TEAM MICKEY--Biggest Loser 11 Spring Team Challenge!

Let me introduce myself too, I see some others have done that already. My name is Evelyn:wave:

:wave: Hi Mom!

Anyway, I have to stop bingeing. I feel like I've tried everything and then some. I'm going through 5 sticks of gum a day. Any ideas? Please!

My ideas:
1. Perhaps schedule a treat at the end of the day (or maybe the middle, or whenever you typically get the urge to binge) so that way you know you'll get a sweet reward and perhaps will be less likely to binge. Not speaking from trying this, but just thinking. I know depriving yourself can make you do crazy things, so don't deprive, but plan for it so you can control it. And I say don't make it a "healthy" treat. Not like vanilla yogurt, but may light ice cream or something on those lines.
2. Pre-plan and journal your entire day of meals. That way you don't have to think about what to eat at each meal/snack. You already know what you're eating and how many calories/points it is. Just try it for 1 week or even 5 days. You can pre-plan the whole week or just one day at a time. I swear it'll kick start your diet! And you can also plan for those treats!

Here are some things Hungry Girl recommends for chocolate fixes.
Swiss Miss Diet Hot Cocoa Mix - Each envelope of chocolatey goodness has just 25 calories and a PointsPlus™ value of 1*. I like to add a packet of no-calorie sweetener and use a full cup of water instead of just 6 ounces.

Unsweetened Vanilla Almond Breeze + Hershey's Sugar Free Chocolate Syrup - To make an AMAZING (and large!) low-calorie glass of chocolate "milk," just stir 2 tablespoons of the syrup into a cup of the Breeze. So good and only 55 calories and 3g fat (PointsPlus™ value of 2*).

Jell-O Sugar Free Chocolate Pudding Snacks - There's a slew of fun flavors (LOVE the Double Chocolate), and each portion-controlled snack cup has just 60 calories and a gram and a half of fat (PointsPlus™ value 2*). Woohoo!

Tootsie Pops - THE. BEST. Just 60 fat-free calories a Pop (PointsPlus™ value 2*).

Fudgsicle No Sugar Added Bars - Have TWO of these for 80 calories and 1.5g fat (PointsPlus™ value of 2*). Worth the brain freeze!

Mousse Temptations by Jell-O (chocolate varieties) - This stuff is like the schmancy cousin to those pudding snacks. (Don't fight, girls, there's room in my fridge for both of you!) Each container also has 60 calories and just a bit more fat, 2.5 - 3 grams (PointsPlus™ value of 2*).

Fiber One 90 Calorie Chewy Bars - In Chocolate or Chocolate Peanut Butter, one bar has -- surprise -- 90 calories! Each bar also has a PointsPlus™ value of 2*.

3 Hershey's Milk Chocolate Kisses (or 1 tbsp. mini semi-sweet chocolate chips) - If it's straight-up CHOCOLATE you crave, this is the best way to get your fix for about 70 calories and 4g fat (PointsPlus™ value of 2*).

My favorite chocolate snack is STILL a Triple Chocolate Chunk VitaTop, which clocks in with a PointsPlus™ value of 3*. But the Dark Chocolate Pomegranate VitaTop (also awesome) has a PointsPlus™ value of 2*. Yes!

wow you are really making wonderful changes to your whole family.:goodvibes I find now that I try new things I really find things I love. Before I would just say no thanks and assume it didnt taste good. Glad you are expanding everyones taste buds.

Thank you! I had kind of forgotten that - but yeah - I'm losing weight so I can be healthy, have energy and live a long life for & with my kiddos. The plus side is setting a good example for them.

1/13/11 Thursday QOTD

What was the funniest/wierdest date you ever went on. If you dont have one than give us your best date story.

I was 18 and was asked out by a guy who was 21 that I knew from church. He needed a date to go to his volunteer fireman's banquet. He started drinking and getting silly at the table. I went to the bathroom with one of the other guys girlfriends and somehow in the conversation it came up that he had been telling her that we were really serious and all kind of fake stories. I was upset but went back in as the dancing started. He asked me to slow dance and I said no but he basically pulled me out on the dance floor. He was dancing way to close and rubbing my back and I was getting totally grossed out. The song ended and he tried to kiss me. I pushed him away and ran out of the hall. Called my mom from a pay phone (yes no cell phones then) and had her come pick me up. I never even said goodbye.:lmao: His daughter is now in my sons sunday school class and it is still awkward when I see him even after all these years.:rotfl2:

Ok - that is one weird date. I would be glad to go through life ignoring him. But I bet he's dying inside each time he sees you! :lmao:
1/13/11 Thursday QOTD

What was the funniest/wierdest date you ever went on. If you dont have one than give us your best date story.

In college I went to a very liberal arts school. Think lots of piercings, tattoos and mohawks. Anyway a kind of quiet guy in my computer class asked to partner up for a project. After working on it and finding a bit in common we met a few times for coffee. He asked me out to see a play with another couple he was friends with. It would be the first time I had met any of his friends (I did not consider that we were dating just seeing where the interest might go).

