Toni & Bobby's Shabby Chic wedding PJ & TR (SBP/Attic/UK) 2/2/09 *COMPLETE*

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Haven't had a chance to read through your TR but I just wanted to say that I love the fact that you change your pictures in your signature. It's like a Toni wedding slideshow. BTW love your photos!

Thank you!!!! I have so many pictures so I thought I would rotate them every once in a while! :lmao:

Awe yeti bride! you aren't looney i would've done the same thing! Too bad it was so cold, but it looks like you guys had a great day.

I love Yeti bride!!!!! I think Yeti should be a permanent part of all my TR's LOL. It was freezing!!!! Good Yeti weather though. :lmao:

Honeymoon Day 3
February 5, 2009


I forgot about this picture! We were up there the week of your wedding so whenever I saw bride ears I was on the lookout. I remember thinking it looked like you from the back so I screamed out "Toni!!" and tried to look innocent in case it wasn't her , but luckily it was and I did not look like a crazy person! It was freezing! The grey scarf is my hubby's and later on I had it wrapped around my face it was so cold. I know I am a Florida girl so it is reassuring that a Jersey girl like you was cold too!

It was soo nice to meet you guys! I know Jason hit it off with Bobby. It would be fun to meet up next year :)

I can't wait to meet up with you guys again. Hopefully in January! Definitely have to do dinner! It was so much fun meeting you and Jason!!!!

Great update Toni-
I cant believe I saw a Jersey girl in gloves at Disney…lol… see it can get cold in Florida…lol
Keep em coming…

I know! Even for a Jersey girl it was COLD!!!!! I went back to the room and put on the heat! I hope it's nice in January!

I LOVE that yetti! SO CUTE!

:rotfl: Thank you!!! Yetti Rocks! :banana:
I honestly can't believe how cold it was that week; at least it warmed up by the next week. As cold as it was in the north at that time, I guess even if Kris and I were down there it would have felt better than the negative temperatures we had at home. I can only imagine how cold it was watching Lights, Motor, Action because there can be a pretty high wind up in the stands. Sorry your day was cut short, but I definitely don't blame you :goodvibes Love some of the shots of the buildings at MGM. I can tell you doing both parks in the shoot makes for a really long morning, we were taking pictures for 3 hours and passed out when we got back to our room. Looking forward to seeing more!
You all look frozen at the parks!! :cold:I hope you warmed up some as the day went on!

I love Yeti Bride - that is just too cute!! :cutie:
I honestly can't believe how cold it was that week; at least it warmed up by the next week. As cold as it was in the north at that time, I guess even if Kris and I were down there it would have felt better than the negative temperatures we had at home. I can only imagine how cold it was watching Lights, Motor, Action because there can be a pretty high wind up in the stands. Sorry your day was cut short, but I definitely don't blame you :goodvibes Love some of the shots of the buildings at MGM. I can tell you doing both parks in the shoot makes for a really long morning, we were taking pictures for 3 hours and passed out when we got back to our room. Looking forward to seeing more!

I was so happy it eventually got warmer! I said I could be back in Jersey for this kind of weather! I love MGM and really wanted to do the shoot but I just figured it would be too much for us the day after the wedding. Plus it cut out some money we were spending which was good. LOL. Bobby was just asking me how you and Kris were. He said he feels bad for getting sick. :sick: he is a lightweight..LOL

LOVE the yeti!

Thanks!!!! I love the Yeti. Much cuter than the one on the ride.

You all look frozen at the parks!! :cold:I hope you warmed up some as the day went on!

I love Yeti Bride - that is just too cute!! :cutie:

It didn't warm up that day! LOL. Eventually we hit some nice 80 degree weather after everyone went home. :rotfl:

I am going to try and update tonight. I have to do lots of cleaning of the house today after work but later tonight I should be able to update! :thumbsup2
I absolutely loved all of your Misty pics, and was wondering if there was a shot list that you could share with the rest of us :lovestruc
I absolutely loved all of your Misty pics, and was wondering if there was a shot list that you could share with the rest of us :lovestruc

Thank you!!! I actually don't have a list. I just told Misty to kind of shoot what she I figured she knew exactly what kind of shots would bee good so I let her pick. The only place we really asked her to do any pictures was at the Wilderness Lodge and then in Italy and France in Epcot.
Hey Toni, I know you mentioned it before but im too lazy to look back LOL. .. what type of bag do you have (the pink one) Im looking for a new bag for myself when we go in August instead of lugging a big backback like usual!

