The Young and The Restless .. Take 5 .. Spoilers Welcome!

Billy confronts Adam about the hit and run. Will Adam confess?

Sharon is haunted by memories of Cassie

Dylan comes face to face with his father, Ian Ward.

The battle between Billy and Adam reaches a shocking climax

Michael and Lauren make a startling discover. Can they save their son in time?

Source: @jmcrenny via Twitter
At the Abbott house, Kyle comes home to find Jack listening to Phyllis' song. Jack tells him about her progress. Then they discuss business. Kyle thinks the key to getting Newman/Chancellor from Victor could come down to one tiny little pill. Bonaventure industries might be selling an unapproved drug online...for weight loss. Hilary thinks they should place an order to get all the information they need. She plans to order the energy pills under the name, "Anne Turner". Kyle doesn't think Victor would willingly sell an unapproved drug. Jack reminds him that it happened under Victor's watch.

At the Underground, Noah tells Nick about Courtney dumping him. Noah believes she broke up with him because he was pressuring her over her family secrets. Nick believes Noah dodged a bullet when he learns about the pills Noah found in her purse. Noah wants to help her, Nick advises him to be careful.

At Villy's, Victoria finds Billy reading the message boards. He tells her about the anonymous poster, thinking the person posting them was trying to send him a message. He tells her about Adam using the phrase, "karmic justice." Victoria thinks it was nothing, but Billy still has doubts. Later, Kelly stops by with paperwork for the Delia fund. After Victoria steps away to make a phone call, Billy tells Kelly that he's not comfortable with her stopping by. He starts accusing her of trying to cause trouble. Kelly is offended and starts raising her voice. Kelly then asked if Stitch had something to do with Billy's change in attitude. Billy wonders what Stitch has to do with it. Kelly assures Billy that she's not chasing him, she storms out. Afterwards, Victoria wonders why she left so suddenly, thinking it was because of Johnny. After Billy leaves home, Kelly returns...this time she has something to say to Victoria.

At the Penthouse, ChelC is getting ready to watch the video. Adam comes downstairs and hollers, "DON'T!" Adam quickly brings up their trip to Paris asking if she's sure about their plans. She says yes after he shows her some real estate photos. Adam tells her he wants to leave tonight. ChelC asks if he's running from something. He tells her he's running to the next thing. ChelC tells him she needs a few days. Billy stops by requesting Adam's signature on a few papers for the foundation. He learns they are moving to Paris.

In the stairwell, Sharon is looking down at Summer. She has a flashback to seeing Phyllis' body. She runs down the stairs and kneels at Summer's side, "Summer, can you hear me?" She calls out to Esmerelda, "Call 9-1-1!" Sharon discovers Summer has a weak pulse. "Your dad loves you so much! If anything happened to you..." She calls Nick.

At Crimson Lights, Courtney grills Raven to tell her about the new pills she's pushing. Noah walks in and gets pissed witnessing Courtney buying drugs. "What is really going on with you?" Courtney tells him it was none of his business. Noah demands to see her purse. Courtney pulls out his house key, returns it, and walks out.

Nick rushes to the hospital and asks Sharon what happened. Sharon tells him how Fen violated house arrest to find her. Stitch comes in with an update, he asks if Summer was using drugs. Nick refuses to believe that Summer would use drugs. Stitch is running more tests. Esmerelda admits she was taking "energy pills" she shows them the pills. Nick struggles as he tries to leave a message for Jack. Nick, "I may not be her father anymore, but that's my kid in there." He prepares himself to back off when Jack gets there. Nick tells Sharon he lost her the day he got the DNA results, but the thought of losing her from the world...he couldn't handle that. Sharon chimes in, "Nick, there's something you need to know..."

Jack and Hilary arrive at the GCAC. He tells her there's no meeting, its just dinner. Esmerelda walks in, "You don't know?"


ChelC tells Chloe about Paris. Chloe, "You can't take Connor away from me!"

Nick to Sharon, "Can we not do this now?"

Jack walks in, "Where's my daughter?"