I was the only person with a car (red flag 1) so I picked him up, went to pick his friends up who made us sit around for almost an hour while they got ready (?!?!?!) then I drove us to the theater. I was hungry and stated as much but there wasn't really time to grab a bite (which I believe was part of the plan but, we wasted an hour at the friends apt). So we decided to get something after.
It was a very small theater with maybe 3 rows of seats, so close you could almost smell the actors breath. Ok, that's fine. Well in the second half of the play the main character for no apparent reason takes off her shirt and does the rest of the play topless. Now, I'm sure it was in the script but I sure didn't see that one coming. And so, um, close up!
Alright, now I'm starving but no one them has any money (what is this red flag 2 or 3?). I don't know how it happened but somehow we ended up in a 7-11 type store only not the clean franchise with pre-made sandwiches. This is a dirty, city bodega. My "date" suggests I get something to eat here. Ha! Instead of doritos I grabbed an apple. That's pretty harmless. We are walking down the street to head to the next place (I think a bar so they must have had *some* money) when I bite into a completely rotten apple. :eek:
After the first drink at the bar I came down with a terrible headache and needed to rush right home. I didn't even feel bad for letting them take the El home.
Needless to say at the next class I told him in no uncertain terms to lose my number.
Several years later, DH & I were engaged and went to an Italian restaurant with a large group of his friends. Guess who our waitress was? The topless actress! :lmao:
1/13/11 Thursday QOTD

What was the funniest/wierdest date you ever went on. If you dont have one than give us your best date story.

My first date ever was my first date with my DH. We went to the movies on a double date. After the movie we were walking to the car and I had turned to talk to my friend and DH walked me right into a pole. Everyone thought it was funny (except me at the time) We all laugh about it now.
It's been a rough night around here. Nick has brought up some new or new to Chris and I symptoms which have us in worry mode again. Of course the Neurologist hasn't followed up with us so I'm totally stressed out. Ended up calling the neurologist on call and she was no help. She said she'd pass it along to his neurologist and he'll get back to us. Who knows when. It almost feels like last year when Hunter was diagnosed with a brain tumor. Calgone take me away.
Today was a whirlwind! I looked everywhere for my keys this morning, and eventually even pulled DH's key to my car off his ring...only to find my keys still in the deadbolt from last night as I stepped outside. Then I left my big water cup in the car. Got halfway through the day and DH shows up (surprise!) to see if I want to go to lunch with him; he was on campus to talk to the folks at the career center. Then after work we went out to the hospital for the third time this week where DH's grandma just had surgery - thankfully she is recovering pretty well. While at the hospital we get a call back from the vet - our dog has bladder stones that we've been treating with diet, but they are recommending surgery to the tune of $1200. :eek:

So plan-wise...I'm still working on my water, and exercise was pretty much shot for the day when we got home from the hospital at 9:30 and still hadn't eaten dinner yet...but I did stay within my range at least!

1/13/11 Thursday QOTD

What was the funniest/wierdest date you ever went on. If you dont have one than give us your best date story.

So, in high school I briefly dated this guy, and on our first official date he brought a friend along. No explanation or anything. It was all very couple-y stuff, too -- dinner, movie, and he even tried to kiss me at the end of the night -- all with this other guy just hanging out as a third wheel. Too weird. I still to this day have no idea what was up with that!
QOTD: Next Vacation

I am hoping to be going to Disneyland for my Birthday in June and am inviting my friends. Really hoping it works out and I can see my Best Friend who lives in Texas!

I had 2 big accomplishments (for me!) the last 2 days. Yesterday someone brought fresh donuts to work as I was getting off work. Donuts are my nemesis! I LOVE Donuts! I passed them up! There was even one left sitting on the table as I was leaving and I resisted!

Today I had a day-long meeting at work and several people are assigned to bring food. Normally I pig out all day! Today I brought my own morning snack and lunch and didn't touch any of the yummy looking food on the table!
I had (its after midnight) a really rough day yesterday emotionally. My husband and daughter were killed on Jan 27, 2008 when we were hit head on by a drunk driver. The 3 year anniversary is around the corner. I was depressed and didn't give a flying flip about anything today. So I ate probably around 2000 calories today. I didn't have any soda but today was just bad.

Tomorrow is a new day.
1/12/11 Wednesday QOTD

This snowy weather stinks!
Where is your next vacation planned and what are you looking forward to the most.

Our next vacation is in May to Disney World. We are staying 9 nights at BLT in a one bedroom. The reason for the trip is I'm graduating college with my Bachelors in hospitality management. I'm 9 weeks from being D-O-N-E
DH and I are going to Punta Cana for our anniversary and Valentine's Day! We leave in 31 days!!!We've never been to the Dominican so I am excited to see something different
Sounds absolutely fabulous!!!! Can't wait to see pics.;)

I was out kinda late last night - so I didn't get the weigh in results right away. My family was astounded that I made the top 10!!! Have a great day all!
That's great that your family was so excited! BE PROUD! I had to laugh at the squirrel thing! Sounds like a lot of us are headed for comfort foods right now! Hang in there!

