Something About Nothing............ #14

Our high today will be 52 and some rain later today
Last I checked, temps were at maybe 49

Now this is cold weather for where I am.

After living in the south, it’s still better than living a mile from Lake Michigan ….

Wind off the lake when we lived in the north had me use profanity a lot

That is cold where you used to live mac.....but yes, for where you are right now that is cold too!! Wrap up warm with fleecy blankets if you`re not doing much. Although our house is always hot, I still love an afternoon snuggling on the sofa with a soft fleece together......there may or not have been a snooze involved there

I did go for an early walk this morning, it was too cold. But, I lasted an hour before Tom picked me up from the shore car park and we set off to do some home visiting. Didn`t take long as there weren`t many. We did offer to help in the church hall to make tea and coffees, but they have plenty of volunteers which is fabulous.

Our beach this can`t see the snow behind us and it was a decent amount.


The sausage rolls I baked last night were lovely. They don`t look particularly appealing I guess, but tasty. So easy to make and this was one batch, we freeze some and use them at get togethers where there are a lot of us and we`re doing a buffet. Our Boxing Day gathering we usually make about 200 of these. Some have cranberry sauce through the sausagemeat along with leeks, ground black peppercorns, garlic and onion seasoning. They are lush. We had 5 each for lunch and they are very filling.



Snow back and forward from when we got home just before lunch, it is freezing, real feel is -6. Not going out tonight or tomorrow, grocery and veg delivery coming in the morning. We`re quite enjoying hibernating in this cold, apart from the walks with my friend and her doggies.

Another Christmas movie tonight........

Format of the Dis is fine on my phone, but still odd on laptop and ipads.

Have a lovely evening.......
It's hump day! The weekend is on the horizon!

Dh called me earlier saying we need to head out to pick up the last little bits and bobs for Christmas. He has a secret Santa gift to pick up, and he wasn't happy with the amount of things we got for off we are headed tonight to pick up the last of them. He loves Christmas and giving gifts. It is how he is. I was hoping for a lighter $$$ for Xmas...I guess that is out :laughing: We are very blessed to have the resources we have in the the current times.

So I FINALLY landed a job with our health authority!!! I am super excited, as this was part of my plan. It is only part-time, but it is my foot in the door. I will be coordinating/booking senior home care. My current manager was very understanding about me wanting to not come in full-time here, so he is very willing to work with my schedule there. He knew I was actively looking for something more, as what I do here, is set There is no where else to go or do with my current position, and I want more. It is time to let someone else have the flexibility that is offered here. I will be putting in my notice for my TJX/HomeSense job. I make more in one shift at the new job...than I do working 3 short shifts at TJX.

Well, I should sort more papers.

System is still super buggy! But I'm sure they will continue to work on it.

Have a great day everyone!!!!
It's hump day! The weekend is on the horizon!

Dh called me earlier saying we need to head out to pick up the last little bits and bobs for Christmas. He has a secret Santa gift to pick up, and he wasn't happy with the amount of things we got for off we are headed tonight to pick up the last of them. He loves Christmas and giving gifts. It is how he is. I was hoping for a lighter $$$ for Xmas...I guess that is out :laughing: We are very blessed to have the resources we have in the the current times.

So I FINALLY landed a job with our health authority!!! I am super excited, as this was part of my plan. It is only part-time, but it is my foot in the door. I will be coordinating/booking senior home care. My current manager was very understanding about me wanting to not come in full-time here, so he is very willing to work with my schedule there. He knew I was actively looking for something more, as what I do here, is set There is no where else to go or do with my current position, and I want more. It is time to let someone else have the flexibility that is offered here. I will be putting in my notice for my TJX/HomeSense job. I make more in one shift at the new job...than I do working 3 short shifts at TJX.

Well, I should sort more papers.

System is still super buggy! But I'm sure they will continue to work on it.

Have a great day everyone!!!!

Congratulations on your new job Pumpkin…..chuffed for you! Hope you’re happy in that position…..

And hope this post works!!
Yay Pumpkin, think you will be happy with your new part time job.

Sigh, almost done for me, but at least lunchtime walk was not too bad. Was sunny and 40 degrees. Little one was in shorts. Yeah, not me. LoL. Cloudy out now, but I don’t think we need to go anywhere after I sign off. She did mail my cards before our lunchtime walk.

