Ticket Mania?


Jan 30, 2000
I just went to the ticket mania site and it is cheaper to buy through them then buy through Universal's web site.
My question is, has anyone bought there tickets through this site and are they realiable?
Also, how long did it take to get your tickets? I'm wanting to buy my 2 day passes, but a bit leary about buying them from someone else other than UN/IOA.

Sharon in Florida
Wife to Cameron for the past 15 1/2 years (July 2)
Taxi Mom to: Christopher-12 1/2 & Kayla-8.90
My Trips to DW:
Next Trip: June 15-25, 2001
FW-6/94, 95, 96,2000

I've ordered from them several times and have never had a problem. Once, Disney tickets were on backorder for a week, but it wasn't their fault. I usually get my order about 2-3 days after I place it.


Barry Hom
The moderator formerly known as Barry aka usagi
Moderator, Universal and Sea World Boards
Just received my tickets in the mail from them. Ordered them on the 20th and they got to me on the 25th. Priority Mail, Free Shipping, and Loads of coupons and brochures that accompanied my tickets. They were also the cheapest. HOW CAN YOU GO WRONG!! It was a great deal. I highly suggest them as your order will reach you within a few days.
Received my tickets in 3 days. Wasn't expecting the pile of brochures and coupons that came with the tickets. Added bonus!!!
wow....I like that even better because you get all the brochures and coupons!! Now, I like that! :) I think I'm going to have to order that way then.
We are not going until June though, so I'll sit tight for alittle bit, because you never know...they may offer a Florida resident discount for the month I'm going in (probably not...but ya never know).
Thanks for letting me know this great info!

Sharon in Florida
Wife to Cameron for the past 15 1/2 years (July 2)
Taxi Mom to: Christopher-12 1/2 & Kayla-8.90
My Trips to DW:
Next Trip: June 15-25, 2001
FW-6/94, 95, 96,2000

sltrawick we are going in May and I bought our tickets now. This is because the 'Free Shipping' is for a limited time. If you are sure you are going to go I would get the tickets now to avoid shipping charges. Just a suggestion.
Yes, that is a good idea. Do you know how long the free shipping and handling will be good for?

Sharon in Florida
Wife to Cameron for the past 15 1/2 years (July 2)
Taxi Mom to: Christopher-12 1/2 & Kayla-8.90
My Trips to DW:
Next Trip: June 15-25, 2001
FW-6/94, 95, 96,2000

Well the promotion is to celebrate their 5th Anniversary so I would not expect it to last too long. You might try their website although it does say 'for a limited time'. Have a great trip!!


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