The Trip With An Abundance of Steven, A WDW Jan '23 TR ***Completed 8/8***

Maybe I'm petty, but I think she could have given you a FULL drink on the house.
Oh absolutely, 100%. But at that point, I honestly was so over it and just wanted to head back to the hotel. She kept insisting that she could have the bartender make it super fast, but I just wanted to skedaddle, so I think she opted for the half so that I could at least get to try it.
But if I had told her, yeah I'll stay let's make this drink and she only gave me half of it on the house? Straight to Azkaban.
Day 4
January 25, 2023
"Here. Put Your Paint On There"

I was up with my alarm the next morning, bright and early at 6:15. Gone were the days of yore when I would get to sleep in until 9 or 10 on a Disney vacation. And to think I considered that to be early then!

We had planned the night before to be ready to go by 8:15.

I was bustling around, chugging Emergen-C, and patiently waiting for 7am to attempt to get a boarding group for Guardians.

Mel on the other hand?


But 7 finally came and I went fiercely into boarding group battle, fighting off thousands of other hopefuls. But I, also like countless others, wound up on the other side- defeated and forlorn. Why would WDW forsake me like this?! Was this Disney karma for getting salty at ECV Prison Guard Roxy the day before?

“I got us a boarding group- number 32,” came a sleepy voice from amongst the pillow mountain that had formed in the one bedroom.

I wasn’t even completely sure she had been awake prior to this. But ol’ Speed Demon Mel had managed to do what many had not, right from the comfort of her lucid dreams.

Mel and I were finally ready to go by 8:20 and were greeted by the Wicked Witch’s Flying Monkeys of nature, aka wild turkeys, when we rounded the corner to grab our Lyft. A whole nightmare gang of ‘em. Just grazing around, shooting menacing glares at anyone who dared to come within 5,000 yards of them.

Mel and her watchful eye keeping all resort guests safe from the evil turkey brigade

Our Lyft driver managed to avoid being torn apart by the rogue poultry tribe and snatched us up about 10 minutes later, speeding towards everyone’s favorite Golf Ball.

Our driver shoved us out of the car a mere 15 minutes later, and off towards Mel’s favorite game of 21 questions and a full body X-Ray we went. Security moved rather quickly (except for Mel) and by exactly 9, we were tapping into Epcot and shuffling over towards ECV rental.

“Make sure you take the key with you…”

This was all beginning to seem familiar.

Instructions thoroughly instructed, we headed off towards our usual Epcot early morning extravaganza: Nemo.

Some people head to Test Track, some fools head to Soarin’. Some Frozen. But not Mel and I. Nay, nay. Like a couple of true thrill seekers, Mel and I and literally no one else hit up Nemo first thing in the morning.

We even had a DAS reservation.

The standby line was posted at 5 minutes, which no one in the entire world was surprised by. But since we were literally the only people in the line, it took us only the time it took to clear the queue. A whopping 3 minutes, which included taking our time.

Once we were back from shhhhhwiming out to shhhhhea, we took a quick look around one of my favorite Epcot offerings.


Mel upping her camouflage skills

A gander at a couple of eels, a quick hello to Mel, and a gentle tank kiss to my jellyfish later, we bid the aquarium goodbye. We had just got the notification that our boarding group for Guardians was called!

The backside of Steven!

I’m not sure if this is well known knowledge or not, but you are able to convert your spot on the virtual queue to a DAS reservation by simply asking the cast members near the entrance to Guardians. It’s actually pretty chaotic since, at least at the time, there was no real line system so it was a battle to the death to get a cast member’s attention long enough to convert the reservation to a DAS. But once it was done, all you had to do was tap into the Lightning Lane line.

I’m sure everyone reading this is like “well, duh!” but when Mel and I first got a boarding group for Remy back in October 2021, we had no clue you could do this!

With our new DAS reservation, we only had to wait about 20 or so minutes before we were on the ride. Including all 34223483204 pre shows.

I was super nervous initially about Guardians. I hadn’t really heard anything about the ride, besides that it’s absolutely incredible. But there are people out there that think that TOT is a great ride, and they are very wrong.

So what was my final verdict?

