The ABCs of a New 'Ohana Adventure-G is for: Greetings From Teppan, Good-Byes, and Good News!!! - COMPLETED 1/7

I have only been to Disneyland once and it was many years ago! It was my first Disney park and I loved it. It was so long ago that you had to have tickets for the rides. Such happy memories of that vacation! My favorite ride was the Matterhorn Bobsled. Thanks for sharing your trip with us!
I just love all your Halloween overlay pics from HM - that is so super cool - I want to go just for that!!
Hey, as long as you have the ability to spend money, they'll squeeze you in.
So true. Sad, considering discussion about trader Sam's...they don't do that, per se.

Hope Disney execs aren't reading this! Or maybe they should be.
I honestly don't think the Disney execs care about anything we (or other customers) say.

Disney meeting
Did we raise the prices?
Are people still buying it?
Raise 'em again.

Lather, rinse, repeat.
First, I totally agree on your SW review. I do like all the details and I love SW but the land left me a little flat. I hope I can ride the new attraction in January to see what that one is all about.

I am also wondering if the new attraction may soften my stance on some things. Time will tell...

I have a reservation for Oga’s in January, mainly to get into the land itself. The drinks are crazy expensive and Andi isn’t a fan of sharing a table or standing area with strangers.

I don't think you need a ressie anymore to get in the land. We came and went as we pleased going back a couple of times to play the app games.

Now the HM at DL with the Nightmare overlay, oh my, I would love to see that. This looks amazing. I watched a you tube video of it on Tim Tracker and it is so cool! I’m glad you all were able to experience this and get some fun pictures, I so enjoy your photos!

It was so incredible! I LOVED the amount of detailing and and thought that went into it. I LOVED the Halloween area of Carsland almost even more. Coming up next....
This is exactly how we felt as well. I understand trying to squeeze as much of a profit out of people as they're willing to pay. I mean, it's kinda greedy, but it makes sense. But this is just a little over the top.

I thought so anyway.
This is ridiculous, and yet doesn't surprise me at all. We had a similar amount of space for the two of us at the bar. It was a lot of sweaty skin of strangers' arms brushing against your own, knocking elbows, and trying to "think thin!" lol

Totally ridiculous. EW.

Woah! I think $35 is pricey enough...but $45...I don't think I could justify it unless it was my absolute holy grail of mugs. But you definitely came out ahead! Especially with the resale value!

I can't part with them yet, but maybe someday they'll be worth a small fortune and I can pay my rent with them. LOL!

This is such a cute idea! I hadn't thought of this before. Now I'm getting all kinds of ideas...tiki mugs with spiky aloe vera plants for hair...the possibilities are endless!

I"VE DONE THAT!!! 100%! I used my Uh-Oa as an aloe vera planter on my coffee table for almost a year before I went on vacation and killed it. Now my kitchen squirt soap sits in it perfectly and I see it (and use it) everyday!

I agree. We're booked to go back there in December for Nathan's benefit, but otherwise once was good for me. It was neat to see it, but I don't have any desire to go again for the reasons you mention.

I do think it's well worth seeing once to know what's there and to experience the fun details; I guess in the end the theme just doesn't grab me like Trader Sam's or other park areas do.

This looks so awesome!! I'd heard of this overlay before and would love to see it. Your review and pictures have reinforced that!

I really truly hope you get there to see it someday! It's very unique and executed so well.
How dare they! Did they not know that a queen was gracing their presence?!?!?!

I think a sternly written memo is in order.

Um... okay.
Well, as they say, don't look a gift tauntaun in the mouth.

He might bite.

Standing = minding own business. Got it.
So many rules!!!

And don't draw your lightsaber first.

And Disney doesn't provide breath freshening gum!

I guess their profit margins go down when they have to power wash it up every night.

A steal at half the price!


Not being much of a drinker, I actually am happy with a small amount of alcohol. I always look for a drink with a good taste, and for me that means less alcohol flavour.
But I can understand you're not being thrilled to pay more for what is essentially just a non-alcoholic concoction.

Yes. I simply want what is advertised.

Um... weren't you in DisneyLAND?

Okay, fine. Technically, yes.

Are you sure?


Any luck so far?

I haven't heard, but may have to wait until November. I'm not even sure if @franandaj are home yet.

I thought you said the rant was over?


The Queen is ranting!

Oh really? I didn't experience that in WDW.

Both parks. Slow.