Thank hun, cant wait for more!
Hey Toni, I know you mentioned it before but im too lazy to look back LOL. .. what type of bag do you have (the pink one) Im looking for a new bag for myself when we go in August instead of lugging a big backback like usual!

Thank hun, cant wait for more!

It's a Baggallini. I love it! A few of my friends use them for trips and loved them so I had to give one a try! You can fit tons of stuff in them and they are very lightweight. I got it from Ebags.
Honeymoon Day 4
February 6, 2009

Today was the last day for our guests. Bobby's family pretty much went home after the wedding with the exception of his best man's family. My family was all there still. They made a vacation out of the wedding trip. Disney is never a problem for them since they are bigger Disney freaks than I am.

So today we went to Epcot which is my second favorite park. I wanted to go on Spaceship Earth which is my favorite ride there but Bobby with his motion sickness can't go backwards which SE does. :headache: When I go in January I am just going to go on alone unless Bobby finds some non-drowsy Dramamine. Poor guy.

So we took the ceremonial SE pictures when we entered I can't tell you how many pictures I have in front of this thing but I love all of them.


Then I went and showed Bobby all the pictures on the walls including my picture and my parent's picture. I wish they would stay up all the time. I forgot when they told us they are coming down but I think there is still a few years left.

Anyway, when we were walking in I spotted my parents and niece and nephew at the bathrooms which is no surprise. I swear my mom could tell you where each and every bathroom is. So we stopped and met up with them and decided to hang out with them through the park. Then my Uncle Joe and godmother/cousin Cheryl joined us. My nephew was dying to go on Test Track so that is where we headed.

I was going to go on Test Track but for some reason on this trip I really didn't feel like going on too many rides. Bobby, my nephew and dad went on. My cousin Cheryl was in line but then came out after because she didn't feel like waiting anymore. It really wasn't that long of a line so I don't know what was up with that but I sat with my mom, uncle and Cheryl while we waited for the guys to get done.

My nephew, dad and Bobby waiting in line (ETA: I just noticed that in this picture my husband is being a punk...LOL)

Then we were bored so we took pictures while we waited.

My uncle Joe, me and my godmother/cousin Cheryl

My Uncle Joe and Cheryl (they are father and daughter by the way)

My Uncle Joe, my mom and Cheryl (my Uncle Joe is my mom's brother)

Just me with my nephew's Stitch hands. They go great with the bridal ears don't you think?

Now you know my family tree!! LOL. Not even close! I just realized how tired I look in all my pictures!

Ok back on topic. So we waited around. I got a few congrats while I was sitting there although they were probably wondering where the groom was.

My brother showed up. He had a schedule with him of all the shows that go on in the World Showcase. My brother can spend the entire week in the World Showcase. That is all he cares about! I mean I love the World Showcase but the entire trip? No thanks. So the guys finally got done and my Uncle Joe and Cheryl went with my brother, niece and nephew to the World Showcase and the rest of us went over to Journey Into Imagination. My second favorite ride there!!! I am into the old school rides more than the new but I do love the new rides too!

We stopped off for a stupid hat picture. Every trip has to have at least one of those.


These are for you Vanessa!


My dad and I totally embarrassed Bobby by singing the Imagination song. :lmao: It's fun to embarrass him. Just kidding.

My parents had an ADR to go to so we split up and decided to go to the World Showcase. My brother would be happy. I love taking pictures here though. Every country is so beautiful. Especially






We headed into Japan...or is it China? I get them confused. I think it was Japan. Yep

We stopped for some pictures.



We spotted Mushu and there was no line so we had to get some pictures. He was really cute.

Mushu wanted us to switch hats. LOL

Then we went into the store. Ok. Bobby and I are HUGEEEE Nintendo nerds. I mean we have two Wiis. One downstairs for him and one upstairs for me. We play this game Animal Crossing. If you don't have this game, get it! Totally addicting. Anyway, we found all these things that are on the game in the store and I had to take pictures of them. There is an item you can get called a lucky cat. We found magnets and so I had to buy them. Then they have these Dharmas you can get. Here is a picture!

Ok enough of being a complete dork.
We got stopped by a couple in the store who asked us about our wedding. When we told them we got married in Disney they wanted to know all about Disney weddings and how much they were, blah blah blah. We might have a new couple on the Disboards! LOL.

