The DIS Fit: 2019 thread. Join us in the New Hopes and Goals thread.

whoa this thread is flying!

Where have you found fleece lined jeans? I would love a pair! I need a size 22 though and any time I find a store that has them, they don't have a 22... (do you hear me Mark's Work Wear?!

i buy flannel lined jeans at eddie bauer. just searched and it looks like they go up to size 24. your walks will be so much cozier—lined jeans are my favourite too!

i’m not going to reply to everyone individually, but i’ll just say it’s nice that there are so many of us from different walks of life but we can all be here for one another :)

and for those looking for podcasts: 99% invisible is one of my favourites. the stories sometimes seem a bit weird, but end up using something small (say, water fountain design) to make a huge, thought provoking point.
I agree about the small steps. I'm just trying to do 20 minutes a day of activity. But I laid out a plan for my workouts because if I wake up and have a choice (which one should I do?) I become much less likely to do any of them! Too many choices leads to indecision, leads to me just saying screw it, I'll start tomorrow! I have to admit, I would not wear my workout clothes in public, hopefully by spring? I am rather tired today from getting up early, and hungry from trying to cut too much from my eating today. I guess I need to do those changes slower as well.

I am 43, soon to be 44 (holy smokes! 4 years ago was our first disney trip/cruise!) and in whatcha call it, perimenopause? Any way. I also have a sluggish thyroid that I don't take medication for, it never did anything for me. While I know this will be hard, I think 40 pounds in 8 months should be doable, it's 1-2 lbs a week. And it really isn't so much about the weight loss, though I do need to lose weight, the goal is just being active. Realistically the next few weeks I just want to move more... I do hope I don't hurt quite so much in future days. I guess once my body adjusts it will be better. If I don't lose weight at first, that is ok. I may put off the bigger diet changes until after my birthday...

I'm happy to hear from you all and what you are doing and what works for you! Lots of chatting :) Love it!!!
I love the idea of small steps(baby steps) it kind of takes the pressure off and allows for your own natural motivation
to kick in. I am 59 but in my heart I am 30.
I struggled for many years angry at my mom for dying at such a young age and not being there for me over the years,,,so many questions I had for her. She was the Bees Knees of a mom-- she just died to soon.
I went through early menopause at 39-40 and then at age 43 I began a battle with Thyroid disease.
I no longer have a Thyroid --Radioactive Iodine treatment,, but do take daily meds to stay somewhat normal.
The Thyroid is the master control of your whole body so when I start losing my hair or gaining weight or becoming agitated easily I know it's time to get my levels checked. Just this past year I have been swinging from Hyper to Hypo 3 times. I've learned that you have to take control of your own health care and that you know your own body better than any doctor you see for 10 minutes once in awhile.
This is lovely to natter and chatter,,,
We're standing here waiting for my instant pot to come up to pressure to finish cooking the roast, can I just say how much I love this thing, so I have a few minutes to answer a couple of questions make a few comments.
My early plunge into menopause was Surgical that happened on a somewhat emergency basis 2 days before Christmas, that was not a fun year! It had originally been scheduled for the week of Valentine's but my body had other plans and a little TMI bleeding just wouldn't stop. Put on hormone treatments the next morning and every year the doctor gives me the speech about how they're not good for long term use and every year I tell her yes I hear you , put it in my folder you told me and yes I will keep taking them. We are all aware, both male and female, of how much our hormones play with our moods and it is an agreement between myself and my three psychiatrists that my medication is a fine Balancing Act and I will not change anything.

I also have trouble with my thyroid and take medication for that as well and like the rest of you have mentioned I have a very clear idea of when that needs to be checked. One of the biggest problems I have is controlling my temperature I cannot stand excessive Heat which makes winter months difficult when I head into Toronto. I leave the house with long johns, turtleneck sweater, hoodie ,heavy down coat, hat, mitt the whole works! get into the City and I have to find someplace to strip off the inner layers and walk around without my coat on for a while till I can cool off. It also is closely tied to my psychiatric medication as well Everytime We adjust the thyroid medication it comes time to take a look at those as well, can I just say how much I hate my life sometimes!!!

