The Running Thread -- 2022

Are you moving to the Cary area? Holly Springs is pretty close and they have a very active running community that does group runs just about every day. Check out the Holly Springs Run Club on Facebook. I've run with them a couple of times and found them open and welcoming, but group runs just aren't my thing

Thanks! I will check them out. We are moving to Morrisville (found a townhome to lease for a year to give us more time to figure out where we do settle), so it will be a little further from Holly Springs than Cary central area.
Hi everyone - I haven't posted in these threads for a long time (also cut down a lot on the running over the last few months) but was wondering if I could ask for advice regarding treadmills please?

Basically I'm looking for a new treadmill to replace my old broken one (that was to be honest a bit flimsy and probably not intended for lots of running). I'm not in the USA so options are a bit different here, but the two main treadmills I'm looking at are the Sole F63 and the Reebok Astroride A6.0. When I used to run a lot more I was running maybe 15-20 miles a week + some more walking... and would like to do some half marathon training as well.

I've seen lots of good reviews for Sole as a treadmill company and was wondering if anyone had any experience with how durable the folding mechanism is? The F63 is just a bit too long for me, so I would have to fold it up after every use.

And I can't find much about Reebok treadmills at all! But there is a distributor here who seems fairly responsive to messages about their treadmills. The advantage of the Reebok is that it fits just nicely into the space I have so I wouldn't have to keep folding and unfolding it.

Any other advice on buying a treadmill would be appreciated too!
Hi everyone - I haven't posted in these threads for a long time (also cut down a lot on the running over the last few months) but was wondering if I could ask for advice regarding treadmills please?

Basically I'm looking for a new treadmill to replace my old broken one (that was to be honest a bit flimsy and probably not intended for lots of running). I'm not in the USA so options are a bit different here, but the two main treadmills I'm looking at are the Sole F63 and the Reebok Astroride A6.0. When I used to run a lot more I was running maybe 15-20 miles a week + some more walking... and would like to do some half marathon training as well.

I've seen lots of good reviews for Sole as a treadmill company and was wondering if anyone had any experience with how durable the folding mechanism is? The F63 is just a bit too long for me, so I would have to fold it up after every use.

And I can't find much about Reebok treadmills at all! But there is a distributor here who seems fairly responsive to messages about their treadmills. The advantage of the Reebok is that it fits just nicely into the space I have so I wouldn't have to keep folding and unfolding it.

Any other advice on buying a treadmill would be appreciated too!
If you can get on one (ideally both) in person, do it. Pay attention to how “bouncy” it is when you run on it. Some treads have a lot of give when you land and some are really firm. I know that D(abbreviated) sporting goods carries sole treadmills so that would be a pretty easy way to try one out of there’s one near you.
Just joined DVC (well, just bought some points off resale) and am thinking about Disney Marathon in next couple of years. Haven’t run it since 2005. Still remember my dad (also did it) limping around a bar that had animatronic shows pop up o e in a while. Good times :)

Fast forward 17 years and I’m now a guy who hits the elliptical in my basement every day and walks 2 dogs. Wondering if marathon is worth the effort. (I know only I can answer that hahah).

How’s marathon been for y’all? Any watchouts on planning and such?
I actually enjoy running for a long time if the setting is right. There is something about getting in that zone. Plus the sense of accomplishment is there too. To be able to enjoy the experience one must be properly trained and that takes some planning, it doesn’t happen just to squeeze easily into a week for example.
June 2022 totals
Distance: 160.1km (100mi)
Average pace: 6m37s/km (10:40/mi)
YTD: 968km on 2022km

Super happy with June running volume considering that I had Covid, that there were a lot of social activities (DD high school graduation and a wedding) and that work was intense (I was replacing my boss for two months and the period before summer vacations is always hectic).
If you can get on one (ideally both) in person, do it. Pay attention to how “bouncy” it is when you run on it. Some treads have a lot of give when you land and some are really firm. I know that D(abbreviated) sporting goods carries sole treadmills so that would be a pretty easy way to try one out of there’s one near you.

Thanks! I found that the local distributor has a showroom fairly close to my work place so will try to get there to try out the treadmills. I think at this point I'm leaning heavily towards the Sole F63 for the motor size and generally good reviews, just worried about space and whether I'd find folding it up and down a hassle each time. Will go and try out the folding mechanism too!
My Firecracker 10K got shortened into a 5K due to to weather that ended up coming earlier than the organizers thought it would and delaying the race starts, so we could have run a 10K without danger (but not without rain). It was my first soaking rain run and I actually didn’t hate it as much as I thought I would. I’m no longer going to delay training runs if there’s a non-windblown rain falling, since my visor actually kept my glasses dry.