And a BIG congratulations to you, Taryn, for being the biggest loser this week!
Thanks dear!

My next vacation is coming up soon!!! The beginning of February!!! We are going down to Disney World for a few days and then a three night cruise on the new Dream!!!
You deserve a few !!! That's a great thing to look forward to! ENJOY! Can't wait to hear all about it!

We're watching all 4 Lilo and Stitch movies today per Ashleigh's request.
I didn't know there are 4 Lilo and Stitch movies?????

I wanted to take a minute to thank CC and Connie, and especially Tracey for all of their hard work on the spring challenge.

On Saturday, our family will grow by one (temporarily) as we become the host family for a young man who is doing his senior year at my son's high school.
That will be so exciting! How long will he be there? Has Andrew decided on a college, yet? What an amazing experience! You'll find a new groove with your new family, and stay OP. I feel it! Hope you get caught up quickly!

QOTD: Well, our next Disney vacation is planned for PCC 3.0 in June 2012. DH and I are hoping to take a 3-4 day trip down for F&W this year. I would love to go when the W&D half takes place but we'll have to see. Approaching 14 inches quickly here! I had to put out our Toy Story ruler on top of the other one that I had to search for as it was completely buried.
That's a lot of snow! The cruise sounds like fun! Have you done any "parents only" trips before? We've talked about it, but I would have a hard time with the guilt, and can't imagine 12 hr. drives with just DH and I , what would we do for entertainment. Now, if we did a BL meet one day, and I was just buying airfare for me, and we won the lottery, I would have NO GUILT!:lmao: That's lots of snow!

Hello Team MIckey!! Just wanted to congratulate all you big losers this week, and epsecially Taryn the biggest loser! You've had some fun qotds, so I may be stealing some for team Donald when I coach!!!!
I've already thought about stealing some Donald QOTDS when I coach next week. Hey to you too! Hope I get time to pop over there this am!

Don't you love the results from strength and core? I now have a 2 pack.:
What do you do for your core work? Congrats on the two pack!:thumbsup2

Well, I am having a very lazy day off and it is fabulous! I feel like I really needed a mental health day, because while it may just be SAD, I feel like I am fighting the depression demons this week and it's dragging me down a bit.
Hang in there. Do you take extra Vitamin D? I do for SAD when I feel it really taking over, it helps a bit. Funny we both get this, my Grandmother had it as well. It's a tough thing! Glad you got a day to be lazy!

Congrats to Taryn and all of our biggest losers and maintainers this week! Good Job Team Mickey!
Thank you, and your signature makes me smile!

Yes you are not allowed to pump your own gas anywhere in Jersey really.
That's wild. Here in VA, those type stations are dwindling. My mom has one she goes to, she has to pay more for that service, but it's worth it to her. Especially since she only has to get gas about 2 times a month!:rolleyes1

I have a doctor's appointment tomorrow so I'm sure they will weigh me there and I weighed in at home and was down 3.4 lbs from last weeks weigh in It was funny to see our 8 year old get up and head to the tv to see if his school was listed. We had received the phone call at 5:22 AM, but he didn't know that
I try my best not to let AK know before bed, or she'd stay up all night, sleep forever the next day, and then be off schedule if we go back the next day. I am so excited for you Deb. That's an amazing loss for a Wednesday!

IOur next Disney vacation is Aug 19th-26th. We are going for our honeymoon, staying at Caribbean Beach. I am looking forward to just sitting by that pool for a little bit (this weather is just killing me here) and hopefully a body that I could stand to look at in a swimsuit.
That will be so wonderful! So exciting, and you will have that body. Just keep swimming!!!

DH and I went there on our honeymoon almost 10 years ago....still one of the best trips I have ever taken! It was a gift from my mother in law. We spent all day there, swam with the dolphins, the manna rays, and even fed some fish. I have never been a fan of tea until recently. I usually have the caffeine free variety before I go to bed at night. DISNEY WORLD!!!!!!! I am just a little excited! We have been planning this trip for quite awhile now. We are going the beginnng of may. We are staying at Bay Lake Tower. I cannot wait!!! Now we will be there for 9 nights!!! Day 2 with no soda down!!! Can't believe how easy it has been so far!!!
You will LOVE it. Honestly, that resort was what GOT DH to be interested in DVC. The thoughts of walking to MK, being on monorail for 2 parks after a week of folding stroller and waiting for buses at Pop, sold him. AND my promise that if we bought DVC, I'd slow down the pace of our trips. It's a wonderful place!!!
Congrats on 2 days of no soda!!! My neice and nephew did the dolphin swimming trip on their honeymoon, too, and loved it. We're hoping to do it for AK's 13 birthday, even if it is a few months early. Her bday is in late September, and I can't take the unpaid days from work to go then!

