The home of the ORIGINAL SWAN-DOLPHIN CHEERLEADERS (and SSB,too!)!!!!!!!!! Part 2

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WDW Bride Dec 6, 1996
Jun 1, 2000
I'm tired of early labor. I do know, for sure, that I won't go any longer than next Tuesday, so the end is in sight. I am on the every other day doctor schedule now, and a little less than halfway progressed, but still too early for her to induce until Tuesday. Poor Mrs. Milo has had her bag packed and is waiting for word to run to
Austin to take care of the girls!
Do have them let us know when Mrs Milo gets the word! :teeth: Meanwhile we'll keep sending P and PD!!

Good night everyone!
Ann - question for you. Have you ever heard of Eagle Pond Lodge, in Wilmot, NH?

My cousin's son is supposed to be getting married there in 2005, and it sounds pretty interesting, but a bit...uh...rustic. Any info?

Sorry, just popping in for a brief one before I head to bed. Had the day off today, and did exciting things like laundry and a bit of shopping - woohoo. :rolleyes:
NHAnn said:
Thanks for the tips/info ahutton :) How are YOU doing??

hehehe...yep SSB is showing up at the stand Monday JUST to be there to greet me, I am SURE of it! ;)

I have a zillion things I shoudl be I better go do 'em....

Er, um..... YES, I am!!! :) Too funny about our bad timing, my friend. :(
Hello. Hope ya'll are having a wonderful night.

I had my infusion today and was supposed to be off work but somebody decided he wouldn't come in until 5 even though he knew he was supposed to be in at 2 so I got a call durring my infuion and ended up going to work right after. Since I was already there and didn't see the sense in going in just for 3 hrs. I called the guy and told him not to worry about coming in b/c I was just gonna stay rather than do another shift change. He wasn't happy to give up his entire shift but I had talked to my regional manager and gotten his ok before I did it so there wasn't much he could do. Now I'm tired from all of it but my insomnia is acting up so here I am DISing at 1:30 in the morning when I have to be up at about 6:15 to take Mom to work. I'd take my sleep med but then I wouldn't be able to wake up that early so... 'Oh well, I can always sleep after I get back home, right?

Been working on planning my trip, just need to figure out the eating part now. Anybody got any suggestions for cheap eats in and around WDW?

Anyway, I guess that's all for now.Talk to ya'll soon!
Just wanted to stop in and say good morning before I head back to bed. Hope ya'll have a wonderful day!
CookieGVB said:
Ann - question for you. Have you ever heard of Eagle Pond Lodge, in Wilmot, NH?
My cousin's son is supposed to be getting married there in 2005, and it sounds pretty interesting, but a bit...uh...rustic. Any info?
It rings a bell though I don't think I have ever been there myself. I will ask DH and ask around at work. DH's sister lives in Andover, very near. Here's the website if you haven't seen it:
I can understand a city girl like you ;) considering it "rustic" :teeth: but I do think they have indoor plumbing and such :teeth: It's a beautiful area....and close enough to Concord that you will have NO excuse whatsoever for not getting together if you literally have to pass through Concord and I am just a hop skip and jump from the highway, right Debbie?

Shellie...hope today is better!

SSB...see you Monday ;) :teeth:

Happy Tuesday everyone!

since i'm off work this week, i won't make it in here to post quite as often...but had to stop by and say hi!!

sounds like all had a great holiday...we had a pretty good one too! nothing terribly exciting, unless you count the kitchenaid mixer that my mom and dad got me!!! $200 mixer....i about passed out!! lol...

no trips to disney insight right now. sigh. i'm hoping to steal away even if just for a few days sometime this year though!

cheap eats at WDW? one of my faves is the...oh dear...forgot the name! anyway, it's a counter service place over by the haunted mansion. it's on that walkway heading into fantasyland. anyway...they serve a good sized portion of either chicken strips or fish strips. it's always a must have on my trips!! there's also a baked potato stand over there too...if i think of any more, i'll let you know...

gotta run for now...have a good day!!
ahutton said:
I'm tired of early labor. I do know, for sure, that I won't go any longer than next Tuesday, so the end is in sight. I am on the every other day doctor schedule now, and a little less than halfway progressed, but still too early for her to induce until Tuesday. Poor Mrs. Milo has had her bag packed and is waiting for word to run to
Austin to take care of the girls!

