Something About Nothing............ #14

Ack Sue, hope your back feels better soon. I use a hot cold patch on my lower back when it bothers me. If I sit too long, it can be sore, so I get up a lot to walk around and stretch out my back. Yay for trip getting so close now.

Still bright, but very hazy. Ooh that sticky air when we go to retrieve the trash cans. But that is around lunchtime, and ah yes. that very early breakfast is long ago enough, I’m already ready for lunch. May look for a little snack soon. That pre lunch one. LoL
R aAck Sue, hope your back feels better soon. I use a hot cold patch on my lower back when it bothers me. If I sit too long, it can be sore, so I get up a lot to walk around and stretch out my back. Yay for trip getting so close now.

Still bright, but very hazy. Ooh that sticky air when we go to retrieve the trash cans. But that is around lunchtime, and ah yes. that very early breakfast is long ago enough, I’m already ready for lunch. May look for a little snack soon. That pre lunch one. LoL
I was thinking of getting them for my flight. 6 hrs :crazy2: And even when no back problems by 4th hour I’m getting uncomfortable.
Good Monday afternoon everyone :wave:



An Engineering Degree will lead him to have many choices, not necessarily having to stick with Engineering directly. Kyle is in Financial Advice and there are many who veer into Finance with the same degree he has. Oh goodness yes, we are incredibly proud of him, it was a difficult Degree and they lost a few along the way who just couldn`t do it. I`m sure your Grandson will fall into something he loves and with that Degree behind him he`ll do good.
Great to hear the degree will have so many career options for choices when he graduates.

Have a great week Robbie.......
You have a lovely week too.

Yay, a Robo post. Hope you are doing well, and nice to have lunch out with your sister. Hehe, around here, even little one and I thought, so much for Summer, more and more Fall colors and items are arriving in the stores, with all the back to school items too. Like most of the smell from Bath and Body stores.

Hope your tea is strong and yummy today. Yes, I do like Bath & Body Works. It’s been hot here so some Fall colors and decorations are ok in stores for me.

We paddled around our end of the inlet and in a cove the Shogun movie set is still there, my daughters hadn’t seen it yet! Looking forward to when it comes out. I read the books years ago.
Funny you mention Shogun. I was just talking about by favorite mini-series on TV In the 80’s. It was The Thorn Birds. Richard Chamberlain was the King of the mini-series in the 80’s. I liked Shogun too.



This morning is pre trip mani/pedi! I have clothes washed and laid out. Tomorrow I’ll go thru and make final decisions on what I’ll pack. I know I have way too much out lol. Then all I have to do is iron what I’m packing and roll up into packing cubes.
Also have a friends birthday lunch today after mani/pedi.
Enjoy your mani & pedi and lunch with your friend.

I hope your back feels better soon. Sending some mummy dust your way for back healing and a great trip.

We did get some much needed rain last night. Woke up and it was 77 and 98% humidity. Supposed to be 84 and more rain.

Did some grocery shopping this morning. Stopped and filled up the gas tank at Costco and had an appointment with message therapist.

I heard from older sister in Florida. She has Covid again. So does her grandson. He is pretty sick. They were at doctors office and were tested and are positive. She was told Covid is on the uptick in Florida. I think everyone is seeing an up swing with this new subvariant of Omicron. Really concerned for sister as she is still recovering from post Covid blood clots in her lungs from February. They are getting the meds they need.

Also heard from daughter in Kentucky this morning and she is sick with Covid. She has the fever, aches and cough. She had test today and it’s positive. Her doc will make sure she gets meds she needs.

Have couple of other things left to do this afternoon.

Have a good afternoon everyone.
Ack, sending lots of mummy dust get well wishes to your sisters and nephew, Robo. Seems many I know came back from their Florida vacation with the virus. I am a bit worried about going down next month. But we are boosted and will try to be as safe as we can. At least I have some time to still cancel.

We had a brief pass of light rain, with lightning warnings flashed on my phone. Yeah, from weather radar, looks like the more heavy rain and storm is North of us. We could use any rain, as my garden surely needs it. Eh, thunderstorms warnings expire at 10 pm tonight.

Told little one, she needs to do that rain dance, as so far, the no rain or like now, briefly lightly raining. Phone says rain will end in less then 20 minutes, and we just heard thunder. But no rain now I can see now, so I guess so light, and not that much cooler, as still 90 degrees out now. And my AC just went on again. Hot enough day. And went out to check on the trash cans returned, and was oh so muggy out.
Schumi I get kicked on Canadian rental site too so no idea what US cost would be for car! But I know pre Covid we paid a heck of a lot less! Love the Young and Fun sign isn’t that the truth lol. About how I’m feeling at the moment.

