Stroller for 8 year old?

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Hi all!

I just want to weigh in here, based on personal experience (being the 8 year old). My family went down in July (the week of the 4th) of 88 when I 8, and my brother and sister were 3 and 4 repsectively. I don't recall a stroller being rented for them, and there was definitely NOT one rented for me. If I was to have even thought of it, I would have been told that I had two legs that weren't broken and that I was to use them. The same went for the two younger ones.

As for whining, we were given one whine and then after that we were given "the look." The look that said "do it again and we're leaving not to come back" (we didn't stay onsite at that point). There were no mid-day breaks and we got there early and stayed until closing. Mind you, the two younger ones got carried at night on the way out, but I was on foot power the entire didn't kill me.

Now for the "storing stuff" issue; we never ran into that problem since we weren't allowed to spend our money and buy things until we were getting ready to leave the parks, so that meant we didn't have to lug the bags around all day. That was pretty smart planning looking we just have the stuff sent back to the hotel! LOL!

But then again, that was back in the 80s too, when we as children weren't over indulged, parenting wasn't considered abuse, and psycho-babbling children to death hadn't come into the foreground yet.

Fast forward now 24 years later and we'll be going again with a 5 year old, 2 7 year olds, and a tween. I have no doubts that we may rent one for the 5 year old, but the older kids will again be on foot power. If they're tired at the end of the day (as one will definitely be, as he's always being carried by mom (my aunt)), I'll consider carrying him, as I'm more equipped to carry a 7 year old than she is, as he's almost taller than she is. But that's only on extreme conditions.

Until next time,
Most people are able to share an opinion without being judgemental and nasty.

I don't recall any posts being judgemental and nasty. Just because someone has a difference of opinion does not make them judgemental and nasty.
Hi all!

I just want to weigh in here, based on personal experience (being the 8 year old). My family went down in July (the week of the 4th) of 88 when I 8, and my brother and sister were 3 and 4 repsectively. I don't recall a stroller being rented for them, and there was definitely NOT one rented for me. If I was to have even thought of it, I would have been told that I had two legs that weren't broken and that I was to use them. The same went for the two younger ones.

As for whining, we were given one whine and then after that we were given "the look." The look that said "do it again and we're leaving not to come back" (we didn't stay onsite at that point). There were no mid-day breaks and we got there early and stayed until closing. Mind you, the two younger ones got carried at night on the way out, but I was on foot power the entire didn't kill me.

Now for the "storing stuff" issue; we never ran into that problem since we weren't allowed to spend our money and buy things until we were getting ready to leave the parks, so that meant we didn't have to lug the bags around all day. That was pretty smart planning looking we just have the stuff sent back to the hotel! LOL!

But then again, that was back in the 80s too, when we as children weren't over indulged, parenting wasn't considered abuse, and psycho-babbling children to death hadn't come into the foreground yet.

Fast forward now 24 years later and we'll be going again with a 5 year old, 2 7 year olds, and a tween. I have no doubts that we may rent one for the 5 year old, but the older kids will again be on foot power. If they're tired at the end of the day (as one will definitely be, as he's always being carried by mom (my aunt)), I'll consider carrying him, as I'm more equipped to carry a 7 year old than she is, as he's almost taller than she is. But that's only on extreme conditions.

Until next time,

My family vacationed the same way at WDW in the heat and humidity of summer..There was 3 of us plus our cousin who went with us.We were given a pass for one whine.After that IF we dared to whine about being hot and tired we were taken from the park back to the resort.It happened once in all our trips and we learned not to do it again.There were NO strollers and it wasn;t an option
The whining i'm looking to stop is in general, not stroller related. That wasn't a problem for us. I personally have no problem having one of the other kids hitch a ride in the stroller if the 4 yr old doesn't want to use it. Sometimes it was just the backpack in the stroller.
The whining occurs anywhere, not just WDW related, unfortunately. In WDW, it's "i'm hot, i'm tired, my feet hurt, this is a boring ride." I definitely don't give in. Ever. Though grandma often does, always trying to smooth things over :rolleyes:. My mantra the whole trip was "I don't listen to whining" and would mostly ignore it. DH was big into the whole "do you know how lucky you are to be here. Do you know how many other kids can't..."
We stay offsite so it's a bit of a drive and only one rental car so leaving is not really a good option.
Now i'm hijacking about whiny kids.. :goodvibes

