stopher1's (it was) LIVE "Triple Whammy" Report - THV/AKV/VWL - Jan 11-22

:goodvibes I am sorry you had such a frustrating day and can totally see how that could happen- been there, done that!

Flummoxed :thumbsup2 Great word!
Too bad about Soarin:sad1:. That's my favorite so I know how your son felt. But tell him not to worry since I'm sure now that you are DVC you'll be back again real soon so whatever you miss you can pick up the next time. But now that you are without those that shall remain nameless perhaps you can get back to Epcot early in the day and pick up those Soarin fast passes:thumbsup2. So far - which resort did you like the best? Just curious.
First, let me say how much I am enjoying your report! It's wonderful - thank you for sharing!:flower3:

I understood the whole frustrating day thing - but keep thinking, in 101 days, you'll have your own special entrance from GC into DCA just a few feet away from the ORIGINAL Soarin'! They can take off on their own and go anytime 'cause they can WALK there! That's one of the things I'm most looking forward to when we stay at VGC in 24 days (but who's counting) - being able to be first in line at Soarin'!:thumbsup2

Thanks again - enjoy the rest of your trip!
Too bad about Soarin:sad1:. That's my favorite so I know how your son felt. But tell him not to worry since I'm sure now that you are DVC you'll be back again real soon so whatever you miss you can pick up the next time. But now that you are without those that shall remain nameless perhaps you can get back to Epcot early in the day and pick up those Soarin fast passes:thumbsup2. So far - which resort did you like the best? Just curious.

Oh yeah - Soarin' is definitely one of our favorites - it has been since it first opened up at DCA in Anaheim back in 2001. At that time we lived just 10 min from DL, so we would go over and ride it often. We're not so close anymore - so when we miss it, we miss it. But, we'll be back, so it's not a total disaster. And being DVC on both coasts, with family to visit in CA annually - it's not a major problem. Bummer, yes... devastating, no.

Since we first joined DVC 3 years ago, we've now stayed at 6 of the FL resorts, with AKV being twice - once in Jambo and once in for that matter, then I guess SSR twice as well, once in Congress Park and once in the Treehouses - and I've stayed in the Villas at the Grand Cal as well (the family has not yet). I like them all for very different reasons - but I think of this particular trip - my favorite theme execution was the Wilderness Lodge. If there could be rooms the size of Kidani at VWL - I'd be thrilled. BUT, I really liked the peace, quiet and solitude of the Treehouses - and you just can't beat having that third bedroom so the kids are not taking up the living room all night! It's a tough decision really the more I think about it.

First, let me say how much I am enjoying your report! It's wonderful - thank you for sharing!:flower3:

I understood the whole frustrating day thing - but keep thinking, in 101 days, you'll have your own special entrance from GC into DCA just a few feet away from the ORIGINAL Soarin'! They can take off on their own and go anytime 'cause they can WALK there! That's one of the things I'm most looking forward to when we stay at VGC in 24 days (but who's counting) - being able to be first in line at Soarin'!:thumbsup2

Thanks again - enjoy the rest of your trip!

Oh yeah - again as I said - 1 day out of 8 together is a really good percentage. It could have been much worse! :rotfl: In reality, the folks were just ready to go home, and weren't quite as into it by that day than they had been earlier in the week. And yes - we'll be doing Soaring once again soon. I love that walk into the park and bam! - you're there! I know the kids will like that as well. Though there are some work related scheduling changes on the horizon, so that 101 days of my ticker might just end being 300 days or so... bummer. :sad2: I need to get it figured out fast, so I can rearrange and hopefully get the days we need.
Day 9 – Tuesday

This was the day to say good bye to my folks. The kids have had a wonderful time with their grandparents and have dreaded this day, mainly because we aren’t sure when the next visit might be - definitely one of the negatives of living so far apart from each other. There are no nights when the grands offer to come over and watch the kids for us while DW and I go out on a date night, or anything like that. Our eldest is now our built in sitter, but there were many years when those precious date nights were so few and very far between. To all those of you with grands (of either generation) living near by – enjoy it! I grew up living just a mile away from my maternal grandparents, and just about an hour and half away from my paternal grandparents. We saw them both OFTEN. My kids, unfortunately, go months and months between visits. Which is part of why this trip has been so special – not only are we all together, but we’ve been doing something incredibly fun – staying in incredibly beautiful accommodations as well. Even with the prior day’s frustrations playing out at Epcot, it truly has been a good time – and we are blessed to have been able to invite them along. Growing up taking family vacations with my grandparents, I’ve always wanted to be able to do something like that with my own kids…but it never was possible, until this year…so this trip in particular, more than any other, has truly been special in many, many ways.