This morning is pre trip mani/pedi! I have clothes washed and laid out. Tomorrow I’ll go thru and make final decisions on what I’ll pack. I know I have way too much out lol. Then all I have to do is iron what I’m packing and roll up into packing cubes.
Also have a friends birthday lunch today after mani/pedi.

I think we always paid more than we should for rental cars, hearing what Americans paid was always such a bargain in comparison. But I think we`re all paying more now.

Tom decided to go for the bigger car, so I told him he can`t complain about the cost....not that he ever does really. But over $2,000 for a month is still less than what they were quoting last year.

I always overpack. Even knowing we have plenty of time to do laundry, I still like a good selection of clothes. I`m a dress wearer a lot of the time at home, so I do like to have plenty on a trip too.....I never really considered packing you think they`re decent?

Funny you mention Shogun. I was just talking about by favorite mini-series on TV In the 80’s. It was The Thorn Birds. Richard Chamberlain was the King of the mini-series in the 80’s. I liked Shogun too.

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We did get some much needed rain last night. Woke up and it was 77 and 98% humidity. Supposed to be 84 and more rain.

Did some grocery shopping this morning. Stopped and filled up the gas tank at Costco and had an appointment with message therapist.

I heard from older sister in Florida. She has Covid again. So does her grandson. He is pretty sick. They were at doctors office and were tested and are positive. She was told Covid is on the uptick in Florida. I think everyone is seeing an up swing with this new subvariant of Omicron. Really concerned for sister as she is still recovering from post Covid blood clots in her lungs from February. They are getting the meds they need.

Also heard from daughter in Kentucky this morning and she is sick with Covid. She has the fever, aches and cough. She had test today and it’s positive. Her doc will make sure she gets meds she needs.

Have couple of other things left to do this afternoon.

Have a good afternoon everyone.

Loved The Thorn Birds......classic of it`s time!!!

Oh Robbie, your poor family! I was wondering how your sister was doing....poor thing. Sending all good wishes to them all and hope they all heal quickly and with no residual issues.

Like Robbie, we got some much needed rain today. We had some amazing deluges throughout the day that sounded like we were going to get thunder and lightning, but just downpours. The grass will be happy though and plants too. Still drizzly now, and much cooler than we`ve had.

Had a good day and achieved a lot.

Ended up going out for a pub dinner after our meeting, one we hadn`t been to before as our local doesn`t serve food on a Monday night, it was very nice and we`d go back again. Tables were still set quite far apart, most places are back to normal with table spacing. We had a booth and it just felt like a really nice place. Like our two village pubs, everything is homemade which we do like and are happy to pay more for. And another reason I`ll never be slim. But, why not......

Have low lighting on in here and candles too, feels dark with all the rain and cloud outside.

Hoping it`s dry tomorrow so we can get walking again, we missed going today.....but we wouldn`t mind getting some more rain....rain already looks so much better.

Tonic water time......
:wave2: And it's Monday afternoon! And I'm finally all caught up with all the posts!

We had a busy and great weekend with the gd. She kept both me and dh busy lol. Grandpa and Grammie were tired last night once we got home meeting dd to give her back. The weather was amazing (with no wind which we have had so many gusty days) and hot, hot, hot!!!! We set up the pool in the backyard. It was a busy weekend in the city with various activities going on here. We went to watch some of the street performers that was happening downtown, and also took in the BBQ rib fest. It is travelling pit bosses with their world famous smoked/bbq ribs, chicken and fixings. It was delicious. She was glad to see her Momma :laughing: She was tired of Grammie, but she was such a little trooper. I also forgot to mention she is basically potty that was a nice bonus - no diapers.

I seen there was chatter of phone scammers. We get a few of those calls at home. Rarely do I answer them Dh gets them on his phone, and because it's a work cell, he needs to answer them, as they will somehow say they are calling from a local company - so dh picks it up. I rarely answer my phone, unless I know the caller. If they really want to talk to me, they will leave a message.

I get a few of those calls at work. I will go along with them sometimes, other times I say that they have called the local RCMP (police department) and that I need to transfer their call to the fraud department. If I answer at home on our land line (yes - we still have a land line lol) I have asked them if they are needing to talk to dh. When they reply yes, I tell them that he's due home soon from his shift with the rcmp and they can leave a call back number for him if they want. They tend to NOT call back :rotfl:

Today is a cooler day today. It is supposed to warm up tomorrow and for the rest of the week. We are just on the edge of the hot weather front that @Sue M is experiencing. So I am going to enjoy every moment of it!

