Somebody's Gonna Pee in a Cup, West Coast - Link to new TR 1/21

Heehee, love the retelling of the A&E family. For some reason I picture it being done like a black and white silent film, slap stick and such!:laughing:

I love the photos of DD and A&E, she's a darling little girl. I've heard that Anna is a better meet than Elisa is, I wonder if it's not done some what on purpose. I mean she is the ice queen...

I haven't been to HoP since I was a child, and I'm with DW on this one; unless I'm napping I don't wanna go! But I feel that way about CBJ as well.

I can't believe that woman slammed into the pillar! I feel like you should have to take a course before you're allowed to rent those things; people get crazy on them.

So for all his complaining about the princesses it looks like DS sure liked Queen Elsa. That picture of him with her is too cute!:lovestruc

The final pass under the train is always a sad one:sad: But I'm glad you guys had a lot to look forward too!
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I’d heard horror stories about the FP+ line sometimes being fairly long… you know, maybe not 6 hours like the standby line, but maybe longer than you might typically expect for FP+.

I hadn't heard that before. But I guess I'm not really surprised.
Still... it would make for a fun scene wouldn't it?
Picture this.
Mom standing in Florida heat for six+ hours. Waiting in line so her kid can see the princesses.
Second Mom comes out and declares in a loud voice. "I don't believe we had to wait 45 minutes! Can you believe that?"

First Mom's lawyer claims the assault was justifiable.

And they strip sister down and change her right there in front of everyone.

Uh... were they European by any chance?

I mean the picture would be taken, then mom would storm around and give her that “mom death glare” while putting the cape back on. Then she’d get back behind sister and stand there looking at the camera with her biggest, fakest smile she could muster.

That kills me. "You smile or else! We're all happy! Got it???"

As she was looking at the camera, sister would slowly slide her hand up to her neck, and slowly and quietly unfasten her cape.


After they finished, DD went up to meet Anna. I just stayed back and let her talk to Anna

With a sappy smile plastered on your face, right?
Of course there was.

But the PP photographer and I had to watch where we stepped. Because the family in front of us didn’t go more than a few steps away from Anna before they started the process of transforming sister back into Elsa.

I don't quite understand why it's that important to have a change of clothes for each meeting.
Sure, dress her up... but the quickchange?
Hope it was worth it.

It was quite impressive. Almost like a NASCAR pit crew.

:laughing: Now I got it! Great visual!

She was definitely the better of the two in my opinion.

I've heard that quite a bit. I think it's done deliberately.

I like that picture. They're all nice, but something about that one.

Sister was just a perfect angel when it was just her or she was with her brother, but as soon as mom joined them… it’s like she was just determined to ruin every picture. And I’m pretty sure she succeeded.

Good for her! :laughing:

We knew that there was no way that DS would ride it, so DW and I were ok with skipping

When I took my DDs the first time, I knew they wouldn't ride it either... and I was right.
So this is what I did.
The family was all tuckered out after another long day in the parks and were settled into bed around nine or so.
MK had EMH that night, so off I went, on my own... just so I could ride HM. :laughing:

But we were really trying to get MiL and FiL to go on their own and try to ride it at some point during the day, and they never would.

That's too bad. It's such a perfect example of Disney magic.
I wonder if they thought of it like one of those cheap carnival rides.
You know, all dark, the occasional thing pops out at you with a loud noise.

I still say Rapunzel got the shaft though, just getting restrooms instead of an attraction or at least a meet and greet under her tower or something.

No, that's not a shaft. It's a tower.

I noticed CM’s standing outside the new Haunted Mansion shop with some of the pictures that change from a portrait of a happy, healthy person to a fleshless skull. Pretty cool effect.

I saw that. I briefly considered getting one done.

You know those big pillars in the middle of the walkway as you walk underneath the covered part?

Why yes. I do.

She nailed it. Head on. Square contact. I’m talking she went from 4 mph (however fast they go) to 0 in the blink of an eye.

If she'd been hurt, then no, not funny.
But since she was only embarrassed.... :lmao:

DW was about to strangle me… this is the first time I’ve ever got her to go in HoP.

She didn't like it? Or was it something with the kids?

DD doesn’t like ice cream


Oh, all right. You've already gotten enough flak over this.
My DW doesn't care for ice cream either.

