There’s No Turning Back Now! 7/23 - Link to my new PTR!


DIS Veteran
Aug 15, 2010
Hi there! For those of you who didn’t read my other PTR, :welcome: and get ready for a fun filled delve into this particular brand of crazy that we call “Erin”! :laughing: For those of you who did read Guilt and the Guilty Pleasure :welcome: to you guys too – and again, I’m sorry that PTR turned into a pipe dream! :lmao: I’ll give more details on what happened in a later post, but for those of you who just have to know right now why my PTR didn’t result in a TR, please feel free to click on that hyperlink above and read along with my obsessive compulsive, sometimes neurotic and always control freakish planning! But to know me is to love me, right? :rolleyes: Nah, I’m not really that bad. I’m hard on myself and like to poke fun at myself because I think most of us on the DISboards enjoy getting hyper-prepared for an upcoming Disney trip ;) That’s all a part of the fun, right?

So, let’s get to the introduction of the cast of characters! There’s me, again my name is Erin, and I am a single mom of two wonderful kids.

I recently turned 38 ( *hint* this is foreshadowing! LOL ) I work in a much more technical position in my field (which is communications) than I am used to but I am learning every day and I enjoy the challenge of this position. Although it was a promotion, I no longer received commission, so between that and the fact that I haven’t gotten steady or substantial child support from my ex-husband in over two years, my annual income was cut significantly. BUT even though circumstances may have been tough at times, I never let them get to me for long and I adapted. That is why I have likened myself to Tinkerbell, my absolute favorite Disney character, because she is a strong self-starter with a bit of a temper ;) LOL

Next up are my kids. I gave them pseudonyms on my other PTR, but really, it became a pain in the you-know-what to keep it up! There were numerous times when I had to go back on a post and change their real names into fake names before I published! It was of course for the sake of privacy and security, but I have very little personally identifying info out there…so here goes… *takes a deep breath*

My son’s name is Coy (formally known as “Chip” on the other PTR because he is a chip off of this “old block”!) and he will be 12 on our next trip to WDW. His dad named him Coy, but he is far from the definition of the word! :lmao: He is extremely bright and talented (although, unfortunately, he is in a phase where he couldn’t care less about his school work). He has a sharp wit and he is an all around loving little man.

My daughter’s name is True (formally known as “Minnie” because she is a mini-me) and she will be 8 on our next trip to WDW. I was the one who named her and I have to say that she doesn’t quite fit her name either :rotfl: No, actually, she is very kind and loving – she just really knows how to bend the truth when it strikes her fancy (as do most kids her age)! She is also very bright and talented, luckily she loves school, she is a bit of a smart aleck and is able to keep up with me and Coy.

Sorry about having some recycled pictures. Although between our two previous trips to WDW I took over 3000 pictures and I constantly take countless pictures of my kids on a regular basis, I do have my favorites! ;)

So, getting back on track, I’m supposed to list our favorite characters, favorite rides, favorite parks and favorite places to stay, right? Well, my favorite Disney character is Tinkerbell for many reasons, including the ones listed above, but also because I love spreading the pixie dust :tink: I really couldn’t pick a favorite ride, I love so many of them, so it would be impossible to choose! I could tell you my least favorites but I don’t want to get flamed this early in my PTR :laughing: My favorite park is Magic Kingdom because it holds the most special memories for me and my kids and I believe it has the most magic! My favorite resort so far is Coronado Springs because it was the resort where the kids and I stayed on our first trip to WDW. I would like to stay at all of the resorts with my kids, just to say we did it, so I’m working on the Moderates right now. I would like to start on the Deluxes soon. I was fortunate enough to stay at all of the Deluxe resorts that were there when I was younger. Only once did we stay offsite – I think it was a Holiday Inn but I could be wrong – and the lovebugs were everywhere, including inside the building! So the next day, my dad switched us to a different hotel. I don’t know for sure, but I think that was turned my dad into a Disney Deluxe Resort snob. Oh, and we did have an unfortunate experience at Fort Wilderness. So we stayed multiple times at The Contemporary, The Polynesian and The Grand Floridian. I would love to stay at those places with the kids as well as all of the other Deluxes that have been added over the years. I’d also like to take the kids to all of the Values because I really love the theming and would love to see it in person. If you’re new to my PTR, you’ll learn very quickly that my kids and I are willing to try anything once . That’s what makes life so much fun, right? New experiences? You’ll also come to see as you read along with this PTR that I am VERY prone to tangents! So let’s get this back on track, shall we? :rolleyes1

