The Young and The Restless .. Take 5 .. Spoilers Welcome!

Since it is the soap world, Mystery Programmer Girl could be Eve, Victoria's long "dead" baby. They are getting a lot of airtime together, and in conflict.
Since it is the soap world, Mystery Programmer Girl could be Eve, Victoria's long "dead" baby. They are getting a lot of airtime together, and in conflict.

I think they are going to end up to be Aunt and niece(Dr. A and Nicks child)...or sister to sister...Victor did a lot of messing is possible to be her child and maybe it will be Dr. A that took her and replaced her with another baby saying she died...after all like you said it is soup world...heck she could be related to one of us :rotfl2:but agree she will have some kind of connection to Victoria....

Neil arrives. Hilary says she couldn’t sign the divorce papers. Neil asks if she is ready to give Devon a chance. She says she doesn’t know what she wants but has to decide what is good for her and Devon.

Lauren is treating Jill and Colin to lunch for their anniversary. They see Michael and Cane together and Jill becomes concerned.

Michael asks Cane if he is looking for personal advice or a lawyer to end his marriage. Cane says he wants things the way they were but he gets angry when remembers Lily’s affair. Michael tells him how he and Lauren fought their way back after her affair.

Jill asks Cane how things are going on his home front. She says they are throwing an impromptu party at GCAC and wants him to come. Cane leaves. Michael confirms that Cane is still in love with Lily. They make plans for the party in an effort to get Lily and Cane back together.

Devon tells Lily that Hilary said she could not sign the divorce papers and doesn’t understand why. Lily says Hilary is playing games between him and Neil. He asks how things are between her and Cane. She says Cane doesn’t want her. Devon feels her marriage is not over. Lily gets a call from Jill about arranging a party.

Michael calls Neil telling him this party is their opportunity to get Lily and Cane together.

Neil tells Devon that he rejected Hilary. Neil reminds Devon that Hilary lost her memory and he knows Hilary has deep feelings for Devon.

The partiers arrive and so does Cane. Lily and Cane exchange looks. Jill is pleased with herself when she sees the glances between Cane and Lily.

Jill and Colin argue. Colin asks if she is ever going to trust him. Cane breaks them up. Jill wants to break away from Colin. Lauren says no marriage is perfect and they have to fight for it. Cane points out how much Colin loves Jill in spite of her flaws and vice versa. Lily goes to Cane and they decide to go somewhere to talk about it. Everyone drops the act and watches Cane and Lily leave. Everyone is please with their performances for Cane and Lily. Neil says the right people are back together, mission accomplished. Everyone leaves. Neil guzzles down a glass of champagne.

Dr. A asks Sage how she feels. Sage says she is relieved being in Fairview. She says if three doctors say she needs to be there then this is where she needs to be. Sage apologizes to Dr. A for hitting her. Sage says it scares her to be in Fairview. She still thinks Dr. A wants Nick. Dr. A says they have to trust each other. Sage says Nick doesn’t want her. Dr. A suggests that Sage stay away from Nick and it would be a great idea if she left town when her treatment is over. Dr. A brings in a written test for Sage to take and has a male nurse stay with her.

When she finishes her test, the nurse is about to take her to her room when an inmate runs by them. The nurse chases after him. Sage returns to Dr. A’s office and finds a book called “Living with Paralysis”.

Faith gives Nick a picture she drew for Sage since she won’t be coming home for a while. Nick asks who told her that. Sharon says she did. Nick says Sharon should have run it past him first on what to say to Faith. Sharon says Sage is in trouble. Nick says Sage is not in as much trouble as she thinks. Nick says Sage is working with Dr. A which surprises Sharon since she knows Sage hates Dr. A.

Nick gets a call from Sage. He is floored when she tells him that Dr. A said she and Nick should break up and Sage should leave town when her treatment is done.

Nick calls Dr. A asking her to meet him at the Top of the Tower. He says he wants to talk about them not Sage. She agrees.

Faith tells Sharon she wants to live with her, Dylan and Sully.

Hilary’s Suite
Hilary has a flashback. She tells Devon he is everything to her and she loves him. Devon tells her how much he loves her and cannot imagine his life without her. She remembers their love making.

When Devon arrives she says she wants to be with him. She says she was wallowing in her own guilt and wanted to fix what she did to Neil. She asks for one more chance. He says he is happy she found clarity but he doesn’t think he could do this again and leaves.

