Stroller for 6 and 8 year old?

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I think I would try to plan several shows in the day - that gives the kids a chance to sit & rest & not think we have to take a break
so do something like ride, ride, show ride ride meal, ride ride, show etc

COP is a great sitting break
I also believe you need to do what's right for your family!

In our family, the kids start walking at 5. When they start whining (and they do), we find a place to relax for a while (an a/c show, a sit down snack or just a bench out of the way). It usually takes about 15 minutes for them to recharge!
When I took my 11 year old... She whined. "My feet hurt" "I'm tired" "It's Hot" "it's cold" "this line is too long". She is now 17 and she STILL whines "my feet hurt" "I'm hot" "it's cold" "this line is too long".

Back then when the whining started we left the park.... now when the whining starts we leave the park. And the biggest whinner of all... My husband! "It's Hot." "My feet hurt" "You're walking too fast."

At our last trip, my one year old whined because she was IN the stroller.

Oh my - this made me laugh. May I tell a favorite story....

I'm handicap and ride my own scooter. When my son was little, he threw a complete tantrum in the park. He threw himself down and started screaming "life isn't fair, you have bad legs and I have good ones". You could literally see everyone cringe at his words and feel badly for me. I said my normal "God makes everyone different and special" and without missing a beat he says "I know all's unfair that I have to walk. You're the lucky one to have bad legs and get to ride a scooter". Everyone around us who was listening had a smile on their face after he said it.

Yes, that child is now 9 and has flat feet. He still complains and we just find a place for him to relax for a little while.
Personally, I was glad to be done with the stroller. My kids graduated from using one before they started school. I hated pushing one thru the crowds.. Dealing with people who would walk with a cigarette dangling right at the height of a child's face when seated. Having people cut in front of you and having to stop quickly to avoid running them over.

I was usually the one who was tired and complaining at the end of the day because MY feet hurt. *I* was tired. And it frustrated me to no end that my stroller was never where I left it when I came out of an attraction.

Waking a sleeping child in order to return the stroller or fold it up and get it on the bus? No thank you! Struggling to get the thing on the bus? Not a picnic in the park!

It was amazing how little we needed to bring into the parks once everyone had to carry their own stuff instead of tossing it in the stroller. Maybe that goes along with the kids being older but suddenly there was no need for a diaper bag full of things when no one was potty training or diapered.

I guess that I'm lucky that my kids were not whiners. It wasn't tolerated at home or in public. So I guess that they never considered trying it at Disney. If they had, we would have headed to the gate and back to the resort for some down time.

Really, I know some kids are whiners. But they don't seem to whine with their teachers or their peers. So it makes me wonder what it is that the teachers and other children do that discourages that behavior? And if you can identify it, is it something that can be applied at home to help curb the habit?
First let me say that my 7 and 5 y/o never ever ride in any type of stroller.
We were there in November. It was hot. We kept hydrated. My son still got heat exhaustion and was sick for the rest of the day. After that experience we rented a double Disney stroller for him and his 7 y/o sister. If the weather is hot, I would do it again. I don't want to see my kids get sick at Disney World and have it ruin their vacation. In your case, do you want your child to remember this vacation as the time eveyone was whiny?

This is one of those issues where you have to do what is right for you and your kids. There are STRONG opinions on both sides. In such instances it behooves us to remember that opinions are like rear ends. Everybody’s got one and most of them stink.

So totally agree with this!

In the end (regardless of what others on this thread say) it is up to you and your family. YOU know your children best. And if you believe renting a stroller for SOME POINT during the day, go for it.

My DS will be 5 the next time we go...and I'm sure when the time comes, my mom and I will butt heads on whether or not to take the stroller (being his mom though, I'm putting my foot down and taking the stroller; even at 3, he has a bit of a phobia of walking in big crowds, so whenever we go to the mall/zoo/museum/etc we take a carrying him around till we leave).