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My Firecracker 10K got shortened into a 5K due to to weather that ended up coming earlier than the organizers thought it would and delaying the race starts, so we could have run a 10K without danger (but not without rain). It was my first soaking rain run and I actually didn’t hate it as much as I thought I would. I’m no longer going to delay training runs if there’s a non-windblown rain falling, since my visor actually kept my glasses dry.
Glad you got your race in! This is why I strongly advocate for doing training runs in the rain and just about any other condition as long as it's not unsafe. You can learn a lot about running under those conditions and develop strategies for dealing with them. It's always better to go into a race knowing you have ways to cope with the elements rather than having to try to develop strategies on the fly.
Glad you got your race in! This is why I strongly advocate for doing training runs in the rain and just about any other condition as long as it's not unsafe. You can learn a lot about running under those conditions and develop strategies for dealing with them. It's always better to go into a race knowing you have ways to cope with the elements rather than having to try to develop strategies on the fly.
I try to follow this advice as well, though now that my runs and cycles are starting with temps in the 90s and humidity of 85-90%, I'm beginning to question the validity of doing so. ;)
I ran a 4th of July 10K aiming for 42:15 and came in 42:04. It is a difficult course and hot so I'm happy with it. I wanted to see where I was before I start up a training plan to try and hit my W&D goals of sub 40:00 10K followed by a sub 1:30 half. I've never done any kind of plan for anything other than a marathon before but I found a Hanson half plan that I adjusted a bit for the 10K. My feeling is if I concentrate on speed enough to get that 10K down my volume will take care of the half.

Thanks! I found that the local distributor has a showroom fairly close to my work place so will try to get there to try out the treadmills. I think at this point I'm leaning heavily towards the Sole F63 for the motor size and generally good reviews, just worried about space and whether I'd find folding it up and down a hassle each time. Will go and try out the folding mechanism too!

We bought a Sole F63 during the pandemic and are happy with it. I did a lot of reading at the time and the reviews were all good. We don't use it a ton, my wife walks on it and I only use it when I'm desperate because I will run outdoors in almost anything, but when I use it the deck is solid. For the price I have no complaints.
Glad you got your race in! This is why I strongly advocate for doing training runs in the rain and just about any other condition as long as it's not unsafe. You can learn a lot about running under those conditions and develop strategies for dealing with them. It's always better to go into a race knowing you have ways to cope with the elements rather than having to try to develop strategies on the fly.
Absolutely! I will work around extremes in heat but otherwise, just do it! I actually really love running in the rain and have done a few 2 hour training runs where it rained the entire time. It's weirdly peaceful/meditative and you have the road to yourself because all the other dog walkers and family bike riders won't get out in it! And it's cooler which is a major bonus here.
Absolutely! I will work around extremes in heat but otherwise, just do it! I actually really love running in the rain and have done a few 2 hour training runs where it rained the entire time. It's weirdly peaceful/meditative and you have the road to yourself because all the other dog walkers and family bike riders won't get out in it! And it's cooler which is a major bonus here.
I don't mess with heat! I get up at all hours to get runs in before it's hot. But most other weather I will run in. Massive winds and lightning storms being the other exceptions
Absolutely! I will work around extremes in heat but otherwise, just do it! I actually really love running in the rain and have done a few 2 hour training runs where it rained the entire time. It's weirdly peaceful/meditative and you have the road to yourself because all the other dog walkers and family bike riders won't get out in it! And it's cooler which is a major bonus here.
I enjoy running in a light rain that feels refreshing, but I still remember getting caught in a torrential downpour the night before Halloween. It sucked getting THAT soaked.
I ordered a treadmill (Peloton)! It will arrive in 3 weeks. I need to do some rearranging in my house to fit it, but I am excited. I wish I had ordered it last month— my favorite show (Big Brother) starts tmrw, and it is on 3 nights a week. I am hoping to walk while I watch once the tread arrives since my daily step count is lower than I’d prefer.
We bought a Sole F63 during the pandemic and are happy with it. I did a lot of reading at the time and the reviews were all good. We don't use it a ton, my wife walks on it and I only use it when I'm desperate because I will run outdoors in almost anything, but when I use it the deck is solid. For the price I have no complaints.

Thanks! I actually went to check out the Sole F63 today and unfortunately it's really just a bit too big for the space I have available for a treadmill, which is a bit of a pity as from everything I've read it seems like a really good choice for that price/size range.

Also went to have a look at the Reebok treadmills and think I might go for the Astroride A6.0 (this seems to be sold more in markets outside of the USA), which seems to be the next best in the category of treadmills slightly smaller than the F63. Not really ideal as the motor isn't as powerful, but it's better than no treadmill, especially when it's pouring down outside or if I want to get a quick run late at night!


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