The What's For Dinner Thread - October'11 (recipe index in OP)

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Not quite the breakfast drink. I had to search for it before I forgot.:rolleyes1
It was such a pretty drink.

Ok back to work for me.:upsidedow

I have had vodka and grapefruit for breakfast before... mostly on vacation...:rolleyes1 mostly.....:rotfl:
Thanks for the well wishes, I'm feeling MUCH better. Not ready to head back to the gym yet though. Hoping to be able to keep up with everyone here now.:goodvibes

Jen - That olive bread looked insanely good!:worship:

WFD - Red beans & rice, Cajun sausages and a salad.
Hi all!! I am so far behind that I am going to just jump back in. I really hope things slow down - :rotfl2: what am I thinking - Advent is just around the corner. Oh well I will try to be better around here or you just might kick me out. ;)

We are under a winter storm warning. Good grief they say we are to get upwards of 4" of snow. This is not starting out to be a calm winter.

Yesterday we got to meet the new girlfriend. Her name is Elizabeth and a real sweet girl. I loved the fact that she talks - not shy at all. And I love that!!! We went out to dinner and really had fun. It was so much easier to leave Matthew seeing him so happy. The light is back in my boys eyes and that is a good thing.

I have Zumba tonight so Doug is in charge of Dinner. I will leave instructions and he can get it finished. I bought a rice cooker this weekend and can't wait to use it.

WFDT ~ Madrine Orange Chicken, brown rice, aspergraus spears and sliced peaches.

Make it a great day everyone and stay warm.
Hi all!! I am so far behind that I am going to just jump back in. I really hope things slow down - :rotfl2: what am I thinking - Advent is just around the corner. Oh well I will try to be better around here or you just might kick me out. ;)

We are under a winter storm warning. Good grief they say we are to get upwards of 4" of snow. This is not starting out to be a calm winter.

Yesterday we got to meet the new girlfriend. Her name is Elizabeth and a real sweet girl. I loved the fact that she talks - not shy at all. And I love that!!! We went out to dinner and really had fun. It was so much easier to leave Matthew seeing him so happy. The light is back in my boys eyes and that is a good thing.

I have Zumba tonight so Doug is in charge of Dinner. I will leave instructions and he can get it finished. I bought a rice cooker this weekend and can't wait to use it.

WFDT ~ Madrine Orange Chicken, brown rice, aspergraus spears and sliced peaches.

Make it a great day everyone and stay warm.

Isn't it wonderful when they meet someone that makes them happy and that you like as well. I so wish that was the case with my DS. :confused:
Thanks for the well wishes, I'm feeling MUCH better. Not ready to head back to the gym yet though. Hoping to be able to keep up with everyone here now.:goodvibes.

I am glad you are feeling better!!

PIO, nice farm pics. The cow has such a funny expression on her face!

Jen, I was wondering if that was the PW olive bread when I saw your pic on facebook. I LOVE that bread. So cheesy and salty!

Aimee, those enchiladas look delicious! Did you use velveeta or cheddar?

Catching up on weekend cooking. Friday I took no pics. Saturday, at Liam's request I made Jiko-based food. Here is my version of the Taste of Africa appetizer. Front to back there is charmoula, minted tomato-cucumber relish, kalamata olive hummus, and sambal:


To go with, since I now have a working oven, I made two large peda breads, one plain, one sesame:


there was also a couple of grilled porterhouse steaks, and some harissa-marinated grilled chicken:


Later that evening Caili and I baked some blueberry struesel muffins:


Sunday I made spaghetti and meatballs. I didn't get a picture of that, but I tdid take a photo of the spinach and artichoke mushrooms that I made:


WFD: I had planned on mushroom baguette, but I woke up with a cold and so am now thinking about making spicy asian soup.
Isn't it wonderful when they meet someone that makes them happy and that you like as well. I so wish that was the case with my DS. :confused:

Brandi, it has been a LONG time coming. 2 years ago his girlfried of 4 1/2 years kicked him to the curb completely out of the blue. Matthew has been so cautious ever since. So yes it is great to see him happy and opening his heart again. But of course as a Mom I worry.