Dr. A tells Nick that Sage is progressing well, but it’s important for her to help him as well. She says she hates how Sharon and Sage have treated him. He says he has made his mistakes. She says she cares for him and kisses him.

Guest Suite
Cane tells Lily he misses her. They kiss and make love.

Day Ahead
- Noah apologizes to Billy – Billy says Noah was there
- Adam asks Luca how he thinks someone is going to respond this isn’t just something they found out. Luca is the one who ratted him out
- Marisa tells Chelsea she needs to know where Adam is springing the trap on Luca – she needs to stop this

SOURCE Blondie215 from soapcentral

Marisa’s Suite
Luca says today is the day he takes down his father’s company. Marisa is uneasy. It went down to easily she doesn’t want anything bad to happen to him.

Chelsea sees a message on Adam’s phone “Good luck today”. Adam comes down and says this is about getting rid of the Santories. Chelsea says she has a bad feeling about this and wants him to call it off. Chelsea says Luca is probably conning him like Adam is conning Luca. Adam assures her everything is going to be okay.

Marisa arrives and asks Chelsea if the plan to take their respective fathers down is legitimate because it feels like a set up. She needs to know if Luca is going to be double-crossed. Chelsea says this is Marisa’s chance to be free. Chelsea says everyone knows Marisa is in love with Noah. She says Marisa is with Luca for a reason. Marisa says she chooses to stay with Luca. Chelsea says whatever ties her to Luca ends today. Marisa says she needs to stop this before all hell breaks loose.

At the bar Dr. A kisses Nick. Nick breaks away and says he loves his wife. She says what happened to Sage is not his fault. Dr. A says the kiss probably confused him but she is trying to take his pain away. She knows how difficult it is for him to watch someone suffer. She says Sage has not been able to find her balance since the baby’s death. She apologizes for overstepping and it won’t happen again. Nick gets a call from Sharon.

Vicky and Billy are having lunch when Noah arrives. Noah says he is sorry what happened to him. Billy says to Noah, ‘you were there’ outside his hospital room. Billy gets a call and walks away.

Vicky asks why Noah is so tense. Noah asks if he is supposed just forget Victor had Marisa kidnapped. Vicky says he does not have to forget, just not let it take him over. He is blaming Victor for everything who explains everything away by saying it was for the sake of family. Vicky defends Victor. She says Victor loves Adam and would not risk losing him for anyone.

Vicky tells him to find a way to forgive Victor. Noah says she doesn’t know him. Vicky insists she does. Billy comes back and has a flashback to his accident.

Marisa arrives and Noah goes to see her and she asks him what he told Billy.
Billy has another flashback about the accident. He tells her he is starting to remember the night of the accident.

Faith says she wants to live with Sharon all the time. Sharon tells her that Nick is just helping Sage get through a rough patch but she will talk to Nick.

Nick arrives. Sharon tells him that Faith wants to live with her permanently. Nick says Sage will be fine very soon. He blames Sharon for Faith feeling the way she is. She says Faith had the right to know Sage is sick. Nick shouldn’t have told her that Sage will be home soon. Nick says it’s not a lie. Sharon defends Dr. A. Nick asks Faith if she wants to stay with Sharon. He says he wants her happy and if she wants to live with Sharon he’s okay with it.

Nick listens to Sage’s voicemail and is alarmed.

Sage calls Nick and says she found something but doesn’t know what it means. She is caught by an orderly who hangs the phone up and takes the book away from her.

Sage is locked in her room but gets the orderly’s attention. She asks him to let her call Nick. The orderly tries to leave but Sage takes his hand. The orderly sedates her. Dr. A arrives and asks the orderly what happened.

Dr. A tells Sage she is sorry this happened but says Sage attacked the orderly. She assures Sage that she can tell her anything.

Nick arrives and Dr. A says visiting hours are over. He says he has to come to terms about everything and goes in to see Sage. Sage tells him that she found a book on paralysis. It’s an old book with notes scribbled all over it.

Dr. A tells the orderly that Sage is more dangerous than she realized.

Adam gives the FBI agent his files and leaves. Luca then gives his information to the agent.