Man, oh man! The hype is worth it! Guardians is such a fun, thrilling ride! It’s no Velocicoaster, but it’s what I would consider a “must-do”

Must dooooooo

Here, let me show you how much Mel and I enjoyed the ride:

HAHAHAHAHHAHA OMG. I promise you, we actually did really have fun- all combined 2343243 chins of us (I'm blaming that on the actual ride, not all of our snacks so far this trip lol). I cannot even begin to describe to you the howl-laugh Mel let out when she saw the pic.

The drops were manageable, the turns were the right amount of twisty, and even the portion that you go backwards was just “backwards-y” enough. 11/10, recommend.

Oh and if it matters, we got Disco Inferno.

Now that the Galaxies were thoroughly Guarded, Mel and I decided to keep the momentum of thrills going and headed to the Land Pavilion.

For Soarin?

Of course not.

For Livin’ With the Land.


The standby was posted at 5 minutes but we were on in way less than that, even having to wait a second for a front row seat.

If you aren’t sitting in the front row of Livin’, you’re doing it wrong. I stand by that. Or rather, sit. You will get shouted at by the Greenhouse Sky Voices if you stand.


That's my 2nd favorite joke

I promise I won't mention the baby alligators.

There were a lot of cast members working in the greenhouse portion of Livin’, which is something I’ve actually never really seen in all my ride throughs. There were cast members raking the sand, cast members pruning the flowers, cast members snuggling the fish (even though the fish did not like the snuggling one bit). Everywhere you looked, there was someone doing something.

It made the ride a little more unique this time through.

But then again, I’ve never had a bad time on Livin’. That’s the power of the front row, I swear by it.

***Coming up: A quick tour of the Glade Factory***
I wasn’t even completely sure she had been awake prior to this. But ol’ Speed Demon Mel had managed to do what many had not, right from the comfort of her lucid dreams.


we bid the aquarium goodbye. We had just got the notification that our boarding group for Guardians was called!

Right from one Thrill to the next!

even having to wait a second for a front row seat.

If you aren’t sitting in the front row of Livin’, you’re doing it wrong. I stand by that.

Agree! We always ask to wait! :thumbsup2
Day 4, Part 2
January 25, 2023
"Here. Put Your Paint On There"

Much to my chagrin, Mel and I headed on to Soarin’ after, using a DAS reservation Mel had booked a little earlier. The standby was posted as 25 minutes, which is 25 more than I would ever care to wait for Soarin’.

At least we only had to wait about 15 of those 25 minutes, thanks to DAS.

I’m not shy about my disdain for Soarin’. I’ve never gotten the excitement or magic behind the ride. If you’ve read any of my previous trip reports, you know I often compare Soarin’ to the Glade aisle at Target. And I still stand by that.

I have decided that the best Soarin’ Glade scent is Taj Mahal; the worst is a toss up between Fiji and the African Plains.

Please, please hold your torches and riot gear. If you really TRULY think about it, Fiji smells exactly like a can of air freshener in a public bathroom. It is literally Aqua Waves ®. You can’t tell me otherwise!

And the African Plains smells like allergy season. Perhaps it is Freshly Cut Grass Room Spray ®.

Safely back on Central Florida soil, Mel and I set off to tame the ever growing Hunger Demons. We had a 12 o’clock lunch reservation at our ol’ standby: Via Napoli.

We had about a half hour until 12, so we headed towards the World Showcase to begin our trek around the globe. We stopped and looked quickly at a couple of the FArts (f)Art booths as we bounced from country to country.

Mel had been to the Festival of the Arts a couple of years ago but this was my first time. And I was ready for it.

I love the little random chalk drawings so, so much! I want them to stay around forever. 😭

We finally rolled up to Italy around 11:50 and I checked in in front of Via Napoli a couple of minutes later since Mobile Check In wasn’t working.

The Hunger Demon livers in one of those little rooms way up there.

Side Note: Mobile Check In has never worked for me at Via Naps. Does it ever work? Is it just a facade?

We were instructed to sit inside and wait as it would be a couple of minutes until we could be seated. And they literally meant a couple of minutes because exactly 2 minutes later we were being seated.

Mel and I were led to a 4 top table which is my favorite. You knew Via Napoli knew what they were dealing with when they saw us pull up.

“Those guys? Surely a 2-top will never do! Give ‘em a 4-top and tell them to squeeze in!”

We always get the same thing at Via Napoli, right down to the drinks. Including the appetizer. There’s just never a need to change things up when everything is absolutely perfect.

