The Magic The Memories and THOSE people! An Aug PTR **GOING EARLY!!!**

Joining in :goodvibes

We'll be there around the same time and have MK scheduled for the same day!

Happy planning
Wow - that's great!! I saw the castle show in January just before Wishes but we were over on the side near the rose garden. It's amazing to see from the front. How cool will it be to see your DS on the castle in person!! Wow!!

I wish I could find a video from the day in January that we had a ton of photopass pictures taken. I was with a group of 7 women and we had a great photo shoot with a great photographer. I'm sure one of our pictures made it on the castle. They handed us a card saying some of our pictures could be in the show that night. Unfortunately we weren't there that night.

We saw the show going on again in March but they did it way before Wishes this time - like an hour or more before. We were entering the park & trying to make our way up Main Street while it was showing. I can't remember if it was the night we were there to see Wishes or the night we were there to see the parade. :confused3 I think it was our Wishes night.
I don't think I've commented on your PTR before, but I just wanted to say that I think it is awesome that your little boy is in the video! That is so cool!

Also, yay for August trips! :goodvibes It is going to be here before we know it!
Count me in....what a face, you son is such a cutie. I hope it's still playing in August. We are going Aug 1 -8 and I want to see it in person. Thanks for sharing it with us. Enjoy!! :cool1:

Came over from my PTR, the video is awesome, you are so lucky to be able to go and see it on the castle. I can't even imagine how you feel.
All caught up and joining in! That is too exciting about your DS. I even remember that smiling face from the commercials. It's so infectious! You'll be happy to hear that when I was at MK in March I distinctly remember seeing your son's face on the castle (once more the smile, how can you forget it?!?). Here's hoping they don't change the show! Just an fyi though, if the show is changed they may keep his picture, but some of the images are so small and fly by so fast it's impossible to tell what they are. But, that means we can pretend he's still there and could be entirely correct :goodvibes

OH wow, love hearing you remember the face. He does have a great smile! Thanks!

Joining in :goodvibes

We'll be there around the same time and have MK scheduled for the same day!

Happy planning

YAY, I think it's a great time to go, maybe we'll see each other.

Wow - that's great!! I saw the castle show in January just before Wishes but we were over on the side near the rose garden. It's amazing to see from the front. How cool will it be to see your DS on the castle in person!! Wow!!

I wish I could find a video from the day in January that we had a ton of photopass pictures taken. I was with a group of 7 women and we had a great photo shoot with a great photographer. I'm sure one of our pictures made it on the castle. They handed us a card saying some of our pictures could be in the show that night. Unfortunately we weren't there that night.

We saw the show going on again in March but they did it way before Wishes this time - like an hour or more before. We were entering the park & trying to make our way up Main Street while it was showing. I can't remember if it was the night we were there to see Wishes or the night we were there to see the parade. :confused3 I think it was our Wishes night.

Ouhh, bet a photoshoot photo did make it up, I've heard that they hand out cards telling people the photo might make it in so they can opt out if they want. Too bad you didn't get to see it. :sad2:

I don't think I've commented on your PTR before, but I just wanted to say that I think it is awesome that your little boy is in the video! That is so cool!

Also, yay for August trips! :goodvibes It is going to be here before we know it!


Thanks! YAY for August is right. It seemed so far away, but it does seem to be moving faster now.
following you over from my PTR. That is SOOOO cool with DS on the castle!!!! And to be able to see it in me the goosebumps just thinking of how exciting that will be! :goodvibes
My DD and I have watched the whole show twice, before now, and will have to check it out again tonite! She's been sending the link to her friends at school too.
Came over from my PTR, the video is awesome, you are so lucky to be able to go and see it on the castle. I can't even imagine how you feel.

:welcome: and thank you!

Count me in....what a face, you son is such a cutie. I hope it's still playing in August. We are going Aug 1 -8 and I want to see it in person. Thanks for sharing it with us. Enjoy!! :cool1:


:welcome: Thanks you and :yay: for August!

following you over from my PTR. That is SOOOO cool with DS on the castle!!!! And to be able to see it in me the goosebumps just thinking of how exciting that will be! :goodvibes
My DD and I have watched the whole show twice, before now, and will have to check it out again tonite! She's been sending the link to her friends at school too.

