Toni & Bobby's Shabby Chic wedding PJ & TR (SBP/Attic/UK) 2/2/09 *COMPLETE*

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omg i have never had funnel cake- i'd totally have the slab of ice cream like bobby did- I NEED SOME FUNNEL CAKE! it looooks yum!

I have to say, (soz i am still looking over your wedding photos over and over again!!) that your wedding is exactly what i want- like location wise so you are like my inspiration!

I love how you and Bobby look so happy and relaxed in your photos!

Whoop whooop i love your PJ / TR!!
Looks like a great day Toni!! Did I hear you say Animal Crossing?? I love that game!! I have it for the DS and the Wii... :goodvibes Cute photos, can't wait for the next update!

Oh, and what is Funnel Cake??

Bob xoxoxox

Oh I have to get my friend code for you!!! It's good to have friends in other countries! Funnel cake is a yummy yummy treat. It is cake batter that is fried and sprinkled with powdered sugar!! You can also put chocolate on it or as Bobby had, ice cream! So good!

Had it right the first time, that is the China pavillion. :) Mushu should have been a dead giveaway! :rotfl:

Hmm, I should stop reading this and go study for my final I have in.... 30 minutes. :lmao: I plan to read more tonight though! Great posts!

You know, I am a total dork!! :lmao: I swear when I am there I can tell the difference but in pictures I have no clue. Thank you!! LOL. I will get it right one day!

Looks like a fun day! My Dad and I have our pictures on the Leave a Legacy Wall also, though I have yet to find them :headache: My Dad is the same way as your Mom: he could tell you where every bathroom on the property is :laughing:. I swear, when I go with him it seems like I spend more time waiting outside of restrooms than doing anything else :cutie:

You're in a T-Shirt is those pictures, so I guess it must have gotten warmer! :cheer2:

I like WS too, but also not for the whole trip :). DH HATES it. He thinks it is stupid or something :confused3. I don't think we spent hardly any time there at all on our HM except for doing Illuminations and walking through to get somewhere else :rolleyes:

Can't wait to read more! :goodvibes

It did get warmer that day and even warmer in the next few days!! I love the WS but I only need to walk through one time and I am good. I do love Illuminations!

Hey Toni, well the 1st thing I noticed is that you have on short sleeves this day, so I am guessing it warmed up to at least above freezing lol! Hopefully it stayed nice the rest of your disneymoon!

I love the pic of you guys in mismatched bride/groom ears with Mushu, so cute! Your DH is a good sport to play along with that:goodvibes.

Yellow Submarine is totally freaky btw, I remember the pyschodelic cartoon and it was weird... very drug induced 60's stuff. Kinda scary for a little kid, so your totally normal there lol!

And I never knew Jen-Ny was there! I love that movie, I am going to hunt it down when I go next time! Is it right by Plantet Hollywood?:confused3

I am so glad I am not the only one that freaks out from the Yellow Submarine!!! It freaked me out as a kid and just hearing that song makes me cringe! The Jen-nay is near Planet Hollywood! It's the first time I had seen it.

We so need to exchange Animal Crossing friend codes! I play that darn game EVERY day!

I never saw anyone get ice cream on the funnel cake before!

Looks like a great day so far!

Thank you!!! I will get my friend code and PM you! I have never had ice cream on a funnel cake before either. I just like my funnel cake the old fashioned way.

my DF gets motion sick on some of the rides was suggesting a motion sick patch that you can put behind your ear for our wedding trip...maybe you could get some from DHs dr before your next trip.:)

That is a great idea! I felt bad for him. He took dramamine and got tired a lot so we didn't really do many rides on this trip but he really wants to when we go in January. I will suggest the patch to him! I felt bad for him that he couldn't do too much but we still had fun. I would rather not go on rides or go on alone than have him sick. Poor guy.

Yay!!! I just read about Day 4. You crack me up Toni! Can't wait to hear more about your trip!

LOL thank you!!!!! I will be sure to be quick with my next update!

You guys look like little kids in a candy store haha-so cute!

LOL I felt like it!!! I am always that way in Disney! :banana:

omg i have never had funnel cake- i'd totally have the slab of ice cream like bobby did- I NEED SOME FUNNEL CAKE! it looooks yum!

I have to say, (soz i am still looking over your wedding photos over and over again!!) that your wedding is exactly what i want- like location wise so you are like my inspiration!

I love how you and Bobby look so happy and relaxed in your photos!

Whoop whooop i love your PJ / TR!!