We headed over to Carousel of Progress so that MiL and FiL would get a chance to experience another Disney classic attraction. I carried DS inside and he stayed asleep the whole time.

So DS got a head start?

DD had her sippy cup with her in the theater and dropped it during one of the scenes. It rolled down about 4 rows towards the front, so we had to look for it after the show ended before we could leave, but we were able to find it and get it back.

I was thinking that if it was just the seats that moved, that sippy cup woulda been gone.

I don’t think she quite got what I was saying so I had to explain a couple of times, but they were glad to get a front row spot, I think.

Ah, well. Nice try on spreading a little pixie dust.


What a great shot! :thumbsup2

Anna seemed to be living up to her fun loving personality. Or she had gas. I’m not sure which one it was.

Looks like gas.

Seriously though. Just one more reason why Disney is awesome.

Not Teacups.

Oh, dear Lord, no.

Not Dumbo

Thank goodness. As long as it's not..

It’s a Small World.


We walked past the HM gift shop and noticed that CM’s were no longer standing outside showing off those pictures. Maybe it was becoming a liability issue.


we found our seats near the end of the row underneath the talking taxidermy.

Heh. I wonder if kids see that and just assume the rest of them is on the other side of the wall?

I grabbed some fudge for the drive home.

oooohhhh.... fudge...... mmmmmm.....

You know what's better than fudge?
Florida fudge.

It was a sad moment to be walking out of MK for the last time this trip

::yes:: Don't you feel like wrapping your arms around a pole and making them drag you away?

Thanks for the update Andy! :goodvibes
Perfect update!

Your EVC story had me cracking up! I'm not completely uncompassionate, but heck, that was funny!

Yeah, ummm... let's move the line along and changing is kinda just.. odd.

This is like the 12th thread I've read where the bathrooms are being raved about. Can it really be as amusing as the Hoop de Doo men's bathrooms?

Yes, Anna had too much ludefisk. I'm pretty sure that's the look.

Of course it was IaSW. What else is there?! ;)
So I would love to cut and paste your last update, but I am so far behind on the DIS that its not going to happen. Please forgive me.

:rotfl::rotfl::rotfl: to the lady on the SUV! That must have been a sight to see. I'm not sure I could have kept myself from laughing. The sad thing is - I probably would have done the same thing if I was on the SUV. popcorn::

Your story about the Anna to Elsa stripping act was also quite amusing. OMG. That poor super mom was probably losing her mind. :faint:

You got great pictures of the kids. They are all very spontaneous and truly lovely. Nice work to you and the PP people! :thumbsup2
Yeah, it was partly your reviews of the place that made me want to try it. So I blame you.

I was pretty far behind again but I'm glad I went back to read your reply about Restaurantosaurus. That line made me bust out laughing! :rotfl:

Anyway, I am loving the rest of the TR. I have to say, the mom stripping her 6 or 7 year old in the A&E line disturbs me so much. That is just too old to be doing that in a room full of strangers! DD with the Frozen girls is just too cute.

I love your dedication to RnRC. Of all the rides, that is one of the few that would be worth that long of a wait!
Wow. I never knew what a serious business this was.
This Frozen thing is just out of control. Easy to understand why they're making a sequel. I just hope that they make it worthwhile... you know a step up from the straight to video sequels Disney did for movies like Cinderella and The Little Mermaid that maybe 20 people have seen.

:rotfl2::rotfl2:H-E-double hockey sticks has no fury like a mom prevented from achieving the perfect family photo.
:lmao::rotfl: That's about right!

But..that would take effort! And would be considerate of others.
It wasn't even the considerate part. I just wouldn't be comfortable with my kids being in that state of undress around complete strangers.

It was pretty classic. I kind of wanted to cheer her on.

I'm impressed. My kids always freaked out.
Hmmm... I think even DS, who seemed to be scared of everything, liked this one.

And you could take a nap. Win-win.
I could... but I didn't. I like history, and always enjoy this attraction... to a point. Not to get too political on the Dis, but it has taken a bit of a downward turn in recent years. I did have a hard time staying awake for that particular monologue. :rolleyes1

::yes:: Hey, it's the Rapunzel crapper! Take a picture, honey.
As long as I don't see anyone taking their quick service meals in there. :rolleyes1


I guess I'm a terrible person too.
Nothing is funnier than someone else's misery. How else do you think America's Funniest Home Videos has stayed on the air for 25 years?

