The Running Thread—2023

Does anybody else have a kind of "magic number" for minutes in a single run? Since my marathon, I've been keeping my weekday runs to 3 miles mostly, and I swear it's been too short for me to get any benefit. Hence my malaise since the race. I just feel like, for me, once a workout hits like the 40 minute mark, I feel more energized afterward, and I feel like I got more fitness benefit. Anything shorter than that is just a drain or not worth doing. My Garmin VO2 max is not going down or anything, but I know that's an imperfect measure and just the way I feel must count for something. I wonder if I should think about, when I'm taking down time in the future, running fewer days but longer workouts to make up for it.
I sometimes have trouble convincing myself it’s worth all the hassle of getting dressed and going out for a run when it’s only a half hour easy run, especially now that it’s trying to be winter in MN and there’s so much more getting dressed that needs to be done 🥶

It always takes me 1-1.5 miles to really settle into a groove, and if the run is over at 2.4 miles, it’s not very groovy 🤣🤣
I sometimes have trouble convincing myself it’s worth all the hassle of getting dressed and going out for a run when it’s only a half hour easy run, especially now that it’s trying to be winter in MN and there’s so much more getting dressed that needs to be done 🥶

It always takes me 1-1.5 miles to really settle into a groove, and if the run is over at 2.4 miles, it’s not very groovy 🤣🤣
Agreed! Now that it's dark by the time I get home, I can either bundle up and put on my battery powered lights, or go down to my basement and get on my treadmill. I know I should be doing as many runs as possible outside, but warmth and a TV win out for the short runs.
Does anybody else have a kind of "magic number" for minutes in a single run? Since my marathon, I've been keeping my weekday runs to 3 miles mostly, and I swear it's been too short for me to get any benefit. Hence my malaise since the race. I just feel like, for me, once a workout hits like the 40 minute mark, I feel more energized afterward, and I feel like I got more fitness benefit. Anything shorter than that is just a drain or not worth doing. My Garmin VO2 max is not going down or anything, but I know that's an imperfect measure and just the way I feel must count for something. I wonder if I should think about, when I'm taking down time in the future, running fewer days but longer workouts to make up for it.

I would say my magic number is "it depends". Like if I'm just in a down swing in training, then I feel fine with runs in the 45-60 min range. Maybe mix it up a little with some strides or short uphill sprints. But I don't start to "feel it" from a run until I get over 90 min in a workout. That seems to coincide with when my resting HR starts to drop and my body starts to recognize I'm in training mode. When I start to see 120-150 min workouts is when my body really starts to recognize what we're doing out there.

I'm hoping that someone who has trained using the Hanson's training plan can quell some fears and concerns that I have regarding my training and my half marathon "A" race. My race pace is 8:30. I am currently on Week 7 which is the third week of Tempo runs at race pace and they have been easy. In fact, I am confident that I can quite easily run at least six miles at race pace because I did so for a 10K time trial in order to set up my paces. The 10K went 8:05 (I am horrible going way too fast at the start), 8:23, 8:54 (my left shoe was too tight and was causing pain, so I had to stop to loosen it and then it was too loose so I had to stop again to tighten it more), 8:24, 8:22, 8:03.

Hence, I believe that I am already fit enough to run at 8:30 but I am concerned about jumping from running six miles to the entire 13.1 at the race pace. What were your experiences like going from six miles Tempo workouts (or ten for the marathon) to the entire race distance? At this point, I'm sticking with this plan but I have my concerns. I hope that someone can tell me that everything is going to be fine.

You'll be fine.

You're still weeks away from the event. You shouldn't necessarily be able to run 8:30 pace for 13.11 miles yet. Otherwise the race would be this weekend, not in weeks from now. But that sounds like less of your concern in this instance.

Don't think of running 6 miles of HM Tempo or 10 miles of M Tempo in training runs in terms of the first 6 or 10 miles of the race itself. Think of all of the cumulative training you're doing during the week, during the prior week, and then compare that to the taper where you see a drop-off in training load. You running a 7 mile speed workout on Tuesday, and then a 8 mile HM Tempo workout on Thursday, is similar to trying to run 13.11 miles in a race with 30-45 min easy days proceeding it. The taper is what helps allow you to go from training runs to race. You're training for the last 6 miles of the HM or the last 10 miles of the M, not the first.

If you follow the training plan, then you'll likely be in a position to succeed. But ultimately, race day is the victory lap of training. There will be things outside of your control that may happen. So use race day as a celebration for putting yourself in the position to succeed. Once you're in the position to succeed, it's about making good race day decisions Like not starting off way too fast. Especially if you don't do a WU before the race because then you're running systems haven't been primed and you may be trying to claw out of the hole you dug right off the start line.
I would say my magic number is "it depends". Like if I'm just in a down swing in training, then I feel fine with runs in the 45-60 min range. Maybe mix it up a little with some strides or short uphill sprints. But I don't start to "feel it" from a run until I get over 90 min in a workout. That seems to coincide with when my resting HR starts to drop and my body starts to recognize I'm in training mode. When I start to see 120-150 min workouts is when my body really starts to recognize what we're doing out there.

