Thankful for Disney - SOOZE's Thanksgiving TR FULL of PICTURES! NEW!! 6/5


DIS Veteran
Aug 10, 2006
Hello everyone! My name is Sooze. If you know me, welcome to my latest TR! If you don't, I'm going to be jumping right into this report, so if you REALLY want to get to know me, feel free to click on one of the links in my signature. If the date of the trip is underlined, there is a link to the TR! Enjoy!!

Day 1 Arrival at POFQ (Just scroll down!)

Day 1 Starting at Epcot

Day 1 Mission: LOUD!

Day 1 Divide and Conquer

End Day 1 Wishes!

Day 2 DHS Morning

Day 2 More DHS Fun

Day 2 Block Party Bash and Osborne Lights

End Day 2 at AK with EMH

Day 3 EMH at MK Girls' Morning Out

Day 3 Spin Fest on the Teacups and Crusin' the TTA

Day 3 Princess-Palooza

Day 3 Meeting Rapunzel and Flynn Rider

Day 3 Main Street Show and the Tray Dance

Day 3 Thanksgiving Meal.... Meh.

End Day 3 MSEP and EMH at MK

Day 4 Drama before Epcot

This Thanksgiving, we were able to surprise our kiddos with a short getaway to Disney! We woke them up at 4am and told them we had to go to the airport to pick up a 'surprise' Thanksgiving guest. DS (Ty) was on it right away. The boy is now 10 and can see through a surprise pretty quickly (much to our dismay). He was questioning our actions, and even mentioned Disney a few times... but didn't nail the surprise on the head.

After parking ("Why are we parking if we are just picking someone up?") we quickly unloaded the suitcases and handed the kids their princess ears (for DD-Shae) and lanyard. We said, "We think you may need these!" Then, it sunk in!! It wasn't a giant explosion of gratitude and joy... it was more of a slow, bubbling realization that we weren't kidding. Well... here... see for yourself!

What's that? You can't SEE?!?! Well, that's because it was 4:30 in the morning, and our lighting situation was not ideal. Oh well... at least you can enjoy the cold Hoosier wind..

Our flight was direct and we were HOME in no time!! This was our first time staying at POFQ, so we were excited to see some new digs.

Here we are arriving:

We just love taking the first flight out in the morning and arriving at Disney just as people are getting up and out of the resorts. It feels like we have the whole day ahead of us.. and, heck.. we kind of do!

Right away we were greeted by a fabulous CM who gave DD a purple coin to match her purple outfit:

That coin gave us lots of entertainment throughout the trip, and my little princess did not let it out of her sight! She treasured that little cheap piece of plastic!

We had to wait much longer than we are used to. Not that we minded, just a bit DVC spoiled, I guess. I had time to enjoy the fabulous Mardis Gras artwork:


I had to sing a few rounds of "Down in New Orleans" from Princess and the Frog. In fact, every time we came "home" to POFQ, I had to sing that song. It just fit so perfectly! The kids entertained themselves while we continued to wait for an available CM:

I just love how my children get along at Disney World. Why is that? They are just so happy to be there that they forget about their supposed sibling rivalry? Or maybe they're afraid we'll turn around and go home if they misbehave?:confused3

DS singing a lovely POFQ song:

Ok, enough of this lobby! Finally, it was our turn.. and it was worth the wait. Not even 11am and our room was ready! YEA!! This meant we could eat and take a quick nap before heading out for the day!! AND we were in the building right next to the main building! SCORE!!

It was building #3 and I loved how the building looks hidden from the parking lot:

Building THREEEEEE, Mommy!

We arrived in our room to find:

Sing with me now, "In the Southland, there's a city, way down on the river. Where the women are very pretty. And all the men deliver..."