I finally have my nail appointment today since my gal cancelled last week :scared: I am proud of myself for not filing them down. They are wayyyyyyyyyyyy too long, but was keeping the length as my nail gal has trouble doing a french tip on a shorter nail. Tomorrow is the hair!!! It's a couple days of pampering.

Well, I have one more paper shuffle to scan and send off to the correct department before I leave for the day!

Have a great day everyone!

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I feel like i need a machete (Danny Trejo shoutout :thumbsup2) in my life…guess who now has shingles?

I’m told courtesy of my immune system being beat to heck from Covid. :crazy2: On a positive note, have the RX & it’s a very mild Case. I’m sure the FL heat won’t bother it one bit starting in 3 days, nope not at all:rolleyes1

sue - wow, lucky to have the dress need little in way of nips & tucks! That is rare indeed

We are also considering avoiding the Los Angeles airport and fly into the Burbank airport and then fly home from the Orange County airport.
I loved flying into Burbank from LAS, old school. Had to walk down steps from the plane and the luggage carousels were under an open air awning outside lol.

only reason we flew in There as so close to USH. I’d def have transport lined up. We used uber black to prearrange the haul from USH to Knotts. Would never, ever do that drive on the 4

SNA is another joy. LAX, well…they have planes :)
We went into HomeGoods and they had some Halloween things already.
Knew you’d have a sighting soon! Going to guess big lots not far behind. They were rather disappointing the last few years tho.
An Engineering Degree will lead him to have many choices, not necessarily having to stick with Engineering directly. Kyle is in Financial Advice and there are many who veer into Finance with the same degree he has
had a conversation with the dean of youngest DS’s school once when it came up I wasn’t exactly enamored of the idea of a dual major. Was ‘splained to me, in convincing fashion, that most degrees are enhanced with the critical thinking developed with an analytical degree.

He still didn’t get the extra semester out of me lol, that’s why they have online classes over winter & summer breaks:p
:wave2: And it's Monday afternoon! And I'm finally all caught up with all the posts!

We had a busy and great weekend with the gd. She kept both me and dh busy lol. Grandpa and Grammie were tired last night once we got home meeting dd to give her back. The weather was amazing (with no wind which we have had so many gusty days) and hot, hot, hot!!!! We set up the pool in the backyard. It was a busy weekend in the city with various activities going on here. We went to watch some of the street performers that was happening downtown, and also took in the BBQ rib fest. It is travelling pit bosses with their world famous smoked/bbq ribs, chicken and fixings. It was delicious. She was glad to see her Momma :laughing: She was tired of Grammie, but she was such a little trooper. I also forgot to mention she is basically potty that was a nice bonus - no diapers.

I seen there was chatter of phone scammers. We get a few of those calls at home. Rarely do I answer them Dh gets them on his phone, and because it's a work cell, he needs to answer them, as they will somehow say they are calling from a local company - so dh picks it up. I rarely answer my phone, unless I know the caller. If they really want to talk to me, they will leave a message.

I get a few of those calls at work. I will go along with them sometimes, other times I say that they have called the local RCMP (police department) and that I need to transfer their call to the fraud department. If I answer at home on our land line (yes - we still have a land line lol) I have asked them if they are needing to talk to dh. When they reply yes, I tell them that he's due home soon from his shift with the rcmp and they can leave a call back number for him if they want. They tend to NOT call back :rotfl:

Today is a cooler day today. It is supposed to warm up tomorrow and for the rest of the week. We are just on the edge of the hot weather front that @Sue M is experiencing. So I am going to enjoy every moment of it!

I finally have my nail appointment today since my gal cancelled last week :scared: I am proud of myself for not filing them down. They are wayyyyyyyyyyyy too long, but was keeping the length as my nail gal has trouble doing a french tip on a shorter nail. Tomorrow is the hair!!! It's a couple days of pampering.

Well, I have one more paper shuffle to scan and send off to the correct department before I leave for the day!

Have a great day everyone!

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Gorgeous pictures of a beautiful little girl Pumpkin......

Glad you had such a lovely time with her over the weekend.

We still have a land line too...wouldn`t be without it......

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I feel like i need a machete (Danny Trejo shoutout :thumbsup2) in my life…guess who now has shingles?