:welcome: Oh I know, I cannot wait! And I keep watching it over and over again. The kids are already sick of it, "you're watching that AGAIN mom!" LOL
I hear good and bad about Tony's. My kids are spaghetti and meatballs fanatics, making it right now actually and I love Lady and the Tramp so thought we'd give it a try. I thought The Plaza was so so last year. There really aren't a lot of choices at MK for TS. Good to hear about LMA...I have heard it's not great on these boards a lot, but boys and cars and fire, what's not to love???:confused3

My DDs and I love Lady and the Tramp, too. The girls loved the L&T fountain that's in the middle of the dining area, and were tickled when our waiter told them L&T were having their lunch "out back" (like the do in the movie)... he took their autograph books to the back to get L&T's "signatures".
Now I know you can't possibly see everything on a trip and since we've only been once as a family and it's been many year since we've been before the kids, I knew we'd miss things. But a few things I apparently knew nothing about, kinda surprised me.

So this trip I have some MUST DO's just because we missed them last year...focusing on Animal Kingdom for starters.

Flights of Wonder
DS8 is totally into birds right now. Drawing them and bringing books home from the library so I really want to see this. Had no idea it existed, wasn't even on my radar last summer.

Maharajah Jungle Trek

Tigers, Bats, Kimodo Dragons...Oh my! Yeah, the boys will love that. Now, I did know about this sort of, I just didn't know what animals it had and thought it was similar to the Pangani Trail which we did do. I remember seeing the sign, but we were heading to EE and I thought nothing of it. Oops. Are there snakes? I hate snakes.

Some other things we missed, although I don't think they are MUST DO's unless someone tells me they are.

Cretaceous Trail...the boys like Dinos but unless it's Jurassic Park and they are actually real, we can skip this, right? Maybe we saw it, is it just the Dinos you see while heading into the Dinosaur queue or is there more?

The Boneyard... I had thought about this for my little one while the older one did a ride with Daddy, but honestly, I didn't even see it. Was I completely oblivious or is it not in plain sight? Instead we rode Triceratops Spin twice.

Festival of the Lion King...Okay, I didn't not know about this, we just can only handle 1 "sit down for 30 minutes" kinda show and as we were walking by Nemo it was heading in so we did that one. It was good, but I wouldn't do it again, it's not really our thing, but it was nice and cool in there. Nice break. So I'm undecided about really trying to fit it in since the Flights of Wonder will be a 30 minute show. I don't want to spend all day at AK since we're heading to Epcot for dinner I want to be sure to have some down time at the hotel, even it's only an hour.
Festival of the Lion King is probably my favorite Disney show! It is absolutely amazing! My kids don't sit through shows well but this one is so action packed it holds their attention. I vote for you to add it to you list!
LOVE the video! I watched the castle show twice. How amazing that he's a part of it!

Are there snakes? I hate snakes.

Yeah, there's one that I noticed. It's in the same place as the bats, but in a cage/aquarium/whatever it is snakes go in. You may not even notice it.

I'm pretty sure the Dino trail is just a path with a few along it. It's not all that interesting, but would only take a minute or two to walk through if you want to check it out.

I'd vote for doing FOTLK! There's so much to watch in that one. We usually skip this one for Nemo, but it's a lot of fun and more active. I'm a little shocked my boys don't prefer this one really.
I am thinking that we need a massive DIS meets in August :thumbsup2

How very cool that your son is part of the show - but I can see the struggle with your older one. Do you think your boys will stay up to see the show?

As for the FOTLK - it's fabulous! I think your boys will enjoy it more than any other show.
I personally love Finding Nemo but it is the most "Broadway-ish" of the AK shows so I understand if that's not your thing. However, Flights of Wonder and Festival of the Lion King are different. As DisMomAmy said, Festival of the Lion King is so action-packed it's an entirely different experience.
And Flights of Wonder can't be missed either, especially if your DS loves birds. It's amazing what they train those birds to do!

And yes, there is one snake on the Jungle Trek. It's in an aquarium inside the house you enter to see the bats. Looking at the bats, it's on the far right-hand side of the room. If you stand on the left side, and don't leave out of the door on that side you'd never know it's there.
Festival of the Lion King is probably my favorite Disney show! It is absolutely amazing! My kids don't sit through shows well but this one is so action packed it holds their attention. I vote for you to add it to you list!

