This Is Us- Season 3

I think they were under the impression that he abandoned them. He said at the dinner that he tried for a long time to connect with them; he sent cards and presents for all the holidays and birthdays. The mom must not have given them to the kids.

It makes me so mad when people (even fictional ones) do that!

Also, the son was acting like Rebecca broke up his parents' marriage, when they didn't get together until years after Jack died, and Shelly was already remarried.
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It makes me so mad when people (even fictional ones) do that!

Also, the son was acting like Rebecca broke up his parents' marriage, when they didn't get together until years after Jack died, and Shelly was already remarried.

Yeah, I think the kids had a lot of incorrect information.
Why was Miguel's family rude to him? Did the mother prevent him from being with his children?

My take on it was that they felt Rebecca "stole" Miguel from their mother and Miguel walked out of the marriage. At dinner, one of the kids commented that Rebecca took Miguel from their mother. It seemed they had hatred for Rebecca, painting her as the woman who broke up a happy marriage, a home wrecker. That is why Miguel gave a big speech about respecting Rebecca. He also said that Jack had been dead over 10 years before he got together with Rebecca, and his ex-wife (his kids mother) had already remarried at that point. It seemed the kids could not get over the fact that their parents split up and moved on. It was easy for them to hate Rebecca and use her as the scapegoat and blame Miguel for not being there for them.

Miguel also admitted he worked too much when the kids were young. He tried to connect with them after the divorce, but it was too little too late.
My take on it was that they felt Rebecca "stole" Miguel from their mother and Miguel walked out of the marriage. At dinner, one of the kids commented that Rebecca took Miguel from their mother. It seemed they had hatred for Rebecca, painting her as the woman who broke up a happy marriage, a home wrecker. That is why Miguel gave a big speech about respecting Rebecca. He also said that Jack had been dead over 10 years before he got together with Rebecca, and his ex-wife (his kids mother) had already remarried at that point. It seemed the kids could not get over the fact that their parents split up and moved on. It was easy for them to hate Rebecca and use her as the scapegoat and blame Miguel for not being there for them.

Miguel also admitted he worked too much when the kids were young. He tried to connect with them after the divorce, but it was too little too late.

Thanks for explaining this scene. I must have missed something when I first watched it.
It makes me so mad when people (even fictional ones) do that!

Yep. Some adult children are truly out of control.

(DISboards disclaimer: I know there are adult children that have reasons to be emotionally affected by their parents' decisions.).

Like most things in life, people often judge or can't fully understand until it arrives in their own lives.


Or until Miguel decides enough is enough. ;)
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I have no clue how Beth is going to react.

But I will add this -

My friend's mother was the most progressive woman one could ever meet in the day, around gay issues/sexuality (late 80s/early 1990s).

And she struggled immensely with her daughter being gay and coming out. And made a few decisions that affected her life. And probably still do.

It was bizarre to see.

Reading the responses made me remember that people can be one way with society - even with other loved ones/relatives - and then completely different with their own offspring. I am adding it as a blanket statement because back in the day that statement rang true with many issues - premarital sex, dating outside of race/religion, pregnancy while not married. One could be open-minded and then for some parents their own children bring a different reaction.


But then again it is 2018. :goodvibes

One hopes for change.
Some things from the last episode flew right over my head. For example, when Kate asked her niece if she was going to tell her Mom, I thought Kate was asking if the niece was going to tell her Mom that she got her period for the first time. And that seemed like an odd thing to not tell your Mom, particuarly if your mom is the one who does the shopping. It wasn't until I read what people posted here that I realized I had completely missed the point.
I have noticed in the flashbacks how Miguel looked at Rebecca with so much love (meaning early on) and at their - Jack and Rebecca's - relationship in general.

Women are not stupid. And men often have zero clue what they are showing in that area :drinking1. And we are understanding that the two families spent a lot of time together. I do wonder if we will ever see a flashback where it is noticed.
The flashback that I remain the most curious about is Rebecca and Beth's relationship over time.

Early on we saw how incredibly close they were, in a flashback. And then it was evident that something had changed on Beth's side (it appeared that it came before the William situation, meaning Beth seemed to strive to even have a sliver of empathy in regard to Rebecca). So I would be happy to see more.

But then again human relationships fascinate me, so I am more than good with the flashbacks. :goodvibes:thumbsup2
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Some things from the last episode flew right over my head. For example, when Kate asked her niece if she was going to tell her Mom, I thought Kate was asking if the niece was going to tell her Mom that she got her period for the first time. And that seemed like an odd thing to not tell your Mom, particuarly if your mom is the one who does the shopping. It wasn't until I read what people posted here that I realized I had completely missed the point.


