers and we didn't hardly know anything at all. :laughing:

Anyhoo... great update! Can't wait for more! popcorn::

Yes, the floorplan is totally different for the one at DLR and it think overall it is a bit bigger. Full separate living room, hallway, TV room, and so forth (I only went half way in and it seemed to cover the same square footage as all of the one at WDW).

I checked and Toontown didn't open at DLR until 1993, so that would explain why you didn't remember seeing it ;) Thankyee for the kudos and I'll get another update going today :yay:
Okay, back to fun with Pluto!!!

Bean got her autograph book signed and they struck a pose

Then it was Pumpkin Girl's turn


Then Pluto got distracted by the TV ...hehehe

Kris got his attention for a quick shot

We already had the Mickey pics so we backtracked out the front (luckily it wasn't very crowded) and started exploring. Roxy got in line for Minnie, Kris and Bean headed for Donald's boat, and Kyra and I just kind of looked around.

We made the central fountain make honking noises, then Kyra tried the phone

Kris and Bean were still wandering through the boat and made it to the rail


I took a shot of the Toontown logo behind Mickey's and did some more wandering

By this time the girls worked their way over to Roxy and they made their way in to see Minnie




Then it was time to explore Minnie's house - make up time!

Is the cake done?

Time to do the dishes

I think someone needs to do some defrosting

NOW the cake is done!

It is a cosy kitchen for sure

Time for tea

Back to the wishing well ...this time without the rain ponchos :D

By this time Kris and I had gotten our fill of Toontown so we set out for Fantasyland. The girls wanted to explore some more of Toontown so Roxy stayed with them.

Bean really loved the firehouse dalmation that popped out of the window and barked at her

The girls found the plunger for the fireworks factory



I'll end this one with that "bang" and post some more this weekend ;-]
Your toontown is so awesome!!!!

Fireworks Plunger thing looks cool
I love Toontown. All of it but Roger Rabbit, I was so sick when we did Roger Rabbit and that que was horrible to me.
It's official.

Your Toontown is better than our's. :rotfl:

I always love how Pluto puts the autograph books on his nose to sign them! :lovestruc
Darn you and your photographic evidence!!

The thing I am personally looking forward to seeing most on our trip to Disneyland is Toontown! I think all the little details that go into it are just adorable. I can't wait to make my kids take picture after picture. It's going to be awesome. You photos only fueled my fire! Thank you so much for sharing. You're making me giddy. :goodvibes
Your toontown is so awesome!!!!

Fireworks Plunger thing looks cool

It is a lot of fun if you stop to take the time :cool1:

I love Toontown. All of it but Roger Rabbit, I was so sick when we did Roger Rabbit and that que was horrible to me.

Awww, that's too bad. No fun riding it being really sick. I was more drugged than sick at the time that I did it and there was no line at all. The Morning Madness time really makes the difference.

It's official.

Your Toontown is better than our's. :rotfl:

I always love how Pluto puts the autograph books on his nose to sign them! :lovestruc

I had wondered because I remember last year going through WDW's Toontown and over and over thinking I was missing things, but I guess they just weren't there. You would have thought that since yours came after ours they would have built more into it, not less. :confused3

Yes, that is very cute when he props the autograph book up there.

Darn you and your photographic evidence!!

The thing I am personally looking forward to seeing most on our trip to Disneyland is Toontown! I think all the little details that go into it are just adorable. I can't wait to make my kids take picture after picture. It's going to be awesome. You photos only fueled my fire! Thank you so much for sharing. You're making me giddy. :goodvibes

Hehehe, I can understand it - it is a really fun immersive environment. You're welcome, happy to share! :goodvibes :yay: :goodvibes
While the girls were having fun in Toontown, Kris and I headed down into Fantasyland. There was no line for Pinocchio, so we jumped on board. After that my throat was starting to feel pretty raw and I didn't want to put another lozenge in so we made a beeline for the Dole Whip stand where I picked up a pineapple juice and Kris had a float. From there we wandered through shops towards Adventureland with the Shooting Gallery as our goal.

Meanwhile the ladies decided to take another ride on Roger Rabbit's Cartoon Spin. They got some cool shots that I had missed. Is that Jessica?

Don't knock in that door - a monster will answer!

Oh, no - the weasels!


There they go with the Dip

Girls spinning


There's Jessica, what a looker!

And seeing the text already in the background I couldn't help but do a little photoshop manip on the letting for the benefit of Pumpkin Girl ...heheheh

Love this shot of the girls hats poking over the back of the car

And a parting shot by the weasel

They left Toontown and took a quick shot near the Matterhorn

By then Kris and I had had finished at the shooting gallery ...I was happy to see me ole military marksman skills were still there and hit everything except the train that goes by in the very back.

We met up with the ladies by the Matterhorn and Kris and I kicked back on a bench while they rode the left side. From there we went to Tomorrowland. We were contemplating SMGG when my alarm went off on my phone, telling me it was time to head back to the hotel to meet the Vons deliver guy with our food.

So I hit the monorail and zipped back to DLH. The rest of the fam hit Space Mountain






They really enjoyed the Halloween special effects but Roxy said that riding it once was enough for her. They then moved on to Honey, I Shrunk the Audience, which was campy fun as usual.

After that it was a trip onto Buzz Blasters.


Another fun time and when they got off Roxy got the call from me that the food was in and it was time for lunch!

They hopped onto the monorail for the trip back to DTD


I was waiting on the balcony when they were walking up and Roxy got a shot of me waving from up on the 11th floor


We had a nice lunch and just kicked back for a bit. Roxy was feeling worse so she decided to lay down for an afternoon nap. I was fed, and as rested as I was going to get, so I popped a fresh dose of Daquil in me so I told the kids I'd take them back to the park. I did have to send a quick PM to jordanyosh to let him know I'd have to cancel our DISmeet at 7pm at ESPN :-[ I just knew I wouldn't have anything left at the end of the day and I don't drink at all when I'm sick. Next time bud!

I'll pick this up this evening. Right now I have to get stuff together to run the bottle and can drive for the HS's Macy's parade fundraising efforts.
Great updates Mike! Love the photoshop you did to the picture with the "hat" sign pointing to Kyra's hat! :laughing: and the picture of the girls hats poking over the back of the car is great too. :thumbsup2 I'm guessing it wasn't very hard to spot them in the parks.

I love the DLR toon town. Looks a lot more interactive than the one at WDW. What exactly do they do to decorate SM? I'm curious!

Bummer that you had to cancel your DIS meet but probably better that way. Don't want to get everyone else sick. Glad you had enough energy to take the kids back out though. Dad to the rescue :goodvibes
Great update!!

Love Roger Rabbit.....looks like cute ride

great photoshopping :laughing:

Yay for Dad to the rescue!! Hope Roxy felt better after her nap :goodvibes
Another yay for Dad to the rescue from me!! Good for you to take that Day Quil and take those kids back!

The last time we went on Roger Rabbit, I swear we waited like 45 minutes. It was insane.


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