Good to hear about the kids.

LOVE the video! I watched the castle show twice. How amazing that he's a part of it!

Yeah, there's one that I noticed. It's in the same place as the bats, but in a cage/aquarium/whatever it is snakes go in. You may not even notice it.

I'm pretty sure the Dino trail is just a path with a few along it. It's not all that interesting, but would only take a minute or two to walk through if you want to check it out.

I'd vote for doing FOTLK! There's so much to watch in that one. We usually skip this one for Nemo, but it's a lot of fun and more active. I'm a little shocked my boys don't prefer this one really.

Another vote for FOTLK.

I am thinking that we need a massive DIS meets in August :thumbsup2

How very cool that your son is part of the show - but I can see the struggle with your older one. Do you think your boys will stay up to see the show?

As for the FOTLK - it's fabulous! I think your boys will enjoy it more than any other show.

And another one. Oh staying up for Memories and Wishes is no problem, it's anything past 10pm that is not gonna happen. At least, not without cranky pants the next day. They did fine with Wishes and MSEP at 9pm last summer. That was a big part of staying at CR this time, being able to do a few more of those later nights, late being 9:30ish for bedtime because we'll be so close to get back quick.

I personally love Finding Nemo but it is the most "Broadway-ish" of the AK shows so I understand if that's not your thing. However, Flights of Wonder and Festival of the Lion King are different. As DisMomAmy said, Festival of the Lion King is so action-packed it's an entirely different experience.
And Flights of Wonder can't be missed either, especially if your DS loves birds. It's amazing what they train those birds to do!

And yes, there is one snake on the Jungle Trek. It's in an aquarium inside the house you enter to see the bats. Looking at the bats, it's on the far right-hand side of the room. If you stand on the left side, and don't leave out of the door on that side you'd never know it's there.

I love Broadway style shows, DH and the kids, not so much. I saw Wicked last year and LOVED it and saw Phantom years ago and loved it. Thanks for the info on the Jungle Trek, STAY LEFT at the Bats, check. Isn't that also the advise for double queue on rides...always go left the line is shorter? LOL

Okay I'll be looking at the times for FOTLK and seeing how we can fit it in, I'm thinking afternoon before leaving as we'll be on the other side of the park in the AM to do the Safari and EE early. Taking advantage of AM EMH.
I have no idea what Cretaceous Trail is, so I'm no help on that one.

I didn't join the family last year when they went to see FofW... birds FREAK. ME. OUT. I was happy to let the others do this one! I grabbed a drink from the nearby tea cart and just walked around a bit, exploring.

You really should try to see FofTLK! It's so good, and fun, too!
That is so cool he is on the Castle! I can not wait to hear more about your trip, your boys are cuties!
Festival Of The Lion King was amazing!!! I remember getting goosebumps during it and that isn't like me. I haven't been there since 2001 so it may be different, but I always hear how amazing it is.
That is so cool he is on the Castle! I can not wait to hear more about your trip, your boys are cuties!

:welcome: and thank you!

Festival Of The Lion King was amazing!!! I remember getting goosebumps during it and that isn't like me. I haven't been there since 2001 so it may be different, but I always hear how amazing it is.

Goosebumps! Alright I am getting the distinct feeling I need to work this show in and I will. :goodvibes

Relaxing today, had a house full yesterday for my DS8's First Communion. Speaking of which, when I was counting up some of the money he got towards his College Fund I said do DH..."Hey let's take this and upgrade to MK view in the Tower." He was like, umm no, but let's upgrade anyways why not. I explained we were right on the half of last years hotel cost budgetwise and that would kinda break that. Told him how much more, which with the 40% pin I booked with isn't really that bad and he insisted we should do it. If he's still on board in a few days, I just may do it. Then the balcony worries are over AND we actually will have something to look at while sitting out there.

I'll be back tomorrow with How Did I Miss That MK.
MK view is the best! You can see the water parade at night, and sometimes they shoot of fireworks after the park closes. We were there for a week and it probably happened four of those nights? No idea why but it certainly felt like a special treat they were doing just for us. It's so amazing!


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