Your DS will find "the one" I am sure. But again, as a Moms, we like to see them happy.
Hello all. Kind of a quiet weekend. Had my godsons game Friday night, they lost, which was expected but did have some pretty good plays. This included my godsons Batman like sack of the QB. He has really long arms and will swoop in, like Batman, arms wide, throw them around a player, hook his hands together and take them down.

Didn't go to my DN's swim meet, just too far and I had stuff to get done. My DM was gone all last week to visit my DB so I had to get the house cleaning done. ;) Yesterday I had shopping to do for work and home.

Made Broccolli Cheddar soup for dinner last night, pretty good but not enough "cheesy" taste for me. Next time I think I am going to use sharp cheddar instead of medium and mild.
Thanks! We had a problem with the IV this morning, and couldn't get it to drip. The nurse came by in the afternoon and put in a new line and tomorrow he will take it out after she does her last treatment. We've emailed the Doctor photos of the wound and she says it's definitely healing. The nurse also said that it was healing well. He'll discharge her tomorrow and another nurse will take over the wound care.

Sounds like good progress is being made :thumbsup2

Sunday we went to church, then just relaxed around the house until we went to Jacob's Court of Honor. He received 2 Scout rank advancements, and 4 merit badges!!! He was so proud of himself. He really wants to make Eagle Scout before he turns 14!

Congrats to Jacob!!

Thanks for the well wishes, I'm feeling MUCH better. Not ready to head back to the gym yet though. Hoping to be able to keep up with everyone here now.:goodvibes


what am I thinking - Advent is just around the corner. Oh well I will try to be better around here or you just might kick me out. ;)

Advent is, like, three weeks away! :eek: Where did the time go? :confused3

I'm so happy for Matthew!!!

Aimee, those enchiladas look delicious! Did you use velveeta or cheddar?

Well... you know processed cheese holds a special place in my heart so I had to go for the Velveeta. I'm high class like that :laughing:

Hope your cold gets better asap!

Tonight I'm trying a new recipe, courtesy of Pinterest - Korean beef rice bowls. Looks fast and easy - my kind of meal!
I'm glad Fran is healing. It's difficult when things don't happen quickly. :hug:

Still thinking of ya'.

Those kitties probably know you need some snuggles!

We finished watching some more episodes with Stephen Fry yesterday. I absolutely love him! He's hilarious!

Thanks! We're just wrapping up the last of the antibiotics, the nurse will come this afternoon and take out the injection tube.

We loved the Stephen Fry series, it was just snarky enough with his attitude to make us laugh!
I am so glad to hear that Fran is healing well.
and that both of you are getting the much needed rest.


I don't really have a recipe...:thumbsup2

I just make them same way my Meme used to make them.

take a whole fryer, and rinse it off, pull everything from the inside, out of the bird.

Put the whole chicken in a stock pot, cover with water, add a whole onion quartered, a couple of stalks of celery chopped, add a couple of bay leaves, throw in some thyme, and add two bullion cubes.

bring to a boil, then down to medium and let cook for 1/2 an hour.

I take the chicken out and let it cool overnight, covered in the fridge.

David picks all the chicken off the bones, and scoops the fat off the broth. Then discard the solids from the broth.

Then the dumplings are 2 cups all purpose flour, and a little less than 1/4 cup of shortening ( must be shortening) and a pinch of salt, you have to cut the shortening into the flour until it looks like sand, then slowly add cold water until it makes a dough and I roll it out on my counter, take a pizza cutter and cut it into strips first then I cut it into smaller strips about 1" by 2".

I bring the broth back up to a boil, add the chicken back in, and then I drop the dumplings in the boiling broth, the excess flour on the dumplings usually thickens the broth but if it does not I add a little slurry mixture to tighten it up.

That's very interesting! Definitely more scratch made than my recipe (and a lot more work!) :lmao:

Yesterday we got to meet the new girlfriend. Her name is Elizabeth and a real sweet girl. I loved the fact that she talks - not shy at all. And I love that!!! We went out to dinner and really had fun. It was so much easier to leave Matthew seeing him so happy. The light is back in my boys eyes and that is a good thing.

