Strollers at Tinkerbell's Treasures at MK?


DIS Veteran
Feb 26, 2001
I've heard conflicting reports of strollers being available to rent at Tinkerbell's Treasures (gift shop near Cindy's castle). Anybody who's been there recently noticed if they are still there or not? Many thanks.

BTW, I bring my own stroller, I need this info for a friend who will be visiting soon.
I've never seen them available there for rent, but I've never looked for one either. I know there aren't any hanging around looking available to rent, so unless they're hidden in the back somewhere, I'd say no.
You can only rent strollers at the front entrance at the Magic Kingdom. Also Tinkerbells shop is very small and you can bring in strollers but, it is very tight.
I hope this helps. The strollers are new at the Magic Kingdom they are the running/jogging strollers which is very nice the kids really get comfortable in them or at least mine do.
Palm Harbor, Florida
Back in 1999 I took a Behind the Scenes tour of the Magic Kingdom. During the tour we got to go "underground" and we went down the stairs at Tinkerbell's Treasures. When you went behind a door there were TONS of strollers stored there. I could be wrong, but I thought the strollers there were only replacements, like if someone took your rented stroller by mistake, you could show your receipt and get it replaced at Tinkerbells without having to go all the way back to the front. But this was also the old metal blue strollers. They were all stacked up and I don't know if the new strollers would store that way.
We just got back from WDW. The current MK map lists strollers as being available only at the park entrance. Like someone else mentioned, I remember seeing the Tinkerbelle shop as a place where you could get replacement strollers and wheelchairs, but they never could be rented there as far as I know.

SueM in MN
Co-Moderator of disABILITIES


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