Something About Nothing............ #14


Annoying. Mac/ and internet down, on phone, will get back to you when it's back.....:).

Trying again, we seem to be back but no email yet. I think it`s going to be like this most of the day by the looks of it.

Absolutely gorgeous day here. Popped into the village for some items from the deli and everyone is talking about the internet being down here. Makes a change from discussing the weather!

Bought some parma ham and few other items for lunch, dinner is takeout, maybe Thai or Chinese, we would bbq but don`t think Tom feels like it yet.

Full load of laundry out on the lines, bedding too, far to nice a day to not hang out washing.

Doubt we`ll be outside much today even though it`s so nice, we`ll see though, might be nice for Tom to be out there for a time.

But, it`s Friday......always nice to be the weekend......



Happy Friday

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Good morning. I managed to get a decent amount of sleep last night and my arm is less sore today. Unfortunately I will be spending most of the day house cleaning and doing laundry. B has her second shift today. She said that after she is there fir 30 days she will be eligible for a 35% discount at the bookstore. She will be doing all of our shopping. Students, faculty, staff, and alumni only get 10%.

I hope Schumi gets internet back soon and Tom is feeling even better today.

I just checked my countdown app and I am 50 days away from my trip.
Actually, I do need to head out to do a few errands, leaving post haste as it was 80 degrees here before 7:30 am today. not to sound like that broken record, chest still full of gunk. as the sky is still an orange hue, blaming the smoke.

lynne - look out, sending it out your way

Do you know I`ve never seen Annie (I know) I do know some of the songs and the storyline, but that`s one that passed me by!
We really must rectify that. Try the old movie with carole Burnett, she was a hoot Ms Hannigan

I’m suffering thru repeat runs here with GD of Mama Mia. If I have to see Meryl Streep jump one more time on her bed, I’m going to go m ad.

She discovered the music during the ice show on the cruise and is obsessed. Funny thing, her Dad who was previously a rock fan when they hit it big as a teen, became a fan of theirs lol
We did go by Build a Bear a get another dog. This one he named Fluffy. It has one green eye and one blue eye. That is why he wanted it. Have to say it is really cute.
I am dangerous in that store, just too many accessories :)

had a medical appt near the closest big lots the other day. Not a lot of stuff, some cute mini animatronics. I almost bit on a 1/2 scale zombie :teeth: Didn’t think he could waddle along thru the grass tho, no get up & go.

It's great you got your tickets you were wanting. IT's a good and bad thing that there were not many left! Good that even with higher ticket prices, tickets are selling - but bad that you may not have the ideal day or exact tour you wanted.
Oh, i moan & i groan; not for a minute am I not appreciative of just being there. Don’t mind me, 3rd world problems
I’am getting cherry tomatoes already off my plants, but to soon for the bigger variety. We have been putting them in our salads and they are so good.
i’m tempted to grab a big green tomato off the vine & fry it up for a sandwich. IDK tho, they are as hard as rocks. Same with the cherry variety. Not sure if they would fry up right In current state.

the mr‘s first crop of red onions was great, zukes & cakes are producing nicely, pumpkins starting to get big. I can’t wait to try the first garlic crop. They’ve cured, should be good to go now.

Ouch on the shingles vaccine. Is that given routinely over there or depends on circumstances for individuals? I notice they are advertising it on our tv, first time we`ve seen that I think. I would have that nap for sure and hope it`s not too painful.
Getting on soap Bo’s:

It is, over 50 with medical conditions & for all over 60, as it’s presumed most in that adults in that age group have been exposed to measles.

i was urged to get first one in my late 50’s when my mom developed a bad case of shingles and I was taking care of her.

that shot was proven to be ineffective afterward and all were urged to get the new two dose, shingrex one.

as charade indicated, like the covid vaxx, you can pretty much count on a sore arm, maybe a mild fever.

Had mine both as directed. A year later, did develop my first case of shingles. However, it was ridiculously small, the size of a dime. it did recur a couple of times in next few months afterwards in same spot (on elbow of all places).