Who knew we all had so much bottled up inside. It seems like this is a much needed New Year thread. Since we're all sharing, I'm 56 soon to be 57 and that number for some reason has hit me hard. I want to be more like my mental age (somewhere in my 40's) than late 50's. I think this thread is going to be good therapy for all those little things that bug us. I'm glad so many of you have joined up.
I posted on the other thread. DH and I have been using It has exercises that you do standing or sitting (never on the floor), works on core, strength, cardio, balance, yoga, knee exercises . . . Both of us have lost weight without using the eating program on the site. Very pleased with the results since having been diagnosed with arthritis in my knees, the treadmill has caused some issues. Hopefully, as I lose weight, I’ll be able to add the treadmill back in. It’s where I watch my Netflix shows.
Put on hormone treatments the next morning and every year the doctor gives me the speech about how they're not good for long term use and every year I tell her yes I hear you , put it in my folder you told me and yes I will keep taking them.

I’ve been on HRT for a little over 8 years and my gyn, oncologist and gp have all agreed that I am fine to take them for another 4-5 years, until I am around 51. It took a while to find the right meds but I am perfectly happy with the ones I have been on for the past 18 months.
I posted on the other thread. DH and I have been using It has exercises that you do standing or sitting (never on the floor), works on core, strength, cardio, balance, yoga, knee exercises . . . Both of us have lost weight without using the eating program on the site. Very pleased with the results since having been diagnosed with arthritis in my knees, the treadmill has caused some issues. Hopefully, as I lose weight, I’ll be able to add the treadmill back in. It’s where I watch my Netflix shows.
Hi Debbie
Thank-you for sharing and the link.
I'm going to have a look around their site after work today,exercising and arthritis is definitely a bit of a challenge.
I am glad you have found something that is working for you.
I'm in!

I was very active up until the fall. Usually go to the gym in the winters and walk and hike lots in the spring/summer/fall. I was making sure I got in at least 5 km five times a week. But my moms health is failing, and she's been in hospital on and off. Plus my brother is in hospital in another city so I've had to make a couple of trips there as he's single, no family, etc. and was on life support early December. So I've spent September til now basically sitting in my office, or a hospital chair, or waiting in doctor's offices, or sitting in my vehicle driving to these places or driving kids to their activities/work. And eating like crap and drinking lots of double doubles to get me through the day! LOL Unfortunately I am not one of those people that lose weight when they are stressed!

So, things have settled down a bit and I'm trying to get to the gym at least 3 times a week. We have a treadmill at home I need to dust off and get running. Plus I like the idea of those walking videos some of you posted. Will try those out for a quick workout when I can't get out!

I was hoping to lose 20 lbs before our March break trip and work up my stamina since I plan to do lots of hiking, walking etc. in Hawaii. I've lost 5 so far, not sure 15 is doable if I'm trying to do a safe 1-2 lbs per week. I've cut out a lot of crap and I ended up giving in and buying some meal replacement shake mix to keep at work and at home for those times I'm running here and there and didn't get a chance to prep healthy food. I figure it's better than a crappy muffin from the hospital coffee shop when I've had to run there last minute after work.

I also hate the cold. Not a skiier but I have some friends that snow shoe so I'm thinking about getting a pair to get out "hiking" on slighly warmer days. Every year I say this is the year I'm going to take up cross country...then say maybe next year. LOL
Well I got up and did a 20 minute workout. Then kiddo decided he is too sick to go to school. Again. He has been sick a lot. I know a great deal of it is anxiety he is dealing with, and we are working on ways to cope, but sometimes it is too much for him. Now I'm exhausted :) and could have slept in! Oh well! I was up in time to see that MNSSHP 2019 tickets are on sale already. And while my first instinct was to buy them, they are not in our plans or budget for this August's trip... so I'll try not to.

The dog is happy I'm home today, he is crated during the day because he gets into everything. He was confined to the kitchen at one point but I kept coming home to find him on the table and that's just gross so now he is in a crate. When we are home obviously he gets to be out and run around, and sleep on the couch. I should take him for walks but he gets a little up in other dogs faces, and I worry he'll do that to the wrong dog. We do in the spring/summer more, since I can go off the path onto the grass to avoid other puppies. In the winter we play a lot of fetch in the house and the backyard.