When I asked Coy who his favorite character was, he responded, “Of course it’s Mickey!” I honestly had no idea! I thought he was going to say Captain Jack Sparrow or someone trendy like that – but it turns out that my son is a Disney purist! Who woulda thunk it??? His answer for favorite park was Animal Kingdom and for favorite ride was Expedition Everest. More surprises! In 2009, he was all about Hollywood Studios, Tower of Terror and Rock ‘n’ Roller Coaster but now it seems that the ride and park he’s most looking forward to are completely different from two years ago!

When I asked True who her favorite character was, I was not surprised to hear her say, “Tiana, Ariel, Jasmine, Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty (forgive her for not knowing her real name is “Aurora” – she is only 7 :cutie: ) Belle, Rapunzel…” she paused and then continued, “Daisy and Minnie!” Naturally she picked all of the princesses she could think of off of the top of her head as well as Minnie and Daisy who are, in my opinion, two of the biggest divas – especially when you look at some of their earlier cartoons! :rotfl2: I love that about them and I love that about True because she is most certainly part princess and part diva! She also picked Magic Kingdom as her favorite park because of the castle and she picked Expedition Everest as her favorite ride. I mean, duh! Of course EE is her favorite ride! Just look at her “Terror Face”:

That is by far my favorite ride photo of all time! That’s why I recycled it from my other PTR! Backstory for any newbies: She was 5 in 2008 and was super excited to go on her first rollercoaster ride! It was the first time on EE for all of us and we LOVED it! When I saw our ride photo, I had to have it because I had never seen True make a face like that before! All three of us crack up laughing whenever we see it! If she hadn’t insisted that we ride that ride over and over again after that, I would’ve thought she was scarred for life! Look at the picture! :lmao: Too funny!

When I asked them about their favorite resort, they both answered Coronado Springs. My sentimental son said he liked it because it was the first place we stayed. He is such a sweetheart! My artistic daughter said that she liked it because we had a view with a fountain! Aww! Too cute! I guess she wasn’t too keen on the parking lot view we had at Caribbean Beach! Personally, I liked being able to see my car! :thumbsup2

So that brings us to the details of this trip. We are staying at:

Port Orleans Riverside!!!
October 7th through October 11th

We are still getting Annual Passes because I can sense another trip within 12 months of this one. This also means MNSSHP!!! Oh, and Hello, Food & Wine Festival!!! The kids and I love to try new food! Yum! People who came over from my now defunct PTR might wonder why I chose POR over POFQ. They are both beautiful resorts and are both places I want to stay, but I want to stay at POFQ the most. I’m really looking forward to that one, but this trip is essentially a super-long weekend, so I wanted to save POFQ for a week-long trip. POR looks peaceful and I can’t wait to walk around the grounds of that resort. I chose a river view since transportation won’t be an issue given that we will have a car. We’ll take the boat to DTD one day for sure, though! So I’m looking for tips for POR since I’m woefully unfamiliar with this resort and didn’t do any research other than looking at pictures. Victoriasmom98, I’m singling you out since you stayed there most recently! LOL So why are we doing a super-long weekend this time? Well, that decision was mostly influenced by Coy. His homework and schoolwork habits haven’t been great recently and when we go on the trip, He’ll be a 7th grader. I don’t want him, or True for that matter, to miss too much school. Going over Columbus Day weekend meant they would only miss school on Friday and Tuesday. I was going to book for the week before Labor Day weekend so they wouldn’t’ miss any school, but when I saw that my 180 day window for making ADRs had already passed, I said, “Forget that!” LOL See? I have *my* priorities in order! :rotfl: Not to mention not having MNSSHP or F&W that week. I was worried about Columbus Day weekend since it is a holiday weekend, but the crowds tend to be relatively low according to