Victoria to Kelly, "I thought something might have happened between you and Billy

Source: Crimson Lights
Looks like the rumors were true!

Source: Crimson Lights

If Billy shots and kills Adam I am done with this soap forever...having one character that everyone loves kill off another character that everyone loves is terrible writing......just to get rid of Adam....and to have Billy be exonerated for like what a sanity plea and he gets off down the ridiculous because he would be killing him in cold blood and that is matter how you look at it.

To much stupid drama in this show...what about some good stuff again going on with our has been so depressing and negative with all of them for sooooo long....

I may have to go back to watching Bold and the Beautiful.....hey HD is that show better? its been a very long time since watching but wont be hard to start a new...and I use to watch like 5 soaps....then 3 went off the air and these 2 were left.....know looks like I will be back to one but just a different one....
Sheesh ok the same Billy and Adam. Is this going to be the week things including People change????? Again a looooooong story line. Y& R best get it together!!!!
I don't think Billy will kill Adam. I don't think he will be able to bring himself to do it. I think Adam will end up being put in jail after he pleads guilty and will disappear from the screen for a while. Eventually it will come out that he didn't run over DD, that it was Kelly (the one Billy has been sleeping with) and Adam (new actor, unfortunately) :( will be exhonerated and Billy will feel guilty yada yada yada. That's just my prediction and I could be way off.
Short one tonight...helping my DD apply for colleges!

At the penthouse ChelC tells Billy about their move to Paris. Billy asks what will happen to the Delia fund. Adam assures him it will be taken care of. Billy notices how stressed Adam is.

Billy visits Delia's crash site. He finds the same type of flower that Adam gave ChelC.

ChelC tells Chloe that they are moving to Paris. After ChelC leaves, Chloe looks at a pic of her a Delia and says, "No one is going to take you away from me..."

Kelly tells Vicky that her relationship with Billy is NOT personal. She tells her she won't be accepting anymore dinner invitations

Nick continues to blame himself for Summers paternity. Sharon goes to the chapel to pray for Summer. Jack hears her say she doesn't want Summer to loose her father again.

Cane, Lily and Devon clash over renovations for the GCAC. They are planning a fund raiser for the Delia fund.


ChelC tells Adam to marry her before their move to Paris.

Nick tells Sharon he knows something is going on with her and he wants to know what it is!

Jack tells Victor he will never know how much he loves his daughter. Victor, "you will never be Summers father."

Source: Crimson Lights
I don't think Billy will kill Adam. I don't think he will be able to bring himself to do it. I think Adam will end up being put in jail after he pleads guilty and will disappear from the screen for a while. Eventually it will come out that he didn't run over DD, that it was Kelly (the one Billy has been sleeping with) and Adam (new actor, unfortunately) :( will be exhonerated and Billy will feel guilty yada yada yada. That's just my prediction and I could be way off.

I agree~ I think Billy will find out he slept with his daughters killer and that will send him over the edge.
His marriage will also crumble!
Summer is still in her coma, Nick is sitting by her bedside. He tells her that her "daddy is here." He goes on to tell her not to be scared and recalls the time she spent in the hospital with her allergic reaction. Nick also calls Noah and brings him up to date. In the chapel, Sharon realizes that Jack had been watching her. He didn't hear anything, he talks about waiting for an answer on the blood tests. Sharon panics. Later, Victor arrives and accuses Jack for Summer being in a coma and taking drugs because Jack had been a drug addict. Victor tells Jack that Summer was raised a Newman, and she will ALWAYS be a Newman, no piece of paper can erase that.

In the chapel. Nick wants to know what Sharon has been hiding. She tells him she will tell him, but not now...she will need his full attention believing he is too distracted at the moment. Nick and Sharon are hugging when Victor walks in. He tells her she's being too predictable. Victor then blames Sharon for not doing her job watching Summer. Jack goes in see Summer. Victor demands Nick have Jack thrown out, saying he is not Summer's father. Later, Nick tells Victor and Sharon there is no damage to Summer's heart, she will be fine.