What?? What is she, a communist or something?
I... I don't know. She loves to eat. She loves milk, she loves cheese, she loves popsicles. But for some reason... she just doesn't like ice cream. I don't know if it is the texture or what, but I always offer a bite to her whenever I have some, and she either completely declines or she'll take a little bite and then spit it out.

I'm sure she'll grow out of it. :rotfl2:

Nice work with the pixie dust there. :thumbsup2
Well, I tried. No point in us staying there when we were only going to have to ask them to move so we could leave later.

Aw, come on. There has to be an exploding helicopter in there somewhere. Or a fart joke.
Or an exploding fart joke. :eek: :scared1:

There it is! I'm proud of you. She definitely made a run for the border.

:thumbsup2 :rotfl:

Eh... nostalgia. I loved that show when I was little. And the kids love it now.

And who doesn't like Big Al?

:faint: I'm so, so sorry.

:scratchin I like it!
I'm sure we'll totally miss it next time... but this is 2 trips in a row that we've been meandering around various shops on Main Street and waiting to meet up at Town Square during the flag retreat. I do enjoy seeing that ceremony at the end of the trip.

Oh gosh, I am laughing so hard thinking of that family in front of you waiting to meet A&E. Reminds me of those scenes where the parent is yelling at the kids to "quit what you are doing and have this prescribed fun dangit!!!!"
Oh yeah... that is exactly what it was like!

Though I can kinda get the mom wanting to get a nice family picture part - but still, clearly the kid did not want the cape. The changing down to skivies in public part, that I don't quite get.
I don't know if it was completely skivvies or not... she could have been wearing shorts, I don't know. I avoided paying close enough attention to the details. I just know there is no way I'd strip my kids down that far in front of complete strangers.

bet there are fun times ahead for them as that child gets older ;)
:rotfl::rotfl2: Oh yeah, it's bad enough now!

Well, yeah, if you want to do it the easy way
She enjoyed the movie... I guess blurry pictures don't bother her.

yup - Anna is definitely doing all she can to not toot
Thanks for confirming my theory. :thumbsup2

That is always a sad part and I definitely get a bit emotional - nice that you still had a Disney activity for that evening though
Yeah, it definitely wasn't as hard to leave when we were kind of in a hurry to head to an ADR.

Obviously it was not intended but I think things really worked out well to have that separate FP+ with A&E as seems like your daughter really enjoyed having the time along with them and you got some really cute pictures out of it :goodvibes
It did work out well. Not exactly the ideal way that we wanted to do it, but it turned out for the best.
A valid point I'm not sure I've ever considered.
Unfortunately, it's just one of those things you have to consider anymore...

:rotfl:Sounds like a mom trying too hard for perfection. :rotfl2: I think as parents we all get caught in that trap every now and then.
Oh yeah, it definitely happens. I mean, I'm trying to teach DS how to play baseball... and I'm trying to completely rework the mechanics of his swing. So yeah, I get it. Sometimes you just have to remind yourself that they're 5, 6, 7, whatever the age may be and let it go.

No pun intended.

:rotfl: That poor girl.

How did the little's handle this one?
Not too bad. DS just crashed. DD sat quietly. I think she was probably close to falling asleep. She might have had a package or 2 of fruit snacks, but she really wasn't bad for this one.

:rotfl2: Poor Rapunzel!
She and Tiana really get the shaft as far as princesses go. And quite honestly, those might be a couple of my favorite "princess" movies.

I have a feeling I know where this is going. :scratchin

Uh Oh here we go....:rotfl:

:rotfl2::rotfl::lmao: Well it least she didn't hurt herself! :rotfl::rotfl2::lmao:
Well, we hope... no visible signs of an injury at that time, so we'll just go with it! :rolleyes1

:confused3 too each their own I supose.
I don't get it. I'm sure she'll grow out of it!
The bane of every Daddy's existence! :rotfl2::rotfl::lmao:

I hate when this happens.
::yes:: It kind of put a damper on our last attraction in the parks.

Sounds like a good tradition to me.:thumbsup2
Yeah, kind of a fitting way to end your park time by watching the flag retreat.