Dinner? Hmm, maybe will make some steaks. Picked them up the other day, so a good night to cook on outside grill, as dry weather for dinner time. Snow, they are saying will start around 9 tomorrow morning, then turn to rain, as high temp is 45 tomorrow. Will taper off by Friday afternoon. That’s good, as movie Friday for us. Yes, 4 hours or so in the movie theater. Should hopefully, feel warm in there. Last time we went to the theater, was not as warm as we thought it should have been.
Just checking in to see how all the homies have been doing today
It’s usually midnight or later before i check in here
Trying to change that and get to bed earlier

Pumpkin nice to read you now have that new job!
You will shine in it.

Lynne…hope you did not freeze your butt off grilling outside this evening.
It’s cold where you are tonight

Ok, for me 50 degrees is cold….

Schumi, your pictures of the sea I just love seeing!
It’s something about water that gives me a calm feeling.
You are lucky to be so close to it.
Probably more enjoyable when you walk down to it in warmer months though
The cold winds during your winter would keep me in the house..

Is everyone made headway on their Christmas shopping?

I need to hit Walgreens tomorrow to buy a few cards.
Mr Mac sent out our cards to the sons already so our family shopping is done.
We do a card with checks included
They have always been hard to shop for and they prefer the $$

Sweet dreams to all
Nighty night
Quick good evening. The semester is finally over.

These past 8 weeks seemed to take forever. Spring semester doesn't start until January 16. I am going to enjoy the break. B is waiting for one of her professors to finish grading and then post the final grade. I just ordered her books for next semester. I can't believe we are almost done.

Congrats on the new job Pumpkin. I hope you enjoy it and it leads to full time if that's what you want.
Just checking in to see how all the homies have been doing today
It’s usually midnight or later before i check in here
Trying to change that and get to bed earlier

Pumpkin nice to read you now have that new job!
You will shine in it.

Lynne…hope you did not freeze your butt off grilling outside this evening.
It’s cold where you are tonight

Ok, for me 50 degrees is cold….

Schumi, your pictures of the sea I just love seeing!
It’s something about water that gives me a calm feeling.
You are lucky to be so close to it.
Probably more enjoyable when you walk down to it in warmer months though
The cold winds during your winter would keep me in the house..

Is everyone made headway on their Christmas shopping?

I need to hit Walgreens tomorrow to buy a few cards.
Mr Mac sent out our cards to the sons already so our family shopping is done.
We do a card with checks included
They have always been hard to shop for and they prefer the $$

Sweet dreams to all
Nighty night

But, that is cold for you mac where you`ll get warmer before any of us!

Glad you got your cards sorted!

Yes, it`s beautiful living next to the water, even when it`s rough and wild, there is something very calming about it. I`m lucky I`ve always loved as close as this on both coasts, growing up as a child, the beach was a stones throw away too. It is pretty.

Quick good evening. The semester is finally over.
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These past 8 weeks seemed to take forever. Spring semester doesn't start until January 16. I am going to enjoy the break. B is waiting for one of her professors to finish grading and then post the final grade. I just ordered her books for next semester. I can't believe we are almost done.

Congrats on the new job Pumpkin. I hope you enjoy it and it leads to full time if that's what you want.

Enjoy your break Charade.

stockings are good to be filled with loose change and candy

We still have the tradition that strangely both our parents did for us, that their parents did for them. Coins, usually pound coins, a larger denomination note, usually a £50 note for Kyle, we didn`t get that lol, a satsuma which is from bygone days, none of us like them but it`s traditional, large chocolate bar and something small as a gift. It`s funny, it`s a bit of a novelty, but as kids we all went for the stocking first on Christmas morning and Kyle always does the same too. One of many nice Christmas morning traditions to keep going.... :santa:

Glad to see the glitches on the site have been sorted!

We have real feel of -7 this morning, glad I`m hibernating and glad I don`t really have to go out anywhere till Saturday night when we have a Christmas night out in our favourite pub/restaurant, hoping the roads are fine then as it is out in the middle of nowhere.

Today we have some deliveries and have some jobs planned to do, nothing exciting though! But, it`s feeling very Christmassy now.....seeing all the gifts wrapped and some hidden away of it!

Chicken Marsala tonight for dinner, we have a huge amount of mushrooms left over, ideal dish for that, parmetier potatoes to go with that. Lunch today will be chicken noodle soup I made the other day. Food sorted for Thursday.

Tea has been nice this morning, but looking forward to breakfast table has been set for breakfast and waiting a fresh pot of tea once we`re both showered and dressed.