At Crimson Lights, Noah blasts Courtney accusing her of giving Summer drugs. Courtney insists she had nothing to do with it but Noah doesn't believe her, demanding to know what Summer was taking. Going on to say that she's been lying to him and Summer...she cannot tell the truth yet, but she promises to when the time is right.

At the Penthouse, ChelC tells Adam that she didn't ask Chloe to come with them to Paris. Adam speaks to his real estate agent making final plans on their new house. ChelC asks Adam to marry her before their move. Adam declines, saying he wants to have a fantastic Parisian wedding, but ChelC is willing to settle for the Justice of the Peace. Later, Adam and ChelC are in bed sleeping. A clicking sound wakes Adam. He goes downstairs and there is a toy dog with a black scarf on the floor. He throws the scarf into the fireplace. He tries to go back to bed, but the clicking sound continues. He goes back downstairs to find black scarfs all over the place. He suddenly wakes was a nightmare.

At the GCAC, Noah asks his grandfather to lay off of his parents. Victor doesn't listen, he brings up all the damage Sharon has caused including burning down his home. Noah tells Victor that his mom is doing fine and asks him once leave her alone.

Abby and Tyler are still unable to decide on a place to live. The mystery woman with the sun tatt is watching them kiss. After making love in a potential apartment, they agree to move in. Later, in their new home, Tyler leaves for work, Abby stays behind. After she leaves the room, the mystery woman comes in and takes Abbys phone and keys. Abby tries to leave but she's locked inside.

At the GCPD, Kevin gets the report with license plates starting with "G". No luck. Billy shows up and tells Kevin about his theory with the anonymous postings about "balancing the karmic scales."


Dylan to Avery discuss his next move in regards to finding Ian Ward

At the hospital, Paul tells Jack and Nikki that he has to follow up on the charges that there were drugs at a photo shoot.

Jack learned it was Victor who filed the charges.

Source: Crimson Lights
It's going to end up being hte drug that Victor's company is selling that Summer took. Just crushing for the Grandpa of the year! :rolleyes1
At the Ranch, Victor tells Nick that he's pressing charges against Jack for what happened to Summer. Nick thinks he's just trying to get back at Jack, but Victor tells him its his way of protecting his granddaughter. Victor also blames Sharon saying she should have been there to oversee the shoot to make sure Summer was safe. Nick tells his dad to stop arguing with Jack in front of Summer. But Victor says he will do everything in his power to protect his family, because as far as he's concerned, Nick IS Summer's father.

At the Police Station, Paul tells the Baldwins that Fen is going back to prison for violating his parole. He goes on to say that Lauren and Michael will be fined for Fen breaking his house arrest. Lauren urges Paul to listen to Fen's side of the story...he broke his house arrest rules to save Summer. Paul doesn't buy it...Fen could have called 9-1-1 or her parents. Michael prepares his son for prison, promising him he will soon put an end to this nightmare. Later, at Crimson Lights, Michael meets with Leslie wanting to know who turned states evidence against Womack. Leslie doesn't know, but tells him that Womack is connected to the Vinciano family. Michael tells her she's has been a tremendous help.

Dylan and Avery go an the office where they believe Ian Ward is associated with. They pretend to a married couple seeking counseling to keep their marriage together. A worker named Clarence doesn't buy into their story, accusing them of being reporters. Dylan admits they are looking for Ian Ward because he is Ian Ward's son. They thank Clarence and even buy a book by "John Darwin." After they leave, Clarence calls Ian Ward asking if he knows a Dylan McAvoy from GC who claims to be his son.

At the hospital, Summer tells Nikki she feels like a hypocrite always preaching to everyone how wrong drugs are. Nikki encourages her, saying everyone has a lapse in judgement. Jack and Kyle visits, she tells him how ashamed she is. Later, Stitch brings in the results to her blood tests, admitting the drugs were responsible for her heart issues. Paul stops by to tell Jack that he has to follow up on a complaint for unsafe working conditions and drug usage at a Jabot photo shoot. Jack then learns Victor was the one who filed the complaint. This shocks Nikki, she actually defends Jack!

Jack walks into Summer's hospital room to overhear her tell Nick what made her come out of her coma. She heard Nick tell her "Daddy is here." This devastates Jack.