You must get funnel cake when you come back to Disney!!!!! It is sooo good!! Aww I am glad my TR is helping you out with inspiration. I have to tell you that your dress is gorgeous!!!! It looks perfect on you!!! I can't wait to read more about your plans! You are going to have a beautiful wedding! :goodvibes

great update

Thank you!!! :)
Oh I have to get my friend code for you!!! It's good to have friends in other countries! Funnel cake is a yummy yummy treat. It is cake batter that is fried and sprinkled with powdered sugar!! You can also put chocolate on it or as Bobby had, ice cream! So good!

Oooo, sounds good to me (Applies to both friend codes and Funnel Cake!! :goodvibes).... :banana:

Bob xoxoxo
GREAT UPDATE TWIN.. That brick of ice cream looked GOOOOOD.

That was the day I was suppose to meet with you guys:sad1: sorry we had to cancel, but hey I can go on SE with ya:cool1:I dont get motion
Honeymoon Day 4
February 6, 2009


These are for you Vanessa!


My dad and I totally embarrassed Bobby by singing the Imagination song. :lmao: It's fun to embarrass him. Just kidding.

Thanks! :figment: You had me humming along at my desk ~ lol.

Love the silly hat shots and the pictures from around the world. Its funny we usually skip Canada too, but only because we go all the time since its only an hour away from home :rotfl:
GREAT UPDATE TWIN.. That brick of ice cream looked GOOOOOD.

That was the day I was suppose to meet with you guys:sad1: sorry we had to cancel, but hey I can go on SE with ya:cool1:I dont get motion

Yes it was!!! I was sad we couldn't get together but at least we will in January! Now you are my ride partner!! :banana:

Thanks! :figment: You had me humming along at my desk ~ lol.

Love the silly hat shots and the pictures from around the world. Its funny we usually skip Canada too, but only because we go all the time since its only an hour away from home :rotfl:

I am glad you liked the pictures! I love putting on the hats and taking pictures. I do it every time I
Honeymoon Day 5
February 7, 2009

Today was not a big picture day but good things happened!!!

Everyone went home today and Bobby and I were finally alone. We started off the day with an appointment to tour the DVC and talk with someone. My parents have the DVC and Bobby was interested in it before we went so we thought while we were on vacation we might as well check it out and see what it was about. We had used my parents DVC points for our honeymoon to stay at the WL. I felt bad taking the points from them but they offered them so I couldn't refuse!

Anyway, we went to Saratoga Springs to meet up with our sales person and check out the different places we could buy in to. I was especially excited to see what Bay Lake Tower was going to look like!

We went over to the area that had the room mock ups of BLT and AK Lodge. They had a model of the Tree House Villas which we could have bought in to under glass. I didn't get a picture of this. It really wasn't something exciting to take a picture of. Now if we bought in to the Tree House Villas, Saratoga Springs would be our home resort. That is my parents home resort. It was one of the contenders!

Then we viewed the Animal Kingdom room. It was cute but I really wasn't feeling it. Neither was Bobby. The only cool thing about Animal Kingdom is the savannah view. I really wasn't impressed with the room. Not that it really matters since we could stay anywhere but I just wasn't feeling it.

Next we went to BLT's model. It was so cool. Very futuristic obviously but we loved it. The kitchen was amazing. The bedroom was very cool. I loved everything about it. I really wanted to live there!! LOL. Bobby was really into it too.

Not my pictures but this is BLT


After we viewed the different "resorts" we headed back to the office and spoke with our sales person Nikki. She was very sweet! We looked over all the different options. Basically we were trying to decide between Saratoga and BLT. With Saratoga the Deed would be for 48 years and I forgot what the maintenance fee was but I think AK was the highest. For BLT, since it is new, we would have a 50 year Deed and the maintence fee was very cheap. It was the cheapest of all the resorts. So Nikki left and Bobby and I had time to discuss. Basically you HAD to at least purchase 160 points. We were trying to figure out what time of year we would most likely go down and we definitely knew we wanted to stay in a 1 bedroom. So we determined that we needed 200 points. So Nikki came back in and we told her that we were interested in BLT and 200 points. She wanted to check the points chart for 2010 and a one bedroom will be 201 points. So we decided to buy 201 in BLT!!! I feel so excited to be a DVC member!! :banana::banana:

So we filled out our paperwork and I got to sign everything under my new married name which I was excited about. lol

Here is a goofy picture of Bobby with the point chart.

Here is my DVC member card!!!

I was so excited! Now by purchasing we had the option of either 201 developer points to use before October 1st and stay at Saratoga OR a cruise. So I knew Bobby with his motion sickness could not cruise so we decided on the developer points. We knew that we couldn't come back any time this year so I had the idea of giving the points to my parents since they gave us their points. Plus my parents have NEVER had a Disney vacation alone so I thought it would be nice for them. I called them up and told them and they were in agreement so now they are booked to come down the end of September! YAY! We already booked our vacation at BLT for January 8-15 so if anyone will be around in Disney at that time we would love to meet you!