I consider myself very luck that the shot prevented me from having it cover my head or trunk as most report; or worse - developing phn
I am planning on making a pull part pizza bread and salad for supper. My sourdough needs some attention again - so I've been baking since it's cooler out.
My long-standing sourdough starter went to a better place while on a long trip when my house sitter forgot to feed it.

don’t bake much in summer as humidity tends to mess with stuff. not to mention the iffy oven I’ve yet to replace lol. Think I’ll start it up again in October.
Shrimp and smoked salmon for dinner, Tom ate some but not too much, but it`s good to see him back to almost normal. I think another few good nights sleeps and he`ll be fine.
Yum, that dinner would raise a zombie :). Glad to hear Tom’s coming ‘round.
you back up with the internet schumi?

Only just about half an hour ago. Absolutely ridiculous this area for the most part has had no internet all day.

Nice to be back online though....:)

Good morning. I managed to get a decent amount of sleep last night and my arm is less sore today. Unfortunately I will be spending most of the day house cleaning and doing laundry. B has her second shift today. She said that after she is there fir 30 days she will be eligible for a 35% discount at the bookstore. She will be doing all of our shopping. Students, faculty, staff, and alumni only get 10%.

I hope Schumi gets internet back soon and Tom is feeling even better today.

I just checked my countdown app and I am 50 days away from my trip.

Glad the arm is better and you slept well, always makes a difference.

Thank you, Tom is back to normal now......and a 50 day countdown is not bad at all!!

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Actually, I do need to head out to do a few errands, leaving post haste as it was 80 degrees here before 7:30 am today. not to sound like that broken record, chest still full of gunk. as the sky is still an orange hue, blaming the smoke.

lynne - look out, sending it out your way

We really must rectify that. Try the old movie with carole Burnett, she was a hoot Ms Hannigan

I’m suffering thru repeat runs here with GD of Mama Mia. If I have to see Meryl Streep jump one more time on her bed, I’m going to go m ad.

She discovered the music during the ice show on the cruise and is obsessed. Funny thing, her Dad who was previously a rock fan when they hit it big as a teen, became a fan of theirs lol

I am dangerous in that store, just too many accessories :)

had a medical appt near the closest big lots the other day. Not a lot of stuff, some cute mini animatronics. I almost bit on a 1/2 scale zombie :teeth: Didn’t think he could waddle along thru the grass tho, no get up & go.

Oh, i moan & i groan; not for a minute am I not appreciative of just being there. Don’t mind me, 3rd world problems

i’m tempted to grab a big green tomato off the vine & fry it up for a sandwich. IDK tho, they are as hard as rocks. Same with the cherry variety. Not sure if they would fry up right In current state.

the mr‘s first crop of red onions was great, zukes & cakes are producing nicely, pumpkins starting to get big. I can’t wait to try the first garlic crop. They’ve cured, should be good to go now.

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Getting on soap Bo’s:

It is, over 50 with medical conditions & for all over 60, as it’s presumed most in that adults in that age group have been exposed to measles.

i was urged to get first one in my late 50’s when my mom developed a bad case of shingles and I was taking care of her.

that shot was proven to be ineffective afterward and all were urged to get the new two dose, shingrex one.

as charade indicated, like the covid vaxx, you can pretty much count on a sore arm, maybe a mild fever.

Had mine both as directed. A year later, did develop my first case of shingles. However, it was ridiculously small, the size of a dime. it did recur a couple of times in next few months afterwards in same spot (on elbow of all places).

I consider myself very luck that the shot prevented me from having it cover my head or trunk as most report; or worse - developing phn

My long-standing sourdough starter went to a better place while on a long trip when my house sitter forgot to feed it.

don’t bake much in summer as humidity tends to mess with stuff. not to mention the iffy oven I’ve yet to replace lol. Think I’ll start it up again in October.

Yum, that dinner would raise a zombie :). Glad to hear Tom’s coming ‘round.

I didn`t know Carole Burnett played that part, she is good in things. I`m not sure why I`ve never seen it, but I do know some of the songs!

Garlic looks good!!!

Huge Abba fans here.....Dancing Queen particularly is one for a friend and I to sing at karaokes.....usually badly!!! Mamma Mia movies were just ok but the stage show is incredible!

Yep, Tom is seemingly back to full strength, still a little tired and doesn`t want to do much which is fine by me for a few days, it`s just nice to have him his old self again, I was a good nurse!!!

I don`t think the shingles vaccine is being promoted enough, hardly anyone knows about it and I don`t think it`s being routinely offered at all. And yes I think folks underestimate how bad it can be. I only had it once, very mild and caught in time, had to take these huge horse tablets, thankfully you could dissolve them. Quite painful though so I can only imagine what a full blown case would be like.