But, for those unfamiliar with the Mel and I Via Naps conglomerate:

Mel opted for a coke and an individual sized Margherita Pizza; while, I went with the individual Prosciutto and Melon Pizza and the Strawberry Acqua Fresca. We also got an order of garlic focaccia for the table to start.

Garlic Focaccia: $5.25

Acqua Fresca: “Our signature house-made, seasonal fruit juice coolers.” $8. It is always strawberry, I’ve never seen another flavor. It’s always Strawberry Season at Via Naps.

Margherita: “Tomato sauce, mozzarella, basil. 10” individual (serves 1)” $21

Prosciutto E Melone: “White pizza- fontina, mozzarella, prosciutto, cantaloupe, arugula. 10” individual (serves 1)” $26

It took a really long time for our food to come out once we placed the order- I’m talking it took over 20 minutes for our focaccia to make it to the table. It got to the point where the waiter was even concerned with the length of time.

He would check up on us every few minutes, “Still no focaccia?”

“No Shawn, still breadless.”

“Gotcha, it should be any minute.”

That exact conversation happened at least 3 times.

The hunger demons were growing impatient.

On the bright side, we did get a Hidden Mickey in our Parmesan/red pepper plate.

And the oil for the garlic bread looked a bit like a Smile face.

Mel absolutely raves about the margherita pizza from Via Napoli and I feel like that’s saying a lot since essentially, it’s a pretty standard cheese pizza. But it’s done well and it’s done right.

But the prosciutto and melon pizza? Oh man. The salty prosciutto with the juicy, sweet cantaloupe combined with the peppery bite from the arugula- what more could you want?! I love this pizza so much that I’ve made it a few times at home and while I can get it pretty close, nothing beats Edna, Vesuvius, and Stromboli taking the helm on this one.

Oh and that garlic focaccia? Usually it’s a home run. It is usually soft and pillowy with the right amount of garlic. They give you a little plate of oil that you can sop up with the bread and it is *chef’s kiss.* But oh no, not this time. The bread was much drier than usual and was really lacking that garlic kick it usually has.

Steven won’t be happy.

Once we finished up our lunch and made a monetary offering to the 3 looming Mount Overlords, we headed back to the World Showcase to continue on our quest around the world.

From a few yards away, something at the Pop Gallery booth near the China Pavilion caught my eye.

Pop Gallery, in general, was a really interesting booth in my opinion. It was a step away from the usual Disney-centered art that comprised the Festival. Not only did it feature some pieces of art showcasing some classic horror icons, but it also had pieces from Terribly Odd (the artist from Gideon’s Bakehouse) and a couple of other other really unique artists and styles.

Is this book about me?

But what caught my eye as we were approaching?

This bad boy:


When I say this was meant to be, I truly mean it. Not only is Edward Scissorhands my favorite movie, but 13 is my favorite number. And what number was this print? 13/100, baby!

The print was relatively cheap too- I believe it was somewhere between $25 and $30 but I actually don’t have it written down anywhere. Probably because I am a fool.

But oh, I was so excited!

Art purchased, we headed over to Norway to explore the Pavilion a little before we could use our LL.


I don't think there's a Muzzy lesson about this one.

The Stave (Steve) Church is honestly one of the coolest things in the entire World Showcase and I was also really surprised that the Wandering Reindeer was open since as far as I can remember, I have yet to be inside. So in my mind, that means it’s usually always closed. I highly doubt it is though.

After a look around everything the Norwegians could offer me, Mel and I finally were able to use our LL for Frozen. The standby line was posted at 75 minutes but we were on in less than 10.

They learned their lesson and dialed the water works way down since I don’t remember Mel and I getting wet, really at all. And listen, I live in fear of getting wet. I would remember it happening.

The ride did break down for a couple of minutes so I was able to snap a couple of pictures I usually wouldn’t get a chance to.

We call that the silver lining.

I didn't say they weren't going to be blurry though.

Properly famished after our global trek. Mel and I decided to head into the Kringla Bakery for a snack. Kringla Bakeri Og Kafe to be exact.

I knew ahead of time what I wanted but Mel spent a couple of minutes perusing the menu. I’ve had the school bread before a couple of years ago and I wasn’t impressed. Everyone else raves about this sweet treat so I figured I must’ve had a bad one. Or maybe I was just feeling moody that day. Or there was a slight change in the atmosphere that really affected my taste buds. I needed to give it another fair chance.