Good luck! And have fun! :)
We attempted a no stroller trip on our last trip - didn't turn out so well. We had taken a stroller - my dd5 knew it was her stroller - but we took it for my cousin's dd4. We had 6 six kids in our group - my ds8, my dd5, my cousins 4 kids - ages 2, 4, 5, 8. The 2 year old was in a wheelchair because she had braces on her legs. That 1 umbrella stroller was the only stroller we had. So my cousin's dd4 used it on Saturday, Sunday, Monday, Tuesday and half of Wednesday while the rest of the kids walked. On Wednesday afternoon, my over-dramatic dd5 dropped to the ground and refused to walk a step further - there was no way I could carry her that's for sure. She used that stroller the rest of the week - yes she was huge in it (Mac Volo) but she didn't care. My cousin squeezed their dd4 into the wheel chair with dd2. But their little boy (age 5 - 5 weeks younger than my dd) was a trooper. He's the kind of kid that would complain his legs hurt after a day at the mall or local amusement park. That little boy (and he's tiny - he's only 40 lbs now and he turned 7 last week) walked the entire 9 days and didn't complain once, as did the 2 8 year olds boys. Now my ds8 did ride in the wheelchair one evening from Fantasyland to the bus and then the bus stop to the room because he collapsed and was too disoriented to walk (he's done this a few times - the pediatrician believes it is some kind of seizure).

My older dd26 and my now dd7 went back to WDW in December alone - they didn't take a stroller and didn't rent a stroller -she knew it was walk or go to the hotel - she walked and didn't whine or complain once because when her sister said they would leave, she knew they would leave.

I think if you don't give them the option, they will do fine. And have you by chance priced those Disney double strollers - that's $35 a day I can spend elsewhere. Before you spend that kind of $$, you might want to ask them if they would even want to ride - they are big enough that they may be embarrassed.
I am one who rented for a 6 and 8 year old and I would do it again in a heartbeat. I take them without daddy, it kept them confined, out of the sun, refreshed and I think the disney strollers are just so easy to push. They didn't go in them all the time, but when we were going longer distances(especially in epcot) or when we were in a hurry, it was great. I also loved having my pop readily available at all times and somewhere to put my backpack. Who cares what people think, do what works best for you.
Never did I think this would be such a hot topic. Honestly, who cares if the kids ride in a stroller? Who cares if it makes it "easier" on the parents? Isn't it about having a good, fun time when you go on vacation to Disney?? How can a good time be had when all you hear is whining about it being hot, their feet hurting, they're tired?? Easy is good. Last time we wne we brought an umbrella for my 4 year old but the 6 year old wanted to be in it more than her. I'm seriously considering bringing it next month when we go and they will be a shocking.... 6 and 8!!! Do what you think will make you the happiest mommy you can be while you are there. Who cares what all these judgemental others say and have to say.
If your kid is going to be that cranky at the end of the day why dont you go back to the resort between like 12-3 or 1-4 when it is the hottest adn go for a swim or a nap and than go back later.

My parents rule when my brother and I were little was that if we were too tired (tired, whining, cranky) to walk in the parks (after age 3) we went back.

I was a whiner and stubborn like no other. Somehow, we all made it through 7 day trips in july and august when I was little without a stroller after age 3.

I dont get it these days. My dad is a Disney geek. He LOVES Disney but he said that is one thing that he really does hate about Disney. The amount of strollers. Not strollers for kids through 4 (maybe 5 in his opinion) but for the kids older than that. He just doesnt get it.

I dont understand why people always want to bring strollers instead of taking breaks
Personally when I see older kids in strollers it reminds me of 3, 4 and 5 year olds still sucking on pacifiers or bottles. And seeing all those strollers and scooters I always have visions of the people in Wall-E, the movie. Wonder how long before someone creates a scooter/stroller combo so no one in the family has to walk.
Never did I think this would be such a hot topic. Honestly, who cares if the kids ride in a stroller? Who cares if it makes it "easier" on the parents? Isn't it about having a good, fun time when you go on vacation to Disney?? How can a good time be had when all you hear is whining about it being hot, their feet hurting, they're tired?? Easy is good. Last time we wne we brought an umbrella for my 4 year old but the 6 year old wanted to be in it more than her. I'm seriously considering bringing it next month when we go and they will be a shocking.... 6 and 8!!! Do what you think will make you the happiest mommy you can be while you are there. Who cares what all these judgemental others say and have to say.

You said it! This is just plain crazy that there is such negativity from some. Seriously... a stroller? To whine or not to whine?! I mean if someone disagrees or agrees.. have at it it's just interesting conversation. To be rude, snarky, overly judgemental or downright nasty? Ha Ha! Get over yourselves and get a life people!:yay:
OP... as for the heat in June...we went the 3rd week in June and the heat and humidity was oppressive. We ended up losing some park days on our passes because we just couldn't muster up the energy to head back into a park for another day so we chose to do the pool and indoor stuff. Thankfully we had a 14 month old who could've cared less.