Now to stick to the eating today. Being at home, so many things are tempting! Plus I live almost next door to McDonalds which has $1 coffee again (in Ontario at least). I could sure use one this morning.
Ok, Ya'll have totally motivated me to actually use the treadmill I have! Since moving to Ottawa 2 years ago I have gained a ton of weight. In the winter it's so icy it's not safe to walk outside, not that I would anyway... At home we have a treadmill set up and a TV on the wall in front so I really have no excuse now.

Goals, well, just move more? We doing a 1 month Europe trip this summer and I really don't want to be tired all the time, there's so much to see and do! For now I'm going to try 20 minutes Monday to Friday, and eating less at night...
To lose weight I normally do keto/atkins/low carb. I see that WW has a good deal on now. I'm thinking of joining for 3 months. I think that would get me all the information and ability to do the plan on my own after the 3 months? I don't want to sign up for a full year, even though I expect it would take me that or longer to lose all the weight I want to lose. What to do... 3 or 6 months? Ugh.
Ok, Ya'll have totally motivated me to actually use the treadmill I have! Since moving to Ottawa 2 years ago I have gained a ton of weight. In the winter it's so icy it's not safe to walk outside, not that I would anyway... At home we have a treadmill set up and a TV on the wall in front so I really have no excuse now.

Goals, well, just move more? We doing a 1 month Europe trip this summer and I really don't want to be tired all the time, there's so much to see and do! For now I'm going to try 20 minutes Monday to Friday, and eating less at night...

If you should feel inspired to walk outside I have one word for you Ice Grippers . This is just one example. Costco has another version in the fall (sold out now) that I use. When I use them on I can walk on ice with confidence.
Thank you @ottawamom for starting this thread!!!

Both the dh and I are both wanting and needing to loose a little more than him :eek: and motivated to try to loose some before the DD wedding in Mexico in May.

It's easier to stay on track with both of us needing to do it. He wants do a paleo food plan...for me...I just want to make better choices, smaller portions, and get a little more movement. This is a more realistic plan for us. I just feel it is unrealistic to cut out certain foods totally...I can cut out many of carbs most of the time...but darn it...if I want cheese on my spaghetti squash with meat sauce on it...I'm going to do it lol :duck: I thinks it's just making healthier choices.

I am still working 2 jobs, but the second job I have asked to NOT work more than 2-3 shifts /week. I'm still exhausted from the xmas rush, working 65-70 / week, and having zero life outside of just working, sleeping and eating. I will keep the secon job until probably April/ May. By then, with the dd wedding, the older son graduating 2 weeks later, and that same son needing a surgery this summer...I won't have any extra time to work 2 jobs. It was a temporary thing as murphy's law hit us VERY HARD and was needing the dh to work overtime and me get a second job without us adding a whole bunch of debt and still be able to be on plan to almost have zero debt when the youngest graduates...then add into there the dd destination wedding :eek: :faint: There was no way around not putting our noses to the grind for 12- 18 months to get over this hurdle.

I'm hoping now that I'm not working so much, I'll be able to find time and energy to add some movement again. Before I was just exhausted from working so much. I have repaid for my Beachbody on demand again. So I have many workout programs to choose from to get my butt moving again.

And as a side note...those quilts were beautiful!!! I'm a quilter as well...not that I've had much time the last year to sew much...but I did make one quilt I sent in to Humboldt for the community to give out to emergency workers and others in the community who stepped up during that horrible time and also was able to finish one for a very good friend.
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@Pumpkin1172 I have been looking at Beachbody On Demand, just haven't been able to commit! I have some of their DVD sets already. Is it easy to stream? I think I'd need a way to stream to the basement TV (it has a built in DVD player and isn't connected to anything else right now). Do you have a favourite program? I know they have a bunch that are around 30 minutes a day. Considering it for a birthday present to myself in February :)

And I signed up for WW for 3 months. We'll see how it goes I guess! I started tracking today but changed my mind and will start tomorrow :) the foods I was eating on keto are not very WW friendly.
I have been looking at Beachbody On Demand, just haven't been able to commit! I have some of their DVD sets already. Is it easy to stream?

