Something About Nothing............ #14

At least we are starting with a very bright sky, and sunny ☀out. And a bit warmer. Now not enough to not wear that light weight winter coat, but hoping a T shirt under is fine. Guess all had the heat on yesterday, the two stores we went in, I was getting too warm with my jacket and shirt on. But thinking no stores today. Between the two and the day before’s trip, we are stocked for at least another day. And with our haul yesterday, dinner ended up with a take out pizza. Yeah, we and quite a few others were thinking the same thing. Glad to see that pizza shop get business. We like that shop’s pizza as it has different kinds of pizza, kinda odd ones, but so fresh toppings. Older one finished up mine, and yes, little one’s was plain, and she did not share. Her leftover slices were spoken for, as she was going to eat them later last night. I think she did.

I like the sound of different pizzas......unless it has banana on of course...….yes, I`m all for keeping local places in business as much as we can.

Our local Chinese place has opened up only on weekends, we didn't know or we would have went there for a change. Hope he does well.

Have a great week ahead Lynne......

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A good mother can always see the good in her children :).

I gave you a provisional like, assuming you enjoy well done meat...if I received the non rare end piece I’d be returning it lol.

You have to live in the north to appreciate the sentiment of having at least 3 winter coats available at all times :). I pulled out the down-filled one yesterday between the blowing wind and snow showers all day. Have I mentioned I wanted to open the pool this weekend so the kids could swim?

When RL resumes & things do start going my way again, I’m really going to appreciate it! Perhaps it does take something like this to push us all into a much needed hard reset going forward. Have a great day all! the Jason meme!!!! Only a mother right enough with him...….

I think there`s something in that you know......getting a restart going forward and hoping we keep all the goodwill towards others that`s been fostered.

You have better weather coming I`m sure...…..yes, my winter coats hadn't been put away quite yet too......shameful really in May!!!

Good morning Sans family :wave2:

Happy Mother’s Day to all the moms

I remember the Nurse who worked in our doctors office when I was little. Her name was Ruth and she wore the starched white dress uniform, cap, white hose and white shoes and she gave a mean shot. Let’s just say you would be avoiding sitting on that cheek for awhile. Dr. Kempe on the other hand gave a shot so quick it was over before you knew it. I have never forgotten his kindness and quick painless injection technique. He was my inspiration in making sure to give as painless an injection as I could during my Nursing career.

It has been a cooler couple of days here. Sounds like everyone across the US has gotten cooler.

It did get up to 60 here yesterday and sun was shining so can’t complain to much. Was able to get out and do some weed pulling in the garden.

Meat supplies in store are dwindling a bit here. It’s a repeat of the TP hoarding . With some of the meat processing plants being hit hard with Covid sickness folks are scared of meat shortages.

Thanks for all the fun memes everyone. It helps keep everything in perspective. We all need something to smile about everyday for sure.

Our stores here are opening in stages here now. Pretty much everyone here in the stores are wearing masks.

They have even encouraged small family groups to have visits. Son and family are bringing lunch today.

To all the moms I pray your family celebrates you all and you have a wonderful Mother’s Day.

and a funny
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It`s funny, a lot of nurses have someone who inspired them in some way as the reason for being a nurse or similar.....I`m sure you had a nice way for does make all the difference.

Hope you had a lovely Mothers Day too.

Thought I’d stop by quick to tell y’all this.....

My 11 year olds phone was ringing, he wasn’t answering it right away, I said aren’t you going to answer that?!?!?

He says nahhhh.......

I said oh who is calling???

Just the President I think......

So I glance at it and it says a # and below that it says Washington D.C.

:rotfl2: .......he’s only 11........

lol.....that would be a phone call and a half!!!

We had a wild a woolly night here.......wind never ceased the whole day yesterday and continued through the night.....and yes, it`s still rattling this morning outside. Rain hasn`t stopped much, but it is so cold!!!!

This morning it is 40F, but feels much cooler according to weather......that is far too cold for May!!!

Good to see some of you have had restrictions lifted and can see other folks......not happening here yet. Even if they did most of us aren't ready to mix yet, despite wanting too. Boris`s speech last night was clear as mud. But most folks aren't wanting anything lifted yet. We`ll see. Our news is full of folks out and about so, looks like the covidiots are all out in force again...….:sad2:

Yesterday had a weird happening.......

I was on Zoom with three friends. A couple of my friends think we have a ghost in our house, two of my friends are very blunt and don`t believe in any of that and constantly have exchanges as to whether there is such a thing. Always an interesting discussion!!

