The dates are picked! Just waiting for codes and reasonable airfare!


Longs for the feeling of sandy salt water in her k
Oct 27, 2000
124 more sleeps until Disney! APRIL 19 - APRIL 30, 2002! 12 days (two are travel days) so 10 REAL Disney Days! We'll get the Canadian ticket deal again this year (ouch). With 10 days this year (7 last year) we can stretch out the days and enjoy a more leisure Disney time.

I guess I should start thinking about PS! Here is the plan so far ~ still a work in progress.

As soon as codes are published next month, I'll book the hotel. If I can get $89.00 CSR, we'll stay there. If not, it's a $99.00 All Star room. My rule this year is no room over $100 USF. (Last year I paid $170.00 USF OUCH!)

I'm waiting to see what airfare will do, I think I'll book 4 tickets in January. I like prebooking seats and we plan to fly from Pearson. So that doesn't give us tons of options for airlines.

PS: We have done Cindy's twice (1998 and 2001) but I think we'll do it again. Since we've done them, I'm not going to go crazy if we don't get PS. We'll do Crystal Palace dinner (done it twice before as well, but it's a fav). Donald Breakfastosaurus wasn't my fav, but dd loved it and it's included in the ticket so we'll go there. We will also do the char breakky at the Poly ~ first timer for this one!

Since we've done so much Disney in the past, this trip will be more leisurely. We've rode up front on the monorail twice (dd even got to make announcement), been in shows, meet most characters. So I'd like to spend time visiting other Disney resorts and swimming!

Well, that's the plan so far! Hope we can do another DISmeet at the RFC like before last Aprils WDW trip!

PS: I'll write about our summer vacation plans soon too, not Disney, but just as much FUN! MERRY CHRISTMAS! S
Sounds very exciting, Sandra! :) Keep an eye on to watch for airline prices. (Even if you don't book through them they list all the prices for you, and will even e-mail you when prices drop.)

I'm sure Christmas will be especially magical around your house knowing that you're going to DISNEY in just a few months! :)
Sandra, hopefully we will see you there. Planning a trip for April 15-23. I am trying to rent points from DVC members for a one-bedroom at BWV. My kids are dying to try the Keister pool. I am also going to buy the 7 day passes, but I am not going for the special so that I can use half this year and half next year. Keep us up-to-date on your plans.
It sounds like everything is coming together for you. Just a note about PS's at Cindy's (at least for the breakfast)..we just booked for our trip in January and got the PS's...but when we tried to make a backup PS later in the week, no luck, after being on hold until 7:05...I thought that with the slowdowns and being off season, there would be no problems...sounds like WDW is picking up again.
Good luck with getting your rooms and flight booked.

Hi Sandra! Sounds wonderful! I sure wish we were going to be able to go this year too, but that just isn't in the books, so I live vicariously through all of you who get to go.
That's terrific, Sandra! Do the kids know yet? Have fun with all the planning, sounds like you have a good start on it. I hope you are able to get some good deals for your flight and hotel. :)
hi sandra,
i know how excited you feel, we are booked from april21-april30. we are driving down though, our dd is 21 so it is easier for us, maybe she'll even help with the driving! we are booked at pop century for 5 nights(so who knows where we'll end up, but all-stars would be fine) and then csr for 5 nights. maybe we'll see you there!

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