My walk is definitely out today unless I bring a avalanche tracking device and a shovel, so I'm going to try one of the workout sessions on demand. Anyone have Fios recs?
:lmao: What's fios?? Be careful!

We stayed at BLT last February and loved it. We had a Bay Lake View - but if we just turned our head to the left we could see the castle and Space Mountain. It was so nice sitting out on the balcony and seeing the train go by. I loved the short walk to get there!
It's sooo much fun!! CAn't beat the location! We surprised the girls with a chef mickey breakfast on check out day, I hadn't been able to get it until the last minute, and it was on AK's places to go. It was early, 7am, but nice to roll them out of bed, throw clothes on, and walk over. Helped with the naps on the way home, too.;)

We are going to play out in the snow in a bit : lol, I HATE snow, but DD wants to go out.
My kids haven't asked to go out yet, thankfully! We need a sled!

Hubby and I did our very first marathon! We did it! We completed our very first marathon.
:cool1::yay: What a great accomplishment!!!! You should be so proud! Hope you recover quickly! As for the confusion, if Cam's too busy, just ask. We're here to help!

Back in from shoveling for the first time! Probably won't get a loss for the week but with the craziness of DD2 being sick, the blizzard and my headaches I'm just not getting in the work I wanted to and not feeling the desire as much as I'd like.
A schedule definitely helps, and I'm sure that shoveling was a HUGE workout!!!! Hope Izzie gets better soon!

I feel ya on keeping up on the thread. I do tend to get lost too. But just post whenever you can and don't feel bad.
Kathy, Mikamah, on the Donald thread used to say she enjoyed my morning CLiff's notes versions. Just read through my morning diatribe, and you'll have the previous day in a short version!

Just wanted to introduce myself. I'm Jen. I live outside Syracuse, NY and I just joined Team Mickey.I'm a SAHM of 3, DS(14), DD(12), and DS(8). My weight-loss goal is to lose about 60 pounds. I'm trying to think of it in smaller chunks, so it doesn't seem so overwhelming. So my first goal is to lose 10. Then I just have to do that 5 more times. Easy, right?
Welcome Jen! You have a GREAT attitude, just keep looking at it that way, and you'll be very successful!

We are heading on our first ever Disney cruise (dh and I have been on other cruises, dds have never been on a cruise before). We are heading to Alaska with my mom, and my uncle with his whole family. There will be 15 of us total. This is all to celebrate my uncles 60th birthday, and my 40th is right after the cruise ends. I really want to be below 200 pounds for my 40th.
WOW! Sounds like fun! A huge family trip! You'll make it! I've never cruised before either.

My name is Evelyn I have been on a quest to drop some pounds for a few months, don't want to say loose weight because I don't want to ever find it My daughter (Mrs D) joined first and encouraged me to follow so here I am.
WElcome! One of my grandmother's name was Evelyn, so I'll remember that easily. I loved her dearly! Love your humor! Congrats on being down 25 so far, and your retirement!:cloud9:

I'm with you! All this snow has thrown a curve ball for me, and I don't have the focus I did last week. I made it in to the office for a few hours today only to find nothing open for getting lunch - so I had popcorn. We are due for a long weekend somewhere, but probably won't go until April or so. We did a big trip to Italy last year so this year will just be a couple of shorter ones. I do have a friend getting married in May so I'm hoping for a girls trip before that! And yes, I suggested Disney I have just skimmed the last few pages of posts and congrats to all the big losers! Especially Taryn, great job being the biggest loser for the week!! Hope Brad had another good day at work today, still keeping y'all in my prayers.
Thanks Karen. It's hard to have the focus when our schedules are off, I'm in that rut, too! Well, popcorn for lunch is very normal, just ask my girls! A trip to Italy sounds fabulous! And a girls' weekend in Disney sounds perfect!!!!

I do NOT want to talk about today. Yeah, right. Vent coming. In the last 36 hours or so-since yesterday morning-I've went through 7 donuts, brownie mix (what a story that is), and who knows what else. Anyway, I have to stop bingeing. I'm going through 5 sticks of gum a day. Any ideas? Please! QOTD: We just booked a trip to WDW for August. We are staying at the Wilderness Lodge. Hoping it's not TOM and that I can show off a bit poolside. Yeah, right.
CC- first, get to the root of the problem. Are you craving sugar? Are you bored? Are you stressed? Mindless eating because it's there? TOM? Just wanting to chew? Bingeing at work or home? Giving the power to the food? You have to figure out the cause before you can hit a solution. I'm sure your mom didn't help with the brownie mix fiasco! If it's at work, and you can, get up, walk around (take the steps up and down a few times) and repeat some positive thoughts. If its' chewing, get some carrots. If it's sweet, get a Kashi bar or something sweet but not too bad for you. Fruit's even better. Think about it and get back to me! I love the WL!!! It's where we spent our honeymoon! You'll love it, and you've get plenty of time to be ready to show off poolside!