Wow! Now I'm thinking I need to see this.
I am overdue for my annual visit to see Alison...

What are you waiting for?!

(I envision a Fall Trip again with the lot of us.)

Unless it weighs a ton (literally) and snaps branches and splits trees in half.

Yikes! It actually made a headline here. Quite the storm! BTW, the headine was that your mayor was urging busineses to send folks home early last week.
I was so jealous of your trip to DL! It looks like you gushed an amazing time!

We super did! Such a fun group and so many sights to see!
So pretty! I was going to say, I agree, but then if you had just said to me that the Christmas decorations were the best, I would have agreed with that too! Or EPCOT during F & G…I just love it all of the time ::yes::

HAHA! This is true! I ADORE F&G time as well, but that's at WDW. For DLR, I think Fall is best.

That's kind of disappointing, especially since I've yet to see it myself.

Maybe it'll be more up your alley and you'll love everything about it!

Yikes! And if they keep selling like hotcakes on eBay, the prices will continue to increase :sad2:
Yes, they certainly will. AS well as long as people (like me) keep buying them. :rolleyes:
So much fun banter here! Alas, my beddie-bye calls to me. More replies this weekend. :) Meantime, too many more work days between now and then!

And in other not-so-Disney news...

Just a gushing Grammie reminder: My lovely daughter is due on Dec. 3rd and we had a nice baby shower for her last weekend. I'm so excited I could burst!

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If that’s you, ask to stand at the bar or other standing tables.
Hmm...I’m not the best at small talk with strangers. Good tip.

Choosing was SUPER hard! But I wanted a souvenir mug for $4,000 or close to it.
If I ever get to Oga’s, I would be tempted to get a souvenir mug. Because at those prices it’s most likely one and done for me.

Yes, I know it's Disney and they are KNOWN to charge more for everything, but this alone will keep me out of Oga's in the future.
Yeah, I really couldn’t justify multiple visits.

I had JUST watched Nightmare Before Christmas for the very first time so it was all so fresh and relevant,
Confession. I have never seen that movie. I tried watching it once but just couldn’t get into it and ended up falling asleep. I’ve never had much desire to try it again.

The Blue Bayou, where I worked for about a year! Such a great job!
it must have been a fun job!

Mr. Toad is always a favorite of mine and one of my longest standing attraction memories of my childhood.
I loved Mr. Toad. On my family’s only trip of my childhood, when I was 9, I enjoyed it so much it’s the only ride my father let me ride twice. (That’s the WDW version.)

What ride or show or attraction holds the most nostalgic significance for you and why?
Hard question. For my entire family it’s probably it’s a small world. Yes the song gets stuck in your head, but there’s something about it that just says Disney to us. It’s our first ride tradition.
I would have to mention Big Thunder as well, for me personally. It’s the first roller coaster I conquered and I was so happy that I did.
We super did! Such a fun group and so many sights to see!

I just read my post in your quote…I think that "gushed" should have said, "guys had" Ugh…that's what I get for quoting in a rush! I think you understood me anyway ::yes::

Just a gushing Grammie reminder: My lovely daughter is due on Dec. 3rd and we had a nice baby shower for her last weekend. I'm so excited I could burst!

I think a sternly written memo is in order.
At the very least!
And don't draw your lightsaber first.
Are you sure? There's an old rule dating back to Western times.
"He who draws last, dies."
But then there's the other rule.
"He who draws best, gets hired by Disney."
I guess their profit margins go down when they have to power wash it up every night.
That'd be a fun job.... not.
Yes. I simply want what is advertised.
I get that. :)
I haven't heard, but may have to wait until November. I'm not even sure if @franandaj are home yet.
I believe they just got back. :)

The Queen is ranting!
What are you waiting for?!

