Three Things...Gratitude Thread

March is kind of a transitional month. I am glad that winter is mostly in the rearview mirror and also glad that it is not yet summer!
1. Thankful for the beginning of later sunsets, a preview of increased daytime sunlight.
2. The return of the colors of springtime flowers.
3. Thankful for my allergy medicine to help deal with that return!
I noticed yesterday because of our unseasonably warm weather my rose bush is springing out leaves already !! Since it’s proven to be indestructible I think it will be fine - for whatever reason the heard of deer don’t touch it which is so strange since they normally devour rose bushes !!!
3 March things I'm grateful for -

Later sunsets! I don't like the transition of changing the clocks, but my circadian rhythm is more matched to DST than EST, so once we're all adjusted, it kind of fits me better.

☘️ St. Patrick's Day ☘️ - I love wearing green, listening to Irish music, etc.

Hints of spring, and (usually, around here) the first really warm days!!
I shall try not to be upset that Patrick gets all the attention!! 😉😉🤣🤣
Public Information Announcement (I was going to abbreviate that by first letter, but...)

I recently followed a few of you lovely people just to see how that all works, but I didn't find it enhanced by experience. So, I'm back to following nobody! It's nothing personal - I still love you all just as much! 😘
I recently followed a few of you lovely people just to see how that all works, but I didn't find it enhanced by experience. So, I'm back to following nobody! It's nothing personal - I still love you all just as much! 😘
No worries,

And I promise to read more about St. David's Day!

(I have some Welsh ancestry on my Dad's side, so I probably should have already.)
No worries,

And I promise to read more about St. David's Day!

(I have some Welsh ancestry on my Dad's side, so I probably should have already.)
So, I just looked and St David’s Day is today!

My family did visit Wales and it’s beautiful.

During WWII my dad was stationed in Wales before DDay, He stayed with a family and in the sixties the daughter visited us. She was a nurse and worked for a year in NYC.

Sadly we have lost touch. We tried to find the family in 1998, but we couldn’t.
MARCH MADNESS! We are college basketball fans and wait all year for March to roll around!

Around here, Girl Scout cookies are delivered in March!

Promises of spring and warmer weather to come. Yes, we can still get buried in snow in March, but usually by March we start to breathe a little easier and think, "we're almost there!"
Today is March 1st St David's Day! ...the feast of St David, the patron saint of Wales (not to be confused with England 😉😉)

Wales I'm grateful for the country I grew up in - and specifically the town.

Daffodils One of the symbols of Wales and St David's Day. And such a bright, sunny part of nature this time of year.

Leeks Another symbol. As kids we often pinned daffodils or leeks to our jumpers on March 1st. If it was a leek it felt special (somehow!) to eat bits of the leek in lessons. The kids who tried the same with daffodils didn't fare so well! 🤣



So, I just looked and St David’s Day is today!

My family did visit Wales and it’s beautiful.

During WWII my dad was stationed in Wales before DDay, He stayed with a family and in the sixties the daughter visited us. She was a nurse and worked for a year in NYC.

Sadly we have lost touch. We tried to find the family in 1998, but we couldn’t.

I'm Welsh! :thumbsup2 I've quoted my post for today about St D, in case you're interested.
Good Saturday Morning! :wave:

#1 - The Bible - this will always be the book I’m most grateful for.

#2 - What to Expect When You’re Expecting - Such a great book that I enjoyed reading with both of my pregnancies

#3 - Birnbaum WDW Books - I don’t read and reference to these anymore, but when we first started traveling to WDW after we were married (before we had been with our parents as kids), and especially with young children, I studied these books. I think I studied them more than some books for college - LOL! They helped me a lot, and I always felt more knowledgeable after reading them, which made our trips very smooth and almost stress free.
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I’ll second the WDW book ❤️❤️ it’s what lead me to the DIS all those years ago ❤️❤️❤️

I’ve read SO many Stephen King books ❤️ but one that I read as a kid that has always stood out and stuck with me and I’ve read again and again ( well I’ve read several more than once ) is The Stand ! My 2nd in his would be The Shining with Doctor Sleep and 3rd would be the Holly series -
Mr Mercedes
Finders Keepers
End of Watch
The Outsiders
If It Bleeds

My third is a tie - Kingdom Keepers books or Harry Potter books or Story of Fire & Ice - I’ve read each set several times !! Super excited we have NEW Kingdom Keeper books !!! Was also so excited I got to meet the author on a DVC cruise and get a photo & my book signed !!!!