We began our day Tuesday bright and early – getting up and ready for an 8:30 BOMA breakfast ADR. So not only did the grands need to get ready to head out to the airport that morning, but they also had to be ready to leave Kidani by a few minutes after 8! They weren’t overly thrilled about that, but they were definitely good sports about it – and riding the bus over instead of walking helped too, since they knew they’d be walking a lot in the airports later on throughout the day.


The food certainly helped put them into great spirits, and our server was terrific, very attentive and very much “there”. Any little thing that seemed like we needed something or wanted something – and she was at the table ready to retrieve it for us. My stepdad was quite impressed. And my mother just loved her accent, regaling me with a story about a customer of hers in their little town who is from South Africa and has the same accent as the server did.


We lingered over breakfast a bit, and enjoyed looking in Zawadi Marketplace once more. My mother was amazed at the fact that my DD, who took her Papa Frank by the hand just marched into the store, was able to get him to “go shopping”! He hates it – but for this cute little 5 year old, it was perfectly ok. After a few more peeks at this and that, it was time to start the walk back to Kidani Village.


The bags were packed and ready to go. DME would pick them up at 11:25 – and this was also our own transfer day over to the Villas at the Wilderness Lodge, so we had to be out of the room by 11 ourselves. By 10:30 we were just sitting there, watching the non-existent animals down on the savannah...since they do roam freely, you don't always have animals to look at from your balcony!

So I called Bell Services and everyone traipsed down to the lobby to wait. Once the bus pulled up, my DD began to cry – she simply didn’t want them to leave. But we were able to get that over with soon with a reminder about going to the pool as they gave hugs all around and then boarded, and we waved our good-byes.




My kids and I were going to enjoy the pool for an hour or so after they left, since this was our last morning at Kidani and there’s no pool hopping allowed. Samawati Springs and Uwanja Camp are definitely worth visiting during the day time when the slide and water play area is actually turned ON. While we were there it was from 10am-7pm only. Perhaps it’s longer in the summertime, I don’t know, but we’d only been able to do the slide one time each on the one evening we got down to the pool shortly before 7. It was well worth it! All three of us that tried it loved it. My middle son and I both agreed we still like the Keister Coaster a bit better – but Kidani’s slide is awesome.






After a great time enjoying the pool, we loaded up our two bags, backpack and canvas bag filled with the swim clothes and headed off to the Studios for lunch and a few things we’d missed the first time around last week. We are an American Idol family (the grands are definitely NOT), and DW really wanted to experience the show at the park. (My boys and I experienced it previously during our Star Wars Weekends trip last May). She really thought it was cool. She was so tempted to go and audition during our pre-park opening wait back on Day 4 when we did the Studios with my folks, but knew that they would not enjoy the experience if they had to go – so she didn’t…but she sure wanted to!


Another ride on Star Tours was requested by my DD, and we wanted to do the Tram “Tour” the first time around, but the wait was posted as 45 min, so we opted out of it then. We haven’t been on it since our first family trip to WDW when the boys were both little. While I really like Lights, Motors, Action – I do miss Residential Street. What’s left of that “tour” really is kind of stinky and just plain boring IMO. I remember my first visit to the Studios back in 1991 – and really enjoyed it then… now, not much. The only good parts to us were Catastrophe Canyon (have always enjoyed that part), seeing the few Star Wars vehicles and Walt's old corporate Gulfstream in their supposed boneyard. Other than that – it was a waste of time. The last few vestiges of the tour should be removed and a new attraction built back there, if you were to ask me – especially since the park no longer is any kind of a “working” studio anymore.



The Indiana Jones Stuntshow is a favorite of my kids, too.

It was closed the day we were there with my folks, but thankfully open today. We enjoyed it, but it was shorter than normal – for some unknown reason. The Times Guide listed the show as 30 min long. During the transition period from the rolling ball sequence to the Egyptian marketplace sequence, one of the “directors” did say to another one that the Nazi airplane scene would not happen for some technical reason, but never explained it further. And then sure enough, the show ended after the Jeep turning over catching on fire scene. “Thanks for coming out and enjoying the show today” – simple as that. No further explanation as to why that entire scene (and the favorite scene for all 3 kids) was cut. Kind of strange… Now I’m wanting to get home to look at the map or Times Guide from our May visit to the Studios to see how long it used to be…I’m thinking 45 min.