Marisa arrives. Outside Victor’s office Adam stops her from going to see Luca. The agent leaves. Adam tells Luca that guy was someone from security and has worked at NE for 10 years and Luca has one way out, the door. Adam says they could work something out but Luca has to leave NE and the country. Luca says no. Adam asks Luca how he thinks his father is going to respond when he finds out Luca is the one who ratted him out. Adam says Luca’s father is going to prison and the real FBI agent gets the dossier and recording. Luca says then Noah goes to jail for a hit and run.

Day Ahead
- Lily tells Cane if things are going to work for them Cane will have to forgive and trust her again
- Kevin says Victor fought for this and wants to know why Natalie wants to hop on a jet and get back to ‘when I can’ routine
- Chelsea asks Adam if his big plan just blew up

SOURCE Blondie215 from soapcentral
Really? Cane and Lily fixed their troubles by watching a fake fight? Please.

A book on paralysis for a woman who definitely appears to NOT be paralyzed. She's a shrink. It's entirely plausible that she was counseling someone having troubles coming to terms with paralysis. A book like that in her office means nothing. Oh wait. I forgot this is soap world.
Really? Cane and Lily fixed their troubles by watching a fake fight? Please.

A book on paralysis for a woman who definitely appears to NOT be paralyzed. She's a shrink. It's entirely plausible that she was counseling someone having troubles coming to terms with paralysis. A book like that in her office means nothing. Oh wait. I forgot this is soap world.

I think she is the young girl that got paralyzed when with Nick and Victor payed off the family and she is no longer paralyzed and so she came back for what ever reason to interfere in Nicks like.. she is a Psycho...maybe not even the real Doctor A.....maybe she killed that Doctor and took her identity and moved to GC......she could have studied enough in books to just get by claiming to be a shrink.....

Lily and Cane....BLAH already....

Noah is cracking....and Sharon is turning nuts again and no one notices...after they all know that her medication was cut back....
I think she is the young girl that got paralyzed when with Nick and Victor payed off the family and she is no longer paralyzed and so she came back for what ever reason to interfere in Nicks like.. she is a Psycho...maybe not even the real Doctor A.....maybe she killed that Doctor and took her identity and moved to GC......she could have studied enough in books to just get by claiming to be a shrink.....

Lily and Cane....BLAH already....

Noah is cracking....and Sharon is turning nuts again and no one notices...after they all know that her medication was cut back....

I'm sure that's who it is...I just think it's a dumb clue. :)
And for the love of Pete, why doesn't Adam just freakin' come clean to ChelC. She was pretty much telling him to just get it out and she'd deal with it.
And maybe Dr A is Dr N's daughter and he helped her recover with his un-tested treatment. Then Natalie could be Dr A's and Nick's...voila a whole new family. Then can we get rid of the boring Winters family.

When Victoria leaves her laptop open, Billy is tempted to look at her files about Natalie’s software

Patty Williams returns and is sent to Fairview. She meets Sage. Patty makes it known she knows secrets. Sage tries to uncover them.

Summer joins Newman Enterprises

CASTING: the show is looking for a wedding planner and an adoption counselor!

SOURCE: @jmcrenny from Twitter

Guest Suite
Lily and Cane make love. After the love making, Lily says that outside this room nothing has changed. Lily wants him to come home. She says if things are going to work, he will have to forgive and trust her again. He says he doesn’t know if he can do that. Lily says then things end here.

Lily says they should join the party again. Cane suddenly realizes this whole thing was a set up and he realizes this was Jill’s plan. Lily tries to leave but Cane grabs her, kisses her and shuts the door.

Natalie arrives and tells Mariah and Kevin she is working on the glitch in her program. She says that Vicky is overseeing her while Victor is on vacation. Kevin says Victor fought for this and wants to know why he would leave town right now. After Natalie leaves Mariah and Kevin wonder if Natalie is planning on selling the program to someone else.

Luca threatens to expose Noah for the hit and run. He realizes Adam didn’t know. Adam doesn’t believe Luca. Chelsea arrives and asks what Adam doesn’t believe. Luca says he will give them a few minutes and leaves. Adam tells Chelsea he hasn’t done anything. Luca is upset and lashing out. Chelsea asks Adam if his big plan just blew up. Adam confirms that he is working with Victor not against him. He tells her to go home and be with Connor. Chelsea asks if he is dismissing her now? She congratulates him saying his transformation into Victor is complete and leaves.