Out in the hall...Stitch tells Kyle that the drug in Summer's body...Vivasurge...cannot be legally obtained in the states. This news shocks Kyle. He goes home to tell Jack that the drug Vivasurge is manufactured by Bonaventure Industries! Jack says Victor is the reason Summer almost died!


At ChelC's office, Gloria greets a man..."You must be Gloria."
Dylan realizes that John Darwin must be Ian Ward
Abby is still crying out for help. The woman with the tatt breaks her phone.

Source: Crimson Lights
At ChelC's office, Gloria introduces Leslie and Neil to a wedding planner named David. Leslie is impressed with him and agrees to go check out some venues for her and Neil's wedding. Later, Lauren shows up and tells Gloria about Fen breaking his bail and going back to prison.

At the police station, the Baldwins are still coming to terms with Fen going back to prison. Michael tells Lauren about Womack being associated with the Veneziano family...the same family Carmine was associated with. They also received another package with "Forget me not" written on it.

At the prison, Womack tells Fen that he knows he told his father about their arrangement. Later, Michael meets with Fen and Christine. Fen tells him he wanted Christine there because he's ready to make a deal with the D.A. He wants to be transferred to another prison. Michael tells his son to not make any deals, but Christine reminds him Fen doesn't need his permission. Michael believes Fen will be acquitted and he has a plan to keep him safe. Later, (after Womack scares him) Fen tells Christine he will sign anything because he wants her to get him transferred to a new prison.

At the GCAC, Leslie meets with Tyler. He tells her about the new place he found with Abby. But he's starting to worry about Abby, she's not returning his calls. Later, Leslie tells Neil that she's ready to marry him!

Abby is still locked inside the apartment. She hears her phone ringing outside the door. The girl with the tatt has her phone and destroys it with her shoe. Abby is trying her best to unlock the door with a nail file, Tyler appears in the hallway and the girl runs off. Abby tells Tyler about someone locking her in and stealing her keys and phone. She also brings up all the weird things that has been going on recently, but Tyler thinks she's overreacting, but he does recall seeing a woman in the hallway. Later, Abby uses Tyler's cell phone to order some take out, she finds Mariah's phone number in his phone. Tyler swears he deleted the number, but Abby doesn't listen, she's pissed, telling him they are not moving in together. After she leaves, Tyler sends a text to Mariah telling her to stay the hell out of his life.

Clarence tells Ian Ward about Dylan and Nikki.

Dylan and Avery both believe that John Darwin is really Ian Ward. Avery believes Dylan is better off not finding him, but Dylan is determined to not give up. Dylan tells her he can't get past his mom because he doesn't understand why she did this to him and his dad. Dylan tells her he has everything he needs. He tells her he loves her and they make love.

Billy tells Kevin he has an inkling as to who killed Delia.
Jack asks Adam once again to tell him what Victor has on him.
Someone taps Nikki on the shoulder. We don't see his face, but he scares the hell out of Nikki!

Source: Crimson Lights
Just watching Dylan and Avery, and they are not an exciting couple at all. I know Steve Burton was very popular on GH, but he does nothing for me on Y&R. I know this is not "politically correct", but he is certainly not what I would call handsome or sexy and he has no chemistry with Avery. His acting is ok with the awful material he is given, but the whole storyline is unnecessary. And now his biological father is entering the picture. Dumb, dumb, dumb!

I usually fast forward through most of the show, but for some reason I watched today. Didn't enjoy any of it - Neal, Leslie, Fen, Chris, Abby and Tyler. A complete waste of my time! At least I didn't have to endure Eric Braeden. If he had been on, I would have left the room.
At the GCAC, Devon, Lily, Cane, Nikki and Vicky are planning the event for the Delia Fund. Hillary comes in and offers some suggestions that Lily tries to axe. But Nikki and Vicky overwrite her, deciding to go with Hillary's ideas. This pisses Lily off. Victoria explains to her mom why Billy isn't there. He's working on a special project.