(I envision a Fall Trip again with the lot of us.)
Won't be this fall (It's just about over) or the next (possibly/probably have other plans).
Yikes! It actually made a headline here. Quite the storm! BTW, the headine was that your mayor was urging busineses to send folks home early last week.
Wasn't too hard to do for a lot of businesses... they lost power.
Just a gushing Grammie reminder: My lovely daughter is due on Dec. 3rd and we had a nice baby shower for her last weekend. I'm so excited I could burst!
Congrats to your DD!
This isn't the same DD that already had your grandkid (grandkids?) is it?
Your Ogra's spacing situation was exactly what happened to DH and I on our first visit during AP previews. We were given a spot big enough for one person while the other side of the bar had TONS of space. I asked the bar tender if we could move and he said it was fine just to do it quickly before they brought in more people. So we moved and a CM started yelling at me about moving. I explained how we were only given a spot big enough for one of us and she told me that that's all people were given and we were expected to stand behind one another. I was NOT about to let that happen and basically told her we had permission and moved on with my life. I was SO MAD. Especially since there was a family of four standing four across nursing ONE drink (don't blame them at all, they totally deserve the experience just like anyone). Yet me and Dan who bought four alcoholic drinks including the rancor teeth flight were being told to share one teeny spot. So I totally get it!!! (also I hope you can get the flight at some point, it is pretty cool! And for reference we actually packed it in our checked luggage and it made it home in one piece!)

OMG I cannot wait to visit Disneyland! Less than one month countdown! We are having dinner at Blue Bayou our first night, any meal recommendations??
Just a gushing Grammie reminder: My lovely daughter is due on Dec. 3rd and we had a nice baby shower for her last weekend. I'm so excited I could burst!
I called my grandmother Grammie and I have a hard time seeing YOU as Grammie, but congrats!

I forget, did you mention to me your son, DIL and grandbaby in Guam are back or will be soon?
I can't part with them yet, but maybe someday they'll be worth a small fortune and I can pay my rent with them. LOL!

:rotfl: Hopefully someday!

I"VE DONE THAT!!! 100%! I used my Uh-Oa as an aloe vera planter on my coffee table for almost a year before I went on vacation and killed it. Now my kitchen squirt soap sits in it perfectly and I see it (and use it) everyday!

I love this!

How exciting the baby shower must have been! I'm so happy for you, about to become a Grammie once again!
I love all the photos from Disneyland. One of my goals in life is to see the HM overlay. I like your plan of concentrating on the attractions that are different from DW. Your Trader Joe's visit sounds fun and interesting. Congrats to your daughter and your whole family. Having a grand baby close is going to be the best!
The park is so beautiful all dressed up for Fall. I LOVE the Autumn decorations at Disney parks more than any other time of year! The huge array of Disney-real carved pumpkins in all the windows and storefronts along Main Street, the garlands, and window displays are so festive and fun! We spent a few minutes taking photos as we made our way towards the back of the park.
So beautiful!
My take on SW:GE? I am going to have to be brutally honest here…. Disney did a whiz-bang job on theming and Imagineering of details, but after spending 3 or 4 visits there now (including the Florida portions of my trip) I’m in no hurry to go back. The ride is fun, but nowhere near worth more than a 45ish-minute wait. The Play App stuff IS fun, building a droid IS fun (I’ll go into detail on this in a much later update) and photographing is nice, but after you’ve done it a few times, it is simply a gigantic money-grabbing blackhole.
Pretty much how I am feeling....I will probably go once to say I've done it but have no real interest in it. DH was shocked that I wasn't going to go on my December trip. But with an expired AP and only 2 one park tickets, my time is better spent elsewhere.
It’s great to be back with you, Friends, but wish I was still in Florida soaking up all the warm sunshine. Have patience with me as I try to get settled back in and take care of some real life work that piled up while I was gone. I know it’s probably not hard to believe, but I literally just got my suitcase up the 3 flights of stairs about 10 minutes ago with my son’s help. Unpacking is NOT my strong point. I worked 43.5 hours this week between my 2 jobs and I’m still jet-lagged a little. I know, excuses, excuses… I’ll get there…
That is a lot! Hope you are starting to feel better now. :hug:
Oga’s has a few precious table spots, but Imbiber beware! You WILL be seated with other travelers which could make for an awkward situation if you accidentally reach for your lightsaber at the wrong time... or, if you have a hard time blending into conversation with complete strangers. If so, ask to stand. I love meeting new people and love the tables, but know they are definitely not for everyone. If that’s you, ask to stand at the bar or other standing tables. In which case, you’ll still be packed in with complete strangers, but it’s easier to mind your own business, lending an authentic air to an outpost bar which specializes in catering to shady dealers who want to be left alone or have a discreet meeting.
I wouldn't mind the shared tables either as I enjoy meeting people too and think it would be a fun part of the experience.
I guess when they serve something with little more alcohol content than a mousse with a tablespoon of vanilla in it and call it a cocktail and costs twice what any other cocktail on the planet does, I have issues. Yes, I know it's Disney and they are KNOWN to charge more for everything, but this alone will keep me out of Oga's in the future. For those of you who love it there, enjoy the shorter wait time and extra space. You're welcome.
Bang on!
As I mentioned, neither of us wanted to race from ride to ride, so we ambled slowly and found a 45-minute wait posted when we got there. We decided to do it as this is unique to Cali and something that was a must-do for us. It was SO FUN looking at all the amazing details they added to the exterior, both Nightmare Before Christmas-related and simply HM-themed.
Now this I would be excited about!!
Disney does such a bang up job with this!! And if you think the outside is amazing, the inside is simply over-the-top. Every inch of the attraction is transformed and so, so fun. I LOVED the stretching portraits, but couldn’t get a photo of them. All of the changing pictures at the beginning of the ride change as well. I won’t go into all the amazing detailing found throughout the ride, but um… it also happened to be the 50th anniversary of the HM so a giant gingerbread house (HM- inspired, of course) was placed on the table as per tradition. How did I not know about this?! Here is an article about this year’s special creation:
What makes POTC better? It’s WAY longer with additional scenes. My nostalgic favorite is the set up where you are taken through a dusky twilight bayou scene complete with a lone old codger playing a lazy tune on his banjo. Fireflies twinkle as you are sent off to the tropical pirate-infested locales in a splashy fashion. Marc Davis’ signature chess theme makes an appearance as well as a pirate on his haul- a scene not seen in Florida. (How’s that for top notch writing?)
You are making me want to go to DL!
While I got zero photos that turned out from Snow White, I did enjoy her Majesty’s creepiness and her eventual demise at her own doing at the end of the ride. (Sorry for the sucky photos!)
I would love to do this ride!
Mr. Toad is always a favorite of mine and one of my longest standing attraction memories of my childhood. I love the zaniness of his antics and love the books even more. If you’ve never read the Wind in the Willows, it’s well worth it! Did you know A.A. Milne, author of Winnie the Pooh, also wrote a play adapted from the characters seen in this attraction as well? I’ve not seen it, but sure would like to!
Adding this too my list...... Wind in the Willows was one of my childhood favourites!
Snow White was making the moves on a handsome young princely type, much to the mocking and scolding of her stepmom. It was full-on hilarious!