I’m told courtesy of my immune system being beat to heck from Covid. :crazy2: On a positive note, have the RX & it’s a very mild Case. I’m sure the FL heat won’t bother it one bit starting in 3 days, nope not at all:rolleyes1

had a conversation with the dean of youngest DS’s school once when it came up I wasn’t exactly enamored of the idea of a dual major. Was ‘splained to me, in convincing fashion, that most degrees are enhanced with the critical thinking developed with an analytical degree.

He still didn’t get the extra semester out of me lol, that’s why they have online classes over winter & summer breaks:p

I had to Google Danny Trejo.....I know who he is, just didn`t know his name...... ☺️

The Florida heat will do you the world of good......I`m almost yes, was good to hear you had a milder version, some folks get it nasty!!!

I`m a big fan of Engineering degrees......we have 3 in our house and Kyle has the best one as he has the Masters.....Tom and I don`t have Masters for that one!! Critical thinking is something they`re trying to bring into some senior schools as standard, my friend who is the University Lecturer suggests how about common sense classes first!! Nice idea.....

Raining again......the grass, flowers and plants across the country will be loving this!

Almost bedtime.......and getting darker earlier every night......we`re just glad of the rain as there were so many woodland fires around the whole country, unusual for us.

Think we`ll get walking in the morning.......
Ouch, glad mild case for ya, Keisha. Good to have medicine, and yay for the trip coming so soon. Yep, trip should make you feel better. And yay, retirement should look good on DH.
Schumi I do like the packing cubes! I roll my clothes anyway for packing. A friend gave me some cubes for a present so I decided to try them. When I arrive I take the cube from suitcase, and put straight into dresser in room And unzip. Things stay in the cubes. I usually do laundry before we leave and everything is back in cubes to put in luggage. Saves a lot of time, and in airport if they want to open your suitcase, nobody is pawing thru my underwear! Happened once, had to open the carryon, because while packing to return home somehow my paring knife got thrown into carryon :sad2: Oops. I always pack a paring knife to cut up apples in my room or oranges! Can you believe you can’t find a Florida orange in grocery stores there? So odd.

Pumpkin cute photos. I think I could use that pool here this week! I’ve been getting heat warnings on my weather app. We still have our land line too. Especially glad after the Rogers fiasco! Boy oh boy! I hope the govt stops the Shaw takeover!

Keisha yikes! It’s just the gift that keeps on giving! Hope the Shingles stay mild! We arrive in Florida Saturday! I forget which park you’re heading to!
You didn’t like SNA? I’ve only used It once but thought it was ok.

Robo I loved Richard Chamberlain :love: and stil remember watching Dr Kildare when I was l little! Loved Thorn Birds! I didn’t remember they made a Shogun series! I read the books but can’t for the life of me recall if I watched it on tv! But looking forward to seeing the new one especially as it’s filmed in my town!

Nails looking good now! I had Dip on hands and regular polish on toes! Love the little pre trip rituals that say vacay is soon!
Lunch was very nice with alot of good natured banter as you can with old friends! Most of us knew eachother since our children were in either pre school or kindergarten!
Wednesday is hair!

Mac :magnify:

Lynne thanks for the well wishes. I hope I’ll be better too or I’ll be stuck renting a scooter :sad2:
Schumi I do like the packing cubes! I roll my clothes anyway for packing. A friend gave me some cubes for a present so I decided to try them. When I arrive I take the cube from suitcase, and put straight into dresser in room And unzip. Things stay in the cubes. I usually do laundry before we leave and everything is back in cubes to put in luggage. Saves a lot of time, and in airport if they want to open your suitcase, nobody is pawing thru my underwear! Happened once, had to open the carryon, because while packing to return home somehow my paring knife got thrown into carryon :sad2: Oops. I always pack a paring knife to cut up apples in my room or oranges! Can you believe you can’t find a Florida orange in grocery stores there? So odd.

Pumpkin cute photos. I think I could use that pool here this week! I’ve been getting heat warnings on my weather app. We still have our land line too. Especially glad after the Rogers fiasco! Boy oh boy! I hope the govt stops the Shaw takeover!

Keisha yikes! It’s just the gift that keeps on giving! Hope the Shingles stay mild! We arrive in Florida Saturday! I forget which park you’re heading to!
You didn’t like SNA? I’ve only used It once but thought it was ok.

Robo I loved Richard Chamberlain :love: and stil remember watching Dr Kildare when I was l little! Loved Thorn Birds! I didn’t remember they made a Shogun series! I read the books but can’t for the life of me recall if I watched it on tv! But looking forward to seeing the new one especially as it’s filmed in my town!

Nails looking good now! I had Dip on hands and regular polish on toes! Love the little pre trip rituals that say vacay is soon!
Lunch was very nice with alot of good natured banter as you can with old friends! Most of us knew eachother since our children were in either pre school or kindergarten!
Wednesday is hair!