I`ve never been convinced....never felt a presence but it does at times feel a little like there`s a change in atmosphere for a few seconds. So, I`m on zoom in the oldest part of the house and one of my friends suddenly asked who was behind me....I said no one, my two are in other parts of the house......then the other friend who is highly dismissive of anything like that said yes, I saw something too.....then it was that I turned around and of course there was nothing.

One friend said it looked like a woman carrying baking????? The other then after having a few minutes said, she didn`t see anything after, I don`t we have a ghost or not????






Hope everyone has a good Monday...…..
Yeah, Schumi, I don’t believe in ghosts either, but when my older one was born, my DH was away for over a year, and one night I thought I saw a man, not scary, just watching from the front of the house, when I was way in the back, in a like I am here for you. I mentioned it to my mom, and she said it was your dad. I said, well the man I saw did not remind me of him. But hey, any helpful concern from above was a good thing. When my DH was away for long periods, I always had help when the kids were young, when I needed it. Hey, maybe your home likes having bakers in it. I do think there are ghosting images once in awhile in pictures as a result of those images being sent over wires. Heck, sometimes my car picks up two radio stations and odd hearing another song in the background.

With that, a nice rhyme from my weather guy. We are having chilly days in May. Ah yes we are. Too chilly for me. And even a chance of rain this morning. He did say, a close to 80’s will be the high one day this week. Now that is not what I call a chilly end to this week. Though as always with warmer weather, thunderstorms will be in that 80 degree day. At least if you get wet that day, you won’t be cold. End of weather reporting.


Already online for over an hour. Ah yes, back to that week day routine.

So, as a Monday, have a marvelous day. May all the homies be happy and healthy.

And yeah, it will be some time before we even get back to the way we were. Kids and I are even thinking yes, we are going to push our early next year cruise to the year after. I have to call, and see if we can get the same cabin, with no price increase. Yes, the new normal, but with older one having asthma, we would rather not take risks for the foreseeable future.

Ah, tea in hand, dull looking out, so rain may make an appearance.

Don’t Worry, Be Happy. Yes indeed.

why people do to Costco to pick up one or two things
i’m Guessing cabin fever. Had to go into Target to pick up a prescription for family member last weekend. Was floored at the number of large family groups strolling thru the store together. It’s disrespectful to those employees who are working on the front lines.

Carole - sounds IIke a friendly spirit to me. Better to have hands full of baked goods than an axe :). Maybe we could introduce her to our house mascot
Oh I do believe there’s something Lynne, especially to see something like that, I’m just not sure this home is haunted.

Nice one

Yes, I agree, the large family outings and get togethers are a complete slap in the face to those working to care for must hurt a lot to see them completely ignore all the guidelines.

Our country is gong to be a mess again thanks to folks like that......

Didn‘t go out is freezing!

Kyle is back at work upstairs in the office after his week off......Tom popped out to the local store for a milk and bread top up......that’ll do us till we go for our click and collect grocery order on Thursday.

Honey mustard chicken tonight.....thought I’d run out of honey, but found a new jar lurking behind the brown sugar.

Time for mid afternoon cuppa....
i’m Guessing cabin fever. Had to go into Target to pick up a prescription for family member last weekend. Was floored at the number of large family groups strolling thru the store together. It’s disrespectful to those employees who are working on the front lines.

I would agree. Sonic has been my new "to go" place just to get a slushy :rotfl2: But of course, I stay in my car.

Only two people per membership are allowed in at a time, so big families are a no-no.

When I go shopping, it's like an episode of Supermarket Sweep.
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Hehe that is me too, Kfish. I try to get in and out with a full cart as fast as I can. Yeah, when I was shopping yesterday I saw a 6 person family shopping. There is never more than two of us, most of the time just one of us. Why bring all your kids? Never understood that. Even without virus, rarely did I more than one kid with me. Though when young, yeah both kids went with me, but this family, not one of the kids I would say were toddlers.

Thinking of little one is game for ordering and pickup Chinese, I am in the mood. Mom alarm may be sounding shortly. See, getting up so early, I get lunch hungry by 12 noon.