I'm all caught up - great updates. So weird that you couldn't get a FP+ at 60 days +7 for all of you! I'm glad your DD got her one on one meet and greet though, how cute. Those pictures are adorable.
It was definitely a disappointment. I felt very confident that I'd be able to do it at the 60+ window, and failing to even be able to get it for our last park day was a huge disappointment.

We really enjoyed the FOF parade. We were just there and I think I saw it 3 times, haha.
I really wanted to see that one. But with trying to schedule afternoon breaks and things like that, it was just almost impossible for us to work it in. Especially when the time I was finally able to get FP+ for A&E was around 3 pm and I didn't exactly have any choice but to take that time.

The ECV lady - I probably would have burst into laughter, lol. Not to be mean but I'm sure it was quite the sight!
I really had a hard time to keep myself composed. I had to speed up and walk a little faster for a few steps to get a little farther away so I could just let it out.

I stopped getting email notifications and I got way behind! Looks like you had a fantastic trip so far!
Yeah, I get lost on the new Dis quite a bit from time to time. Seems like the notifications and watch lists tend to change.
Heehee, love the retelling of the A&E family. For some reason I picture it being done like a black and white silent film, slap stick and such!:laughing:
You know, that's an excellent comparison. I was never close enough to hear what they were saying, so it definitely had that silent film aspect going... and there was plenty of slapstick! :rotfl::rotfl2:

I love the photos of DD and A&E, she's a darling little girl. I've heard that Anna is a better meet than Elisa is, I wonder if it's not done some what on purpose. I mean she is the ice queen...
Oh, yeah, very true. And Anna is the more fun loving and outgoing of the 2 in the movie!

I haven't been to HoP since I was a child, and I'm with DW on this one; unless I'm napping I don't wanna go! But I feel that way about CBJ as well.
I enjoy them. HoP definitely isn't an "every trip" attraction for me, but I do like seeing it once in a while.

I can't believe that woman slammed into the pillar! I feel like you should have to take a course before you're allowed to rent those things; people get crazy on them.
I can see it now... ECV driver's ed. :thumbsup2 :rotfl:

So for all his complaining about the princesses it looks like DS sure liked Queen Elsa. That picture of him with her is too cute!:lovestruc
Yeah... I think part of it was that DD loves that movie so they watch it a lot. So he probably had more familiarity with them as characters than the other princesses.

The final pass under the train is always a sad one:sad: But I'm glad you guys had a lot to look forward too!
Yes, always hard to leave, but it makes it easier when you're on the clock to get to an ADR!

I hadn't heard that before. But I guess I'm not really surprised.
Still... it would make for a fun scene wouldn't it?
Picture this.
Mom standing in Florida heat for six+ hours. Waiting in line so her kid can see the princesses.
Second Mom comes out and declares in a loud voice. "I don't believe we had to wait 45 minutes! Can you believe that?"

First Mom's lawyer claims the assault was justifiable.

Uh... were they European by any chance?
I don't know. I didn't ask to see their passports, but they very well could have been from anywhere. :confused3

That kills me. "You smile or else! We're all happy! Got it???"
You have to smile, but you don't have to like it!!!

With a sappy smile plastered on your face, right?
Of course there was.
::yes:: Still there.

I don't quite understand why it's that important to have a change of clothes for each meeting.
Sure, dress her up... but the quickchange?
Hope it was worth it.
I guess if you're going to spend the money on the princess dresses, you might as well use them. :confused3

I mean we did that with DD's Cinderella dress, and we didn't even buy that one. :rotfl2:

:laughing: Now I got it! Great visual!
I'm glad it helped. Although I don't think brother got in on the action. Mom and Dad were working fast though!

I've heard that quite a bit. I think it's done deliberately.
Oh yeah. I think part of it is just that those are their personalities in the movie. Elsa is more distant, while Anna is just all about having fun.

I like that picture. They're all nice, but something about that one.

Good for her! :laughing:
It got to the point where I almost wanted to cheer her on. :rotfl2:

When I took my DDs the first time, I knew they wouldn't ride it either... and I was right.
So this is what I did.
The family was all tuckered out after another long day in the parks and were settled into bed around nine or so.
MK had EMH that night, so off I went, on my own... just so I could ride HM. :laughing:
Great plan!

That's too bad. It's such a perfect example of Disney magic.
I wonder if they thought of it like one of those cheap carnival rides.
You know, all dark, the occasional thing pops out at you with a loud noise.
I think it was just that they didn't want to do ANYTHING without us.