Mac :magnify:

Lynne thanks for the well wishes. I hope I’ll be better too or I’ll be stuck renting a scooter :sad2:

They do sound good....Yes, I roll clothes too, and it does make a difference without the cubes and usually hanging up dresses and so on they tend to unruffle themsleves or if they`re bad I`ll iron them, don`t want to leave the room looking like an unmade bed!!

Only ever had our suitcase opened once, and not in front of us, we just saw the sheet they put inside to let you know it had been checked. I had bought some very nice knives and must have caught their eye. But, we`ve never had our cases checked other than that, and hand luggage only once, but not bothered really, butwouldn`t fancy seeing anyone`s underwear being roped around!! I`m sure they`ve seen it all before though, doesn`t mean we want to ::yes::

Well, the rain has stopped but it`s cloudy out there and cooler at around 60F. Nice for walking though.

Plan to walk then have a few things to get sorted today and some shopping in there too......schools are off now so we try to go early and avoid all the kids in the stores now......much quieter when they`re back at school. But, back to school stuff/clothes have been on show since just before they broke up on Thursday. Always hated seeing the Back to School signs.......

Haven`t thought about food yet today, but I baked breakfast muffins last night and also have English muffins, sleeping beauty might want them.

Slept well as usual last night and woke up feeling fresh as paint this morning.....will see how far we walk.




Happy Tuesday........☺️

Yay, that Taco Tuesday is here!
Time to enjoy a taco or two some time or times today. Mac, hope you are feeling well enough to enjoy some Taco Bell today. If not, sending lots more well wishes your way. Those Taco Bell tacos can wait.

And so, those yesterday’s threats of extreme weather thunderstorms was another bust. Rain losers we were. That brief rain as stated above, then the sun came out, and any that was wet, was quickly dry. After that rain, heard the thunder, but must have traveled some good amount of miles, as no rain did we see the rest of yesterday.

As cold front has arrived, it is so weak, that the temp still did not get lower than 70 overnight. And a beautiful sunrise I saw from my clear sky view in my office, but the clouds are are going to rule the day. And with the humidity down some, and the cloud cover, we only get to 84 as the high today. I’ll take it. Kids think perfect day to enjoy some pool time. And go to that imported goods Asian grocery store, that’s on the way.

But for me, commute was a little busier, but I also was a few minutes later getting off. Grr, DH came home late last night, and instead of finding a parking spot up the street, parked across our driveway’s entrance. See, I get the driveway, as our cars are big enough, and the driveway short enough, two cars can barely fit. Thankfully, he was up with me, so he drove up the street and I left. But quick enough to office parking, and yay, the one building scan that is a crap shoot as to it working, did not last week, but did today. Yay!

Pumpkin, so cute, thanks for sharing the pictures. Always great to enjoy time with family little ones.

Sue, yay for nails done, and friends time. Getting much closer now. Hope your back issues are not enough, you can enjoy park time without a scooter. But if you need one, not a deal breaker I’m sure. Hope you have safe travels this weekend, and a fabulous time.

Keisha, hope you are feeling better today. Your trip is getting so much closer now. Safe travels and have a fabulous time too.

Us, weeks more countdown. But that’s okay. Our weather has certainly got us ready for the Florida heat. This time of year, we had traveled to Florida ever since the kids were little. That last two weeks of August was our vacation time, as Summer camp ended mid August, and school started after Labor Day in early September. So we are well seasoned travelers mostly in August and December, with now, an occasional January, and now September, as once the kids graduated high school, freed up more time to travel with family at different times of year.

Thus, connectivity here or there, does not matter. As long as can make tea, I’m good. And so, from an tea drinker in an almost cool feeling office, hope all have that terrific Taco Tuesday.
Good Tuesday morning Sans family :wave:




Oh Robbie, your poor family! I was wondering how your sister was doing....poor thing. Sending all good wishes to them all and hope they all heal quickly and with no residual issues.
Thank you. I spoke to all of them late yesterday evening. Daughter doing well, but sister is pretty sick.

I feel like i need a machete (Danny Trejo shoutout :thumbsup2) in my life…guess who now has shingles?

I’m told courtesy of my immune system being beat to heck from Covid. :crazy2: On a positive note, have the RX & it’s a very mild Case. I’m sure the FL heat won’t bother it one bit starting in 3 days, nope not at all:rolleyes1
Sorry to hear you have another medical thing to deal with. Great you got your med quickly. It will help calm the symptoms and duration. Having a mild case is better no doubt. Get well soon and enjoy your vacation.