Have a sooper dooper weekend!!

No internet sucks! Glad we had nothing online we needed to do today.

Wasn`t so bothered by no tv as we are still doing movie marathons till Tom feels like going out, we can watch DVD`s, but we finally we got it all back.

Spent the day snacking and nibbling, had some scones with jam and clotted cream mid goodness they were delicious!! Pots of tea too all day so no room for Thai food tonight, between a filling lunch and grazing, we have no room for a full meal, so we`ll leave it till tomorrow night. We enjoyed a little more parma ham with some gorgeous cheeses and crackers

More movies and nibbling tonight, definitely a large glass or two of wine for me........ 🥰
Happy Friday Dance :cool1:

Quiet night last night. My pizza pull apart bread turned out great! Next time I will add more meat - other than that - it turned out great. I did also whip up a couple loaves of bread, which turned out good too. My starter was perfect - not too thick or too runny! I'll whip something up tonight again. Maybe some lemon blueberry scones for tomorrow morning.

It rained again last night - so no walk :rolleyes2 I am definitely not hitting my steps this week.

What are they doing about the fires?? Seems to have been ongoing forever, or is it so remote they can`t do anything? I know little about it as it`s not making any headlines over here.
They are still active. I believe some of the fires in Quebec are too isolated and are being left to burn. The ones close to us ( under a 2 hr drive ) are still being fought. They are " under control" and hopefully with all the rain and cooler weather we have had - will be out except for hot spots.

Many fires in the NorthWest Territories as well - which some are being fought - some are abandoned as they just can't get manpower or heavy machinery into those areas.
I just checked my countdown app and I am 50 days away from my trip.
:cheer2: It's coming fast now!
Oh, i moan & i groan; not for a minute am I not appreciative of just being there. Don’t mind me, 3rd world problems
It might be third world problems - but you know what a great experience it of course you want to do it! I grumble lots too ;)
It is, over 50 with medical conditions & for all over 60, as it’s presumed most in that adults in that age group have been exposed to measles.
Weirdly - I have had measles three times - I don't produce and antibody to them. So every time I hear of an outbreak - I get scared. I was EXTREMELY sick with them the last time at 21 yrs old. Even when I got covid - I was not NEARLY as sick as I was with measles. Some people have this idea that you don't get very sick with was HORRIBLE.
My long-standing sourdough starter went to a better place while on a long trip when my house sitter forgot to feed it.

don’t bake much in summer as humidity tends to mess with stuff. not to mention the iffy oven I’ve yet to replace lol. Think I’ll start it up again in October.
When I don't use mine - it goes into the fridge. It can stay there for a long time. The " hooch" that forms on top just means it's hungry - and I'll suck/drain that off, bring it back to room temperature for half a day then feed it again.

I have to giggle. We hired 2 girls to work in the shop - pulling steel, working on saws cutting the steel etc etc. These 2 girls are OUT WORKING the young guns we have back there. They have learned all the different metal - faster than the young guys/Men we hired. They also keep working and completing orders and keeping production going. The office staff/manager are frustrated that the guys are not pulling their weight and need to be directed to keep things going. I told the front staff/manager - it's because that's what women do - we are always the ones to look ahead at what needs to be done etc etc etc etc. I told them to hire more girls/women. The one gal is probably going to replace our loader/operator. She has the loader experience and already in a short amount of time knows the steel better than the man we hired for that position. :scratchin

Anyways - I should go find some papers to shuffle!

Have a great day everyone!
having heat lightening here, haven’t seen that in years.

Lynne - cool, I’m out of the loop. You’re in NYC today? Bet it’s hot as heck there.

I only had it once, very mild and caught in time, had to take these huge horse tablets, thankfully you could dissolve them.
Did they give you the vaxx afterwards? Current protocol Here. It is rather pricey shot I’ve found out. Had a friend who’s insurance didn’t cover it

had to laugh the other idea, looking at the monthly insurance statement The Mr had an allergy blood test months ago. Would you believe the hospital lab tried to charge them $1,500 for inserting the needle? This along with the normal costs. Have never seen that. Believe they paid $80
My pizza pull apart bread turned out great! Next time I will add more meat - other than that - it turned out great
forgot to ask, was it a monkey bread sort in a Bundt pan?
When I don't use mine - it goes into the fridge. It can stay there for a long time. The " hooch" that forms on top just means it's hungry - and I'll suck/drain that off, bring it back to room temperature for half a day then feed it again.
Never heard of that. I’m a little scared at the idea of sucking the hooch lol.