Rainy on and off, so a peek of sun once so far. Trash done, so time to refill. Now all are home, late Spring cleaning is now the let’s do. Feels good to clean house every so often.
Good Monday Morning,

Hope everyone had a nice Mother's Day yesterday. My day was nice but exhausting. DH gave me what I asked for, a new charcoal grill/smoker, I know, I'm weird. Since restaurants are closed, I decided to cook for my mom. Yes, I do like to punish myself:) We had ribs and fried chicken. It was delish but being in the kitchen all day was exhausting. I am still beat. I told my DH that we are going to Florida for Mother's Day next year. rotfl2[1].gif We had done that up until last year but I think we need to bring that tradition back.

Not much else going on. Working today. Dinner will be leftovers for the fam and a salad for me.

Nice day today. Hi 60s. I think this is it for the cool weather. Warm weather sets in next week. I am so ready.

Hey all, just popping in to let you all know I havent forgotten about you. We had a death in the family last week, a suicide and i just have kind of been in a funk. You all are so great and inviting, didnt want you to think I was being flaky. Thanks

So sorry for your loss.

I`ve never been convinced....never felt a presence but it does at times feel a little like there`s a change in atmosphere for a few seconds. So, I`m on zoom in the oldest part of the house and one of my friends suddenly asked who was behind me....I said no one, my two are in other parts of the house......then the other friend who is highly dismissive of anything like that said yes, I saw something too.....then it was that I turned around and of course there was nothing.

That made my arm hairs stand up just reading it. Ghosts freak me out. Are the zoom videos recorded? That would be crazy to go back and view.
I would agree. Sonic has been my new "to go" place just to get a slushy :rotfl2: But of course, I stay in my car.

Only two people per membership are allowed in at a time, so big families are a no-no.

When I go shopping, it's like an episode of Supermarket Sweep.

I really like the lemonade slush with strawberries added, if you order with the app drinks are half price all the time!
Good Monday Morning,

Hope everyone had a nice Mother's Day yesterday. My day was nice but exhausting. DH gave me what I asked for, a new charcoal grill/smoker, I know, I'm weird. Since restaurants are closed, I decided to cook for my mom. Yes, I do like to punish myself:) We had ribs and fried chicken. It was delish but being in the kitchen all day was exhausting. I am still beat. I told my DH that we are going to Florida for Mother's Day next year. rotfl2[1].gif We had done that up until last year but I think we need to bring that tradition back.

Not much else going on. Working today. Dinner will be leftovers for the fam and a salad for me.

Nice day today. Hi 60s. I think this is it for the cool weather. Warm weather sets in next week. I am so ready.

So sorry for your loss.

That made my arm hairs stand up just reading it. Ghosts freak me out. Are the zoom videos recorded? That would be crazy to go back and view.

LOVE the sound of the grill/ you get some gorgeous food off of that!!! Not weird at all.....hope the food went down well.

Yes that was odd, I have no clue if they record them or not, I`m not of them sent me a screen shot and yes, it did look odd. I have a couple of experiences that would make your hair curl....well, only two but they`re whoppers and made my mind up for me that I believe there is something.

I like ghost stories though and wouldn't mind if we did have a ghost, long as they were friendly.....scary thanks.

Some of us are planning a haunted weekend somewhere when this is all over, whenever that may be.......will be so funny as one friend can jump out of her skin opening an envelope!!!

Dinner was filling. Doubt we`ll need anything else tonight....

TV night ahead.........looks lovely outside, but it`s still so cold. No evening walk for us......

Been a slow day.......feels like I`ve been awake for 97 hours already.......
Good evening to all the homies!

It’s hard to believe it’s only been two months for all of us
to have such a change in our life styles.

For me, it was tough for me to change my daily routine of going to the (ladies only) gym each day.
In GA, gyms reopened last month but I have not been back to it.
The owner let her staff go and now she has no cleaning crew.
It changed to “clean the equipment yourself” so since I am not a risk taker, no longer go there.

The nice thing about staying home is discovering the original Law and Order tv series.
I never realized how much I would enjoy it.
I’m more of a documentary tv viewer with the exception of Walking Dead fan.

I always wondered why my cats were up most nights and discovered why now.
They sleep all day so they can prowl in the house when the 11:00 news is over.
I’m very hopeful buckeev that your business will soon pick up!
Good things do happen for good people.
And you are the “good-est” homie I know!
Good evening to all the homies!

It’s hard to believe it’s only been two months for all of us
to have such a change in our life styles.

For me, it was tough for me to change my daily routine of going to the (ladies only) gym each day.
In GA, gyms reopened last month but I have not been back to it.
The owner let her staff go and now she has no cleaning crew.
It changed to “clean the equipment yourself” so since I am not a risk taker, no longer go there.