Working tomorrow though it's only one half hour client. I should try to run over and get DH some more WW meals as they are really cheap at one grocery store through tomorrow. Just need to refocus and get my act together. Watching GhostHunters with the family now! It's our guilty pleasure lately!
If we watched GhostHunters, there would be even less sleeping than there is now! I can't believe with all that snow you are going to the grocery store and work. Around here, that much would shut stuff down for a week, or more! We got 5 inches off and on since Thurs. night and some ice, and I haven't worked since Thurs. Our roads are still pretty bad!

My oldest son wants to go camping this year but Im pretty much a city girls so we will see.I know I was thinking this today and I guess I need to be realistic but it disappoints me to think I could be the same size for my trip. It also makes me mad that I didnt try harder over the past few months to loose more before I started running longer. Im just keeping on keeping on like you say Mike is going through the same stuff again too. I feel like sometimes I wake up and just await the doom.
Even though you are a city girl, you would enjoy the time away with ALL your boys. I think you could hack at least a long weekend! Now, now, don't get mad and disappointed. I AM GOING TO RIDE YOUR BACK UNTIL YOU ARE HAPPY!!!!! THink about all that you and Mike have gone through in the last few months. The fact that ANY weight loss is on your mind is a VICTORY!! When the whoosh comes, you'll be down. You're strong, healthy, and a great mom, wife, boss, and friend. Youare amazing. Girl, you are getting ready TO RUN A HALF MARATHON!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm so sorry Mike is back at this mess again, too. Hope I didn't send the clone vibes your way. At least we've got each other.

I have so much work to get done both at home and at work and just not enough time in the day. I am constantly going going going from early in the morning until I lay my head down at night. Quite honestly I dont know how much more i can take. I have off on mon with the kids and other than the dentist nothing planned so maybe then I can catch a break.
You need to take deep breaths, and let SOMETHING go. You can't do it all. When AK was born, a friend in her 60's-70's told me "you'll never wish your house had been cleaner, but you will wish you'd spent more time with your kids." I'm trying to remember that, and let the house go as much as possible. I draw strength and energy from them, so that family time recharges me. You have to take care of you, too. Get some rest, and do something completely frivilous, long bath with a book, give yourself a pedicure, etc. Pamper yourself for a bit, or you are going to get sick and not be able to run the half. HEAR ME? And your funny date story kinda gave me the heebie jeebies! How fitting that your children are in Sunday School together!;)

What was the funniest/wierdest date you ever went on. If you dont have one than give us your best date story.[/B]
Most of my dates were well behaved, but I guess the funniest one would be when I was ready to end a relationship, I was about 16, and just over this guy. We'd been together for a while, and my mother loved him. It got to the point where I didn't want to be alone with him, so I started coming up with "group dates", etc. We took my nephew, then about 10 or so, to see Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, the theatre was packed, and I made my nephew sit on his lap and I sat in a different section.

Oh - I know how this guy is feeling!:rolleyes:

Hi Mom! Needless to say at the next class I told him in no uncertain terms to lose my number. Several years later, DH & I were engaged and went to an Italian restaurant with a large group of his friends. Guess who our waitress was? The topless actress!
Sounds like a class act guy. Guess she must have really been in your face for you to recognizer her years later. Is this the first time your mom is hearing this story? HAHA!

My first date ever was my first date with my DH. We went to the movies on a double date. After the movie we were walking to the car and I had turned to talk to my friend and DH walked me right into a pole. Everyone thought it was funny (except me at the time) We all laugh about it now.
That's precious!

It's been a rough night around here. Nick has brought up some new or new to Chris and I symptoms which have us in worry mode again. Of course the Neurologist hasn't followed up with us so I'm totally stressed out. Ended up calling the neurologist on call and she was no help. She said she'd pass it along to his neurologist and he'll get back to us. Who knows when. It almost feels like last year when Hunter was diagnosed with a brain tumor.
Oh Deb!!!!!!!!! I would call the neurologist first thing this morning, and don't let him put you off!!! You need to be able to relax. If it's Hunter's neurologist, he should understand your worries. Take some deep breaths, and I'll be praying!

Today was a whirlwind! I looked everywhere for my keys this morning, and eventually even pulled DH's key to my car off his ring...only to find my keys still in the deadbolt from last night as I stepped outside. Then I left my big water cup in the car. Then after work we went out to the hospital for the third time this week where DH's grandma just had surgery - thankfully she is recovering pretty well. While at the hospital we get a call back from the vet - our dog has bladder stones that we've been treating with diet, but they are recommending surgery to the tune of $1200So, in high school I briefly dated this guy, and on our first official date he brought a friend along. No explanation or anything. It was all very couple-y stuff, too -- dinner, movie, and he even tried to kiss me at the end of the night -- all with this other guy just hanging out as a third wheel.
Maybe he thought you were so hot, he'd need a chaperone to keep him straight on the first date! WOWOWOWO on the doggie surgery. SHEEZ!!!! Glad Dh's grandmother is recovering. I'm bad about leaving the keys in the deadbolt, too. In fact, when I can't find mine, that's the first place Dh asks me if I checked!