Just told the mr the other day I need a baster, an old fashioned sort of Turkey baster. Mine disappeared. Have a feeling it got tossed in the packaging the last time I made a turkey. Have looked for a bit…amazon will be my last hope.
Thanks Keisha. Now on local train waiting to leave in a few minutes. Will be ready for bed when I get home.
Came back in a moderate rain, and looked like had been raining before we came. Home and ready for bed, for sure. Was glad to put on my pajamas, and relax after my night time routine things to do.

So glad it’s the weekend. Hope all have a most wonderful and amazing weekend.
Happy Friday Dance :cool1:

Quiet night last night. My pizza pull apart bread turned out great! Next time I will add more meat - other than that - it turned out great. I did also whip up a couple loaves of bread, which turned out good too. My starter was perfect - not too thick or too runny! I'll whip something up tonight again. Maybe some lemon blueberry scones for tomorrow morning.

It rained again last night - so no walk :rolleyes2 I am definitely not hitting my steps this week.

They are still active. I believe some of the fires in Quebec are too isolated and are being left to burn. The ones close to us ( under a 2 hr drive ) are still being fought. They are " under control" and hopefully with all the rain and cooler weather we have had - will be out except for hot spots.

Many fires in the NorthWest Territories as well - which some are being fought - some are abandoned as they just can't get manpower or heavy machinery into those areas.

:cheer2: It's coming fast now!

It might be third world problems - but you know what a great experience it of course you want to do it! I grumble lots too ;)

Weirdly - I have had measles three times - I don't produce and antibody to them. So every time I hear of an outbreak - I get scared. I was EXTREMELY sick with them the last time at 21 yrs old. Even when I got covid - I was not NEARLY as sick as I was with measles. Some people have this idea that you don't get very sick with was HORRIBLE.

When I don't use mine - it goes into the fridge. It can stay there for a long time. The " hooch" that forms on top just means it's hungry - and I'll suck/drain that off, bring it back to room temperature for half a day then feed it again.

I have to giggle. We hired 2 girls to work in the shop - pulling steel, working on saws cutting the steel etc etc. These 2 girls are OUT WORKING the young guns we have back there. They have learned all the different metal - faster than the young guys/Men we hired. They also keep working and completing orders and keeping production going. The office staff/manager are frustrated that the guys are not pulling their weight and need to be directed to keep things going. I told the front staff/manager - it's because that's what women do - we are always the ones to look ahead at what needs to be done etc etc etc etc. I told them to hire more girls/women. The one gal is probably going to replace our loader/operator. She has the loader experience and already in a short amount of time knows the steel better than the man we hired for that position. :scratchin

Anyways - I should go find some papers to shuffle!

Have a great day everyone!

You`re so correct, folks don`t realise how ill you can be with all these so called "childhood" diseases. And getting them as an adult is especially dangerous.

It`s so hard to imagine somewhere being so remote they can`t access or stop them. Hopefully some rain and cooler temps will ease them, they`re so scary. Apparently in June even places in Scotland were having wildfires in the boonies.

One of my proudest moments working in industry was when I got a call saying someone new couldn`t drive the Carole goes out and showed em how it was done, I might have been in an office environment at that point, but I could still deal with the production side of things. He soon learned though!! Nothing to say women can`t be better at certain things, I`m not downing men at all, but sometimes it`s nice to hear stories like that.

Lemon and blueberry scones are lovely!! And a very nice breakfast item as well as being served with a pot of tea. My mister isn`t overly fond of lemon, but I love them.

Have a lovely weekend.....

having heat lightening here, haven’t seen that in years.

Lynne - cool, I’m out of the loop. You’re in NYC today? Bet it’s hot as heck there.

Did they give you the vaxx afterwards? Current protocol Here. It is rather pricey shot I’ve found out. Had a friend who’s insurance didn’t cover it

had to laugh the other idea, looking at the monthly insurance statement The Mr had an allergy blood test months ago. Would you believe the hospital lab tried to charge them $1,500 for inserting the needle? This along with the normal costs. Have never seen that. Believe they paid $80

forgot to ask, was it a monkey bread sort in a Bundt pan?

Never heard of that. I’m a little scared at the idea of sucking the hooch lol.