As for the what you feel is right. I've read some posts on several threads by some posters who seem to be very opinionated and not helpful at all. I'm not speaking of those who are sharing opinions, just those with nasty comments offering nothing else.

Some 6 and 8 year olds wouldn't need a stroller, others it could make the trip better.
OP... as for the heat in June...we went the 3rd week in June and the heat and humidity was oppressive. We ended up losing some park days on our passes because we just couldn't muster up the energy to head back into a park for another day so we chose to do the pool and indoor stuff. Thankfully we had a 14 month old who could've cared less.

As for the what you feel is right. I've read some posts on several threads by some posters who seem to be very opinionated and not helpful at all.Some 6 and 8 year olds wouldn't need a stroller, others it could make the trip better.

You are so right! It's the same few posters and they do it on many, many threads. Thankfully the vast majority of posters aren't like that at all.:thumbsup2
I went for the first time in August 2009 with my ds6 at the time. it was real hot and humid. i was also concern with the heat as my son doesnt do well when its so hot and humid. but to my surprise he did soo good. never complained at all. we were in the parks at rope time and back in the resort by 10pm for 6 days straight and no breaks. i didnt even consider bringing a stroller for him, he would had been too embarrassed:lmao: he stop using the stroller at age 3.
I have used a stroller for my 5-year-old and it worked great! Very efficient way to take a child around the parks.
Perhaps others have children who don't complain- you are sooo lucky. As for "flaming." Whatever...everyone is entitled to their opinion- thank God! I serioulsy don't let negative, not helpful comments bother me- nor should anyone else for that matter. I realize after reading many posts some individuals- thankfully not many tend to leave responses that are meant to incite negativity.

Anyway, I'm pretty sure some parents have intelligent thoughts to share- even if they are opposed to a stroller.

Good Lord, if people feel the need to "flame" over this topic then they might have too much negativity in their lives that they feel they need to be rude. I hope that changes for them. Anyway, it really doesn't matter. I'm pretty sure most people on this board really could care less for the negativity. I'm also not talking about opposing opinions (I like looking at issues at all angles), just the rude comments.

I hope no one starts a thread about politics or religion! ha!

Trying to attack parenting styles.... that's completely different. If you take the time to notice I responded to people that agreed and those that didn't on the issue of a stroller. The issue of parenting and whining..... those few people that were rude got responses as well and it had nothing to do with whether they thought a stroller was appropriate or not.

I didn't realize that some people were so negative on a Disney board of all places. Good Lord! Please spend some more time at Disney- the happiest place on earth! You guys really should vent your frustrations where it really matters or become passionate about how our society treats the homeless, or how we are going to make things better for children with special needs, cure cancer, or the economic situation in the country, or a dozen other things that really matter. I bet if you put all of that energy of being negative into something like that- and were positive about it- we could really solve some issues.

I'm sure that a few of you will respond with negativity and that's okay. Whatever gets you through the day. :)

You said it! This is just plain crazy that there is such negativity from some. Seriously... a stroller? To whine or not to whine?! I mean if someone disagrees or agrees.. have at it it's just interesting conversation. To be rude, snarky, overly judgemental or downright nasty? Ha Ha! Get over yourselves and get a life people!:yay:

I posted tongue in cheek, btw.
I must have missed the 'rude/snarky/nasty' posts OP keeps referring to.
I make my kids push me around in the stroller...sure there are looks but who cares? And if they whine I just drag my feet more.
Never did I think this would be such a hot topic. Honestly, who cares if the kids ride in a stroller? Who cares if it makes it "easier" on the parents? Isn't it about having a good, fun time when you go on vacation to Disney?? How can a good time be had when all you hear is whining about it being hot, their feet hurting, they're tired?? Easy is good. Last time we wne we brought an umbrella for my 4 year old but the 6 year old wanted to be in it more than her. I'm seriously considering bringing it next month when we go and they will be a shocking.... 6 and 8!!! Do what you think will make you the happiest mommy you can be while you are there. Who cares what all these judgemental others say and have to say.

I totally agree with you! You have to do what is right for your own family. If that is a stroller, great. No stroller, great. Whatever.

Ignore all the rude comments (and posts) from people who seem to think they are better parents, because of how they fall on this issue. While one 4 year old may be able to hike all day and not be tired, another 4 year old may not be able to. All kids are different! Do what is right for YOUR kid and ignore all the busybodies who seem to have nothing better to do than judge how other people choose to parent. Geeze, while some of you may think your choice on stroller/no stroller makes you a better parent, it apparently doesn't make you a nice person.:sad2:
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