Can you believe you can’t find a Florida orange in grocery stores there? So odd.

A lot of the family operated citrus groves went under. Lot of issues with greening disease and canker. Whole groves had to be burned to stop the spread. Also children did not want to continue family business in some cases.

There are still plenty of Citrus groves, but they will sell their crop locally and online at their stores. Also harvesting is between end of November and beginning of April.

I remember when we first moved there you could go to the farmers market and get a huge paper shopping bag full of mixed citrus for $5.00. Those days are long gone.

I have a local farmers market I go to during the season to get my oranges, tangerines etc.

Each grower plants a variety of different oranges, tangerines and grape fruits. So that during the season different varieties are ripening at different times and they have a full crop to sell all through the season.

Robo I loved Richard Chamberlain :love: and stil remember watching Dr Kildare when I was l little! Loved Thorn Birds! I didn’t remember they made a Shogun series! I read the books but can’t for the life of me recall if I watched it on tv! But looking forward to seeing the new one especially as it’s filmed in my town!
Richard Chamberlain is a wonderful actor.

Love the little pre trip rituals that say vacay is soon!

Love the pre-trip pamper ritual for sure. Hope your back feels better and you do not have to rent a scooter, but if needed be comfortable for sure.

I love this picture Pumpkin. So cute. Proof that girls are adept at multitasking even at a early age.

Hope Mac is feeling better.

Sending shout out to Tink, Monyk, Soniam, Bobbie68, Patty and all the Sans family who are not posting much.

It is dark and raining this morning. Much needed rain to help hydrate the lawns and give the animals water to drink.

Boiled some eggs and made some tuna salad and egg salad this morning.

The mult-day HHN passes are for sale this morning. I need to figure which one fits the bill for me and buy it.

I also saw the HHN dining experience is at Louie’s. Never done one of those before.

Think I will lay back down and try to sleep a bit more if I can. Not a good sleep last night. The dark rainy weather should help.

Have a good Tuesday everyone.
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Ack, sending lots of mummy dust get well wishes to your sisters and nephew, Robo. Seems many I know came back from their Florida vacation with the virus. I am a bit worried about going down next month. But we are boosted and will try to be as safe as we can. At least I have some time to still cancel.

I quoted your post in initial posting. Not sure where it went. So will try again.

Thank you Lynne. I have also seen lots of folks post about coming back from Florida with Covid. Don’t think it can be helped as there are so many people from so many places arriving there for vacation.

It reminds us all to continue to be vigilant as best we can.

We need to live and enjoy our lives in spite of things in this world. Part of that is vacationing.

I love to read about everyone getting excited about planing and leaving for their trips.
Gorgeous pictures of a beautiful little girl Pumpkin......
She is full of life, looks like a little firecracker :)
nobody is pawing thru my underwear
We arrive in Florida Saturday! I forget which park you’re heading to!
You didn’t like SNA? I’ve only used It once but thought it was ok.
other than SW on Thursday & Typhoon lagoon on Saturday, it’s nonstop WDW. Dusk to dawn

SNA my airport of choice when doing DL.

Last trip we got caught in rush hour traffic from LA when touring. No idea it extended until well past 7 pm there! We didn’t get back to our resort (great wolf) until almost 10 pm via uber. guy cut thru china town etc. but, still, a nightmare Of bumper to bumper all the way down.

Loved Thorn Birds!
I forgot about that one, was quite racy for it’s time on tv lol
And so, those yesterday’s threats of extreme weather thunderstorms was another bust.
That’s because they wrecked havoc here, among the worst in years I’ve seen roll through, sequentially

thanks Robbie, I’m a bad patient lol. Funny, i had some eggs to use up here. Too expensive to let them go to waste these days. Still amazed they come out so good in air fryer lol

carole thanks for the shout out re the multi-night HHN tix. Pleasantly surprised they didn’t price gouge this year. Get ‘em while they’re hot guys.
It's a glorious hot, sunny taco Tuesday! We are under a heat advisory. So curtains are drawn on the south side of the house. Our house stays cool until about 2:00 pm, then once that afternoon sun starts to really ramp up, the house heats up quite fast. Hopefully with the windows covered a bit, it will keep it cooler.

I did get out a walk last night, after we watched the Nascar race :laughing: Dh set the pvr to record it while we were taking the gd back to her mom. I had seen who won and the disqualification on my fb feed. So I had to bite my lip and not let out all the juicy details. It was hard not to tell him of a crash that I knew he would love.