By this time it was pretty much 6pm, and time to head over to the Wilderness Lodge to get settled in and have some dinner.
Oh... you're tugging at my heart string there... I know what it's like having grands far away... and seeing them go is never easy... especially for the little ones. Goo job deflecting some of that with the pool :thumbsup2

We have yet to try the AI Experience show... but it's on the list to do this year. Sorry to hear about the stuntshow...wonder what was up with that? And I agree... the backlot tour could definitely be replaced.

Great update! Sad to see the end of the trip is coming quickly.....
Great job! Thanks for pumping this report out "live"!

It was live - mostly, until I got behind by a day, then 2 and finally until now. Our trip has ended, and I am now back home once more. :sad2:

But it was fun to compile and share while we were there.
Wonderful trip report, Stopher. As a new DVC member, I was very interested in your photos from around the resorts. Survival of the Fittest looks enormous and state of the art (to me anyway since I don't go to the gym)--I think we'll enjoy Boma even more knowing that we could theoretically work off any extra calories the next morning.
It was live - mostly, until I got behind by a day, then 2 and finally until now. Our trip has ended, and I am not back home once more. :sad2:

But it was fun to compile and share while we were there.

Oh, I guess I didn't keep up with that. Well, I forgive you!
It was live - mostly, until I got behind by a day, then 2 and finally until now. Our trip has ended, and I am not back home once more. :sad2:

Don't let the post-disney blues take over Christopher! Just do what DVCmike does - like the walls of your office with 100s of Disney photos you've taken :rotfl:

One thing I've learned about vacation logging - you have to keep up with it as you go along. Years ago I was into making Photo Albums for our trips. Forward to today: I'm backlogged by years and have currently hit the wall progress wise as I can't figure out how to get 100s of photos & videos off my new phone card without reformatting it and loosing them all :rolleyes1
Don't let the post-disney blues take over Christopher! Just do what DVCmike does - like the walls of your office with 100s of Disney photos you've taken :rotfl:

One thing I've learned about vacation logging - you have to keep up with it as you go along. Years ago I was into making Photo Albums for our trips. Forward to today: I'm backlogged by years and have currently hit the wall progress wise as I can't figure out how to get 100s of photos & videos off my new phone card without reformatting it and loosing them all :rolleyes1

No post Disney blues here... I know I'll be back. And I have lots to remind me of this trip as well as many other trips. We took over 2300 pics this trip alone. I like to take a LOT and then whittle away later. You just never know what you might capture, and if you only take one and them move on, you might not get that special moment! So it's work, but a good kind of work. Each night when we're back in the room I go back through the day's pics and pare it down eliminating all of the obvious goofs, blurry shots, etc. It's not an easy task - but thankfully the plane ride allows more time to do so before getting home and turning them all over to my DW who then compiles online albums to share with some family & friends. By the time I was done paring down, we ended up with 2,117 shots. All before the scrapbook project begins. We have one for each trip so far going back to 2002, though we do have some books with multiple trips in them. (That's not even to mention the BOXES of stuff & pics that COULD go into books from the years we lived 10 mins from DL, and the years I worked there). And the video - wow, we have so many DVD's of our various Disney trips, and I still need to transfer footage from our Oct. SSR stay (Sea World trip) let alone this last trip that just ended.

I did like Mike's photos on the walls situation - but I don't think I'll steal that one, as I already have other Disney art on my office walls, as well as a bookshelf full of trinkets, souvenirs and toys to look at and manipulate whenever I get bored. (My kids love coming to dad's office for that shelf!) We do have all of our pics on the computer though as our screen saver - both at home and in my office - and probably 90% of the shots that show up are Disney related.
Day 8 – Monday

Monday was another Epcot day, and the last full day to spend with the grandparents. I’ve already detailed my walk-about the resort in the early hours while the family was sleeping in a bit, followed by my return to the room with a hearty breakfast and more game time… so off to Epcot we went.