School Bread: “Sweet Roll filled with custard and dipped in coconut.” $4.49

Rice Cream: “Creamy Rice pudding topped with strawberry sauce.” $3.99

We, of course, sat behind the bakery on a little planter ledge to eat our treats. Mel made friends with a tiny old lady who was learning how to work her phone to call her family about where to meet her. Mel also learned that the tiny old lady was severely hung over and waddled away shortly after to get water.

There’s something about Disney and strangers oversharing.

Anyway, Mel absolutely loved her rice cream- like “licked the plastic bowl clean” kind of loved. I thought my school bread was much better than I remembered but not something I would go out of my way for. But if we were in the area and I needed something to snack on? I would get school bread, for sure.

***Coming up: Getting Jiggy with Figgy***
And the oil for the garlic bread looked a bit like a Smile face.

Looks like Jack Skellington!

I love the VN pizza, even though my husband thinks it's overrated. Always a must do 😋

I knew ahead of time what I wanted but Mel spent a couple of minutes perusing the menu. I’ve had the school bread before a couple of years ago and I wasn’t impressed. Everyone else raves about this sweet treat so I figured I must’ve had a bad one. Or maybe I was just feeling moody that day. Or there was a slight change in the atmosphere that really affected my taste buds. I needed to give it another fair chance.

I tried that years ago and wasn't a fan. I didn't realize it was flavored with Cardamom and I don't like that. One and done for me.
Looks like Jack Skellington!
OMG I didn't even notice that! It does!

Can’t go wrong with Via Napoli. It was always a must do for us~the pizza is so good!
The first time we went a few years ago, I didn't like the pizza because I was a young naive fool. But ever since I discovered the pure perfection that is the Prosciutto and Melon pizza, it's been game over.
I am one of the few that do not get the hype for the school bread. It was a one and done for me.
I don't blame you- I don't really get the hype either. It was better than I remembered, but if I never had another one, I wouldn't be all that upset. If I was absolutely famished, slowly wasting away to nothing, and in Norway, I would grab one. But I'd much rather almost any other snack in Epcot
Day 4, Part 3
January 25, 2023
"Here. Put Your Paint On There"

Bidding the World Showcase adieu, Mel and I meandered towards The Odyssey building to hit up our first food booth of the festival- Figment’s Inspiration Station.

I had done a bit of research before our trip about what food booths I had deemed a must-do (there actually weren’t that many, a small handful at most. I know, I too was shocked) and when I read about one of the items coming with a free souvenir Figgy glass? Absolutely sold.

Mel and I are among the few and far between Figgy fans. I don’t think either of us experienced the man of the hour in any other forms but this current one, so that might be part of the reason we aren’t at the helm of the Anti Figment Figment Club.

But when I read about a grape smoothie encased in a beautiful soda can shaped plastic chalice, donned with a visage of my favorite purple wyvern? Take all of my money.

Grape Smoothie with freeze-dried Skittles bite sized candies (non-alcoholic). $5.50.

This was…not my favorite snack I’ve ever had from Disney. I think, even though I was aware it was a smoothie, I kept expecting a slushie texture. So when I was greeted with way too much smoothie and not enough grape flavor, I was disappointed. The whipped cream on top just added more overwhelming creaminess and to be honest, I thought the best part was the freeze-dried Skittles. And I didn’t even really enjoy those. It just felt like I was slurping up grape dusted Cool Whip. Pass.

But the cup was pretty cute and I made sure to clean it out as best as I could in The Odyssey’s bathroom before I tossed it into the basket of the ECV.

Now properly hyped up for the man/dragon himself, we scuttled over towards Figment and jumped on the 5 minute standby line. Literally 30 seconds later, we were climbing into the front of the 2nd car and gearing up for our tour of the Imagination Institute.

Once we were unleashed to set our imaginations free in the ImageWorks, Mel and I hustled over to the photo booths to snag a couple of free souvenirs.

If you aren’t already aware (I’m sure you are), you can scan your Magic Band at the photo booths in between ImageWorks and the Figgy Gift Shop and they’ll upload your photos for FREE to your My Experience App. You don’t get the cute little printouts, but you can definitely save yourself the $$$ (I don’t remember the exact price, sorry) and get a fun little souvenir.