Looking forward to getting my hair colored again today. It's time to refresh the lighter color ::yes:: I color my roots the rest of the year and leave the blonde. I do use a blue/purple based shampoo to tone it a little from going too brassy. It will look great for pictures at my sister's wedding next month.

I remember watching " Thorn Birds". It was definitely racy for that time on tv for sure!!! Does anyone remember the series North and South with Patrick Swayze ( 1985ish) I remember my mom LOVING that series. She is a huge Patrick fan!

@Sue M enjoy the hair appointment. Those appointments are an exciting part of the pre=trip excitement! Stay cool! I hope the back is getting better.

@keishashadow wow...Shingles!!!!! I'm glad it's a mild case - but still :( Hopefully it doesn't impact your up coming retirement family trip! And yup the gd is a firecracker!!! She is bossy, determined and likes to tease her pappa and knows he doesn't say no :rotfl: When I would say no - she would go ask poppa...then she would come and tell me Poppa said yes. Little stinker :laughing:

@schumigirl I think walking after a rain is the best!

@Lynne G I hope your in-office and commute day goes fast. I know my sister who is in a simular position of some in-office and tele-work enjoys her home days at work much more than going in ;)

Well, I should start to shuffle some papers. They don't pay me to cruise message boards and plan imaginary trips in my head!

Have a great day everyone!
Good Tuesday morning Sans family :wave:

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Thank you. I spoke to all of them late yesterday evening. Daughter doing well, but sister is pretty sick.

Sorry to hear you have another medical thing to deal with. Great you got your med quickly. It will help calm the symptoms and duration. Having a mild case is better no doubt. Get well soon and enjoy your vacation.

Can you believe you can’t find a Florida orange in grocery stores there? So odd.

A lot of the family operated citrus groves went under. Lot of issues with greening disease and canker. Whole groves had to be burned to stop the spread. Also children did not want to continue family business in some cases.

There are still plenty of Citrus groves, but they will sell their crop locally and online at their stores. Also harvesting is between end of November and beginning of April.

I remember when we first moved there you could go to the farmers market and get a huge paper shopping bag full of mixed citrus for $5.00. Those days are long gone.

I have a local farmers market I go to during the season to get my oranges, tangerines etc.

Each grower plants a variety of different oranges, tangerines and grape fruits. So that during the season different varieties are ripening at different times and they have a full crop to sell all through the season.

Richard Chamberlain is a wonderful actor.

Love the pre-trip pamper ritual for sure. Hope your back feels better and you do not have to rent a scooter, but if needed be comfortable for sure.

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I love this picture Pumpkin. So cute. Proof that girls are adept at multitasking even at a early age.

Hope Mac is feeling better.

Sending shout out to Tink, Monyk, Soniam, Bobbie68, Patty and all the Sans family who are not posting much.

It is dark and raining this morning. Much needed rain to help hydrate the lawns and give the animals water to drink.

Boiled some eggs and made some tuna salad and egg salad this morning.

The mult-day HHN passes are for sale this morning. I need to figure which one fits the bill for me and buy it.

I also saw the HHN dining experience is at Louie’s. Never done one of those before.

Think I will lay back down and try to sleep a bit more if I can. Not a good sleep last night. The dark rainy weather should help.

Have a good Tuesday everyone.

Sending many good wishes Robbie, especially for your sister. Hope she has a massive improvement soon.

We did the Scare Actor Dining once.....never again!! Very mediocre food and very poor SA experiences. They didn`t even have Michael Myers, and it was one of the year`s Halloween was one of the highlights.

Hope you get a good sleep, and yes, let that rain pour for the greenery.

She is full of life, looks like a little firecracker :)


other than SW on Thursday & Typhoon lagoon on Saturday, it’s nonstop WDW. Dusk to dawn

SNA my airport of choice when doing DL.

Last trip we got caught in rush hour traffic from LA when touring. No idea it extended until well past 7 pm there! We didn’t get back to our resort (great wolf) until almost 10 pm via uber. guy cut thru china town etc. but, still, a nightmare Of bumper to bumper all the way down.

I forgot about that one, was quite racy for it’s time on tv lol

That’s because they wrecked havoc here, among the worst in years I’ve seen roll through, sequentially

thanks Robbie, I’m a bad patient lol. Funny, i had some eggs to use up here. Too expensive to let them go to waste these days. Still amazed they come out so good in air fryer lol

carole thanks for the shout out re the multi-night HHN tix. Pleasantly surprised they didn’t price gouge this year. Get ‘em while they’re hot guys.