Maybe it'll be the first baby of 2005? Get to work, girl!! :teeth:

Seriously, good luck with everything - and have Mr. or Mrs. Milo pop on to keep us informed. ::yes::

Ann - I took a look at that website last night before I posted...I see that they have cabins, and lodges. It was sort of the question of how this is all arranged that I was wondering. Cabins sleep 12 - lodges sleep 24 - but how many rooms are within each? :confused3

SSB - surgery?? :grouphug: dude - hope all fairs well.

Happy Tuesday, everyone! Three day work week for me! :cool1:
good morning....OOPS!! afternoon :blush:

I'm printing pictures as I type from camera to new printer. Its sooooo took me over an hour to figure it out but once it was figured out Jerry.....not me.. :blush: all you have to do is plug them together and hit one button. It couldn't be any easier. Next thing I learn will be putting them on the puter and then posting....hopefully :D

ahutton.....hang in there ...hope you have the first new years baby ;)

I can understand a city girl like you considering it "rustic" but I do think they have indoor plumbing and such It's a beautiful area....and close enough to Concord that you will have NO excuse whatsoever for not getting together if you literally have to pass through Concord and I am just a hop skip and jump from the highway, right Debbie?
yes Ann is right...very easy. What are the EXACT DATES cuz if you're going to be meeting up with Ann...I would love to be there as well. We can plan something fun for everyone I'm sure. I'm getting excited already :teeth:

but no "rustic" for me neither. I'm strictly "swan/ Dolphin" type so sumpin similar :teeth:
Afternoon my friends!

Er, um.... aren't there like 15 nurses on this thread? SSB needs to have resources to type to for help if start going downhill after the surgery... haha! Still worry that the cats are going to eat my flesh while I am vulnerable. Ouch... that is too graphic even for me... haha!
SSB- I'll tell Mom to be on standby for ya incase you need a nurse to type too! Hope your day is going well before you r time off w/ the kids!

Ann- Thanks! It will be better b/c the people working today know what they're doing and will show up!

Hope everyone is doing well!
hey SSB I can pretend to be a nurse if you need one :p Sue is busy...she's out singing with the band :teeth:
just let me what the problem is and I can let you know how to fix it ..... trust me :smooth:
Should be the first weekend of June. Wedding's on Saturday, so I should be free Sunday. :)

SSB, you do know the only reason cats don't kill humans is because we're BIGGER than they are. Show any sign of weakness...and it's COITAINS, fer sher. :cool:
Umm... exactly how many cats does SSB have?? :scared1:
I'm not a nurse but I'm a mom...and you KNOW where to find me next week :teeth:

Gail...good question...I have no clue LOL. :eek:

Debbie...did you get a Kodak EasyShare printer doc?
no printer is a Dell....does everything except fax...I had no need for a fax so I passed on that.

yup....we're not nurses here but any of can fix you up real good should you need it..... So SSB you can relaaaaaaax...knowing that WE are all here :teeth:
now here's some cheering up flowers :flower3: you DO trust us ...right SSB????
NHAnn said:
Debbie...did you get a Kodak EasyShare printer doc?
whats a printer doc....or are you calling me doc??? :teeth: I said I could play nurse...I never said I was a doctor :rotfl:
Mickeyfaniam said:
whats a printer doc....or are you calling me doc??? :teeth: I said I could play nurse...I never said I was a doctor :rotfl:
ROTFLOL...what's up (with the) doc??
I forgot the k in printer DOCK!!too funny!

OK speaking of nurses and doctors...repeat after me and send healing PD: Ann will NOT get sick...Ann will NOT get sick. I have had that icky lowgrade headache all day and a moron (I mean co-workers) went home this mornign looking (and apparently feeling like crap). So I have been using hand sanitizer and spraying lysol and drinking water and sucking on Hall's Defense Drops (vitamin C, echinacea and zinc) all day!

Maybe I am just tired. And I suppose at this point it could be the last couple of hours I just spent composing a nastygram chronology to my ex to let him know that unless he reconsiders his latest refusal to comply with the court order on support and college costs, I'll be back to my lawyer at the end of Janaury to petition the court :(. bleeeeeeeeeehhh Going to bed NOW!!! :)
Sending "prevention pd" to Ann
nightie night to you...get your rest
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