Another picture of our building:

We dropped our luggage and headed immediately to the food court... at RIVERSIDE!!:goodvibes DH (Matt) and I had taken an adults-only trip a few years ago and stayed at POR... we LOVED the food court. So, sticking with what we know, we found our way there. It was deserted and we quickly enjoyed our first $45 counter service meal. Ouch... the OOP meal prices were already starting to hurt. Nevertheless, we still sprung for a couple of these:


Filled them up with Diet Coke. Then headed back to the room

for a little bit of this:


Ah... Disney naps, blanket love, and Stacy on the TV. Good night, Disney World!

And speaking of World... we had two of them calling our name. Future World and World Showcase. After naps... EPCOT HERE WE COME!!!

Come back now y'all!
I wish we could have gone for Thanksgiving. That would have been NICE!! Looks like you guys are off to a great start. Can't wait to read more.popcorn::
Great start, can't wait to read about all the fun you had over Thanksgiving. POFQ is a great resort, but I totally know what you mean about Riversides food court... it ruins you for any of the other ones on property. Shae is getting so big, K next year right?
I'm in!!!! Going back to read......
Glad you're here, Cherie!!

Loved the pictures of POFQ, and I am looking forward to the rest report.:surfweb:
Have you stayed there before? Look for an update or two this weekend!

I wish we could have gone for Thanksgiving. That would have been NICE!! Looks like you guys are off to a great start. Can't wait to read more.popcorn::
It was a great way to get into the Christmas spirit, and NOT have to do any dishes on the holiday! WIN WIN!!!

Great start, can't wait to read about all the fun you had over Thanksgiving. POFQ is a great resort, but I totally know what you mean about Riversides food court... it ruins you for any of the other ones on property. Shae is getting so big, K next year right?
LOVE Riverside's food court! And, yes... The big K for Shae next year. I can't believe it!!

I'm in:goodvibes

You've got me hooked already, and I'm looking forward to reading more
Welcome!! :goodvibes Glad you're here... stay tuned!
We have stayed at POFQ twice and PORS once when it was Dixie Landing. I love that POFQ is smaller and love those Beignets.
We enjoyed POFQ, but definitely prefer the atmosphere at Riverside. It was fun to try a new resort, though!!

Great start! Love your daughter's twinkle toes!! :)
;) I totally caved and bought those stinkin' expensive things. She LOVES them, though! They were actually a great purchase! Welcome to my TR!

sweet a sooze report...great start.
DAN! I'm so glad you're here. :goodvibes
We felt FABULOUS after our quick naps (in which Stacy repeated herself over and over...), and were ready to tackle Epcot. We planned out our car logistics and decided that Matt would drop the kids and me off at the Boardwalk, then drive over to the Contemporary to park the car. That way, when we left Magic Kingdom later that night, we could just walk over to the car. He hopped on a monorail to meet us at Epcot.

In the meantime, the kids and I checked out the gingerbread house at BWV:

We took our time walking our favorite route into Epcot. A FriendShip was heading our way so we stopped for a wave:

The captain got on the loudspeaker and said "CHEEEEEEEEESE!!!!" for us! It was great! Then he honked our favorite boat horn.

Friendship sailing away:

And one more parting glance:

We caught some of our favorite country sights:

And we took our time getting into International Gateway. We even stopped to watch the DisBirds:

I really want to be a DisBird in my next life. How awesome would that be to fly around DisneyWorld and land where ever you please for the day. You can have great seats to all of the firework displays, you can smell the popcorn, you can watch the parades, you can listen to the background music... sweet, eh? Of course, you couldn't ride Soarin' or Expedition Everest... so I guess that would kinda stink.

Where was I?

Oh yes...

We were bird watching:

Then we made our way into our favorite Disney park. We had some time to kill before DH joined back up with us, so we headed into Future World to see what was going on. We stopped by a Christmas tree for a photo op:

About a week before we surprised the kids with this trip, we were all watching a special on HGTV (or one of those channels) about how Disney gets all holiday-ed up. The kids were just whining about how badly they wanted to see all of those holiday decorations and Matt and I just giggled to ourselves knowing that they would soon be seeing them in real life! So every tree, wreath, gingerbread house, and display were GREATLY appreciated by my kids.. which was very gratifying!