Happy Thursday :santa:
Weather. And so that storm is coming, not finishing until afternoon tomorrow. Saying 3 inches of wet before we are done. Wet days? Yes. Periods of heavy rain and windy. Hold on to those umbrellas.

At least both days in the mid 40’s the high, but yes, a very soggy feeling, cool feeling, windy Thursday. Overcast right now. And any wet is icy now, 30 degrees, so below freezing still in the early hours.

Hehe, told older one to be careful driving today. He said, I know how to drive in bad weather. Poor little one, she has driven in some huge downpours. Both our cars have AWD and anti lock brakes. And at least older one does not leave until later, when above freezing out there. Though surely raining or still a wintery mix. But probably just rain, when he leaves, as saying in this early news, that wintery mix that was to be as including those in and around the city, will now be enjoyed more North of us, in the more northern parts of the north and west suburbs. Sigh, but happy not commuting today for me.

Hehe, weather guy just said morning commuting will be a pain in the you know what. And my work texted me early this morning and said open and business as usual. Yeah, never thought I’d be good with minimal commuting. But it is very nice, to save over an hour of my day, when teleworking.

And so, turned our heater up a bit, made my tea, and now to be back to an other screen.

Hehe, be like the weather today, staying well hydrated, and enjoying a most terrific Thirsty Thursday.
lynne I know your kids are used to driving in nasty winter weather but it’s still a concern when being the mom

I am sure they are safe drivers and will be fine

My sons got so tired of me when i told them give me a call once you get to work when out streets were icy
Yes, Mac. No matter how old, still our kids, and worry about them. Older one usually calls me when he leaves work.

We had mostly a brief snow that quickly turned to freezing rain, now just drizzling, and we are above freezing, by 3 degrees.
Will do!

I don’t know what the gas prices you all are having but ours are today at $2.39.

I filled my tank up 3 days ago when it was $2.41
Wow, you are lucky! You must live in the South. Ours just went down to 2.99 a gallon and I thought that was great! Hopefully they will fall even more!
Still all wonky and off kilter here mac......laptop, ipads and phone are all the same. Hope they get it sorted soon.

We had snow overnight, not deep, but enough. Real feel of -5 which is around 23C. Cold in any language.

This morning volunteering again to do some checking on folks who are a little vulnerable, going to be a cold one. It`s been a while since we had temps this cold for sustained period for this length of time. Usually we have a cold day or so and it`s gone. Should be warmer by Tuesday, so hoping by the time we drive up to Scotland it`ll be gone.

Think I`m sorted for Christmas now, only a few bits and bobs to pick up to take up to Scotland with us and the odd stocking filler here and there. Waiting on one parcel to arrive and some Christmas clothes I ordered and I`m done. I think. There`s always something to find.....

Doing a pork fillet in chinese spices and hoisin sauce, chinese leaf stir fry to go with it for dinner tonight, made some sausage rolls last night for lunch today to try a different sausagemeat to see if it`s nice. Food sorted for the day as breakfast is toast and marmalade.

Going an early walk with my friend with the dogs again this morning, along the shore, we are so lucky where we live.. sunrises are so pretty with beautiful scenery around, it can`t beaten for views. I think it`ll be a short walk for me, it`s going to be bitter out there.




Happy Wednesday :santa:

Hi Carole: I'm finally getting caught up on this thread! I love reading about your menus each day. I think you are starting to inspire me to cook more, LOL.
Tonight I am making a chicken/rice casserole which I made up. It has Cr of celery soup, celery, onions, and chicken noodle soup. Also some half and half if it needs it. After it is mixed up I put the cut up cooked chicken in and cover it all with crumbled Ritz crackers and a dot of butter, and bake for an hour. It is simple but Roger loves it, so it's all good.:) It's hard to find a recipe without cheese, but Roger hates cheese and won't eat it, so I have to adjust all my recipes!

We are going to have your cold spell starting this weekend with lows below zero and highs only in the single digits. Brrr!!! Today we have over 9 inches of snow and more falling at this time. Roger has snow blown the drive 2 times now! I admit I am staying in and doing things around the house, or just relaxing, while it is so snowy and cold.

It feels good to get all the Christmas shopping done,, doesn't it? I finally have mine done, plus my son's birthday party next week right before Christmas! He was due on Valentines Day and was 7 weeks early. Now he is 6'1" and healthy, LOL. I heard that preemies usually get pretty big when they do grow. I didn't plan to have a birthday right before Christmas, oh well.