No, that's not a shaft. It's a tower.
Got me there... :thumbsup2 :rotfl:

I saw that. I briefly considered getting one done.
They were really cool!

Why yes. I do.

If she'd been hurt, then no, not funny.
But since she was only embarrassed.... :lmao:
Well, if she'd been hurt it would be kind of funny. Since she wasn't I don't have to feel quite as bad about it. :thumbsup2

She didn't like it? Or was it something with the kids?
She just didn't want to do it.


Oh, all right. You've already gotten enough flak over this.
My DW doesn't care for ice cream either.
I'm sure she'll get over it... I'd assume she will anyway. :confused3

So DS got a head start?

I was thinking that if it was just the seats that moved, that sippy cup woulda been gone.
Gone or broke the ride. :eek:

Ah, well. Nice try on spreading a little pixie dust.
It's the thought that counts, right?

What a great shot! :thumbsup2

Looks like gas.

Seriously though. Just one more reason why Disney is awesome.
Farting princesses. Always good for a laugh.


Heh. I wonder if kids see that and just assume the rest of them is on the other side of the wall?
I don't know! We never had that come up though.

oooohhhh.... fudge...... mmmmmm.....

You know what's better than fudge?
Florida fudge.
No... DISNEY fudge.

::yes:: Don't you feel like wrapping your arms around a pole and making them drag you away?
Fortunately, we were taken into the room with A&E immediately and we were the 4th group in line.
I'm impressed with the speed of this.

And they strip sister down and change her right there in front of everyone.

Not a good idea. I would have been better if she had a cami on.

I’d love to have seen their Memory Maker account, because just before every picture was snapped, sister sister made a goofy face and her cape was about halfway to the floor during about every flash.

I would like to see this too.

DD loved talking to Anna.

So precious! These are really great pictures.

DD then got to meet Elsa.

These are good too. Your DD really looks like she's in heaven.

She nailed it. Head on. Square contact. I’m talking she went from 4 mph (however fast they go) to 0 in the blink of an eye.

What a hoot. I'm sure she didn't do that again.

DW was about to strangle me… this is the first time I’ve ever got her to go in HoP

I've only got my youngest in here once. Her response " I don't come to Disney to learn".

This is all we got.

Not much but still sweet.

It’s a Small World.

Can't miss this one!
Perfect update!
No... it wasn't. But thanks.

Your EVC story had me cracking up! I'm not completely uncompassionate, but heck, that was funny!
It was funny. And I don't think you're uncompassionate. You'd make a pretty crappy nurse if that was the case.

Yeah, ummm... let's move the line along and changing is kinda just.. odd.
::yes:: It wasn't the changing so much that bothered me as much as the state of undress in front of total strangers.

This is like the 12th thread I've read where the bathrooms are being raved about. Can it really be as amusing as the Hoop de Doo men's bathrooms?
Ok, they're restrooms... really. Don't set your expectations too high. But inside, there are some nice additional touches to add to the theming. It's really the courtyard area outside them, IMO that is the impressive part.

Yes, Anna had too much ludefisk. I'm pretty sure that's the look.

Of course it was IaSW. What else is there?! ;)
Good point. We left it up to the kids, so... :rolleyes1

So I would love to cut and paste your last update, but I am so far behind on the DIS that its not going to happen. Please forgive me.
I totally understand. Welcome back!

:rotfl::rotfl::rotfl: to the lady on the SUV! That must have been a sight to see. I'm not sure I could have kept myself from laughing. The sad thing is - I probably would have done the same thing if I was on the SUV. popcorn::
It was funny, that's for sure. I was kind of afraid it wouldn't be as funny once I wrote the story out as it was there and in person.

Your story about the Anna to Elsa stripping act was also quite amusing. OMG. That poor super mom was probably losing her mind. :faint:
It certainly was amusing. A part of me felt sorry for the mom with the lack of cooperation from the parent "been there, done that" side of things, but at the same time I kind of wanted to cheer the girl on. It was cracking me up!

You got great pictures of the kids. They are all very spontaneous and truly lovely. Nice work to you and the PP people! :thumbsup2
It wasn't my work. My pictures sucked. I only posted what the PP got! :rotfl:

I was pretty far behind again but I'm glad I went back to read your reply about Restaurantosaurus. That line made me bust out laughing! :rotfl:
We really did like the food though. It wasn't bad and it was a fun place to eat and see all the sight gags. But man, we hit a poor service day there.