Let me just say here that it’s really hard to try and balance the desires of everyone in your family – and then when you add other members of the extended family and try to blend their desires in as well – especially some who shall remain nameless – but are somewhat older, VERY set in their ways, and quite vocal about what they do and don’t like…namely large crowds in the don’t column. With all that said – Monday was the most difficult day for us on this entire trip. It was a day full of contrasts and overall confusion. Mainly because there were certain people in the group who said one thing, then turned around and wanted to do another. Let’s just say DW and I were quite flummoxed and frustrated by the time we got back on the bus to go back to the resort. But hey – 1 day out of 8 together is not a terrible percentage.

Despite the grandchildren explaining the 2 really cool attractions they wanted to share with their grandparents; despite the repeated explanations and demonstrations throughout the week of how the Fastpass system works; despite the fact that the same 2 previously mentioned attractions are the most popular at Epcot… the folks decreed they did not want to leave the resort until 11 or 11:30. Thus the game time prior to leaving. While playing the games was quite enjoyable, and the boys had a ball doing so – by the time we got to Epcot and I ran to the Land with only a glimmer of hope only to see that all of the Soarin’ FP’s were gone for the day…and a Stand-by Line at that time with a wait of 110 mins… then to run over to Test Track to get into a very large line for FP’s – with the time clock advancing more than 20 mins while I stood there waiting for my turn…only to secure FP’s beginning a mere 15 mins prior to our dinner reservation at 5:15… those same boys who were happy to play games with their grandparents were now silently quite mad at those same grandparents for not being able to get on Soarin’ (especially since the grandparents would not wait in any line for more than 30 mins). One son was at that point ready to go back to the resort – instead he just sulked for the next several hours. So – as you can imagine, it was a bit frustrating trying to keep the peace between the generations that afternoon. Thankfully the grandparents picked up on what was going on, and tried to “make it all better” by treating to some snacks & frozen treats. It definitely worked for the younger son, but not Mr. Sulky, though he did finally come around when it was time to actually ride Test Track.

I noticed a couple of these cute signs that day near damaged vegetation

One thing that my folks did want to do, however, which we agreed to do was to go back to see the UK Pavilion since we’d rushed right by it to get to our lunch reservation in Morocco the previous day. So we traipsed back there… only to watch as they wove in and out of each shop in less than 5 minutes, stood to listen to the Fab Five guys for 5 more and then turn to us and say, “Now what? Where next?”

Kinda crazy if you ask me!



Time was not on our side as our TT FP return time was approaching, not enough time to do a whole lot, so up into Spaceship Earth we went. My DW has not been on it since prior to the rehab/update… so she quite loudly was announcing how boring it was, to which my DD then started saying the same thing. They both changed their tune afterward thinking it was much better than before. Me – I like it. Always have. I definitely preferred it when Walter Cronkite was the narrator, but it’s still a fine little people eating attraction.

Actually it was quite funny how very long the line was when we arrived at Epcot, something like 45 min – but anyone who places an attraction like that right at the front door is going to get some people to go on it right away, no doubt. By the later afternoon when we went on it, the line was about a 5 min wait. Then over to TT to wait for our FP time to arrive. While waiting we explored the exit shop & car showroom, since we knew we wouldn't have time after the ride itself.

My boys have been working on their sister for the past several months to get her try new things this trip. Test Track was definitely one of them. When we approached the briefing room she was still a bit apprehensive. We thought & hoped that they would put us 6 and 1 (which would have been really cool for the photo at the end), but nope, they made us break down into 3 and 4. DUMB. So the kids went together in one vehicle and the adults in the other. Since the kids went first, and we ended up being 3 cars behind them we weren’t sure how DD would do. Turned out well – she absolutely LOVED it. Thought it was the best thing since sliced bread.

By then though we raced on over to Norway for our dinner reservation. We were late, and they made us wait because of it. Oh well, a perfect record of not being late was finally broken.




This was the one ADR meal that my mother just absolutely wanted to do. She had been waiting for it so expectantly and with much anticipation. The inside of the Akershus castle is just as beautiful and lovely as we had both remembered.


As a family, we last ate there before my DD was born. My mother and I last ate there together about 18 years ago. We really really liked it – back then. This time was not as good. The buffet remains similar to what is used to be, but the rest of it was just disappointing. There were really only a couple of Norwegian entrees on the menu, the rest were just basic fare easily obtained almost anywhere else. Even the desserts were dumbed down. We were very bummed, to say the least. It was nice, however, to enjoy the traditional Norwegian entree - one that my grandmother used to make around the holidays, my mother made, and I make. The Kjettkaker. My kids love them, and so that's what they ordered as well. My wife likes them too, but she decided to be different and ordered pot roast. Pot Roast, in a Norwegian restaurant. Ok. Whatever. She did try the meat cakes that I ordered and actually said something that I liked very much... she said that mine are much better than Akershus' ! That made my evening! :thumbsup2

BUT, my DD was absolutely, positively beside herself with glee, as her hands-down favorite princess is Ariel… and she was there – with legs! She was literally jumping up and down with excitement when she saw Ariel in the distance – and then when she came to our table, I thought my DD was going to burst. It was so fun to watch. That moment definitely made up for the rest of the experience – even my mother said so.