I am hoping to be going to Disneyland for my Birthday in June and am inviting my friends. Really hoping it works out and I can see my Best Friend who lives in Texas! I had 2 big accomplishments (for me!) the last 2 days. Yesterday someone brought fresh donuts to work as I was getting off work. Donuts are my nemesis! I LOVE Donuts! I passed them up! There was even one left sitting on the table as I was leaving and I resisted!
THat's some serious willpower! WAY TO GO~!!!!!!!!!! Hope your trip works out for you!!!

I had (its after midnight) a really rough day yesterday emotionally. My husband and daughter were killed on Jan 27, 2008 when we were hit head on by a drunk driver. The 3 year anniversary is around the corner.
I cannot imagine that grief. All I can say is to hang in there, lean on us, your DF, and those that bring you joy, and allow yourself some slack. Find comfort in people, and try to stay away from the food if possible. If not, you are exactly right, tomorrow is a new day!

1Our next vacation is in May to Disney World. We are staying 9 nights at BLT in a one bedroom. The reason for the trip is I'm graduating college with my Bachelors in hospitality management. I'm 9 weeks from being D-O-N-E
That will be an amazing trip!!! You deserve to celebrate!
Yesterday, with all the snow and ice, DH had several employees that couldn't make it to work. He ended up having to run machines, so he got a repreive from his "plan". As we said, it's another day down, doesn't matter how! 2 down, 88 to go! He did hear that there is some sort of new termination policy that involves a panel of peers reviewing before you can be terminated, which helped his morale, too. At this point, I'm all about keeping him strong, motivated, and encouraged, because that's when he's at his best. If he gets defeated, thinking down, he'll go down. I've been singing "FIREWORK" to him. :lmao:

Today is Sophie's 4th birthday! I'm pretty emotional about it. I've said this before, but Anna Kathryn was born after infertility treatments. We were told no chance of having another without them. 7 years later SURPRISE! From that moment, I was convinced that God had a plan for her. Maybe it was to give Daddy strength, and Mom a reason to get up in the mornings now. Something else I've thought often, and only spoken out loud once, to DH, who told me he felt the same way and to never say it again, is that we won't get to keep her. I've spent 4 years waiting for something horrible to happen. I don't know if it's because of the surprise of her conception, or what. I had toxemia when I was pregnant with her, and had to stay on bp meds after she was born. When she was 6 weeks old,we were home alone, I was taking a long hot bath, she woke up, I jumped up, and the blockers in the meds kept my bp from regulating. As soon as I picked her up, and walked into the br to get a towel, I passed out holding her. When I came to, we were in the floor, she was screaming, and there was a lot of blood. It took a while to realize it was coming from me, and that I had hit my head on the counter going down. I've lived in fear that something from that drop will come back to haunt us someday. She was on my arm, we don't have any way of knowing if there was a trauma to her. I'm hoping to get this maudlin fear gone before she gets up! Sorry to unload!

She planned her day, we're going to do just dance, watch both Ariel movies, play Tiana on wii, and make cupcakes. Going to MIL and FIL for dinner, wish they hadn't invited us today, but oh well. We might go early so I can run on their treadmill before dinner.

TOM is not making this week easy on me, and I am hoping that your biggest loser doesn't turn into your biggest gainer this week!

Yesterday, with all the snow and ice, DH had several employees that couldn't make it to work. He ended up having to run machines, so he got a repreive from his "plan". As we said, it's another day down, doesn't matter how! 2 down, 88 to go! He did hear that there is some sort of new termination policy that involves a panel of peers reviewing before you can be terminated, which helped his morale, too. At this point, I'm all about keeping him strong, motivated, and encouraged, because that's when he's at his best. If he gets defeated, thinking down, he'll go down. I've been singing "FIREWORK" to him. :lmao:

Today is Sophie's 4th birthday! I'm pretty emotional about it. I've said this before, but Anna Kathryn was born after infertility treatments. We were told no chance of having another without them. 7 years later SURPRISE! From that moment, I was convinced that God had a plan for her. Maybe it was to give Daddy strength, and Mom a reason to get up in the mornings now. Something else I've thought often, and only spoken out loud once, to DH, who told me he felt the same way and to never say it again, is that we won't get to keep her. I've spent 4 years waiting for something horrible to happen. I don't know if it's because of the surprise of her conception, or what. I had toxemia when I was pregnant with her, and had to stay on bp meds after she was born. When she was 6 weeks old,we were home alone, I was taking a long hot bath, she woke up, I jumped up, and the blockers in the meds kept my bp from regulating. As soon as I picked her up, and walked into the br to get a towel, I passed out holding her. When I came to, we were in the floor, she was screaming, and there was a lot of blood. It took a while to realize it was coming from me, and that I had hit my head on the counter going down. I've lived in fear that something from that drop will come back to haunt us someday. She was on my arm, we don't have any way of knowing if there was a trauma to her. I'm hoping to get this maudlin fear gone before she gets up! Sorry to unload!