Anyway, I am loving the rest of the TR. I have to say, the mom stripping her 6 or 7 year old in the A&E line disturbs me so much. That is just too old to be doing that in a room full of strangers! DD with the Frozen girls is just too cute.
That's exactly how I felt. I mean it didn't bother me much except for the fact that it just seemed like a bad idea in a room full of total strangers.

I love your dedication to RnRC. Of all the rides, that is one of the few that would be worth that long of a wait!
::yes:: I didn't care how long the wait was. It was the last thing I was going to do for the park closed, so I didn't really care if I was still in line an hour after closing time! :rotfl:
I'm sure she'll get over it... I'd assume she will anyway. :confused3

I dunno. I've been married to her for almost 25 years now and if she hasn't started liking ice cream by now....

No... DISNEY fudge.

Dang it! I was going to write that!
The whole thing was supposed to say:
Know what's better than fudge?
Florida fudge.
And you know what's better than Florida fudge?
Disney fudge.

Darn squirrels, always distracting me!
No... it wasn't. But thanks.

Well, actually, let's recap this, shall we? Cute kid pictures, EVC crashes (that along makes a perfect update), fart jokes, parents letting their kids go to ridiculous lengths to be pampered, and a scoot through the HoP. Seriously... does it really get any better?!

It was funny. And I don't think you're uncompassionate. You'd make a pretty crappy nurse if that was the case.

Well, there is that.

::yes:: It wasn't the changing so much that bothered me as much as the state of undress in front of total strangers.

Sometimes I look at parents (this is usually happening at my local WalMart) and wonder who ties their shoelaces.

Ok, they're restrooms... really. Don't set your expectations too high. But inside, there are some nice additional touches to add to the theming. It's really the courtyard area outside them, IMO that is the impressive part.

Still can't wait to see them/it/the area. Because when I do, I'll be in a Disney bathroom. That someone else cleans, and it usually a lot better looking and smelling than mine.

Good point. We left it up to the kids, so... :rolleyes1

Hey, not so sure I'd not have picked that one too... leaves with an indescribably happy feeling. Maybe because I take a sick pleasure in annoying my boatmates with turning the ride into my own private karaoke salon.
That family in front of you :rolleyes2. And I seriously laughed out loud about the ECV lady, I'm terrible. Sounds like you had a pretty good last day at the park. It's nice to know that even though your WDW trip was coming to a close that you had more disney on your horizon.
And they strip sister down and change her right there in front of everyone.

Andy. Do you really expect them to go to the restroom and change like civilized people? Of course not, this is Disney after all.:rolleyes:

I think sister was done. Sister kept taking her cape off and making funny faces for the pictures. Mom was getting irate. I mean the picture would be taken, then mom would storm around and give her that “mom death glare” while putting the cape back on. Then she’d get back behind sister and stand there looking at the camera with her biggest, fakest smile she could muster. As she was looking at the camera, sister would slowly slide her hand up to her neck, and slowly and quietly unfasten her cape

This sounds hilarious! :lmao:Hmm, sounds like sister is going to be a big pain in the A** for her mom as a teen!

Almost like a NASCAR pit crew.


I love how focused Anna is listening to DD. So sweet.

I've heard things about Elsa being much 'colder' than Anna, but the pictures came out fabulous and she actually looks loving!

But we were really trying to get MiL and FiL to go on their own and try to ride it at some point during the day, and they never would.

Were they never interested in riding?

She nailed it. Head on. Square contact. I’m talking she went from 4 mph (however fast they go) to 0 in the blink of an eye.

I’m bad.

It was all I could do to keep myself from laughing out loud.

Don't you wish our sunglasses had a button that would veil our whole face so we could laugh in situations like these?!:rotfl2:

DD doesn’t like ice cream


But DW did catch this one. Anna seemed to be living up to her fun loving personality. Or she had gas. I’m not sure which one it was.

That looks accurate.

Then we have Queen Elsa where no posed photographs were taken…

Sometimes the best pictures are candid:cloud9:

It’s a Small World.