So these are the plans for our trip! Thanks in advance for joining in and for any tips you may be able to give me! I can’t wait to tell you more about why there’s no turning back now!
Table of Contents

Introductions – click here…or you could just scroll up!
So What’s So Different Now?
Hurry Up and Wait to Make ADRs
Real Life Update: True’s Birthday Celebration – Part One
Real Life Update: True’s Birthday Celebration – Part Two
New ADR Plans
Two Posts in One Day???
ADR Day!
Shameless Theft
Arrival Night Accommodations
Real Life Update: Coy’s Birthday Celebration – Part One
Real Life Update: Coy’s Birthday Celebration – Part Two
Real Life Update: Earth Day
There’s an App for That
Omygosh! It's Been a Month!
The "No Update" Update
95 Days!!!
140 Days!!!
More Changes
ADRs Redux
Double Digits!!!
Baby Steps
90 Days
Real Life Update: Summer Wrap-Up: June
Real Life Update: Summer Wrap-Up: July
Real Life Update: Summer Wrap-Up: August
Dinner and a Disney Movie: Lemonade Mouth
Summer Sibling Trip – Rough Draft
Quick Little Real Life/Disney Update
Real Life/Disney Update: Stuff Happens
Time for Some Action!
Weekend Trip Mini TR – A Love Story, Part 1
What Do You Think About Murphy Beds?
Real Life Update: It's Showtime!
Weekend Trip Mini TR – A Love Story, Part 2
Weekend Trip Mini TR – A Love Story, Part 2 (Continued)
Happy New Year!!!
Weekend Trip Mini TR – A Love Story, Part 3
30 Day Disney Photography Challenge - Day 1
30 Day Disney Photography Challenge - Day 2
30 Day Disney Photography Challenge - Day 3
30 Day Disney Photography Challenge - Day 4
30 Day Disney Photography Challenge - Day 5
30 Day Disney Photography Challenge - Day 6
30 Day Disney Photography Challenge - Day 7
30 Day Disney Photography Challenge - Day 8
30 Day Disney Photography Challenge - Day 9
Additional Dining Plans
ADDITIONAL Additional Dining Plans!
30 Day Disney Photography Challenge - Day 10
30 Day Disney Photography Challenge - Day 11
30 Day Disney Photography Challenge - Day 12
30 Day Disney Photography Challenge - Day 13
30 Day Disney Photography Challenge - Day 14
30 Day Disney Photography Challenge - Day 15
30 Day Disney Photography Challenge - Day 16
30 Day Disney Photography Challenge - Day 17
30 Day Disney Photography Challenge - Day 18
30 Day Disney Photography Challenge - Days 19, 20 and 21
30 Day Disney Photography Challenge - Day 22
30 Day Disney Photography Challenge - Day 23
30 Day Disney Photography Challenge - Day 24
30 Day Disney Photography Challenge - Day 25
30 Day Disney Photography Challenge - Day 26
30 Day Disney Photography Challenge - Days 27 and 28
30 Day Disney Photography Challenge - Day 29
30 Day Disney Photography Challenge - Day 30
We're Booked!!!
Touring Plans - Sunday
Touring Plans - Monday
Touring Plans - Tuesday
Touring Plans - Wednesday
Touring Plans - Thursday
Touring Plans - Friday
Touring Plans – Saturday
90 Days!!!
Girl Talk: Hair
Girl Talk: Make-Up
Girl Talk: Nails
We stayed at POR last july4th, we had a great time there soo peaceful. The grounds are so nice,we saw rabbits,ducks,and the horse carriage at night was so nice. Our first time staying there,didn't disappoint. The boat ride to DTD was great.
Joining in! I haven't read your other PTR so I might have to go over there and check it out. Your family seems like a lot of fun. I can't wait to read more of your PTR. :thumbsup2
Hey there Erin! I'm getting ready to book a trip for May(so soon!!!) and to get myself excited was looking for some good pre trip reports to read...stumbled across your last one and was getting very involved in it....until I saw the plans suddenly change! :laughing: Of course, I decided to jump over here to try and keep up with you, your kids seem great! Consider me in for the long haul!

