Sorry to ask another stroller question...


Earning My Ears
Feb 20, 2000
...but the search is still down and I'm trying to decide what to do. Does anyone have any experience with using a Graco Literider or Kolcraft Litesport with a child that weighs 45 lbs? The recommended weight limit for both is 40lbs. Will either of these hold up with a 45 lb kid? I have thought about renting but I really don't want to have to stop and take the time to rent one each morning and everytime we change parks. It costs the same to buy one (about $50) as it does to rent a stroller for 7 days, but I just don't want it to break during the trip, not to mention the safety factor. I realize there is a recommended weight but sometimes there is some lieniency (sp?) with manufacturers recommendations. Can anyone help?
Last time we took ds to WDW he was almost 4 years old and somewhere between 45 and 50 lbs (also very tall - often mistaken for 5 or 6 years old until he opens his mouth). As it happens we have a cheapy Graco stroller and a Kolcraft stroller. We brought both (one for ds and one for dd - 1 and a few months at the time). We generally used the Graco for ds and, frankly, it never even occurred to me to check the weight limit. Ds walked a lot of the time (in fact one day I took him by himself to MK all day with no stroller and he did just fine), but we were glad to have it available for him. Anyway, the stroller held up just fine although I wouldn't want to put it through that kind of stress on a continuous basis.

I tend to agree with your previous post that it is a pain to rent a stroller, however, on the plus side, if you decide not to bring your own, the WDW strollers are perfect for hopping in and out of, and it doesn't usually take that long to rent and return. One of you can get the stroller and the other can fill in the time by putting on sunscreen or checking the map. And you do get back 1 Disney dollar when you return the WDW stroller.
We jsut got back, and we brought one stroller with us for our 3 y.o. ds, and then we rented a stroller everyday for 5 y.o. dd. It really didn't take long to do, and it worked out fine, the WDW strollers are very sturdy for heavier kids. The only downside to it was when we left the park, dd wanted dh to carry her everywhere!! DH wanted to go to Wal-Mart and get a cheap umbrella stroller, but we never did!!
I have a Literider that we bought for our then 15 mo old for our last trip to Disney. We took her and her then 7 1/2 year old cousin to a local amusement park this past summer. A few times her cousin rode in it a little, granted it wasn't all day, but it held up fine. If I recall correctly, it did make steering it a little harder though. Also, she was rather tall for it, so had to remember to keep her feet up on the foot rest, and I dont' know that the she would have been able to use the shade at all. Also, I am not sure how much her cousin weighs, she is just an average size 7 1/2 year old.
how is the handle hight on those models? I hate to hunch over while i push.. back ends up sore after a few hrs.

Do they fold easily to get on and off disney buses? (and the plane)
I have a 40 lb son and I find that no matter what light-weight stroller I put him, I have a hard time maneuvering it. I bought an adorable Peg Perego Aria stroller for my last trip to WDW this past August, and I really believe I wasted $150.00. Not only was it hard to maneuver, but it got really beat up from my 1.5 week trip. I have another inexpensive Graco stroller that is more sturdy, but I still have a hard time maneuvering it. If I were you, I would not spend a lot of money on a stroller just for this trip.

Advice re strollers on buses: 1. make sure you don't have to take everything out of the basket to get it to fold properly. 2. Make sure the stroller folds easily and is compact on the bus. It'll just make your life easier.

Enjoy your trip!

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