We quickly realized with the crowd levels in Future World that we were in for a BUSY BUSY trip. Wow. We were all a bit thirsty so we took a visit to Club Cool.

Shae and I share the same favorite:

MMMMMMmmmmmmmm. Fanta from Costa Rica. Delish!


He prefers the Mezzo Mix:

Probably because it's from Germany, his new favorite country!

When we stepped out of Club Cool to head to the entrance to meet DH, I just had a moment where it hit me that we were REALLY HERE!! All of that waiting and dreaming about being here... and WE WERE HERE!

We headed to the front of Future World, and Shae's personal chauffeur took excellent care of her:

Matt called and said he was on a monorail on his way over. We happened to stumble on Daisy and Stitch, with absolutely no one waiting for them! Shae jumped right on that!






See her princess ears?! Those of you who have been with me for previous TRs might remember when she asked me for those things and I almost DIDN'T buy them as I was SURE she would wear them for 5 minutes, then decide she didn't like the way they felt on her head. Well, as you can see, she not only wore them for our entire Spring Break trip, she put them to good use for this trip as well!!

We saw Matt's monorail come in and actually found him on the train... we had fun waving at him as he cruised around Spaceship Earth! Finally together again, we decided to start our trip with...

Hey, what can we say? It was the only ride that had a wait time under 30 minutes. Yeah... we had to wait for it... It was going to be a BUSY BUSY trip!

That's it for this update... I'll probably knock this thing out quickly since I'm off for TWO WEEKS!! So come back soon. Here's your teaser...

WHAT WAS SHAELYN TALL ENOUGH TO RIDE!?! We were completely taken by surprise on this one...
I'm in, great updates so far!

PO is our favourite resort, we just love the scenery of the place!

Can't wait for the next installment

I'm in, great updates so far!

PO is our favourite resort, we just love the scenery of the place!

Can't wait for the next installment


Thanks so much for joining me! We are DVC members and usually don't get to stay at other resorts, so we always enjoy our opportunities to see new places. POR is our absolute favorite moderate!! So beautiful!

Next installment coming up!
Yah for an update:goodvibes

How sweet that your son was the one who wanted to push the stroller...that is too cute!

Mmm i agree that the costa rica fanta is the best at club cool...which i had it now.

And wow 30 minutes for Spaceship Earth...that's crazy!!

Looking forward to more
I'm subbing to this TR. Your kids are adorable. I love Shae's red hair? It goes very well with the princess ears. I can't believe your kids get along so well at Disney! That amazes me. Can't wait to hear more about your trip.
Yah for an update:goodvibes

How sweet that your son was the one who wanted to push the stroller...that is too cute!

Mmm i agree that the costa rica fanta is the best at club cool...which i had it now.

And wow 30 minutes for Spaceship Earth...that's crazy!!

Looking forward to more
We are so lucky... he LOVES pushing his sister in the stroller! And, of course, she loves having him push her!:hug:

Wow, now I'm craving the Costa Rica Fanta! Maybe they could bottle it for us so we could take it home?:confused3

The good thing about the wait for SE is that it never stops moving. It went really quickly!

Working on an update... stay tuned!:thumbsup2

I'm subbing to this TR. Your kids are adorable. I love Shae's red hair? It goes very well with the princess ears. I can't believe your kids get along so well at Disney! That amazes me. Can't wait to hear more about your trip.

Aw, thanks for subbing! I think my kids are pretty adorable, too!:rolleyes1

We LOVE Shae's red hair. Both Matt and myself have red in our family, but we NEVER expected it to show up in one of our own children. It's amazing how we can't go anywhere without someone commenting on her hair. It's great!!
We had a lovely ride on Spaceship Earth. The two kids sat in the front of the car and Matt and I got to cuddle in the back seat. I really think I could ride SE 5 times in a trip and not get tired of it.... Thank the Phoenicians!