Just told the mr the other day I need a baster, an old fashioned sort of Turkey baster. Mine disappeared. Have a feeling it got tossed in the packaging the last time I made a turkey. Have looked for a bit…amazon will be my last hope.

No, I never even knew there was such a thing. It was way back in maybe 2013, just before I was due to fly which was worrying as I was concerned about sharing it with someone vulnerable. Doc assured me it was beyond that stage and was underneath my clothes. But, that aside I don`t know a single person who has had one in any of my various friend groups.

You know that doesn`t surprise me at $1,500 for inserting the needle!! It`s crazy.....having seen some Brits medical receipts where they charge $100 for practically saying hello as they entered the medical facility. $50 charge for placing a newborn baby on mum`s tummy???? Crazy.

Oh you need another turkey baster!! Old fashioned ones are the best.

Heat lightning? I`m kinda jealous......

Email is still a little intermittent, but I will reply as soon as it`s steady, I hate to type out a really long email for it disappear!

And a good Saturday morning from a Sunny and warmish East Coast of the UK.

Looks to be a beautiful day, not overly warm so might mooch a little in the garden, but not do too much or the gardener gives me a look, to be fair I shouldn`t be allowed to garden out there as I have no clue. I do need some rosemary and chives for savoury cheese scones I`m making for lunch time so I might just pick some of those and that`ll do me for today.

No plans to go out again today, it`ll be another lazy one with nothing to do except sit in the sun, maybe watch some more movies if the weather cools, it is getting breezy now and our Thai/Chinese takeout tonight, haven`t decided which yet.

But, starting the morning with a toasted bread roll, bacon and a poached egg on top, no Benedict sauce this morning as I`m being lazy, lunch is smoked salmon, proscuitto, olives and salad and some savoury scones with that lovely rosemary and chive from the garden.

And takeout tonight.

Waiting for a package to be delivered today too, I ordered some new has been pointed out I could open a store and sell it :rotfl: Nothing wrong with having a good choice of bedding! Supposed to come today but haven`t received an email to say it is actually going to be delivered.

Time for more tea I think.....breakfast won`t be for about an hour as sleeping beauty hasn`t surfaced yet, by the time he gets ready and appears, it`ll be around 9am. Yep, more tea for me!!




And as always, have a wonderful weekend ☺️
A big hello to our mate Vicki..... @tink1957 Good to see you pop in, we miss you posting here, hope you and the family are all doing well :wave2:

We did go out a short walk this morning as it was just so lovely.



Now it`s too breezy to sit out, but we have the doors wide open as it is lovely but I think if I hung out washing today it would end up in the sea!

Came back and had lunch, now chilling together watching Beverly Hills Cop, we forgot how funny this one is!

Will definitely open some prosecco this afternoon, light and fresh and very easy to drink.

It`s five o clock somewhere......🥰
Ah back to the weekend. And rain. Phone just flashed moderate rain in 20 minutes. And it’s drizzling out now, and done, as I’m a slow typer. And it’s warm, as even with that little bit of rain, I hear our AC and our neighbor’s, as we both have our AC units on the side where they sit, across from each other. And the streets sound dry. Eh, we got a 1.55 inches with that rain last night, but saying the rain today will total .05 inches. So any moderate rain will surely be very quick. Then partly sunny in the morning, before a glorious sunny, clear afternoon, with the clouds and another chance for some rain in the early and later evening. Though happy that cold front comes from a clearing cloud sky. The next three days, welcoming August, are low 80’s highs and wall to wall sunshine. So I’ll take a mix of sun and clouds day, as today is the last day of our heat wave, and with that afternoon sunshine, 92 degrees the high. And oh so humid.

Eh, no plans today. And that’s a good thing. Though maybe I’ll go and pick up an order, as said ready, and must be picked up by next weekend. Would be nice if another order that little one needed, from a different place close to the the place mine is, is also ready. Will check on that, when she wakes up.

And hope Schumi’s order arrived today. And hope Tom is feeling much better today. Pretty pictures from your walk. The weather looks beautiful where you live.

And so, what weekends mostly should be for. Being lazy. And since I know my sister is not a long way walker, we were sure to plan a four or five or so mile walk around the train station. And she is mostly a coffee drinker, so I booked a coffee class for us, at that coffee place in the Empire State Building. Was neat to hear and sample, and I now know I’m not a coffee drinker when they add olive oil to the coffee. Ick. And thus, my feet are fine, and feel refreshed after a long hot shower in the earlier morning.