The nice thing about staying home is discovering the original Law and Order tv series.
I never realized how much I would enjoy it.
I’m more of a documentary tv viewer with the exception of Walking Dead fan.

I always wondered why my cats were up most nights and discovered why now.
They sleep all day so they can prowl in the house when the 11:00 news is over.

Classic Jerry him!!!

You are supposed to clean your own stuff you use at the Gym?? I imagine most would clean down what they would use anyway, but you`d still expect it to be properly cleaned by a professional company too!!! Shocking.

Yes, huge change in lifestyle these last weeks.

We're still hangin' in there! Bizness has been WAAAYY off...March and April deposits were about 6 to 10 percent of 2019 month-2-month. But still got lights!

Hope y'all and youse are getting along too.

Good to see you buckeev, and glad you`re hanging on there.....good wishes to you and your family too...….

I think It`s Tuesday.......:)

Still cool here, but at least it`s dry, so we went out a longer walk this was certainly bracing. We left around 8am and after an hour walking one way, we wished we had brought the breeze was on our face when we walked back down so I have the rosiest cheeks ever right now!!!

But, it`s so nice to have such a lovely walk in fresh air. Definitely gets the cobwebs off us...….

Lunch is turkey sandwiches for all three of us, and dinner is baked`s in the oven with a pineapple, brown sugar and ginger glaze......I may have forgot to mention the ginger to my two.....they don't like ginger but, they never notice.

Not quite sure what else to do today.....we could put the furniture back in the gazebo now the stain has dried, but seems a bit too cold yet for it. No plans to sit out this week. Patio furniture is out, but we can cover that easier if need be.

Fruit trees are flowering, so maybe a good sign warmer weather is on the way.






Have a good Tuesday...….

Yep, it is a Tuesday, Schumi. Nice to hear a Chinese food place is open now. We did enjoy a Chinese food lunch yesterday. It was steaming hot, as it’s a 6 or so minutes car ride to pick up. It is the only Chinese food place we all enjoy the way they cook.

Well, not much better in temps, as frost warning in the overnight. Sigh. And yes, it is the middle of May. Clear out, so at least a nice sky last night. First time the moon was so bright in days. Rain will be giving the chance to see it, once again, today. Bright, but not full sun yet. Dry so far, so nice enough cool start to this Tuesday.

Ooh, and since today is Taco Tuesday, Mac May indeed do her Taco Bell run. So homies, find a taco place and enjoy a taco this Tuesday. Or make one yourself.
And haha, A2F2AB46-81F5-491B-ABFC-F050A40C4B48.jpeg

Yep, have a terrific Tuesday. And aww,


Hope that doggie is right. Hope this post finds all having and will have a good Tuesday.
Georgia sounds lovely right now Mac! I'll take you up on that water balloon fight. You should be warned I have cat-like reflexes and the speed of a mongoose though. :rotfl2:

Woke up to frost again this morning. But it looks like it will warm up nicely by the weekend so I should be able to get my annuals finally and plant all of my containers and rock walls. I'm thinking I'm going with purple and sunset colors this year. Should be pretty and not a combo I've done recently. And if it doesn't look good - well they are annuals! Change it up next year right?
Morning SAN's fam,

Well, had a nice, but quiet Mother's Day. My kids managed to surprised me with some goodies like a Harry Potter cookbook, Baby Yoda coffee mug, flowers and a new french rolling pin! They're very thoughtful and I'm blessed. Hubby, youngest and I went for a long walk in the woods. We even came across some deer and they didn't move when they saw us.

Yesterday hubby and I went for our antibody test. The doctor's office procedure is really interesting now. You go to the door, they unlock it, you have to be "geared up" with mask and I wore a pair of gloves, no sitting, no paperwork to fill out, directly into the back for the blood draw, right back out, hubby's turn and then we left. In and out in 5 minutes. I wish every appointment was that fast. We should know the results in a few days.... fingers crossed....

The more I hear of the personal stories of the virus, the more I'm convinced it's the weirdest thing. The latest person didn't have any symptoms except for the lack of smell and taste. No fever, no cough, nothing else.

Not much else is exciting here. This coming Friday would've been our day to leave for Fl. :sad1: I *heard* they are lifting our city's nightly curfew, but I haven't seen anything official yet. There were only 10 new cases reported in our county yesterday... which is so much better than it has been!

I can't wait for the warmer weather that's supposed to be coming toward the end of the week.


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