She planned her day, we're going to do just dance, watch both Ariel movies, play Tiana on wii, and make cupcakes. Going to MIL and FIL for dinner, wish they hadn't invited us today, but oh well. We might go early so I can run on their treadmill before dinner.

TOM is not making this week easy on me, and I am hoping that your biggest loser doesn't turn into your biggest gainer this week!


Happy Birthday to your little girl!
Taryn- A lot of towns around us are delayed or canceled but not us! Our town doesn't like to delay or cancel. If it was a delay it would be 90 minutes and I hate doing math in the morning to figure out when to get the kids to the bus stop! DD1 is up and dressed and finished her breakfast.

DH and I went on an adult trip in July 2007. It was our first DVC trip. We stayed at BCV! I'm really focused on not spending money this month and every other month as well. A trip in the fall would be a dream and we sooo want to go on the cruise!

Alarm went off at 5, I laid there for 10 minutes and then came and laid on the couch until 6:15. I just can't get moving. I think shoveling wore me out. I fell asleep on the couch for about 15 minutes last night and then stayed up until after 11 watching Top Chef All Stars.

Time to go make DD1s lunch and get some clothes on to go to the bus stop!
I'm behind again ... bad cold and I lost my voice after teaching three classes yesterday. I *think* our scale is broken as well so no daily weigh-ins for me but I've been doing okay.


Next trip is spring break in a couple of months - AKV and BCV for a few days and then maybe something else. Vero is booked for now but we may change it up. We just got back from a huge winter trip to DC so it'll be a low key trip, whatever it is.

No big date stories - I wasn't much of a dater. Two serious boyfriends and then met my husband in grad. school.

Hope everyone is well. There is actually ice on my driveway this morning - it's cold in NW Florida!
Hello Team Mickey! So many stories of "us". HUGS to all of you struggling this week.:hug::hug::hug:

My focus is to get a job and take some classes in Excel. That is a scary journey for a SAHM. I NEED to work not only financially but mentally. I am working on my resume today.

I finally did well yestersday. I did not binge and I ate my target calories.

Goals are to eat veggies and drink water today. My exercise will be cleaning and organizing. Sometimes you have to go small. I am finding that I need to go day to day instead of looking at the week which overwhelms me.

Good Luck to everyone! You are not alone.:goodvibes
I was going to multi-quote, but I'm running late.

Taryn--thanks for the vitamin d reminder. I'm going to get it out and set it on the counter. Happy birthday to your baby! I constantly worried that something was going to happen to Tom. He was sick all the time--and it was always something weird--twice he had allergic reactions that were so bad he had blood coming out of his eyes! Anyhow, hugs to you. Hang in there!

CC--I get the binges. Anxiety brought on my binges, then the diet soda fueled them. Maybe look at some short stress relieving/ breathing things to get through them. And if it's really bad try saying, ok I will have some fruit. If after I do xxx, and eat my fruit, then I will allow myself to have xxxx. I think it's trial and error to learn a way to best manage it. Hang in there.

Lindsay--thank you for being our coach this week, even though it was such a crazy week for you!

MM--I feel you on the going back to work stuff. I started off volunteering. Just a thought. I got a lot of skills, some self-confidence, and a job offer within a couple of months.

Ok, got to get going. Have a great day everyone! It's been a tough January with the snowy cold weather, and all the other things that are going on. Be proud of yourself for hanging in there. Remember you don't have to be perfect every day. You just have to keep trying! Drink your water and get in some exercise today. (I'm running 4 miles after work).

Have a great day!
I had (its after midnight) a really rough day yesterday emotionally. My husband and daughter were killed on Jan 27, 2008 when we were hit head on by a drunk driver. The 3 year anniversary is around the corner. I was depressed and didn't give a flying flip about anything today. So I ate probably around 2000 calories today. I didn't have any soda but today was just bad.

Tomorrow is a new day.

I can't even imagine the pain and loss that you are dealing with. :hug: I'm glad that you're looking at today as a new day.

QOTD: Next Vacation

I am hoping to be going to Disneyland for my Birthday in June and am inviting my friends. Really hoping it works out and I can see my Best Friend who lives in Texas!

I had 2 big accomplishments (for me!) the last 2 days. Yesterday someone brought fresh donuts to work as I was getting off work. Donuts are my nemesis! I LOVE Donuts! I passed them up! There was even one left sitting on the table as I was leaving and I resisted!

Today I had a day-long meeting at work and several people are assigned to bring food. Normally I pig out all day! Today I brought my own morning snack and lunch and didn't touch any of the yummy looking food on the table!