You'll be fine.

You're still weeks away from the event. You shouldn't necessarily be able to run 8:30 pace for 13.11 miles yet. Otherwise the race would be this weekend, not in weeks from now. But that sounds like less of your concern in this instance.

Don't think of running 6 miles of HM Tempo or 10 miles of M Tempo in training runs in terms of the first 6 or 10 miles of the race itself. Think of all of the cumulative training you're doing during the week, during the prior week, and then compare that to the taper where you see a drop-off in training load. You running a 7 mile speed workout on Tuesday, and then a 8 mile HM Tempo workout on Thursday, is similar to trying to run 13.11 miles in a race with 30-45 min easy days proceeding it. The taper is what helps allow you to go from training runs to race. You're training for the last 6 miles of the HM or the last 10 miles of the M, not the first.

If you follow the training plan, then you'll likely be in a position to succeed. But ultimately, race day is the victory lap of training. There will be things outside of your control that may happen. So use race day as a celebration for putting yourself in the position to succeed. Once you're in the position to succeed, it's about making good race day decisions Like not starting off way too fast. Especially if you don't do a WU before the race because then you're running systems haven't been primed and you may be trying to claw out of the hole you dug right off the start line.
Thank you, Billy. It's funny how easily we can get in our own heads and freak ourselves out when it comes to a training plan. I read the Hanson's book, yet still starting getting myself freaked out. I hope to report back at the end of February that you told me so.
November Training Summary

Running duration = 28:07 hours
Running mileage = 201.6 miles
Average Pace = 8:22 min/mile (about 80 sec/mile slower than recent HM)
Average HR = 128 (17 bpm less than half marathon)
Strength Training = 0:00 hours
Total Training Time = 28:07 hours

Training continues to go well. I'm still 6 weeks to go until the Disneyland 5k/10k/HM and 22 weeks to go until my late April M. I feel like my fitness is in a good place. I decided not to run the Madison HM because I didn't feel like my fitness was in an appropriate place yet, and it would have been costly and a chore to get to it. A couple weeks back I did a 3 x 1 mile w/ 400m RI workout at 5k pace. I ran my 3rd (6:03), 9th (6:12), and 10th (6:14) fastest miles ever during that workout. I ran it blind by effort alone and it's something I like to add in to workouts every once in a while just to really feel things. Sometimes with the goal of hitting a specific pace despite being blind to GPS feedback, and sometimes to try and feel the effort level needed for a race distance. I then ran the neighborhood Gobbler 5k (link) on Thanksgiving morning. I had high hopes, but the cold really got to my lungs, wind was a little heavy and I didn't do as well as I had hoped from a time perspective. Still finished 4th overall behind two high school boys and a college runner with a 14:00 min 5k PR on a track. Looking forward, November was probably my last month of lower mileage as from here on out until April it's time to start to build up that endurance to hopefully new heights.

November was good!!!

Miles: 103.55

I stayed injury free and did not die on my 16 mile long run. Just don’t ask my family about the 7.5 hour car ride we had to do the next day 😂 I had a great W&D weekend, but I came home with Disney crud and missed an entire week of running. Ended the month on a high note with a fun time running the Space Coast half.
@camaker Congrats on your daughter getting married, but how dare she screw up your running schedule! ;) Sort of glad both my kids chose to do a "family only, have dinner at a nice restaurant" kind of thing, although technically my son is getting married on Jan 5, which they just decided a couple of weeks ago, so there is still time for drama! Good thing I didn't have MW plans.

My November ended on a whimper, literally. I am still fighting a herniated disc issue which means nerve induced pain and the total inability to sleep horizontally....or vertically for that matter. Going to PT on Monday. Glad they have a "3-pack" for cash paying customers so I can see if there's anything to do other than the "time" cure. @Herding_Cats I don't know if it's MI or what, but like you I chose not to go to a doctor just to get a PT scrip. Hope your massage provides some relief

Oh yeah, and today is my 65th birthday. So any plans to go out for a nice dinner will have to wait til sometime TBD.
Happy Birthday! Hope things heal up soon.
@jmasgat happy birthday. you will eventually get to celebrate. i do hope you start to feel better.

On that note i feel like also complaining. Ugh my knee. I am so glad i am only running the half at MW. Right now i would not be able to train for a full.