It was nice of your friend to encourage you to take a walk. I know you were feeling sad. It's amazing what a walk will do for you.

Take care everyone:)
It's hump day! The weekend is on the horizon!

Dh called me earlier saying we need to head out to pick up the last little bits and bobs for Christmas. He has a secret Santa gift to pick up, and he wasn't happy with the amount of things we got for off we are headed tonight to pick up the last of them. He loves Christmas and giving gifts. It is how he is. I was hoping for a lighter $$$ for Xmas...I guess that is out :laughing: We are very blessed to have the resources we have in the the current times.

So I FINALLY landed a job with our health authority!!! I am super excited, as this was part of my plan. It is only part-time, but it is my foot in the door. I will be coordinating/booking senior home care. My current manager was very understanding about me wanting to not come in full-time here, so he is very willing to work with my schedule there. He knew I was actively looking for something more, as what I do here, is set There is no where else to go or do with my current position, and I want more. It is time to let someone else have the flexibility that is offered here. I will be putting in my notice for my TJX/HomeSense job. I make more in one shift at the new job...than I do working 3 short shifts at TJX.

Well, I should sort more papers.

System is still super buggy! But I'm sure they will continue to work on it.

Have a great day everyone!!!!
Hi Pumpkin: I worked in HOme Care for several years as an RN case manager, and I LOVED IT. It was my favorite job as a nurse. I hope your new job goes well now that you have your foot in the door.
Wow, you are lucky! You must live in the South. Ours just went down to 2.99 a gallon and I thought that was great! Hopefully they will fall even more!

Don`t laugh......a rough equivalent, we are paying $8.75/$9 a gallon for fuel.......I know you can`t really compare our two countries, but it makes us laugh when the guys and gals at the rental car desk ask us if we want something mor no!!!! Give us the biggest gas guzzler you have.......our cars at home are pretty big gas guzzlers too, but, it is what it is.

Hi Carole: I'm finally getting caught up on this thread! I love reading about your menus each day. I think you are starting to inspire me to cook more, LOL.
Tonight I am making a chicken/rice casserole which I made up. It has Cr of celery soup, celery, onions, and chicken noodle soup. Also some half and half if it needs it. After it is mixed up I put the cut up cooked chicken in and cover it all with crumbled Ritz crackers and a dot of butter, and bake for an hour. It is simple but Roger loves it, so it's all good.:) It's hard to find a recipe without cheese, but Roger hates cheese and won't eat it, so I have to adjust all my recipes!

We are going to have your cold spell starting this weekend with lows below zero and highs only in the single digits. Brrr!!! Today we have over 9 inches of snow and more falling at this time. Roger has snow blown the drive 2 times now! I admit I am staying in and doing things around the house, or just relaxing, while it is so snowy and cold.

It feels good to get all the Christmas shopping done,, doesn't it? I finally have mine done, plus my son's birthday party next week right before Christmas! He was due on Valentines Day and was 7 weeks early. Now he is 6'1" and healthy, LOL. I heard that preemies usually get pretty big when they do grow. I didn't plan to have a birthday right before Christmas, oh well.

It was nice of your friend to encourage you to take a walk. I know you were feeling sad. It's amazing what a walk will do for you.

Take care everyone:)

I`m not a big cheese eater either, except I love a nice creamy Brie, Philadelphia cream cheese or a wensleydale with cranberries.....I very rarely cook with cheese unless it`s chicken mac n cheese if it`s for Kyle. I have never heard of crumbling up ritz crackers to cook with, that`s a new one!! We have them with chicken noodle soup or with philly cheese. But, we stopped buying them as they made them "healthier".....less taste now!!

I love cooking though......real cooking is always fun, not just throwing something into a pot, hearing what some folks call dinner is hilarious at times!!! But, I still love eating out too.....far too often to be truthful!! Although not this week......all the Wednesday lunch gang cried off yesterday as it was too`re wimps!! I doubt I`d last long where you live.....I think apart from Canada you win the coldest temps out of all of can be like a competition at times, but I win!! 9 inches of snow is intense!!! Yes, staying in is so cosy at times like that.

Oh bless him, that was an early baby, glad to hear he turned into a big strapping lad!!! Kyle was two weeks late, he was due New Years Eve, he was too party before Christmas sounds like fun though!!!