We then did some shopping in the Puffin’s Roost, took another traditional pic

thoroughly enjoyed the Vikings display inside the Stave Church

and then headed back to the bus to go back to the resort. This was the grandparents final night with us, but also our final night in AKV. We would be moving over to the VWL on Tuesday. Here are just a couple of quick pics from the Lodge. I’ll get to more of that experience next… let's just say - I'm loving it.







I love the elevator doors. Beautiful.
I loved seeing these pictures. We just returned from VWL. We stayed in room 5553. We were almost at the end of the hall. What a long hall. Great pictures.
We have now returned home once more. Our wonderful trip has ended, but I got behind in my report - so indulge, me as I'll still be posting a few more - even though the report is no longer "Live".
Day 8 - Tuesday, continued

After spending the afternoon at the Studios, it was now time to go over to the Wilderness Lodge to check in. Staying in 3 different resorts on this trip was not the original intent, but long story short - due to some people changes in who would and wouldn't be along for the trip, we made some reservation changes, lost our last couple of nights at Kidani and were fortunate to keep our originally desired trip length by getting in at the Lodge. We were all pretty excited about staying there, as it was be a first time experience for us. DW and I have talked about it numerous times through the years but it just never happened - til now. And with this stay, we know we definitely want to go back to the Lodge in the future.




I really like the theme of this particular resort. And while the theming at AKV is superb, I personally think that the theme execution at the Lodge is the absolute best at WDW. But then perhaps that's also because I grew up vacationing in the Sierra Nevada mountains (Mammoth Lakes, Lake Tahoe & Yosemite) and love the rustic, big timber stylings and mountainy feel to it all. Perhaps you feel differently - and that's ok. We're each entitled to our own likes and dislikes.

Our first evening in the Lodge really was just about dinner and relaxing. We picked up some sandwiches and pizza at Roaring Fork and took it all up to the room. Other than my middle son and I wandering the resort for a little while, the family pretty much just wanted to relax in the room and watch American Idol. No biggie to me. After being in various places all day, it did sound nice.


A few from the room...


I really liked these lamps in the master bath area

and these tiles in the shower

and above the sink in the master bath area

This artwork above the bed was cool, highlighting Yosemite, Yellowstone and the Lodge :)

The attention to detail that Disney gives is wonderful. Loved these chairs and the carpeting

And the mirror frame

Even the elevator floors were detailed and cool

As my son and I wandered around, I will just say, that what Casey says on the promotional DVC dvd... "this place just says cozy" is so very true!

Beautiful carvings gracing the lobby of the Villas




This cool artwork is framed in a neat, rustic, twig/branch/bark frame

This curio was pretty curious iteself, covered with twigs and sticks

In the Carolwood Pacific room sits two cars from the Carolwood Pacific itself, the train that Walt ran in his backyard back in the 50's. I love it!

Great gametables in the CP room. They reminded me of a great old table that used to stand in my DW's grandmother's home years ago. My boys enjoyed them later on in our visit

The rockers and multiple fireplaces are just so very cozy!!

The WL is my favorite:cloud9: and so after staying there several times as an OKW owner and then not getting an early December reservation at 7 months with the waitlist, I sold OKW and purchased even more points at the VWL. I can't imagine not being at the WL for Christmastime although I'm not brave enough to go Christmas week, I try to go right after Thanksgiving or early December and it it oh so cozy and warm:santa:. Just walking into the lobby changes my mood to peaceful and relaxed and I can just feel the pressures of work melt away. Maybe one year I can convince my sisters and their families to join us and we can stay from Christmas through New Years:yay:. Thank you for sharing your vacation with us as it brightened my day to come home and read more posts about resorts I have and have not yet stayed at and sharing the magic of the World with me. Thanks so much for taking that time out of your vacation;).
I'm all caught up on your the fact that you were able to enjoy the best of what three different DVC resorts can offer! :goodvibes



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