Noah arrives and Adam asks him if he hit Billy. Noah admits it. He says Victor knew and covered it up. Adam is upset that Victor didn’t tell him. Noah tells Adam to throw him under the bus and they can get rid of Luca. Adam refuses. Noah asks Adam why he wants to help him. Adam says he has been in that position before. He advises Noah to keep quiet about the hit and run. Noah asks how Adam lives with it. Adam says he can’t live with it. He says there is a difference, Noah didn’t take a life, he did. Adam says DD is not coming back but Billy survived. Adam says that secrets are an unfortunate fact of life.

Noah tells Marisa he didn’t say anything to Billy but Billy is having flashback and it’s only a matter of time before Billy puts it together. Noah says he just told Billy he was sorry for what happened to him. Marisa says the more time he spends with Billy the more it will bring things into focus for Billy.

Luca arrives and says Noah was in on the deal in a way. Luca and Marisa leave.

Vicky asks Billy about the memories. Billy says he was already beaten up and these may just be hallucinations. Billy tells Vicky he needs to find who did this to him. Noah hears him. Vicky is worried that Billy will go into that dark place he was in when DD died. Billy says this is different. When he lost DD he was full of rage. Vicky wants him to go home and let the kids crawl over him.

Luca tells Marisa the Newman’s set a trap for him and he fell into it even after she warned him. He says Adam was shocked to hear Noah was the hit and run driver. She can’t believe Luca is so proud of himself. Luca says he is not leaving NE. They tried to force him out but now he has more power than ever. She asks him if he sold Noah out to keep someone else’s company. He says not it was to keep them at NE. She slaps him.

Later Noah confronts Marisa and tells her he is going to the police to confess.

Back at NE
Luca returns and says his family still has a stake in the company and Adam must realize how valuable he is to NE. He now wants more power and control. Adam gives Luca the recording and the dossier on the Santories. Luca tells Adam to call daddy and tell him how he screwed up.

Natalie’s Suite
Natalie finds Billy in her room. She asks what he is doing there. Billy apologizes for breaking in but he is trying to be discreet. He says he didn’t just promise her money. This deal is his redemption. There is a knock at the door. It’s Vicky. Billy hides. Vicky says she wants a status report. She says it’s her job to make sure Natalie is doing her job. Vicky gets a text from Billy asking if she is done and he misses her. She leaves.

Billy comes down and meets up with Vicky. He tells her he has figured out how to make peace with all this.

Chelsea returns and tells Anita that Adam is lying to her again. She says something is going on that is risky and dangerous and Adam is covering up something. She says Adam hasn’t changed, he is still lying to her. Chelsea says she doesn’t want Adam to turn into Victor. She says Victor is holding something over Adam’s head.

Day Ahead
- Chelsea asks Marisa to tell her what’s happening and if Adam is involve. Marisa says she can’t tell her
- Nick says Sharon is right, he can’t keep her in the dark any longer
- Patty says Hi Pauly – long-time no see

SOURCE: Blondie215 from Soapcentral
I like Patty...funny how she comes back at a convenient time :rolleyes1:teeth:

Looks like Patty will save the day with Sage.....wonder how long it will take for the truth of the baby to come out? I will be very happy for SAGE :flower:and not so sorry for Sharon because of all her lies in the first place and knowing deep down that something is just not right.....Dylan AGAIN will loose another baby....but wont find out right away that Sharon lost the baby in the first place....

Cant tell if Marisa is really falling in love with Luca or still in love with Noah? what say you?????
She doesn't love Luca. Don't know what her deal is with Noah...maybe she loves him or maybe she'd love his money.

Nick tells Sharon he wants to know more about Dr. A. Sharon feels her information wouldn’t be useful in Sage’s situation. Nick asks if Sharon was always positive towards Dr. A. Sharon says there were a few times she questioned Dr. A’s treatments. Sharon accuses Nick of attacking Dr. A and she wants to know what’s going on. He says he can’t keep her in the dark any longer. He explains that Sage is fine and that he and Sage have a plan to find out why Dr. A is targeting their family. He says Dr. A kissed him and Dr. A is not who Sharon thinks she is. He needs Sharon to believe him.