Another reason I'm interested is because there is a small possibility that I will be returning to WDW for a long weekend...the 7th through the 10th of October to be exact! ;) So it'll be interesting to see how your plans pan out...maybe we'll run into each other at MNSSHP. :thumbsup2 Can't wait to read more!
Whoohooo Erin! I had been wondering where you were! I know the feeling of rescheduling, but hey look! Our trips overlap just a tiny bit now!!! We leave the day you arrive! :goodvibes

Did you see the hours are out already? I posted the link in my PTR, I'm too tired (read: lazy) to go get it right now, but it's on the Disney Travel Agent site!)

Yay!!!! I'm so glad you are planning a fall trip, they are the best! :woohoo:
Hi Erin, my friend, my buddy, my pal!!! So, we now know the kids' names!! Yay!! I think True is an absolutely beautiful name!! And Coy is a very handsome name, too!! Wow....change in plans....I did read your post and reasonings behind the changes and I completely understand where you are coming from. :hug: I'm just a little sad that your trip is so close to mine and yet doesn't overlap.....when I was reading that you were changing dates I had the glimmer of hope for a dismeet, but alas, not this time. :sad2: If there is anything you want to know about POR just ask! If I know the answer, I'd be more than happy to tell you. I'm looking forward to staying at POFQ just due to the size of the resort. I like a much more compact setting, but I did enjoy seeing rabbits every morning by the river at POR!! So cute and it made me miss the 6 bunnies I have at home! Ok, well, I'm still at work...(damn work thing gets in the way of Disney planning!!!) so I will post more later. I am really glad to hear from you and to hear that the trip is just postponed and not cancelled!! :cool1:
here and subbed! so sorry about you having to reschedule! BUT, you will not regret it! MNSSHP will totally be worth the wait! Cute names for your children, thanks for sharing with us! Wish you were going in September, we could have arranged a Dis meet!
Joining in! I really enjoyed reading your first post. Can't wait to see all that you have planned :goodvibes
I'd love to read along. I raised three kids alone, so I can probably relate to much of what your life is about. Times were tough, real tough some days, but we got through it and have a very strong bond as adults.

We have a goal to stay in every resort, as well. We've chipped away at the list pretty nicely, even though we call Pop Century 'home' on a regular basis.

I like True's answer about the favorites. :thumbsup2

Annual passes, Food & Wine Festival, and Mickey's Not So Scary Halloween Party - all very exciting! :dance3:
I read your extremely clever title and popped in for a peek. OMG I love that picture of your daughter on EE, it is priceless!!! :lmao:

I'll be back to read more of your planning. :woohoo:
I love that picture of your son. My son is 13 and I have a few pictures like that. I am looking forward to reading more of what you have plan, We are going in August maybe I can get some hints from you.

First of all, let me say that I am overwhelmed by the response I have gotten from you all so far! Thank you so much for joining in! I actually was worried that when people read that my other PTR had all but turned to dust, no one would read this one! :rotfl: OK, now to say hi to all of you individually:

Joining the fun of Oct. planning.

:welcome: Micandminforever! I’m so glad you’re here! Thanks so much for “staying tuned” through all of these plan changes – but changes will just let us all have more fun planning!