Bonus Tie - Gone With the Wind & Midnight in the Garden of Goid & Evil

I could discuss books all the live long days !!! I enjoy reading so much !! I devour a book about every two weeks !! Absolutely love reading - Stephen King my first choice - biographies would be my second- World War II would be my next choice - Royals another great choice !! I’ve enjoyed reading about the Disney wars - biographies on Michael Eisner & Bob Iger & Walt

Can’t wait to see everyone’s book choices so excited !!!
Amen Slo on the Holy Bible. First and foremost, always. Similar ways, Devotionals and Hymnals.

Kid's series that brought me comfort during an often turbulent childhood and that are enjoyable to reread in a much healthier place in life today.

James Herriot books are simple shares of Herriot's love for his family, friends, and, of course, animals.

I do enjoy reading the regular line only of Love Inspired books along with nonfiction short stories of everyday miracles.
1. Dr. Seuss’s Sleep Book - It wasn’t my favorite Dr. Seuss book as a kid, but it did help me fall asleep. My parents eventually bought me the album, which was even more effective. I dubbed it to a cassette tape for my college years and bought a digital copy for my kids. To this day, the words “The news just came in from the county of Keck…” get me feeling drowsy.

2. Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire - A coworker convinced me to read Prisoner of Azkaban because she felt it was the first movie that really didn’t really capture everything in the book. I went out and bought the next book (Goblet), but didn’t get around to starting it until about 7 months later, when I was called for jury duty. I was selected and the whole ordeal lasted a little over 3 weeks. Goblet ended up getting me through it all.

3. Slaughterhouse Five - 11th grade for us was the year of American authors. It was also the year students in our school were always tasked with writing a massive term paper. Somewhere in the middle of a torturous month devoted to Wharton’s Ethan Frome, we were asked to start looking at authors for our big paper. I actually started with Cat’s Cradle by Kurt Vonnegut. I loved it so much that it brought me to his legendary classic, Slaughterhouse Five. I still needed at least one other book (ended up reading three more), but I knew I’d found my author for my paper…all 47 footnoted typewriter typed pages of it (not counting end notes and bibliography).
Since it’s Dr. Seuss Day I will list A Cat in the Hat as my #1. It was the first real book, other than Dick, Jane and Sally books, that I ever read independently. I also loved that the kids did all this stuff and got away with it! growing up in a very strict household, this really resonated with me.

@WDWEPCOT: I too am a big Stephen King fan and would have to say that The Stand is my favorite re-read. Every fall I re-read ‘Salem’s Lot. Even more than favorite books are the characters that I’ve loved over the years: Nick Andros, Ralph from Insomnia, Holly, Ben Hascom, to name a few.

#2 It has to be the Harry Potter series. (Not the movies!!) I read a little bit every night before I go to sleep, so I’ve been re-reading them for a very long time!

#3 I have 2 books of Tao meditations that I read every day. I am very grateful for the insights and guidance that I have received over the years and enjoy the little notations I have made, almost like a diary/journal.

Honorable Disney mention: Birnbaum, of course! I bought my DGD the guide for kids. I also used to study the Unofficial Guide like it was a textbook! Sometimes I will still order it before a trip. I can still remember the feelings I had when I was so hungry for WDW knowledge!

@flyingdumbo127 : I recently read Moses The Kitten to my DGD when she slept over. My mom loved James Herriot books and we often gave them to her as Christmas gifts. I saved them when we were going through my dad’s apartment after he passed. Simple kindness and gentle humor are something to be grateful for.


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