It is certainly not a show where your mind can wander or do two thing at once, that's for sure.

Or blink, laughing.

Someone esle mentioned this already ---

It did make me also think how we all wondered about Kate and her relationship with her niece, in the scene from the future. Meaning some of us said "well they're not even close". Cagey little writers.
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I have noticed in the flashbacks how Miguel looked at Rebecca with so much love (meaning early on) and at their - Jack and Rebecca's - relationship in general.

Women are not stupid. And men often have zero clue what they are showing in that area :drinking1. And we are understanding that the two families spent a lot of time together. I do wonder if we will ever see a flashback where it is noticed.
I was thinking the same thing. We only know what we have seen in the timelines. Shelly could have had a lot of jealousy towards Rebecca we don't even know about. And maybe for a good reason!
My take on it was that they felt Rebecca "stole" Miguel from their mother and Miguel walked out of the marriage. At dinner, one of the kids commented that Rebecca took Miguel from their mother. It seemed they had hatred for Rebecca, painting her as the woman who broke up a happy marriage, a home wrecker. That is why Miguel gave a big speech about respecting Rebecca. He also said that Jack had been dead over 10 years before he got together with Rebecca, and his ex-wife (his kids mother) had already remarried at that point. It seemed the kids could not get over the fact that their parents split up and moved on. It was easy for them to hate Rebecca and use her as the scapegoat and blame Miguel for not being there for them.

Miguel also admitted he worked too much when the kids were young. He tried to connect with them after the divorce, but it was too little too late.

I agree with a lot of this. I think it's likely Miguel's kids knew dad wasn't around a lot when they were growing up, things were tense with mom and dad, then mom and dad split.

Wouldn't be surprising if post divorce Miguel made what in his view seemed like more of an effort to spend time with the kids, but his former wife viewed as weak sauce/too little, too late/or his efforts were geared solely around his convenience and disruptive to the kids' routines and/or their normal plans. Maybe he thought the gifts, phone calls were signs he was making an effort but from the kids' viewpoints didn't mean much. Then they hear he's marrying Rebecca -- the mom of kids they've grown up with and in their mind it conflates with dad preferring to be with Rebecca and her kids to them and their mom.

Miguel might have very well had love and good intentions in his heart for his kids, but still not be able to clearly see that he still hadn't made a serious effort to prioritize his kids in the way he thinks he did.
Miguel might have very well had love and good intentions in his heart for his kids, but still not be able to clearly see that he still hadn't made a serious effort to prioritize his kids in the way he thinks he did.

Absolutely. :thumbsup2

And so many give up when it would help to stay focused on reaching out.

Boy these issues are not easy for anyone. On any side.
What an episode! So much to unpack.

I hope Beth and Randall stay together. I can’t tell what is up in the future.

Edited my major spoiler out just in case. Let’s just say I freaking knew it.
Just finished watching the fall finale.

I would find it hard to believe that Beth and Randall would split up over him wanting to finish his campaign. She knows who he is at his core. I don't know, if that's the direction they're taking it I'll be really disappointed.

The big twist wasn't so big since many of us suspected it I think. It will be interesting to see how it all plays out though.

ETA: It just occurred to me, with Jack rushing toward the boat that exploded in the water, do we think that maybe the girl in the photo was on it?

ETA2: I just realized I will be in WDW when the show returns in January and will likely miss the first two episodes. Will have to buy them on amazon to watch later.

ETA3: Still processing here, sorry... I wanted to also say that I really loved the way they filmed Kevin going to the village where Jack had been and showing the two of them walking through it in different time periods. Also when Jack walked by Kevin and Kevin turned and watched him walking away. Really well done.
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Oh my gosh - how much can they pack in the last five minutes?

And @SaintsManiac, don't worry about spoilers here - we all know not to come on the thread until we've watched this weeks episode!

(And anyone who doesn't, please stop reading this post now.)
So yes, they're going to see Rebecca, and I'm assuming she has Alzheimer's (hence the game from their early birthday parties.)

Beth is finally doing something of hers! (I hope it isn't because they split, though.)

:hyper: The baby can be named Jack!!

I was so mad that Kate told Rebecca! (But glad Tess told her parents.) And I had no idea Kate had come so close to finishing college. - I thought she just never went after Jack died. I'm glad she's going back.

And Nick - whoa, just whoa. I thought we were about to see the end, and then maybe that they'd find him there, but not that he'd be so close!

Did Jack know? And if so, how did he live with that secret? (Definitely a theme of the episode.)


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