Yes, walking in the cold is not something I`d normally do, but I was glad she kinda forced me to go, she is an outdoor gal, and she was right, I did feel better after our walk, she`s a good listener too :hug:

Good to see you Ruth ☺️

Yes, dinner was lovely, mushrooms are something I`ve missed over the last few years, but reintroducing them has been a success I think. Shame it doesn`t work with onions!!! Well, I`m ok with scallions and the green part of leeks.

Had some heavy rain this afternoon, washed away all the snow, but it`s freezing again tonight so hoping it warms up a little by morning for the roads.

Got some little jobs done today which was nice and watched an old black and white movie, then we had a snooze on the big sofa....woke up and it was 5pm! It was lovely though as we just had the light from the fire and the Christmas Tree lights on, oh and a candle, very cosy.

Think we may venture out tomorrow......I`ve thought on a couple of gifts I can buy and realised I`ve forgotten one of my Godchildren...oops!!!

Movie time.....still to decide which Christmas one to watch........The Grinch maybe or Scrooged.......we`ll see.
Quick stop in.

Shopping went good last night. Once more gift to buy, then we will be done. Stocking stuffers are done. I will be wrapping tonight. I already told ds's they are banished to their rooms for the evening. Not that it is different than any other night, but there is no wandering into the kitchen for a night snack. I know what we want to buy for the last gift, so it is a quick visit to a store downtown. I think I will call ahead and check if they have what I am looking for, just to save a trip incase they do not have it.

It seems the paper shuffle is slowing down now as we are creeping closer to Christmas. Projects are closing or close to done. It is always nice to have the slow down happen.

I need to hit Walgreens tomorrow to buy a few cards.
Mr Mac sent out our cards to the sons already so our family shopping is done.
We do a card with checks included
They have always been hard to shop for and they prefer the $$
That is a great way to do Christmas. My parents do the same thing now - and send cards with cash or gift cards. The cost of shipping items here is astronomically high. It just doesn't pay to send things through the mail anymore.
These past 8 weeks seemed to take forever. Spring semester doesn't start until January 16. I am going to enjoy the break. B is waiting for one of her professors to finish grading and then post the final grade. I just ordered her books for next semester. I can't believe we are almost done.
Enjoy your break!!!! You worked hard to get through the classes.
We still have the tradition that strangely both our parents did for us, that their parents did for them. Coins, usually pound coins, a larger denomination note, usually a £50 note for Kyle, we didn`t get that lol, a satsuma which is from bygone days, none of us like them but it`s traditional, large chocolate bar and something small as a gift. It`s funny, it`s a bit of a novelty, but as kids we all went for the stocking first on Christmas morning and Kyle always does the same too. One of many nice Christmas morning traditions to keep going.... :santa:
That's a great tradition. We do similar here as well, add in some socks. their favorite candy, and instead of's now a gift card and usually some other item I find that they might like. This year I found old school electronic games we had growing up for the male stockings.

I hope your weather warms up for you soon. That damp cold is COLD and gets right down into your bones.
weather guy just said morning commuting will be a pain in the you know what. And my work texted me early this morning and said open and business as usual. Yeah, never thought I’d be good with minimal commuting. But it is very nice, to save over an hour of my day, when teleworking.
It's great you are able to have a hybrid work situation! My sister does the same, and she loves it!!!!! I have a quick 7 minute drive each way. Not long, but I think I could definitely adapt to a hybrid of work ::yes::
It feels good to get all the Christmas shopping done,, doesn't it? I finally have mine done, plus my son's birthday part next week right before Christmas! He was due on Valentines Day and was 7 weeks early. Now he is 6'1" and healthy, LOL. I heard that preemies usually get pretty big when they do grow. I didn't plan to have a birthday right before Christmas, oh well.
It is definitely a good feeling to have it done. I will be done here shortly! I am usually done earlier, plus we were done until dh decided that there needed to be a few more things under the tree.

My FIL was a preemie back i the day 70+ yrs ago. He was tiny enough to fit into a shoe box. It is a miracle he is still here and healthy as a horse. He is a resilient man! It is amazing how tiny we can enter into this world!

Well, I should probably shuffle a few more papers.

Have a great day everyone!
I forgot to add

Thank you for all the congratulations on the new job! I'm excited to start. It was a long time to get to this point, but that was the plan when I went back to college 3 yrs ago. It was part of my game plan. We have a new hospital that just opened here, with new Dr's arriving in the coming years with new departments and more services offered locally. So it was my plan to upgrade and get hired within the healthcare field. I know it's not for everyone...but for is becoming more clear it's a good choice for me.


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