Youse is welcome.........yep, we expected to pay a lot more this year......a nice surprise indeed ::yes::

Multi night HHN tickets are out!! We got our FFP with express!! 👻

It's a glorious hot, sunny taco Tuesday! We are under a heat advisory. So curtains are drawn on the south side of the house. Our house stays cool until about 2:00 pm, then once that afternoon sun starts to really ramp up, the house heats up quite fast. Hopefully with the windows covered a bit, it will keep it cooler.

I did get out a walk last night, after we watched the Nascar race :laughing: Dh set the pvr to record it while we were taking the gd back to her mom. I had seen who won and the disqualification on my fb feed. So I had to bite my lip and not let out all the juicy details. It was hard not to tell him of a crash that I knew he would love.

Looking forward to getting my hair colored again today. It's time to refresh the lighter color ::yes:: I color my roots the rest of the year and leave the blonde. I do use a blue/purple based shampoo to tone it a little from going too brassy. It will look great for pictures at my sister's wedding next month.

I remember watching " Thorn Birds". It was definitely racy for that time on tv for sure!!! Does anyone remember the series North and South with Patrick Swayze ( 1985ish) I remember my mom LOVING that series. She is a huge Patrick fan!

Loved North and South!!!!

I wanted to be Mrs Orry Main so I loved the women`s dresses of that time......definitely loved Patrick Swayze!!! Hated his nasty sister, the dark haired one, while being very beautiful, she was a horrible character, Ashton played by the lovely Terri Garber, it had an incredible cast though.

Happy new hair do today......always nice to get it done....and enjoy that heat...yes, closing curtains and blinds does help......we never seem to do it though!!! It`s ingrained to us in the UK as soon as the sun shines and it`s every window you can lol, wrong thing to do of course, but heyho.........enjoy it anyway.

Lovely evening here again.

Sitting out and enjoying the last heat of the day before the sun sets behind the trees. It`s quite nice in the shade when it`s as warm as we have right now....not too hot thankfully!!

No Tacos in this house.........ever!! Enjoyed some peppered brie stuffed chicken breasts tonight, wrapped in bacon which were lovely along with some griddled veg and spicy couscous.

Made some madeira cake today and a lemon tart, so will have some with some tea in a little while, still too full from dinner.
Ack, I guess since I’m going to be there end of September, going to get the FFP with express. That way, can join others if they are in park and want to go through a house. Not too bad in price, given the one day price. Depending on what little one wants to do, I may spring for her to get that pass too. I’m hoping AP rates come out. As last year, when they came out after I bought little one’s ticket, I called the AP line, and they cancelled my full price ticket and sold me the AP discounted ticket. Best, just showed my email receipt and she got a paper ticket right from the ticket desk at Royal. Saved me almost 20 dollars. Checked my cc and yep, refunded in full, and charged new price. Let’s hope they throw out those AP rates soon.

Light rain on and off, but so short, nothing looks wet. Though more gray outside, as clouds are making it not nearly as bright as first thing this morning. But this weak cold front is slipping to the South, so that hot air will be arriving by tonight. Mid 80’s tomorrow, so camel should be happy not that hot yet. He’s lucky, as the rest of this week gets that hazy, hot and humid, with chances of storms.

Very quiet at work, but that’s fine with me. Once all in my office embraced telework, only when an all hands is asked, like in a few weeks, then all should be in. Some of us have not seen each other in the 3 years we have been mostly gone from the office. I can see the good and bad with both work places. Though not having to drive into the city, is a big plus in that side. Never thought it was big deal until I stopped doing it for awhile. Now, nice to have that almost hour back, and no wear on my car from all that stop and go city driving.

Oh, and for what it’s worth, we flew into LA for our three Disneyland and once, Universal in there. We have flown in twice to SD, but we stayed down there, SW and zoo and other we did. I did drive down and back to SW from Disney once. Kids always liked that I was not bothered by the the large amount of lanes those LA highways are. I guess my over 20 years of driving into and out of the city, having to drive the highway we fondly butcher the name, and it’s the ‘Kill, as always an accident and right before I used to get off it, there’s a curve as steep as a race track. But past 15 years, now in a different part of the city. Kinda worse, as a stop light at every, and I mean every, block. No where fast, as the lights are never timed right, so that stop and go repeat is my drive. Though have to say, had to giggle a little, as the car that came flying past me this morning, went right through the red light. I was thinking of doing that, as there was no one else around. But I didn’t.

Sigh. Almost time to see what traffic I get to sit in. At least I’m thinking a short week, and taking Friday off. Ready for a long weekend. For sure.


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