Ok so enough DVC on to park time. We had a reservation for the 50's Prime Time Cafe so we decided to hang out at MGM for a while. Bobby had wanted to check out One Man's Dream and the Animation studio. Bobby is a cartoonist as some of you know. He is the one that drew the graphic for our coffee mug favors. He was really interested in drawing and I thought it would be cool too.

When we got there a parade was going on so we had to walk through the stores to get anywhere.

So first we headed over to One Man's Dream. It was a very interesting movie. I was sad to see nobody was really there. I think that everyone should check it out at one time. It is amazing what Walt Disney accomplished. I recommend everyone seeing the movie! We really enjoyed it.

Next we headed over to the Animation Studio.

I thought this was really cool. It was pretty much a small theatre that you sit in with a Disney animator and Mushu and they discuss how Disney does animation. Very interesting.

We then were let out to some characters were we decided to get some pictures because the lines were very small.



We were going to wait for the Incredibles but Bobby spotted the animation class and went over to the CM to see when the next class was starting. It was going to start in 10 minutes so we decided to go and wait for that instead. We were the only people waiting until about 2 minutes before then everyone came! It was fun to have a big class.

We went in and the CM animator was asking everyone who they wanted to draw. He did a vote and one of the choices was Donald!!! YAY! Obviously I voted for him. Donald lost. :mad: They also voted on Mickey, goofy, pluto and Tigger. Tigger won. :headache: Oh well. So we were drawing. I was tryint to keep up but not Bobby was doing pretty well.

It is funny because Bobby's Tigger kind of had the style of Bobby's other characters he draws. My Tigger looked like he got hit by a truck.

Bobby's Tigger

My Tigger

I do not have a career with Disney animation in the future.

After the animation we headed over to the Muppet 3D movie. I love this movie!!! I was excited. My favorite are the old guys up in the balcony. They remind me of my parents.



After the Muppet movie it was about time for our ADR so we headed over to the Prime Time Cafe. Bobby had never been here and I didn't tell him what goes on here hoping he would not finish his

We got in right away and were seated. Our waiter unfortunately was not playing up the the character that the others did but he was still very nice and did yell at us to set the table. LOL.

First we ordered some electric alcohol!!

This would be Bobby checking out the menu. In case you have never seen someone look at a menu before. Although he really wasn't looking AT the menu at the time I took the picture.

We both ordered the fried chicken. It was SO GOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YUMMY!! I want to go back there again and order the same thing!! The mashed potatoes were so good. The green beans were yummy. Everything was excellent!

We were then given view masters to check out the dessert options. I loved it.


Bobby got a Brownie Sundae complete with a M&M garnish

and I got S'mores!!!!!!!!!!! YUMMY MELTY CHOCOLATEY S'MORES!

So good. I want S'more S'mores. Guess that's where the name comes from! LOL.

After that we headed back to our happy little Wilderness Lodge room and snuggled up and watched Pineapple Express. Good movie!! :thumbsup2

At least I know it was a good movie, Bobby fell asleep.

Up next............HONEYMOON DAY 6! I met a Disney Bride but have no photographic evidence to prove it!!
Toni, I'll be there when you are there in January. I am registered for the Marathon which is on January 10. We'll have to get together while we're there.
Yay for BLT!!! We bought in to BLT instead of paying outright for our honeymoon, can't wait to stay there....AND... we will be there Jan 8th-22nd for our wedding and disneymoon so we will definitely have to meet up :yay::yay::yay:
COngrats on becoming DVC members.. I think you need to looking taking a cruise.. YOU DONT FEEL the MOTION AT ALL. The new ships will be even better cuz they will be bigger and less to feel the motion.. Just a thought LOL
Congrats on buying into BLT!!!! Thats awesome! And so thoughtful to give your parents your points. You're a good daughter. I love the prime time pictures, the Smores are making me hungry!
Oh Toni you're making my mouth water with those dessert pictures! YUM! By the way, I think you've inspired us to use Misty! I am in LOVE with your pictures, they came out incredible!
Congrats on DVC! Those smores look sooo good. I was LOL when you said the old guys in the balcony at Muppets remind you of your parents :goodvibes:
:yay::woohoo::banana::cool1: How exciting for buying DVC! I hope that Kris and I eventually get to do that some day. I've never stayed DVC before is it a big difference not having the regular Mousekeeping every day?

The s'mores look so yummy, I love that restaurant.

Hmmm... could I possibly know that Disbride? I think I might have some shots where you can at least see both of the DHs :earsboy:
I just want to say that I absolutley LOVED your Wedding!! Everything was gorgeous and perfect and I want to get married in Disney now too! :cool1:
Good luck to both of you in the future!!:thumbsup2
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