Was annoying to be so delayed on the way back. I called my DH after we waited 70 minutes and the schedule board went from delay, to unknown, for our train, and asked if should I wait it out or get a room for the night. He said, wait it out, they have to get the trains to their final destination before the night ends. And so, we were the first of the four trains delayed, and when our train came, they announced be ready to load fast. And so, would have been even faster, but for the escalator was not working. Poor little kid in front of us had a heavy bag to carry down. After a few steps, we asked if we could carry down her bag, and have her take her father’s hand. We did, and that got the line moving a bit faster, and a thankful family at the bottom. Was happy to find seats together, and was a fast ride, with only one other stop before ours.

Thus, a hello to Tink, nice to see ya here.

I need more tea. DH is out and about doing things, and both kids are not awake yet. I’m sure I’ll see older one before little one. For one, if he works today, he certainly will be up earlier. He’s a night owl, but rarely staying awake as long as little one does. And so, any pick up, if little one comes with, will be with sunglasses on. Yay. Relaxing and quiet morning so far.
Good Saturday morning everyone :wave:





Tuesday I got the second dose of the shingles vaccine. I think this is the worst vaccine I have received. My arm is still very sore, I’m tired, and yesterday I had a fever. I’m taking a nap when I get home from work today.
Hope the arm is feeling better.

Hope you`re happy with the new washer, we all tend to have front loaders over here, top loaders are almost unheard of and sound slike you got some good jobs done. I had good intentions this morning, but windows still aren`t done. They`re fine anyway to be honest.
New washer installed and working good. We are happy with the choice and thankful we were able to get it the next day.

It's great you found one in stock! Hopefully no problems with the installation.
We were thankful the whole process was fairly painless. We bought it from Lowes and it was delivered the next day. Hubby had to supervise the installation. The installers did not have a leveler so hubby got his out of the tool chest in the garage to make sure the washer was level.

We did pay extra for the braided metal water hoses that connect from the washer to the wall. We will never allow plastic hoses of any kind on appliances or toilet fresh water tano ever again. We had a bad experience with that many years ago.

the mr‘s first crop of red onions was great, zukes & cakes are producing nicely, pumpkins starting to get big. I can’t wait to try the first garlic crop. They’ve cured, should be good to go now.
Looks like a nice crop of garlic.

Quiet night last night. My pizza pull apart bread turned out great! Next time I will add more meat - other than that - it turned out great. I did also whip up a couple loaves of bread, which turned out good too. My starter was perfect - not too thick or too runny! I'll whip something up tonight again. Maybe some lemon blueberry scones for tomorrow morning.
Pizza pull apart bread sounds yummy. I tried by hand at making sour dough bread many years ago. Was not to good at it. I‘am not a fan of the taste of sour dough bread. Maybe I have just not had good examples to try.

We are having a great time:
Glad to hear you and your daughter had a nice time in New York city. Thanks for sharing the photos.

Lemon and blueberry scones are lovely!! And a very nice breakfast item as well as being served with a pot of tea. My mister isn`t overly fond of lemon, but I love them.
Sounds like some delicious scones.

We did go out a short walk this morning as it was just so lovely.
Beautiful, peaceful looking photos from your walk.

Sitting in my favorite spot in the living room looking out the window enjoying my coffee. It is a little overcast this morning. Supposed to get a little rain, but I will believe it when I see it. It is very dry here. I went out to water the flowers and tomato plants yesterday and had to take a shower when I came in. The real temp was 97 and the heat index was 113.

I took hubby back yesterday to have his new glasses adjusted. They just needed to be tweaked a little. Afterwards we stopped at our favorite Mexican restaurant for lunch.

Had a nice nap yesterday and slept well last night so think I’am caught up on my sleep.

I have the material for a no-sew tie blanket so I think I will finally get that started today. I made little J and my sister a Mickey blanket and my niece a Nightmare Before Christmas a couple years ago. This material is The Marauder’s map from HP.

Have a wonderful Saturday everyone doing whatever makes you happy.
Good Saturday morning everyone :wave:

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Hope the arm is feeling better.

New washer installed and working good. We are happy with the choice and thankful we were able to get it the next day.

We were thankful the whole process was fairly painless. We bought it from Lowes and it was delivered the next day. Hubby had to supervise the installation. The installers did not have a leveler so hubby got his out of the tool chest in the garage to make sure the washer was level.