It’s honestly one of my favorite random things.

I used the photo booth while Mel poked around for a bit in the gift shop.

“You know you can see everything you’re doing in the booth on the screen outside, right?” Mel asked when I finally emerged from my little photo shoot.


“Yeah, I saw you picking your background, posing, literally the whole thing.”

Great. Fantastic. I wasn’t doing anything weird, but just the thought of some random person being able to watch you schmooze the camera was enough to make me want to crawl into a hole and stay for a good while.

So just keep that in mind if you are planning on using the photo booths. Everyone can see you, apparently.

Oh well, at least my pics were pretty cute.

Ok, maybe not that one.

I didn’t stay embarrassed for long, since I did use the photo booths again on our next Epcot day (spoiler alert!). But I knew what would boost my spirits: Snacks!

Mel and I had a DAS reservation for Remy’s coming up soon so what better way to pass the time than to hit up a couple of snacks.

I decided to stop at Refreshment Port and picked up the gnocchi poutine while Mel scooted herself to Gourmet Landscapes and grabbed the bone marrow before we met in the middle at a tall table to snack at.

Gnocchi Poutine: “with red wine-braised beef, cheese curds, basil, and burrata.” $10.

Roasted Bone Marrow: “with onion marmalade, pickled mushrooms, and petite lettuce.” $10.50

I love gnocchi and because I love gnocchi, I was really looking forward to trying the gnocchi poutine. And I should’ve definitely lowered my expectations, especially after that smoothie debacle. But nay, nay. I live life with my glass half full.

And then Epcot takes that glass and smashes it on the ground.

I was expecting usual gnocchi and maybe that’s where I went wrong. I was expecting soft, delightfully chewy gnocchi with savory beef, squeaky cheese curds, and creamy burrata. That is not what I got. They fried the gnocchi. So instead of deliciously chewy gnocchi, they were dry, hard, and crunchy. Did I mention they were dry? Oh man, they were dry like the Sahara. All of the moisture was sucked out of my entire body just biting into one.

But I’ve heard people rave about this dish so maybe mine was just over cooked? Either way, I was super disappointed and tossed the dish almost completely uneaten.

Mel on the other hand was pleased beyond belief with her bone marrow.

Mel is not an adventurous eater by any stretch of the imagination- her favorite foods are mashed potatoes and Caesar Salad. But back in May of 2022, Mel and I were in Vegas for my birthday and we managed to snag reservations at Bacchanal Buffet at Cesar’s Palace.

You already know I was in heaven- bathing myself in drawn butter and siphoning crab legs straight into my gullet. Mel on the other hand? Well she had a plate of mashed potatoes, Caesar Salad and interestingly enough, bone marrow. She decided to go out on a limb and try it.

I watched on with bated breath.

“That’s pretty good.”

Pretty good! Pretty good! You heard it here first, dear friends, Mel thinks Bone Marrow is pretty good!

So Mel was pretty excited to try fArts version of bone marrow and thought it was rather tasty, albeit very rich. Naturally.

At least one of us was satisfied.

My sister and I have called the squirrels from The Sword in the Stone "Tee-coos" since we were very, very little. To us, that was the sound the squirrels make. I was so excited when I saw the "Tee-coos" chalk art!

To keep up with my disappointed momentum, Mel and I headed to Remy to use our DAS reservation Mel had booked sometime earlier.

Remy is not on the same level as Soarin’ when it comes to my displeasure. But it’s getting there slowly but surely.

I don’t get motion sick from rides very often- in fact, the only ride that ever makes me feel even slightly queasy is Forbidden Journey over in Islands of Adventure. But there’s something about Remy’s that gets me very close to that Forbidden Journey feeling. I don’t even use the 3D glasses anymore.

And the Glade air freshener selection on the ride is bottom tier.

But still better than Fiji.

Mel and I made our way through France and I stopped near the fountains outside the ride to take a couple of pictures. I really love snapping pics of the fountain so this is something I do semi often.

A mom and her 2 kids were standing in front of the fountain, throwing quarters into it so I waited patiently off to the side for them to finish up so I would have an unobstructed shot of the fountain. The mom said something to her older child about not having any more quarters and moved to start packing her other child back into their stroller.

One would assume they were now done with the fountain.

One would be wrong.