"It'll only work out if you pick up your socks and do the dishes once in a while!"
I know that opinions of this attraction wildly vary, but it’s a classic, I never tired of the artistry and creativity found both inside and out, and it’s got a lot of memory and meaning for me personally.
I adore IASW and would love to check out the DL version one day.
We did finally arrive only to find that the Tiki Gods were not looking out for us. There were NO open tables which is not uncommon for this place. Kari wasn’t feeling well, so I stood inside lurking while she went to find a place to sit outside. Nearly 30 minutes later, 2 places at the bar opened up, I quickly snatched them up and texted Kari to come on in and join me. In that 30 -minutes or so, many folks came and left noting the crappy seating situation. It’s a super fun place to hang out, but be forewarned, the wait is often quite long to get a seat of any kind.
Good for you for being persistent!
At one point, I found my chin nearly resting ON, no really, ON the bar. What in the actual heck?! I was so confused!!! How does this happen? Kari busted out laughing, as did the folks to my right. I had NO idea it was a thing at Trader Sam's to have the trick bar stool catch one unawares. I about died laughing, rolling with knowing the joke was on me. I confess, it was wonderfully hilarious.
Oh my gosh, that is the best ever!!
And now, it’s YOUR turn! What ride or show or attraction holds the most nostalgic significance for you and why?
Nothing says Disney to me like Adventureland.......the classic theming and detail are perfect. I would say Jungle Cruise ans the Tiki room hold equal pieces of my heart. I remember the boys at 6 and 8 being in awe of everything on the Jungle Cruise and Bill and I laughing at all the puns. It's a ride that has never gotten old for us.
Just a gushing Grammie reminder: My lovely daughter is due on Dec. 3rd and we had a nice baby shower for her last weekend. I'm so excited I could burst!
Congratulations! She looks so much like you!
While I am just speculating here, I am pretty sure I would feel the same way as you about Oga's being overrated and the HM overlay being way more worthwhile a visit. I'm not even a big Nightmare Before Christmas fan, but all the details look stunning. It once again solidifies that if I am ever able to make it out DL in CA, I'm going during the fall.

Live music during the carousel? That sounds amazing!

You worked at Blue Bayou? I never knew that!


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