Sage tells Dr. A she wanted to call Nick but the orderly drugged her. Dr. A wants to know why she had to talk to Nick. Sage says she doesn’t want to lose Nick while she is in Fairview and to tell him to convince Sharon to let her spend time with Sully. Dr. A says this is proof that Sage is fixated on Sully and Sage has never dealt with the loss of her son. Sage says she blamed Nick for the baby’s death. Dr. A says she is still blaming Nick. Dr. A says when that she met with Nick, he got a call from Sharon and he went running to her.

Noah tells Marisa he is going to the police to confess. She asks him not to go for her sake. He says he is done with her games and she is not going back to Luca. He doesn’t believe her and leaves.

Luca says that he is holding all the cards and Noah’s fate in his hands. He can’t wait to see the look on Victor’s face when he learns the balance of power has shifted. Adam says neither can he because when Victor finds out what Luca is doing to Noah; Victor will take Luca down. Adam gets a call from Marisa asking him to stop Noah from confessing. Adam says Luca’s plan just went up in smoke because Noah is on his way to confess.

Later, Marisa is pacing in Victor’s office when Chelsea arrives. She says Adam has refused to tell her why Luca is staying on. She says Luca seemed very pleased with himself and wants to know why and what Marisa is hiding. Chelsea asks if this whole thing is about Noah. She asks Marisa to tell her what’s happening and if Adam is involve. Marisa says she can’t tell her. Marisa tells her to ask Adam and leaves.

Noah is told Paul is with Patty. Adam and Luca arrive. Noah says he should have done this weeks ago. Adam says Victor would not want him confessing and convince him to not confess.

Paul finds out that Patty has been living on the streets. He wants to know how she escaped from Fairview. He goes to talk to Patty. Paul says he thought she was dead but then found out that she was with Ian Ward. Paul says Ian is in prison and has done some really bad things. She asks to live with Paul. He reminds her she has done some bad things too and has to go back to Fairview. Paul says Patty told him Dylan couldn’t trust her. Patty says its Dr. A he can’t trust and that she is evil. Paul says it’s time to go to Fairview but she fights him. Paul calms her down and they leave.

Paul walks the halls with Patty and bump into Dr. A. Dr. A says she is happy to see Patty, who calls her a liar. Paul tells her he loves her and she goes to her room.

Alone with Dr. A, Paul says Patty has some interesting things to say about her. He reminds her that Patty escaped under her watch and she needs to take better care of Patty than she did the last time. Dr. A assures him she will. She says nothing is more important than her patients’ welfare. Nick overhears the conversation.

Nick tells Sage he told Sharon everything. He warns Sage to stay away from Patty because she is dangerous. Patty says she is not dangerous just the keeper of secrets.

Dr. A tells Patty she wants her to consider this a fresh start and she doesn’t want Patty making friends or interfering with their treatments. Dr. A gets a call from Sharon asking her to come to see her.

Noah and Kevin are talking when Adam and Luca arrive, Kevin leaves. Adam is alone with Noah and asks if Noah is still determined to confess. Noah says no.

Marisa arrives to hear Noah tell Luca he is going to go along with Luca’s plan so that they can take Victor down together. He wants Victor to know he can’t control him. Marisa tries to stop him saying she never gave a damn about Luca and leaves.

Adam comes home to find Chelsea packing. She tells him she and Connor are leaving. She says he keeps shutting her out. She says he refuses to stay in a marriage where her husband keeps secrets. He is too invested in NE and she needs to go away for a while. Adam apologizes and agrees to tell her everything.

Day Ahead
- Sharon to Dr. A: Nick suspects…. Dr. A: Nick suspects what
- Nick tells Sage her plan puts her in more danger
- Adam yells at Noah saying Noah is going to prison

SOURCE: Blondie215 from Soapcentral

Chelsea wants to know the truth. Adam says Noah was the driver that hit Billy and Luca found out about it. Now the Santoris are firmly implanted in NE and he doesn’t know how to get rid of them. Chelsea says covering this up is the worst choice. She reminds him of DD and how that cost him dearly. He says Victor knew about this and told Noah to cover it up. He wants to make sure that Noah doesn’t go through the same hell he went through. He says Noah would not survive prison. Chelsea doesn’t want him involved. He tells her he loves her and leaves.