My mother's stock response to "I'm (tired, hungry, bored, etc.)!" was, "I'm (Mom's first name); nice to meet you!" The exception was, "I'm thirsty!" which was answered with, "I'm Friday; nice to meet you!"
Fast forward to now. DS just turned 8. He is autistic, has sensory issues, low muscle tone, low stamina, and he is generally very "clunky" on his feet. We are planning on renting a double stroller at Disney for him next week when we are there. I know he is "too old" for a stroller. I know people will look at me with condescension for my choice because they don't know he has an invisible disability. I don't really care. He is my kid and I know what he needs in order to have an enjoyable trip.

My point is, all kids are different. Just because Mrs. Smith's 4 year old can tour the parks in true commando fashion with no stroller doesn't mean Mrs. Jones's 6 year old can do the same. If it turns out that your 8 year old needs a stroller, you put that 8 year old in a stroller and do it with a smile! :thumbsup2

Have a great trip.

Thanks for stating this. We will be at WDW next week and my 9 year old dd will be in a stroller. She is autistic with low muscle tone and crowd issues as well. We get condescending looks from strangers who don't know any better and I've heard more than one or two nasty comments in passing.:headache: I really wish people would mind their own family business and try to curb the condescension while at the happiest place on Earth!
Hope everyone feels better about themselves for passing judgement on other families that are doing they believe are best for their kids :rolleyes1

Anyways OP the strollers at WDW would easily fit an 8 year old, we had one for our 5 year old, and by the third day we got one for our 8 year old (at the time) we went in August and nothing can really prepare you for that kind of heat. If it hadn't been 1000 degrees both our 5 year old and 8 year old would have made it fine throughout the parks without a stroller but the heat really got to them. They both fit in the strollers just fine.

How did the parents handle the heat, with the added energy needed to push two kids around?

I also disagree about 'doing [what] they believe is best for their kids - it's not for the kids, it's to avoid the whining.
DD8 is a competitive gymnast, she has far more energy and stamina that many kids her age, but she still gets tired from the walking, standing and heat, as do I.

First off - if she is complaining about the walking, have her checked out for flat feet. My oldest was a competitive gymnast, walked the parks at age 5, no complaints, but she had flat feet and needed good shoes to feel comfortable.

If everyone is getting tired from the walking, standing, and heat, wouldn't it just make sense to take a break?
I know when my son was younger, I would stop off at Hall of Presidents at Magic Kingdom, it has AC, and you can nap ... well sort of ... but it can really help to recharge those batteries.

I know everyone is different, I have seen older kids in strollers, and it does get hot. Just make sure the parent doesn't fall over either ;) ...

But hey your at Disney, so life is not that bad ...
My family vacationed the same way at WDW in the heat and humidity of summer..There was 3 of us plus our cousin who went with us.We were given a pass for one whine.After that IF we dared to whine about being hot and tired we were taken from the park back to the resort.It happened once in all our trips and we learned not to do it again.There were NO strollers and it wasn;t an option

You and He'sATramp are absolutley right. Unfortunately nowadays many kids rule their parents and it would probably be considered child abuse if you didnt cart your 8 year old around in a stroller because they were whining:confused3:confused3. I guess we grew up in different times though.
I am simply marveling in the idea of bringing or renting a stroller for an 8 year old. When our kids turned 4, no more stroller. Frankly I was thrilled to get rid of it. We went to Disney all the time without a stroller. Was everyone tired, sure, but the kids were the first ones ready to go back everyday.

If your 8 year old gets tired, that is normal. It's okay to get tired. Get on the train and ride around the park, got to see a show in the air conditioner. Take a break on a park bench in the shade. Go back to the hotel for a rest.