That's so nice that he's happy again, and that you like her too!

Made Broccolli Cheddar soup for dinner last night, pretty good but not enough "cheesy" taste for me. Next time I think I am going to use sharp cheddar instead of medium and mild.

I much prefer sharp cheddar in cooking, mild just doesn't have enough flavor!

Well... you know processed cheese holds a special place in my heart so I had to go for the Velveeta. I'm high class like that :laughing:

:rotfl: I know what you mean!

Becky - All that food looks great! You are putting your oven to good use!


WFD? Sloppy Joes.....tomorrow will be the first day Fran has left the house in almost two weeks. She's going to try and go to band tomorrow night.
Ellen – I’m so happy for Matthew! If I remember correctly Kyle & Matthew both had their relationships end around the same time. It’s so hard to watch them hurt, enjoy those smiles he has now!!!:goodvibes

Becky – You continue to amaze me with your weekend cook-a-thons. I’ve said it before, I want to spend just ONE weekend with you!!!!!:worship:

Marilyn – I’d love to see a video of your godson’s batman sack!
Hey all! I really need to make it a point to check in in the morning or else I get sidetracked.

Kat glad you are feeling better!

Everyone's pics look yummy!

Ellen so happy for Matthew

Dinner tonight I grilled chicken salad and some left over meats and cheeses we bought at the Italian store (pennsylvania macaroni com) in the strip district. Pittsburgh's great for cultural food shopping. I really love it there.

Have a great evening all!

I will try and catch up more in the am.
Hi, everyone! The weekend got away from me, and I didn't have a chance to stop in.

Friday was such an awful day! DH had to be at a local ski resort for filming by 3:30 in the morning, so I had to make sure he was awake at 2:30. Guess when he went to bed? 12:30! Later in the day, he had the nerve to complain about being tired! I got unusually angry with him, and told him that if he would have put his laptop away at 10:00 and had gone to bed at a decent hour (like I told him to), he would be feeling much better! Oh well! Hopefully, he'll live and learn. I think he felt badly, because he took me out for Chinese food later on!

Saturday was a really relaxing day! We all slept in, picked up our bountiful basket, and spent the remainder of the day puttering around the house, doing odd jobs. It wasn't what I wanted to get done, but we needed a relaxing day! Saturday night, Alan and I took Jacob out for his birthday dinner. He's really in to Greek mythology, so he asked to go to a Greek restaurant. I was thrilled! I love Greek food! We ordered some spanikopita, dolmathes, souvlaki and loukamades for dessert. I thought it was all great! Jacob enjoyed the souvlaki, but really didn't like the dolmathes (I guess stuffed grape leaves aren't for everyone). He pronounced the spanikopita "ok", but he polished off all the loukamades. After the meal, he told us he was glad he'd tried it, but Greek food really isn't his thing. Next year, he'll choose a seafood restaurant!

Sunday we went to church, then just relaxed around the house until we went to Jacob's Court of Honor. He received 2 Scout rank advancements, and 4 merit badges!!! He was so proud of himself. He really wants to make Eagle Scout before he turns 14! After that, we came home and played Mille Bournes with the kids. It was a lot of fun! Once they got the hang of the game, they had a ball! Alan made us dinner of turkey, fried potatoes and steamed broccoli. Not bad!

Nothing much on tap today. We're just sending the kids off to school, then Timmy and I will do some cleaning and laundry. Dinner tonight will be quesadillas.

Congrats to Jacob!

We are under a winter storm warning. Good grief they say we are to get upwards of 4" of snow. This is not starting out to be a calm winter.