Luca questions Noah about getting even with Victor. Luca is reluctant to make a deal because he was betrayed by Adam and asks if Noah has been sent to do the same thing. Noah says he will not let Victor control his life. He asks if Noah is the next one to con him. Noah says when Victor finds out that Luca knows about him hitting Billy he will not stop until Luca and his family are crushed.

Summer arrives and tells Noah that Victor has brought her into NE. He tries to persuade her not to join NE. Noah gets a text from Adam to meet him.

Vicky and Billy are having a romantic evening when Vicky’s keeps getting emails. Billy closes her laptop and kisses her.

Chelsea comes to see Billy and says he looks really good. He says the police have not found the driver. He says he has had a few flashbacks. He says he is happy, he is home, back at Jabot and with the love of his life. He is not looking for the driver. She says he deserves to be happy and leaves.

Billy tells Vicky that Chelsea seemed to be more concerned about the driver than he is. Billy thinks Chelsea may be covering for Adam. He says he doesn’t want to go down that road again and says he is not going to look for the driver.

Dr. A says Sharon has come too far to let someone else’s problems get in her way. She asks what Nick told her. Sharon says that Nick suspects that he has feelings for her. Dr. A says that Nick sees her as a place of solace. She says Nick will be counting on her more in the future. Sharon says Nick is such a great man. Dr. A says way back to high school. Sharon says Nick always did the right thing. Dr. A says no he didn’t. Not always. Sharon asks what she meant by that. Dr. A says she just wanted to inject some clarity. Dr. A says she is sure that Victor exerted control on Nick and his father’s approval impacted on Nick. Sharon says Nick has always stood up to Vic. Dr. A says men are weak, they always hurt you and they always leave. Dr. A says Nick is Sage’s problem. She thanks her for sharing and says she will be very discrete.

Sharon tells Nick how Dr. A was fixated on Nick and Victor. Sharon says that Dr. A is crossing the ethical line treating Sage. Nick shows Sharon the book. Sharon says that Dr. A mentioned something about Nick in high school. Sharon feels betrayed by Dr. A. Suddenly the pieces fall together for Nick and he tells Sharon Dr. A is Sandra Allen. Nick remembers her accident and realizes this about revenge. Sharon can’t believe she did not see Dr. A for what she is. Nick says Patty warned him about Dr. A. He says he has to get Sage out of Fairview and leaves.

Nick asks Patty what secrets she knows. Patty says some people in Fairview cannot be trusted. She talks about Dr. A and how well she healed Sharon. Nick asks Patty what she knows about how Dr. A treated Sharon. Patty says it’s time for Sage’s nap and she will get some of Dr. A’s special recipe and leaves.

Sage tells Nick that Patty has spent a lot of time here and she wants to find out what Patty knows. Nick is against her going anywhere near Patty. He is afraid Sage is putting herself in danger.

Nick goes into Dr. A’s office. He finds the book on Living with Paralysis and leaves.

Patty asks if Sage and Nick have a plan. Patty tries to tell Sage something when D. A arrives and yells at Patty, then threatens her.

Later Sage tries to talk to Patty but Patty seems to be in a daze.

Nick and Sharon come to see Dr. A and find her on the office floor. She had been stabbed in the back.

Adam tells Noah he needs Luca out of the company before Victor gets home. With Noah gone, Luca loses leverage. Adam says if Billy finds out Noah hit him he will go after him. Adam says he wants to keep Noah out of danger. Noah takes the ticket and leaves.

Chelsea tells Adam she saw Billy but didn’t tell him about Noah. Billy deserves to be happy again.

Noah returns and tells Luca Adam wants him to leave the country but he is going to stay.

Day Ahead
- Chelsea tells Marisa she knows what Noah did
- Adam tells Victor he has Noah on the plane leaving the county. Victor wants to know what good that would do
- Noah to Luca: Like it or not Luca, you are the only person I can work with on the inside

SOURCE: Blondie215 from soapcentral
soooo who killed Dr. A...or is she faking her death? wont know till we see it.....why did the writers kill her off? we just find out who she is and shes dead???? WHAT???? so we get no crazy Dr. A telling her story.....wanted to see her in Fairview as a patient....Victor must have really done her over good after her accident.....that part is sad....

Nick and Sharon find Dr. A. She has been stabbed to death. Nick is worried Sage may have done this. When Dylan calls Sharon, Nick tells Dylan to get to Fairview right away.