We stayed at POR last july4th, we had a great time there soo peaceful. The grounds are so nice,we saw rabbits,ducks,and the horse carriage at night was so nice. Our first time staying there,didn't disappoint. The boat ride to DTD was great.

:welcome: Tea4Alice! I’m glad I have another person who has stayed at POR reading along! A peaceful resort sounds wonderful and the kids will love the animals! They love rabbits and I love ducks!

Hi Erin- I'm here! :)

Hi, Hope! :welcome: I’m so happy you’re here too! It’s so great to have another one of the “obsessive” planning buddies reading along! :goodvibes I have to catch up on your PTR. Knowing you, Karen and Ann, you’re probably on about page 20 of your PTR! :lmao:

Joining in! I haven't read your other PTR so I might have to go over there and check it out. Your family seems like a lot of fun. I can't wait to read more of your PTR. :thumbsup2

:welcome: Corrine 1973! Read the other PTR if you dare! No, actually, I had a lot of fun writing it and I have links if you want to skip the chatter, but then you might miss seeing what a weirdo I am! :lmao: I peeked at your PTR but I didn’t read it yet since I have a LOT of PTR reading to do LOL but let me just say that the first picture of two of your kids is super cute!

Hey there Erin! I'm getting ready to book a trip for May(so soon!!!) and to get myself excited was looking for some good pre trip reports to read...stumbled across your last one and was getting very involved in it....until I saw the plans suddenly change! :laughing: Of course, I decided to jump over here to try and keep up with you, your kids seem great! Consider me in for the long haul!

Another reason I'm interested is because there is a small possibility that I will be returning to WDW for a long weekend...the 7th through the 10th of October to be exact! ;) So it'll be interesting to see how your plans pan out...maybe we'll run into each other at MNSSHP. :thumbsup2 Can't wait to read more!

:welcome: Jupiter&Wolfe! Thanks so much for sticking with me! Your trip is so close! Do you have a PTR? That would be awesome if you did the Columbus Day weekend too! It is supposed to be a great time to visit! I am truly looking forward to MNSSHP :)

Whoohooo Erin! I had been wondering where you were! I know the feeling of rescheduling, but hey look! Our trips overlap just a tiny bit now!!! We leave the day you arrive! :goodvibes

Did you see the hours are out already? I posted the link in my PTR, I'm too tired (read: lazy) to go get it right now, but it's on the Disney Travel Agent site!)

Yay!!!! I'm so glad you are planning a fall trip, they are the best! :woohoo:

Hi, Karen! :welcome: Yeah, computer issues and the blues about rescheduling kept me off the boards for a while, but I’m back with a vengeance now! :thumbsup2 I’ll have to catch up on all of the other PTRs I was reading, including yours, so I’ll definitely check out that link! That is so cool our trips overlap by a day now! Sprinkle a little pixie dust here and there for us before you leave! pixiedust:
Hi Erin, my friend, my buddy, my pal!!! So, we now know the kids' names!! Yay!! I think True is an absolutely beautiful name!! And Coy is a very handsome name, too!! Wow....change in plans....I did read your post and reasonings behind the changes and I completely understand where you are coming from. :hug: I'm just a little sad that your trip is so close to mine and yet doesn't overlap.....when I was reading that you were changing dates I had the glimmer of hope for a dismeet, but alas, not this time. :sad2: If there is anything you want to know about POR just ask! If I know the answer, I'd be more than happy to tell you. I'm looking forward to staying at POFQ just due to the size of the resort. I like a much more compact setting, but I did enjoy seeing rabbits every morning by the river at POR!! So cute and it made me miss the 6 bunnies I have at home! Ok, well, I'm still at work...(damn work thing gets in the way of Disney planning!!!) so I will post more later. I am really glad to hear from you and to hear that the trip is just postponed and not cancelled!! :cool1:

Hi, Ann! :welcome: Thanks so much for the compliments about the kids names. People either love their names or hate them – no in between :lmao: I’m happy I could reschedule for a Fall trip, but it’s too bad my trip overlaps Karen’s only by a day and doesn’t overlap yours at all! I guess no DISmeets for me :( I’m so looking forward to POR though and I will definitely make sure the kids and I visit the river a few times to see the rabbits! They will love that!

here and subbed! so sorry about you having to reschedule! BUT, you will not regret it! MNSSHP will totally be worth the wait! Cute names for your children, thanks for sharing with us! Wish you were going in September, we could have arranged a Dis meet!

Hi, Jenn! :welcome: Yeah, rescheduling was tough but it will definitely be worth the wait. I am too excited about MNSSHP! Luckily, I already have a Minnie costume and I have to convince the kids to dress as…oops, gotta save that for another post ;) Thanks about the kids’ names – I think they are cute names too! I have to catch up on your PTR and see how your plans are coming along! Maybe one day we’ll have a DISmeet!

Joining in! I really enjoyed reading your first post. Can't wait to see all that you have planned :goodvibes

:welcome: britt ji! Thanks so much for reading along! I took a quick peek at your PTR too since I saw that you’re staying at POR in just a couple of months! You’ll be there so soon! I’m glad to have you in on the planning!

I'd love to read along. I raised three kids alone, so I can probably relate to much of what your life is about. Times were tough, real tough some days, but we got through it and have a very strong bond as adults.

We have a goal to stay in every resort, as well. We've chipped away at the list pretty nicely, even though we call Pop Century 'home' on a regular basis.

I like True's answer about the favorites. :thumbsup2

Annual passes, Food & Wine Festival, and Mickey's Not So Scary Halloween Party - all very exciting! :dance3:

:welcome: MeMom! It’s great to have you here! Yeah, raising kids alone certainly is a challenge, but it is very reassuring to hear you say that you and your kids are all very close now because of it :goodvibes I’m also glad I’m not the only one who wants to stay at every resort! I’ve heard that Pop is a favorite of a lot of people! It just looks so cute and I would love to show the kids those massive replicas of things I used to play with as a kid! Yes, True loves everything Disney and the kids and I can’t wait to get back to WDW for some new experiences!

I read your extremely clever title and popped in for a peek. OMG I love that picture of your daughter on EE, it is priceless!!! :lmao:

I'll be back to read more of your planning. :woohoo:

:welcome: Mrs. Bradbury! Well, I don’t know how clever my PTR title is, but yours certainly is! It made me pop over there to sub so I could read it later! :rotfl: “Throw Down” could mean any number of things, so I am super curious! LOL Also, I see you’ll be there in October too! Yes, the picture of True on EE has to be one of my favorite pictures EVER! Pure horror! Anyway, I’m glad to have you reading along!

I love that picture of your son. My son is 13 and I have a few pictures like that. I am looking forward to reading more of what you have plan, We are going in August maybe I can get some hints from you.


:welcome: disneychard! I like that picture of Coy too. The Xbox live headset is pretty much glued to his head so most of my pictures of him are like that :lmao: He is quite the gamer and a budding computer geek! I’m so glad to have you reading along!
I just made a new ticker for our trip! What a great feeling! Now it’s off to bed so I can wake up in the morning to read more PTRs and make more plans – I mean, not in the morning. Not at work or anything. After work. Really… :rolleyes1
I just made a new ticker for our trip! What a great feeling! Now it’s off to bed so I can wake up in the morning to read more PTRs and make more plans – I mean, not in the morning. Not at work or anything. After work. Really… :rolleyes1

Oh no, we NEVER go on the Disboards at work...NEVER, EVER NEVER.......:lmao: ;)
really looking forward to hearing your new plans, there is so much fun in panning a Disney holiday. you'll have a whole load of new lists to make!! enjoy the planning xx


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