I moved closer to the fountain and took a couple of pictures before the mom turned and slammed into me.
“Some people really don’t have any patience!” the mom exclaimed to her small child, as if the small child would be like “yeah mom! What a jerk!”


I just looked at her, brushed it off, and snapped a couple more pictures.

But I was done with the situation and just wanted to distance myself so Mel and I headed onto the ride. The standby was posted at 60 minutes but we only had to wait about 10 due to DAS.

Mel guessed purple; I guessed light brown.

We got gray.

And guess who got to sit in front of us?

My new arch nemesis (aside from ECV Prison Guard Roxy): Body-slamming Fountain Lady.

What luck.

Just add that to the reasons I don’t like the Remy ride, lol.

From France to Morocco, Mel and I decided to explore the beautiful pavilion that we’ve never really spent much time in.

I really think Morocco is an undervalued pavilion. It’s stunning and has so many hidden pockets tucked away. There’s even a new exhibit: Race Against the Sun: Ancient Technique to Modern Competition.

Mel and I had no idea what those words strung together really meant, so we decided to give it a look. I don’t know what we were expecting, but it wasn’t what we found.

The exhibit shows a brief history of the Berbers, who were the ancient dwellers of the Sahara, and how they tie into the Marathon des Sables and the Rally of the Gazelles (I used the internet for that part lol, thanks WDWInfo).
It was pretty unique and definitely not the usual, “Here, buy this same Mickey t-shirt we’ve already shown you in 18 different stores!”

On towards Mexico, Mel and I trudged (well I trudged, Mel scooted). We had a potted plant to visit.

We took a quick look around the inside of the pyramid before having a gran fiesta on the Gran Fiesta Tour.

The standby was posted as 5 minutes but we never stopped moving.

Oh and by the way, Donald was, once again, not a potted plant.


***Coming up: I apparently do not like Irish Whiskey***
“You know you can see everything you’re doing in the booth on the screen outside, right?” Mel asked when I finally emerged from my little photo shoot.


“Yeah, I saw you picking your background, posing, literally the whole thing.”

Oof! That's embarrassing! :rotfl:

Oh well, at least my pics were pretty cute.

Yes they were ::yes::

I moved closer to the fountain and took a couple of pictures before the mom turned and slammed into me.
“Some people really don’t have any patience!” the mom exclaimed to her small child, as if the small child would be like “yeah mom! What a jerk!”

Yikes, how rude :sad2:
Laughing about your encounter with the lady at the fountain, then you got to experience the joy of her presence again at Remy! Also, love the Courtney bracelet---such a beautiful name :flower1: As always, great report, keep the fun coming!!
Oof! That's embarrassing! :rotfl:
It's the fact that you can see literally EVERYTHING going on inside that photo booth. You can watch the sheer confusion going on as you try to figure out how to move the camera up and down, the indecisive glances as you stare, mouth hanging open like a fish, at all the photo frames- trying to narrow it down between the Mickey frames that are slightly more orange or the Mickey frames that are slightly more red, the 800 different duck faces you make in that 3 second count down before the flash goes off. The whole thing. I have been betrayed by the photo booths.
Yes they were ::yes::
You are too kind to me!

Yikes, how rude :sad2:
Right! She had me clutching my non-existent pearls.
Laughing about your encounter with the lady at the fountain, then you got to experience the joy of her presence again at Remy! Also, love the Courtney bracelet---such a beautiful name :flower1: As always, great report, keep the fun coming!!
Right after it happened I was like "Mel, we gotta leave this immediate area right now, I got yelled at by a stranger!" and then when I saw she somehow made it in front of us AND was on the same mouse as us, I was like "This is absolutely just my luck!"

And thank you, thank you! Growing up, I never really liked my name but now that I'm older, I vibe with it.

You're too kind!
Holly crap it took me 4 pages to realize that my wife and I were at Disney the same time you and Mel were. Also I hate the ratatouille ride, for all the hype it's just an odd collections of themed TV screens.
Holly crap it took me 4 pages to realize that my wife and I were at Disney the same time you and Mel were. Also I hate the ratatouille ride, for all the hype it's just an odd collections of themed TV screens.
LOL! Better late than never! The weather was so great that week!
I'm glad I'm not alone in hating the Ratatouille ride- it seems like everyone else loves it. The best part is the end, because that means it's over.


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