Sage asks Patty if Dr. A hurt her then sees the blood on Patty’s sweater. Sage touches Patty’s sweater and asks her what happened. Patty is non-responsive. As Sage leaves the room she bumps into Nick and Sharon and tells them the blood is Patty’s. Nick says it’s Dr. A’s and that she is dead.

Paul and Dylan arrive. Sharon explains the whole plan and why Sage is in Fairview. She says Dr. A was a woman in love with Nick a very long time ago.

Nick says her real name was Sandy Allen and she was from his high school days. Sharon explains how Dr. A infiltrated their lives to get to Nick. Paul asks if there are any suspects. Nick tells Paul that Patty did it. Paul says that Patty was scared to death of Dr. A but he did nothing.

Patty has a flashback: She bursts into Dr. A’s office. Dr. A tells her to leave. Patty says they need to chat about a baby. She says that Sharon, was not allowed visitors and talked to her belly. Patty says she knows there was no baby. She accuses Dr. A of giving Sage’s baby to Sharon and all she has to do is whisper that to Sage. Dr. A threatens to lock her up if she says anything. Patty says a DNA test can prove the baby is Sage’s. Dr. A admits her past with Nick while preparing a syringe. She admits she took Nick’s baby to hurt him. Patty says she has to tell the truth. Dr. A brings out the syringe. Patty knocks it out of her hand, grabs the letter opener and stabs Dr. A.

Nick says there was something familiar about Dr. A the first time he met her but he didn’t put it together. He says he went to see Sandy after the accident to apologize.

Paul asks Patty if Dr. Anderson tried to hurt her. Patty is out of it. Paul cries and tells her he is sorry. He tells her he knows Patty did this for a reason. She keeps singing “Hush little baby don’t say a word….”.

Sage tells Dylan that Dr. A that Patty escaped to warn Dylan about Dr. A . and that Sandy was hiding a lot more.

Paul says Patty killed Dr. A in cold blood and his love couldn’t help her. He thought she was getting better. Dylan tries to calm him and says they need to investigate further.

Noah tells Luca his plan to take Victor down and Luca is the only person he can work on the inside. Noah says someone has to stop Victor. Luca agrees to help Noah. Noah warns him that Summer is off limits. Luca is summoned to Victor’s office.

Adam thanks Chelsea for not telling Billy that Noah was the driver. Victor arrives. Victor asks Chelsea to give him a minute with Adam. She says she knows about the blackmail. Adam says he had to tell Chelsea about Luca’s blackmail. Adam asks Chelsea to go home and wait for him. Chelsea leaves.

Adam tells him that Noah was going to run to the police and he had to stop him. He says Noah will be on a plane the next day negating Luca’s leverage. Victor says he does not trust Adam. Adam says Victor should have told him about Noah so he wouldn’t be blindsided.

Luca Arrives. Victor says Luca made a grave mistake. Luca says he made a brilliant move and shifted the balance of power to the Santoris all because Adam overplayed his hand. Adam leaves. Luca taunts Adam saying the next time Adam wants to play with the big boys he better be prepared. Victor grabs Luca by the lapels. He says no one beats Victor Newman. Luca says Victor can’t touch him. He says he has left two files with his lawyer should anything happen to him; one about Noah and the other detailing Victor’s dealings with Marco. Victor tells Luca to get out and this is not over. Luca smiles, and leaves.

Chelsea finds Marisa and tells her that she knows about Noah. Marisa plays dumb. Noah arrives and Chelsea says she knows about the accident and the smartest thing Noah could do is leave on the next plane. Chelsea tells him not to make the same mistake she and Adam did. She says Victor will be part of every breath Noah takes. Noah refuses to leave. Marisa says she would go with him. She says there is one way to bring Victor down and that’s Noah living with her. She says she has always loved Noah and is done with Luca.

Adam comes home and Chelsea says he needs to be completely honest with her for them to survive. He assures her that he is not turning into Victor. She just wants to make sure that Victor does not come between them. She says she will stay as long as he is honest with her.

Day Ahead
- Abby tells Dr. N and Ashley she wants to know what’s going on
- Victor asks Natalie where she has been and where is the program he paid for
- Neil yells at Jack saying he will drink if he wants to and Jack can’t do anything about it

SOURCE Blondie215 from soapcentral

Summer arrives and asks if she can have a mega monitor like his in her office. Victor is confused. Summer says Luca hired her. He tells her not to talk or go near Luca. Natalie arrives and Summer leaves.