At the Abbotts, Hillary arrives with the VivaSurge she ordered online from Bonaventure. Jack says Victor will pay for nearly killing Summer. Hilary and Kyle talk about Bonaventure and how all the fingers points to Victor having Bonaventure as a subsidiary before they started selling VivaSurge online.

At the courthouse, Adam, ChelC and Connor arrive for their courthouse wedding. ChelC believes they are rushing and notices that Adam seems rather jumpy. Billy steps off the elevator and wonders if they are there to be arrested. ChelC explains they are getting married, Billy also asks what the rush is. Before he leaves, Billy wishes them all the happiness they deserve. Jack and Anita arrive. Jack also asks Adam why the rush is. He pushes Adam to trust him and tell him what Victor has on him. He also tells Adam that they finally have enough dirt on Victor. Before Adam could answer, the Judge walks in and marries ChelC and Adam. They promise to make each other happy. ChelC tells him nothing will separate their little family again.

Dylan and Avery are still in bed. They talk about Ian Ward and decide that Dylan is better off not knowing who Ian Ward is. Dylan also admits that he wants a relationship with Nikki, and plans on telling her that his search for Ian Ward has ended.

At the Ranch, Nikki pours herself a cup of tea. A hand taps her on the shoulder, she jumps and turns around to see Ian Ward standing there. "Hello Nikki, remember me?"

Billy shows Kevin the posts from the message board. He believes the anonymous poster is the driver. Kevin admits they are waiting on the DMV report. Billy tries to rush it because he believes Adam was the driver. Kevin tells him about the witness but they have to wait for the DMV to verify the license plates. Billy asks Kevin to hack into the system, but Kevin refuses. In the court house garage, Billy notices Adam's license plate.


Nikki says "Ian" His response, "You DO remember me."

Victor walks in just as Adam is saying goodbye to Jack

Billy is looking at something on his laptap. He slams the lid down while holding his gun.

Source: Crimson Lights
Jill's return offers more questions then answers
Sharon's evening takes a shocking turn
Tristan Rogers returns as Colin Atkinson
Stitch questions Kelly's intentions
Celebrity wedding planner David Tutera helps Neil and Leslie
Sharon reaches out to ChelC
Nikki blasts Victor for his meddling

Source: @jmcrenny via Twitter
THIS IS IT!!!!!!!!!!!

Billy puts the pieces together realizes Adam was the driver. He goes home and is shockingly calm. Victoria hasn't a clue what happened

Chelsea stops by to say goodbye to Johnny. She mentions that she and Adam are leaving ASAP which sends Billy over the edge.

Connor and Chelsea go to see Johnny and Billy grabs his gun and heads out to see Adam. Victor visits Adam and learns of their Paris plans.

Victor tells Adam to stay in GC with his grandson or he will tell everyone about what he did. Adam decides to confess to the crime.

He writes a note to Chelsea telling her that he loves her and lays out the confession tape for her to watch. As he leaves Billy arrives.

Billy points his gun at Adam and lets him know that he knows. He forces Adam to drive them to the accident site.

Meanwhile Chelsea goes to see Chloe and they they gave a tearful goodbye. Chloe is so angry and suspicious about why Adam is rushing them.

Chelsea goes home and is shocked to find the penthouse empty. She finds Adam's note and sits to watch the tape

Victor pays a visit to Victoria. Victoria notices the gun is missing.

Source: @jmcrenny via Twitter
Looks like nuBilly will immediately step in and take Billy Miller's place. There's new photo's posted showing both actors wearing the same clothes.

Also looks like Sharon and Nick will grow closer. So it looks like she's still keeping her secret going into February.

Now with Delia's killer found Billy is determined to make things right with Victoria. He is still overwhelmed with guilt about the ONS.

Look for Kelly and Stitch to play a role in Villy's drama as their past is revealed

Victor finds himself at odds with his family again. Ian is back and he will make it a point to get to know all members of her family.

Colin is determined to make things right with Cane. This causes friction with Lily and Cane

Seems like Hilary has eyes for Jack but his obsession with Victor is making him blind to it. Trouble ahead for Neil and Leslie's wedding.