I just use my laptop on stream it from there. I pick the workout I want to do and press play. I'm sooooo not the techy gal to ask who to stream things. I'm techonolgy challenged lol. But like I said...i just use my laptop. It also keep tracks of your workouts and how often your able to press play. Some are easier than others. I really like country heat when I started. It's an easy one...even those of us ( like me ) who can be a little uncoordinated :rolleyes1.

I would go a a gym...there are LOTS in our city ( it's actually oversaturated with gyms/crossfit centers and liquor stores here ) But I just can't spend the money on that. And i DON'T walk here in the's cold and VERY icey everywhere most of the time from our freezing/ melting weather here. I have trouble just walking into stores...yet along walking trails or sidewalks here. So I have to find ways to get moving inside.
Wow, I'm almost having as much trouble keeping up with this thread as i did with the StB one this year (seriously .. that was a very busy 6 weeks!!) I've just gone back and re-read the entire thread with the plan of commenting on all the posts that sparked a thought and discovered i would basically be quoting EVERYTHING! So once again the Duck is going for point form, wildly disconnected thoughts (if this annoys anyone, let me know and I'll reign it in a bit :P )
  • set small goals for yourself and then reward yourself when you reach them, for those of you wanting to drop lbs don't make it food! Small piece of jewelry if that's appealing to you, new book if you like to read, or if you're able to use food without going off the rails perhaps a single totally decadent chocolate from Purdys
  • If you find yourself losing weight or inches buy a few articles of clothing that fit you NOW, don't wait until you reach your final goal. 10lbs = 1 size give or take. Hit up Value Village, Goodwill, Giant Tiger, online clearance sales, no need to break the bank. If feels good to look good and others will notice if your clothes aren't baggy and hiding your results
  • Want a way to curb the evening nibbling? Brush & floss your teeth after your last planned food -- nothing tastes good mixed with toothpaste and who wants to do that again before bed?!?!? Seriously, this works and if you couple it with getting into your jammies you're letting your body & mind know the day is over, time to settle
  • Do NOT use an all or nothing mindset -- if you fall off the wagon, not matter which portion, acknowledge that, dust yourself off and get back on it immediately. Use the phrase "i'll try again tomorrow" and you'll be more likely to have that one slip become an end. Analogy for you: if you break a dish you don't turn around and shatter the entire set, you clean it up and carry on!
  • plan "off days" or "cheat days" that you can work towards to help eliminate the above point -- if you know that Friday is an off day it makes Mon-Thurs easier to push thru. It also helps with the "starvation mode" our bodies go into if we drastically alter our eating habits -- sort of a kick start When i was actively following WW I tracked like crazy Sun - Fri morning and as soon as i weighed in I put the paper aside and ate what i wanted, the weeks i didn't do that my weight didn't budge!
  • Before you go to bed set out whatever you need to use the following day to "move" if that's walking shoes, winter clothing, whatever, have it ready so that it's sitting there staring at you -- you'll have to either physically move it or just use it!!
@Pumpkin1172 I have some of their DVD sets already. Is it easy to stream? I think I'd need a way to stream to the basement TV (it has a built in DVD player and isn't connected to anything else right now).
Uhm, if your TV has a built in DVD player I'm not sure what the trouble is?? Don't you just stick the DVD in and push play?

NOW if you're asking about how to stream something from your laptop/phone you'll need something connected to your TV like a Chromecast which is SUPER easy to use if your tv has HDMI ports. It's basically plug & play, then all you need to do is use Chrome as your browser, click on the 3 dots at the top right that lets you into settings and you'll see "cast" and all of the devices you have that will let you see what's on your screen.
Uhm, if your TV has a built in DVD player I'm not sure what the trouble is?? Don't you just stick the DVD in and push play?

NOW if you're asking about how to stream something from your laptop/phone you'll need something connected to your TV like a Chromecast which is SUPER easy to use if your tv has HDMI ports. It's basically plug & play, then all you need to do is use Chrome as your browser, click on the 3 dots at the top right that lets you into settings and you'll see "cast" and all of the devices you have that will let you see what's on your screen.

I can play the DVDs I have :) But Beachbody on demand is a streaming service for all of their workout programs. I would need a chromecast or something. I have one on the main TV but I think it would be annoying to move from one to the other because of how the main tv is set up. I'm not sure doing them off the laptop would be that easy just for how small the screen is. But wonder if there is a way to connect the laptop to a TV.


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