Oh here are more pictures.


Alright so we then headed off to Morocco for a few more pictures.

What do you think? Better than the bride ears??

I was dying for some funnel cake so we went to America to get some. Yummy! Food porn ahead!

I got the old school plain funnel cake

Bobby had to get the brick of ice cream on his. lol.


The band in America came out to play


Then it was off to France where I got some champagne and Bobby got some yummy orange frozen Alcohol is good in many forms!

We sat around in France by the water, where they have dessert parties. It was nice to relax. It didn't last long though because we headed off to Canada! The many times I have been to Disney I have never went into Canada before. I know, I suck. We went to the store and they had some really cute Christmas Ornaments for 50% off so we bought a few. Then we stopped for some more pictures!




We ran into Bobby's best man here too.

Then we headed over to England where we saw the Beatles!


They were cool up until they started singing the Yellow Submarine! I hate that song. It brings back memories of that freaky cartoon! Ughh. It creeps me out. LOL. I know, I know. Mock me if you wish.

We also ran across Winnie the Pooh and Tigger too! Oh and Eyeore was there too. I'm not a Winnie the Pooh fan. Tigger is pretty cool but not my cup of tea. LOL get it tea...England...yeah ok sorry lame joke. Actually it wasn't intended to be a joke. I just realized it after I typed it. lol

After that we decided to head out and go to DTD for some shopping. Actually we really wanted to go to the Lego store. Yes. We are lego nerds too. LOL.





Bobby wanted to go to Virgin to buy something so we stopped over there.

Look it's the Jen-nay! I love Forrest Gump. Good movie.

We were going to eat at T-Rex but the line was long and we didn't feel like waiting that night so instead we went to Wolfgang Pucks. I didn't take any food pictures. I forgot and I was starving. Sorry. :-(

After that we headed back to the Wilderness Lodge to relax and so concludes our 4th honeymoon day!

Up guessed it! Honeymoon Day 5!
Looks like a great day Toni!! Did I hear you say Animal Crossing?? I love that game!! I have it for the DS and the Wii... :goodvibes Cute photos, can't wait for the next update!

Oh, and what is Funnel Cake??

Bob xoxoxox
We headed into Japan...or is it China? I get them confused. I think it was Japan. Yep

We stopped for some pictures.

We spotted Mushu and there was no line so we had to get some pictures. He was really cute.

Had it right the first time, that is the China pavillion. :) Mushu should have been a dead giveaway! :rotfl:

Hmm, I should stop reading this and go study for my final I have in.... 30 minutes. :lmao: I plan to read more tonight though! Great posts!
Looks like a fun day! My Dad and I have our pictures on the Leave a Legacy Wall also, though I have yet to find them :headache: My Dad is the same way as your Mom: he could tell you where every bathroom on the property is :laughing:. I swear, when I go with him it seems like I spend more time waiting outside of restrooms than doing anything else :cutie:

You're in a T-Shirt is those pictures, so I guess it must have gotten warmer! :cheer2:

I like WS too, but also not for the whole trip :). DH HATES it. He thinks it is stupid or something :confused3. I don't think we spent hardly any time there at all on our HM except for doing Illuminations and walking through to get somewhere else :rolleyes:

Can't wait to read more! :goodvibes
Hey Toni, well the 1st thing I noticed is that you have on short sleeves this day, so I am guessing it warmed up to at least above freezing lol! Hopefully it stayed nice the rest of your disneymoon!

I love the pic of you guys in mismatched bride/groom ears with Mushu, so cute! Your DH is a good sport to play along with that:goodvibes.

Yellow Submarine is totally freaky btw, I remember the pyschodelic cartoon and it was weird... very drug induced 60's stuff. Kinda scary for a little kid, so your totally normal there lol!

And I never knew Jen-Ny was there! I love that movie, I am going to hunt it down when I go next time! Is it right by Plantet Hollywood?:confused3
We so need to exchange Animal Crossing friend codes! I play that darn game EVERY day!

I never saw anyone get ice cream on the funnel cake before!

Looks like a great day so far!
my DF gets motion sick on some of the rides was suggesting a motion sick patch that you can put behind your ear for our wedding trip...maybe you could get some from DHs dr before your next trip.:)
Yay!!! I just read about Day 4. You crack me up Toni! Can't wait to hear more about your trip!
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