Great Restraint:cool1::thumbsup2

Yesterday, with all the snow and ice, DH had several employees that couldn't make it to work. He ended up having to run machines, so he got a repreive from his "plan". As we said, it's another day down, doesn't matter how! 2 down, 88 to go! He did hear that there is some sort of new termination policy that involves a panel of peers reviewing before you can be terminated, which helped his morale, too. At this point, I'm all about keeping him strong, motivated, and encouraged, because that's when he's at his best. If he gets defeated, thinking down, he'll go down. I've been singing "FIREWORK" to him. :lmao:

Today is Sophie's 4th birthday! I'm pretty emotional about it. I've said this before, but Anna Kathryn was born after infertility treatments. We were told no chance of having another without them. 7 years later SURPRISE! From that moment, I was convinced that God had a plan for her. Maybe it was to give Daddy strength, and Mom a reason to get up in the mornings now. Something else I've thought often, and only spoken out loud once, to DH, who told me he felt the same way and to never say it again, is that we won't get to keep her. I've spent 4 years waiting for something horrible to happen. I don't know if it's because of the surprise of her conception, or what. I had toxemia when I was pregnant with her, and had to stay on bp meds after she was born. When she was 6 weeks old,we were home alone, I was taking a long hot bath, she woke up, I jumped up, and the blockers in the meds kept my bp from regulating. As soon as I picked her up, and walked into the br to get a towel, I passed out holding her. When I came to, we were in the floor, she was screaming, and there was a lot of blood. It took a while to realize it was coming from me, and that I had hit my head on the counter going down. I've lived in fear that something from that drop will come back to haunt us someday. She was on my arm, we don't have any way of knowing if there was a trauma to her. I'm hoping to get this maudlin fear gone before she gets up! Sorry to unload!

She planned her day, we're going to do just dance, watch both Ariel movies, play Tiana on wii, and make cupcakes. Going to MIL and FIL for dinner, wish they hadn't invited us today, but oh well. We might go early so I can run on their treadmill before dinner.

TOM is not making this week easy on me, and I am hoping that your biggest loser doesn't turn into your biggest gainer this week!


How scary. I'm sure that God has a plan for all of our children and trust me my faith has been tested more than once. Enjoy every minute with your kids and don't let the darkside overcome you. It's much easier said than done, but none the less we have to live life now and enjoy every minute.

Hello Team Mickey! So many stories of "us". HUGS to all of you struggling this week.:hug::hug::hug:

My focus is to get a job and take some classes in Excel. That is a scary journey for a SAHM. I NEED to work not only financially but mentally. I am working on my resume today.

I finally did well yestersday. I did not binge and I ate my target calories.

Goals are to eat veggies and drink water today. My exercise will be cleaning and organizing. Sometimes you have to go small. I am finding that I need to go day to day instead of looking at the week which overwhelms me.

Good Luck to everyone! You are not alone.:goodvibes

good luck. The job market is so rough right now. I was in your position last fall and was surprised how long it took to find a job and I took one that I wouldn't have considered in a better job market.
Good morning all! Starting out stressed this morning....the alarm on my phone doesn't work, so we were late getting out the door to get my 4 year old to preschool. Oh well, we still made it there on time, he just had to eat breakfast in the car! Prayers for those who are struggling this week......

QOTD: I can't say I was ever on a weird date. I met my husband when we were 15. We started dating and now, 13 years (10 years of marriage), 3 different states, one dog, and 2 kids later, we still try to "date" as much as possible! :)

Have a great day everyone!
HI everyone!

I need your help- what are some WW/diet friendly football foods?
We are having people over for the big Pats/Jets game (GO PATS!) and I want to make a least one thing I can eat.
1/13/11 Thursday QOTD

What was the funniest/wierdest date you ever went on. If you dont have one than give us your best date story.

It was the first "official" date that my wife and I went on. It was to a movie theater that played second run movies and served food and booze. We went to see Sahara with Matthew McConaughey and Penélope Cruz. It's not that we WANTED to see Sahara, it's just that that was the only movie they were showing at the time. In fact, Sahara is not a good movie at all, the theater was not very crowded and we were able to talk to each other and crack jokes through the whole movie.

We ordered a pizza to share. They brought the pizza and asked if we needed anything else. I requested plates, which I thought would be a simple request. We were told that they did not have any plates. That threw us for a loop, but we pressed on. I cut the pizza and the cheese melted back together instantly, as if the knife had never touched it. We decided to use napkins instead of plates (napkins they did have, how kind of them). This super adhesive cheese on our pizza instantly bonded with the molecular structure of the napkin. So, we were treated to some delightful napkin pizza while we watched the sub-par Sahara. But, we had fun because we were together.
HI everyone!

I need your help- what are some WW/diet friendly football foods?
We are having people over for the big Pats/Jets game (GO PATS!) and I want to make a least one thing I can eat.

I'd go with fresh sliced fruit and maybe low cal fruit dip

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