Yeesh! Stay warm! :hug:

Catching up on weekend cooking. Friday I took no pics. Saturday, at Liam's request I made Jiko-based food. Here is my version of the Taste of Africa appetizer. Front to back there is charmoula, minted tomato-cucumber relish, kalamata olive hummus, and sambal:


To go with, since I now have a working oven, I made two large peda breads, one plain, one sesame:


there was also a couple of grilled porterhouse steaks, and some harissa-marinated grilled chicken:


Later that evening Caili and I baked some blueberry struesel muffins:


Sunday I made spaghetti and meatballs. I didn't get a picture of that, but I tdid take a photo of the spinach and artichoke mushrooms that I made:


WFD: I had planned on mushroom baguette, but I woke up with a cold and so am now thinking about making spicy asian soup.

Feel better.

Your pics look so good! Would it be rude of me to invite myself to dinner? :lmao:

Tonight I'm trying a new recipe, courtesy of Pinterest - Korean beef rice bowls. Looks fast and easy - my kind of meal!


Thanks! We're just wrapping up the last of the antibiotics, the nurse will come this afternoon and take out the injection tube.

We loved the Stephen Fry series, it was just snarky enough with his attitude to make us laugh!

WFD? Sloppy Joes.....tomorrow will be the first day Fran has left the house in almost two weeks. She's going to try and go to band tomorrow night.

Loooove Stephen Fry. We're waiting for the 2nd disc to come from Netflix.

Glad Fran is feeling well enough to leave the house! But you two take it easy!


It's raining! :cool1:

I went and grocery shopped after work today and we are set for a while between today's shopping and the Sam's shopping we did on Saturday. Plus, yesterday, we got most of our Christmas shopping done online! :banana:

Dinner was UncleR's potato sausage bake...I posted the recipe a few pages back!

I'll post a pic later as I can't get it off of FB right now. :confused3

:hug: all around!

9 more work days till Thanksgiving vacation!
Marilyn – I’d love to see a video of your godson’s batman sack!

Me too! They aren't good about posting that stuff this year. I am hoping one of the official picture parents, they are allowed down on the field, got a picture of it because his godmother sure didn't. :headache: I was distracted at the time by my toasty pockets. :rotfl: And the fact that the rest of me was freezing.

I'll look and see if someone got one of him doing it last year. I didn't have the good camera then.

Time to go home. Having hot turkey sandwiches for dinner tonight.

I made these for dinner tonight and they were a huge hit at this house. So good, I used the extra hot chili powder and next time I will use regular. It was a little spicy, but so good.

Thanks for the recipe.....
I am glad you are feeling better!!

PIO, nice farm pics. The cow has such a funny expression on her face!

Jen, I was wondering if that was the PW olive bread when I saw your pic on facebook. I LOVE that bread. So cheesy and salty!

Aimee, those enchiladas look delicious! Did you use velveeta or cheddar?

Catching up on weekend cooking. Friday I took no pics. Saturday, at Liam's request I made Jiko-based food. Here is my version of the Taste of Africa appetizer. Front to back there is charmoula, minted tomato-cucumber relish, kalamata olive hummus, and sambal:


To go with, since I now have a working oven, I made two large peda breads, one plain, one sesame:


there was also a couple of grilled porterhouse steaks, and some harissa-marinated grilled chicken:


Later that evening Caili and I baked some blueberry struesel muffins:


Sunday I made spaghetti and meatballs. I didn't get a picture of that, but I tdid take a photo of the spinach and artichoke mushrooms that I made:


WFD: I had planned on mushroom baguette, but I woke up with a cold and so am now thinking about making spicy asian soup.

Everything looks wonderful :yay::woohoo:
I also made the Pork Carnitas and they were amazing, David and I can not wait to eat these, we nibbled on them but put them away until tomorrow... I will post pictures later.
I also made the Pork Carnitas and they were amazing, David and I can not wait to eat these, we nibbled on them but put them away until tomorrow... I will post pictures later.

Homesick Texan's? I got the ingredients to do those this weekend. :teeth:
I also made the Pork Carnitas and they were amazing, David and I can not wait to eat these, we nibbled on them but put them away until tomorrow... I will post pictures later.

I have never made or even eaten pork carnitas, always feared they were greasy, not sure why. Enlighten me ladies!:flower3:
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