Looking for my armchair doctors. My knee feels much worse today. My normal runs are outside and i usually do a 4:30/0:30 interval. I used to hate intervals but it was the only way i was keeping my knee going the last two years. I guess i am accustomed to it now. Today i ran on the TM because of rain. I hate the TM but i hated the weather this morning more. I am not a fan of intervals on the TM, mostly because i am lazy. So i did my normal 60 minute workout without intervals and a continuous run. Not any faster than my usual pace (i guess slightly faster i covered 5.7 miles instead of 5.6 in my hour). While TM is cushiony, no intervals to give knee a rest. My knee hurts more today than it normally does. The best reason i have is because i did not give myself the interval break. Does this mean i have determined the intervals need to stay?
November running
Miles = 67
Avg pace = 10 min/mile

November was a good running month. At the end of October I ran a half PR at Indy Monumental. Three weeks later I ran a local half and got the SAME EXACT time to the second. Doh, I couldn't believe it! I wasn't trying to PR, just trying to run a strong race and stay mentally strong. The course had a few hills compared to Monumental, so I am proud that I got the same time, but gah! Even a 1 second PR would have felt so much more satisfying! Oh well.
November running
Miles = 67
Avg pace = 10 min/mile

November was a good running month. At the end of October I ran a half PR at Indy Monumental. Three weeks later I ran a local half and got the SAME EXACT time to the second. Doh, I couldn't believe it! I wasn't trying to PR, just trying to run a strong race and stay mentally strong. The course had a few hills compared to Monumental, so I am proud that I got the same time, but gah! Even a 1 second PR would have felt so much more satisfying! Oh well.
You couldn’t do that again if you tried! That’s incredible! Still great race
I ran at 48 degrees when I got home from work yesterday. It was dark and I wore full length tights, a long sleeve thermal shirt and gloves. I was about a minute/mile slower than expected and had broken out in an extensive cold rash when I got home. I guess YMMV under these conditions.

🤣 ☠️

That was so me! 46 degrees and dark. I was in a short sleeve shirt tucked into my fleece lined leggings, a long sleeve shirt, baseball hat, hoodie with the hood up and gloves. I was hitting my planned paces but darn it seemed harder than normal. My husband said I looked like the Stay Puff Marshmallow man. 😮

All the talk about weather on the MW thread got me thinking over the weekend that I need to get a few cold weather items. I ordered a beanie, neck scarf and touch screen gloves. Of course they won’t arrive until Sunday when we’ll be back n the 70’s. Beautiful, beautiful 70’s. 🌴
I would say my magic number is "it depends". Like if I'm just in a down swing in training, then I feel fine with runs in the 45-60 min range. Maybe mix it up a little with some strides or short uphill sprints. But I don't start to "feel it" from a run until I get over 90 min in a workout. That seems to coincide with when my resting HR starts to drop and my body starts to recognize I'm in training mode. When I start to see 120-150 min workouts is when my body really starts to recognize what we're doing out there.

You'll be fine.

You're still weeks away from the event. You shouldn't necessarily be able to run 8:30 pace for 13.11 miles yet. Otherwise the race would be this weekend, not in weeks from now. But that sounds like less of your concern in this instance.

Don't think of running 6 miles of HM Tempo or 10 miles of M Tempo in training runs in terms of the first 6 or 10 miles of the race itself. Think of all of the cumulative training you're doing during the week, during the prior week, and then compare that to the taper where you see a drop-off in training load. You running a 7 mile speed workout on Tuesday, and then a 8 mile HM Tempo workout on Thursday, is similar to trying to run 13.11 miles in a race with 30-45 min easy days proceeding it. The taper is what helps allow you to go from training runs to race. You're training for the last 6 miles of the HM or the last 10 miles of the M, not the first.

If you follow the training plan, then you'll likely be in a position to succeed. But ultimately, race day is the victory lap of training. There will be things outside of your control that may happen. So use race day as a celebration for putting yourself in the position to succeed. Once you're in the position to succeed, it's about making good race day decisions Like not starting off way too fast. Especially if you don't do a WU before the race because then you're running systems haven't been primed and you may be trying to claw out of the hole you dug right off the start line.
What he said, plus pacing yourself and making sure you don’t start off at too fast of a pace. Do that and you should be fine.
That was so me! 46 degrees and dark. I was in a short sleeve shirt tucked into my fleece lined leggings, a long sleeve shirt, baseball hat, hoodie with the hood up and gloves. I was hitting my planned paces but darn it seemed harder than normal. My husband said I looked like the Stay Puff Marshmallow man. 😮

All the talk about weather on the MW thread got me thinking over the weekend that I need to get a few cold weather items. I ordered a beanie, neck scarf and touch screen gloves. Of course they won’t arrive until Sunday when we’ll be back n the 70’s. Beautiful, beautiful 70’s. 🌴
Y’all are giving me a good chuckle. I was so ecstatic that I beat sunset and it was 47 out when I got home from work on Thursday that I rushed out the door as quick as I could to enjoy my first run in shorts in over a week 🤣


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