We did pay extra for the braided metal water hoses that connect from the washer to the wall. We will never allow plastic hoses of any kind on appliances or toilet fresh water tano ever again. We had a bad experience with that many years ago.

Looks like a nice crop of garlic.

Pizza pull apart bread sounds yummy. I tried by hand at making sour dough bread many years ago. Was not to good at it. I‘am not a fan of the taste of sour dough bread. Maybe I have just not had good examples to try.

Glad to hear you and your daughter had a nice time in New York city. Thanks for sharing the photos.

Sounds like some delicious scones.

Beautiful, peaceful looking photos from your walk.

Sitting in my favorite spot in the living room looking out the window enjoying my coffee. It is a little overcast this morning. Supposed to get a little rain, but I will believe it when I see it. It is very dry here. I went out to water the flowers and tomato plants yesterday and had to take a shower when I came in. The real temp was 97 and the heat index was 113.

I took hubby back yesterday to have his new glasses adjusted. They just needed to be tweaked a little. Afterwards we stopped at our favorite Mexican restaurant for lunch.

Had a nice nap yesterday and slept well last night so think I’am caught up on my sleep.

I have the material for a no-sew tie blanket so I think I will finally get that started today. I made little J and my sister a Mickey blanket and my niece a Nightmare Before Christmas a couple years ago. This material is The Marauder’s map from HP.

Have a wonderful Saturday everyone doing whatever makes you happy.

That is hot Robbie! Glad you got your husband`s glasses sorted out and lunch out is always nice, I do love a nice lunch or dinner out, when it`s just the two of us.

And nice you could get the machine so soon, I know various American friends have waited for certain brands of new machine, looks like it might be getting back to normal....fingers crossed. I don`t think we have that supply chain issue any longer.

Your sewing sounds adorable too, it`s nice to have a talent, all the ladies that can sew, knit and crochet, I wish!!!

Hope you have a lovely Saturday too......

Breezier outside now, but we`re sitting in the kitchen with the doors wide open and a glass of bubbly in hand......doesn`t get better or more perfect than that on an afternoon, just me and my husband 🥰 Usually someone drops in on us over the weekend, but most friends are away again, some just for the weekend, but it is nice being so quiet.

Made some guacamole, creamy garlic and chive dip and a cilantro free spicy salsa, enjoying a little snack of spicy Doritos with the dips, will keep us going till dinner later. Love days like this.....👩‍❤️‍👨

Now to sit with the menu and try to decide what meals we`ll order tonight!
Hot stuff again here today. Dog even seemed happy to get a bath. Easy dinner of french dips, now just chillin. made a big pasta salad to let flavors blend for middle DS’ BD pool party tomorrow. finally wised up and going with dishes that won’t heat up the house.

The mr’s been putting a fresh skim coat of cement on one of our covered porches. I’ve decided we are going to put down some indoor/outdoor carpet, add some comfy outdoor furniture and use it to catch the breeze. It’s just wasted space now, had a smoker on it that I gave away as rarely used.

Often, our pool deck is a bit buggy as so close to the woods. Doesn’t seem as tho they’ve discovered this area, yet Lol
One of my proudest moments working in industry was when I got a call saying someone new couldn`t drive the Carole goes out and showed em how it was done, I might have been in an office environment at that point, but I could still deal with the production side of things.
You never cease to amaze me Lol

limited edition Pickle Doritos are the bomb!
Heat lightning? I`m kinda jealous......
Don’t get to see it often.

smarty pants friend corrected me there is no such thing. :teacher:Yes, I do realize it’s just a phenom of seeing lightening so far away, you never hear the strike. spare me from killjoys

Just not something we see often, as living in a mountainous area that blocks the horizon. I’m so used to doing the count method here after seeing a strike to determine how far away it was, it’s a bit disarming to not hear the strikes.

Turns out the smoky clouds from the fires in the sky are reflecting said strikes, allows many to been seen much further than usual for our area. The only positive thing I can saw about the situation.

Not to be confused with that rare, scary fire cloud phenom.

We did go out a short walk this morning as it was just so lovely.
That is a very picturesque park area
New washer installed and working good. We are happy with the choice and thankful we were able to get it the next day.
Yea! Shocking Loews could deliver the next day. May have to start my appliance search anew :). Got so disgusted with the shipping delays earlier in the year.


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