I think you will be pleasantly surprised.
Thanks for stating this. We will be at WDW next week and my 9 year old dd will be in a stroller. She is autistic with low muscle tone and crowd issues as well. We get condescending looks from strangers who don't know any better and I've heard more than one or two nasty comments in passing.:headache: I really wish people would mind their own family business and try to curb the condescension while at the happiest place on Earth!

No problem. As I stated before, I think it must make people feel more accomplished as parents when they look at us that way. What other purpose would it serve? People are quick to excuse parents like you and me on this board because we can make it known that our kiddos aren't "normal". However, in the parks, people have no idea whether our kids have legitimate medical issues or if they are just "whiny and lazy". God forbid we give someone the benefit of the doubt.

Maybe we will pass each other next week at The World with our big kids in strollers, lol.

Some of the comments on this thread make me so sad. It's one thing to answer OP's question. It's a completely different thing to do it in such a nasty and mean-spirited way.
What are my thoughts and suggestions.

Make decisions that affect your family on your own, do you really want strangers telling you how to treat your kids. :confused3

I know I don't and didn't.

As to the fat people comment, I will take fat over rude anyday.

I have to wonder how did people go to Disney World and make up their mind about such when there was no Internet.

Well actually they managed quite well. ;)
My youngest, BTW, has ADHD and mild Aspergers. He's on the clumsy side because he doesn't pay attention to his surroundings and we constantly have to remind him to watch where he's going. Up until this past year or so we also had to physically have a hand on him most of the time or he would get distracted and wander off. (what I'm saying here is that walking with him has always been a challenge, and more so when we're someplace like WDW) Our last trip we had 9 days in the parks and he was 8 years old. At the end of the night I was begging for mercy and a bus seat but he was still ready for more.

This is our youngest, too!

She has autism and had just turned 9 a week before our first trip to Disney. I was worried about losing her in a crowd, but her stamina was unbelievable! We haven't used a stroller in 5 years with her and didn't need one at Disney.
Hi all!

I just want to weigh in here, based on personal experience (being the 8 year old). My family went down in July (the week of the 4th) of 88 when I 8, and my brother and sister were 3 and 4 repsectively. I don't recall a stroller being rented for them, and there was definitely NOT one rented for me. If I was to have even thought of it, I would have been told that I had two legs that weren't broken and that I was to use them. The same went for the two younger ones.

A big difference is that until 1989 there were only 2 parks that made up WDW. Most people didn't go for a week or so on vacation, as there was just not that much to do. It is a lot less tiring to walk for a couple of days in a row then it is for 7 days.

Also, planning on carrying a child is just a bad idea. If they are up on their parent's shoulders all it takes is one sudden movement and the child falls off, or hurts the parent. And there are also many low hanging signs that you don't notice until you have that extra height added on. I also don't see how carrying a child is any different than having them in a stroller. They are not walking either way, so if it is caving in or lazy to have them in a stroller, it is caving in or lazy to carry them too.

I get that the OP asked for opinions, but for some reason there are posters who can't ever give their opinion on this subject without being rude. And I bet the OP didn't know that when they asked.
I get that the OP asked for opinions, but for some reason there are posters who can't ever give their opinion on this subject without being rude. And I bet the OP didn't know that when they asked.

I haven't seen any rude posts - well, except for the fat people on scooters, and there is some truth to that but we don't know underlying conditions - I've just seen people disagreeing. Some people find disagreement to be rude. Perhaps they shouldn't read public forums?
The only suggestion that I have to add is to not make going back to the room a punishment.

When my DS was 6 we went in June, and did not have a stroller. When he got whiney I would (try) to calmly ask if he was ready to go back to the resort. Sometimes he said yes, but sometimes he said no.
I haven't seen any rude posts - well, except for the fat people on scooters, and there is some truth to that but we don't know underlying conditions - I've just seen people disagreeing. Some people find disagreement to be rude. Perhaps they shouldn't read public forums?

Maybe not outwardly rude, but the underlying tone of a few posts has been snarky. It is sufficient to say one would not put an 8 year old in a stroller without sounding as if anyone who would consider it is somehow failing in their parenting. That very much has been the tone of many posts. What I don't understand is why?
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