Vicky arrives. Natalie explains her program and that no password is needed. When she tries to open the program her access is denied. Victor tells she has one week to get her program working. She leaves.

Vicky thinks Natalie is hiding something. She thinks Natalie may be working with a silent partner. Victor thinks Phyllis might be behind it, but Vicky says Phyllis would not chance losing Jack. Victor accuses Billy and Vicky says Billy would not jeopardize his family and he has learned his lesson.

Dr. N wants Ash to go home because she is worn out. She asks him to give her something to get her through the day. Abby arrives and asks where to start.

Devon tells Hilary he came to check up on Ash and Dr. N. Neil arrives and says his job is to steer the company, balance the budget and secure FDA approval. He says Hilary’s job is to be Dr. N’s pincushion. Neil says Lily, Cane, Devon and Hilary are finding their way back to each other. Neil goes into the lab. Devon say Neil still loves her and thinks he should tell Neil there is no happy ending. Hilary says she still hopes for one.

Abby asks if Ash is okay and Ash assures her she is fine. Abby wants Ash to go to the hospital and have Ben run some tests. Dr. N says Ash has the flu. Ben calls Abby and says there is an emergency and he wants Abby to meet him. She leaves.
Dr. N says the effects of the protocol may make Ash feel worse. Ash says she is tired of keeping this from her family. She says his miracle cure is crap but then apologizes. He says they both know she could be right. She says she is sick of feeling sick and they hug. Dr. N convinces Ash to go home and rest.

Devon asks Neil why he is acting so unprofessionally. Neil accuses Devon of being unprofessional because he is sleeping with one of his employees. Hilary says she is Devon’s wife something Neil kept reminding her of. Neil says this about having a moral compass. Hilary says this is coming from someone who locked her up in a boathouse and let everyone think she was dead. Neil yells that he saved her life. He accuses Hilary of being ungrateful. Devon wants Neil to go home. Neil gets angry and says Devon is trying to manage him and he doesn’t like it. Neil says to hell with both of them and leaves. Devon says he may have to fire Neil and is worried that Neil may start drinking again.

Billy, Vicky, Jack and Phyllis are having drinks. Jack tells Billy that Vicky and family should be his priority and there is no rush to bet back to work. Vicky gets a text and says she has to go. Jack asks if Billy still wants in on this internet security program. Billy says he does but no business deal is going to get between him and Vicky. Jack leaves. Phyllis says they both know they are risking everything they love. Billy says if she wants out now is the time. They get a text from Natalie who wants to see them.

Jack sees Neil drinking. Jack tries to stop Neil from drinking but Neil wants Jack to leave him alone. Neil grabs Jack by the lapels and says he is going to drink if he wants to and there is nothing Jack can do about it. Jack convinces him and Neil accuses Jack of not fighting fair. Jack offers to drive Neil home but Neil ops for a cab. Billy and Phyllis come down the stairs and Jack asks them where they have been.

Ben tells Max he needs to accept Abby. Ben wants them to be a family and asks Max to sleep on it. Summer arrives to stay with Max. Ben asks her to keep a close eye on Max and leaves. Max and Summer are getting along really well and she brings up Abby but Max is not interested. Summer says when her parents parted ways, she didn’t know where she belonged. She says Abby is one of the good people. Max says he left his gloves in the park and wants to find them but Summer goes instead. When she returns Max is gone.

Billy and Phyllis arrive. Natalie tells them Victor was furious and has given her a week to fix the program. Natalie shows them the working program. Billy and Phyllis are impressed and leave. Natalie thanks Victor for allowing her to implant something in Victor’s computer so she can eavesdrop on his conversations. She learns that Victor is going to have someone spy on her.

Guest Suite
Abby goes to a suite at GCAC and Ben says he just needed some quality time with her and the make love. Max arrives and Ben tells Max knows this is out of line and he has no business there.

Day Ahead
- Billy romances Vicky
- Patty yells at Dylan she is not a murderer and he is lying
- Nick tells Victor he needs to accept some responsibility and Victor yells back, the hell he will

SOURCE: Blondie215 from soapcentral


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