Noah learns the truth about Courtney. Fen and Summer have to make big decisions about their futures.

The citizens of Genoa City all attend a gala that turns into a deadly situation.

Source: @jmcrenny via Twitter
Still at the courthouse, ChelC leaves to take care of some last minute things before they leave for Paris. Alone, Adam thanks Jack for being there for him. He even tells him he's been like the father he never had. The way Adam is talking, Jack believes he will never see him again. Victor interrupts them. Victor is there because he plans to hold Jack responsible for Summer's drug intake. After Jack leaves, Adam tells Victor he's leaving the country. Victor says if he leaves with Connor he will go to the police. Later at the penthouse, Adam tells his son goodbye saying he has to leave for a little while and that he loves him and ChelC promising he will come back after he pays for his crime which he is ready to face. Adam then writes a note for ChelC and places the video camera on top. Just as Adam is ready to leave the penthouse, Billy arrives.

At the GCAC, Jack confirms to Kyle that Bonaventure started manufacturing VivaSurge AFTER Victor had the company under Newman/Chancellor's umbrella, placing the blame on Summer directly on Victor. Victor walks in ready to attack Jack. Kyle defends his father and also quits his job. Victor retaliates by saying it saved him the trouble of firing Kyle because he knows Kyle was spying for Jack. After Kyle leaves, Jack tells Victor that he's happy Adam is walking away from him.

At the Ranch, Nikki is stunned to see Ian. Nikki, "Ian". He replies, "You DO remember me, Wonderful." Just then, Nikki gets a call from Dylan which she ignores. But Ian saw her caller ID, "My son." Ian takes the phone from Nikki. She tells him to give it back so she can call the police. Ian tells her he's not there to cause trouble. Instead, he intends to take credit for the way her life has turned out because of his teachings. Nikki tells him Dylan was "a product of a disgusting moment." Ian disagrees, and asks her to recall the situation with more accuracy. He remembers it as a "beautiful experience." Nikki slaps him HARD. Calling him disgusting and she doesn't believe he has an ounce of remorse and believes there's a special place in hell for him. They talk about Dylan. Ian admits he hasn't met Dylan yet but he intends to, he plans to stay in GC for a while and vows to see her again soon.

At Crimson Lights, Dylan tells Avery that he's looking forward to getting to know Nikki better. He admits he lost his bearings when he came to GC, but now he's ready to settle down. Avery is happy with his news and they plan a date for later. Afterwards, Nikki walks in to tell Dylan Ian Ward is in town.

At Villy's, Victor arrives to see Victoria and Johnny. Victor is there to check on Billy, saying that he doesn't blame him for Delia's death. They discuss Billy's current state.

In the garage, Billy is still standing by Adam's car. He's having flashbacks of his recent chats with Adam, he comes to the conclusion that Adam killed Delia. Billy wants to smash Adam's car but changes his mind. Instead he goes home. Billy tells his wife that he has been thinking about Delia and how she died and thinks he now has something figured out. Victoria tells him how proud she is of him. ChelC stops by to say goodbye to Johnny. Billy to ChelC, "You two think you can just walk away and leave everything?" ChelC tells Billy about all the good things Adam has done, but Billy doesn't want to hear any of it. After ChelC and Victoria go upstairs to see Johnny, Billy takes his gun out of the closet. Billy is gone when Victoria and ChelC come downstairs.


Chloe to ChelC, "What is Adam running from? What is he scared of?"

Paul reminds Kevin to not destroy Delia's murder investigation.

Adam tells Billy he is leaving. Billy points his gun at him, "No your not. You are coming with me."

Source: Crimson Lights
Honny, GOOD LUCK to your DD as she applies to colleges!!! I can say that my last one (I have two sons) just finally finished all his schooling. Attorney!! And in Nov he passed the BAR!! My oldest has an MBA!! Ya, I have gone through it all, undergrad and advanced degrees! Its an exciting, fun, and exhausting time all at once!

So, Honny, are you hearing, seeing, reading rumors that Billy Miller is going to General Hospital to play the role of Morgan that Steve Burton left GH to go to Y&R???


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