When we got off, we decided to get check out the Mission: Space/ Test Track area and see how brutal the crowds were. As we approached Mission: Space, we noticed it wasn't bad. I told Matt and Ty they could ride while Shae and I browsed the gift shops (something she LOVES doing!). Tyson said, "Let's see if Shae is tall enough for Mission: Space!!!"

Me: "Buddy, there is no way she's tall enough!"
Ty: "Let's just TRY!"


Yeah.. This girl has grown 4 INCHES since spring break!!!:scared1: That is crazy! So, even though we know she's tall enough, would she even want to ride?

Yep! She wanted to! Green side, of course! We had a VERY short wait and we were soon in the room with Gary Sinise. Shae didn't bat an eyelash. She seemed super ready to go. Tyson was pumping her up the whole time about all of the buttons she could press in the capsule and going to see the moon and Mars, etc.

DH looks more apprehensive about it than Shae does!

She even listened so intently to all of the directions:

Then we got into the capsule, strapped her in, lowered the restraints, let the control panel lower down.... and realized she was too small to reach any of those buttons that Tyson was so excited about...:headache: So, that made Shae mad, and probably didn't set her up for the best experience. Then... the ride started... and Matt and I quickly realized that the volume of the soundtrack and sound effects was SUPER loud. Then Shae realized how loud it was... and began to cry.. and cry hard. It was the LONGEST Mission: Space ride EH.VER. She wasn't upset by the simulator, she was upset with the sheer LOUDNESS of it all!!

We finally got off of the ride and tried to get her excited about the fact that it was over, and that she DID IT!!:cheer2: She didn't buy it. It took a while for her to recover. We decided to walk her in the stroller for a while and try to calm her down. Wouldn't you know it? We ended up at the American Pavilion in World Showcase.

Well, heck, since we're here, how about a round of Voices of Liberty?!!

Shae took a picture of Matt and Me:

And a closer version:

See Tyson behind us? That's where he sits when we go see VoL. Wanna know why? One time, during a wonderful version of "Skip to My Lou", one of the lovely ladies of VoL targeted Tyson, sang to him, made him stand up in front of the crowd and answer questions, and basically scarred him for life! So he sits behind us so that never happens again! (Secretly, I think he LOVED it... but he's got to protect that 10-year-old-too-cool-for-fun reputation.)

So, the first song the sing? "Skip to My Lou" :rotfl: Here's the poor boy they tortured for this one:

Here's a video clip of the Voices of Liberty awesomeness. I recorded it because "You Are My Sunshine" is a family tradition with my mom, sisters, and me!

Earlier in our walk around WS, we stopped for a Kim Possible Mission. Tyson just ADORES these! We had an awesome CM who asked us if we had done them before (Yes, we have) and then asked us which countries we hadn't done yet. Tyson almost screamed "GERMANY!!!" He has been dying to do the Germany mission since he fell in love with that country a few trips ago. (He had done a research project on Germany as part of a family heritage unit, so now he's in love!) The CM promptly gave us the Germany mission, and after VoL, it was time to get our leiderhosen on!

Matt got into the spirit:


I won't give it away, but as part of the mission, these mugs do something hilarious!

Tyson laughing because he kept making the mugs do it, over and over again:

After helping Kim Possible save the world, we ran over to the new caramel shop in Germany. Wow oh wow... this is heaven in a gift shop. Awesome!

I could watch this all day:

I mean, really?

We waited in line for quite a long time, then took our yummy goodies out to a bench and went to TOWN!!

Matt got a peanut butter/ caramel cookie:

Shae got a caramel/chocolate pretzel log:

Tyson and I shared a caramel apple:

(I love Matt in the background of this picture! He looks ready to devour that cookie!)

We were in heaven on our first day, enjoying delicious sweet treats, and watching the sun start to go down over the German skyline:



But the night was STILL young, and we had much more to do!
Wow that carmel shop looks delicious...did the treats taste as good as they looked?

Your TR's have made me really want to try and take in the Voices of Liberty on our next trip, we just never seemed to find the time for it before

I'm loving your TR and can't wait to hear more:goodvibes

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