Of course:teeth:

We headed in to see the Country Bears, and we found our seats near the end of the row underneath the talking taxidermy. Just before the show started, everyone in our group started getting phone calls. BiL was trying to get a hold of MiL. So he called her. Then he called FiL. Then he called DW. MiL finally got up and left during the show and called him from out in the hallway. It turned out to be nothing important. We really didn’t have anyone sitting near us and the phones were all on vibrate so I don’t think it was a distraction to anybody, but the whispering among the 3 of them and then MiL getting up to leave definitely had all of us distracted and I can’t say that anyone was probably paying much attention to the show at that point out of concern that it seemed like something bad might have happened at home given how urgently it seemed that he needed to talk to someone.

My brother does this. He'll call me, DH, DM and then text. And it's always, seriously always, because he thought of a funny quote from a movie and wants us to guess what movie it's from.

DB: Hey got a sec?
Me: Is everything okay??
DB: Yeah, guess what movie this is from. "Pullover! No it's a cardigan but thanks for noticing!"
Me: Sigh...Dumb and Dumber
DB: (laughing) Yeah! That's all.
Me: Bye
I'm impressed with the speed of this.
Yeah, I was too. From some things I heard, I thought it might be considerably longer.

Not a good idea. I would have been better if she had a cami on.
Yeah, just not really appropriate in front of strangers, IMO.

I would like to see this too.
Oh, it was great! I love having entertainment while waiting in line!

So precious! These are really great pictures.

These are good too. Your DD really looks like she's in heaven.
She was. She loves that movie, so I really think she was star struck to get to see them and talk to them!

What a hoot. I'm sure she didn't do that again.
I'd certainly hope not! Some people just don't learn from their mistakes though.

I've only got my youngest in here once. Her response " I don't come to Disney to learn".

Not much but still sweet.
True. They did catch some great pictures!

Can't miss this one!
No, but we'd already done it once. I was good with not getting that song stuck in my head again.

Dang it! I was going to write that!
The whole thing was supposed to say:
Know what's better than fudge?
Florida fudge.
And you know what's better than Florida fudge?
Disney fudge.

Darn squirrels, always distracting me!
:rotfl2::rotfl: :lmao:

Sometimes I look at parents (this is usually happening at my local WalMart) and wonder who ties their shoelaces.
You know... that is so true.

Still can't wait to see them/it/the area. Because when I do, I'll be in a Disney bathroom. That someone else cleans, and it usually a lot better looking and smelling than mine.

That family in front of you :rolleyes2.
Oh, they were one of a kind. But great entertainment!

And I seriously laughed out loud about the ECV lady, I'm terrible.
It was pretty funny. I'm glad she wasn't hurt... but I think I'd have had a hard time keeping from laughing even if she was.

Sounds like you had a pretty good last day at the park. It's nice to know that even though your WDW trip was coming to a close that you had more disney on your horizon.
Yeah, it makes it a lot easier!

Andy. Do you really expect them to go to the restroom and change like civilized people? Of course not, this is Disney after all.:rolleyes:
That's right. There's never anything to worry about. It is just a magical place full of good people an innocence.
This sounds hilarious! :lmao:Hmm, sounds like sister is going to be a big pain in the A** for her mom as a teen!
::yes:: I believe she will.

Is this the voice of experience speaking? :rolleyes1

I love how focused Anna is listening to DD. So sweet.
Yes, she was fantastic!

I've heard things about Elsa being much 'colder' than Anna, but the pictures came out fabulous and she actually looks loving!
Yeah, I thought she was good... no complaints about Elsa really. She was great with DD, but just didn't really spend quite as much time with her as Anna. And Anna really went over the top.

Were they never interested in riding?
They just really didn't seem like they wanted to do anything without the rest of us.

Don't you wish our sunglasses had a button that would veil our whole face so we could laugh in situations like these?!:rotfl2:
I love it!! Patent that idea!!!

That looks accurate.
Which part? :confused3:rotfl2:

Sometimes the best pictures are candid:cloud9:
::yes:: It was kind of a disappointment that there weren't any posed pictures, but yes, the candid ones were great. And that is why we like to get PP. Or memory maker. Or whatever it is called this week.

My brother does this. He'll call me, DH, DM and then text. And it's always, seriously always, because he thought of a funny quote from a movie and wants us to guess what movie it's from.

DB: Hey got a sec?
Me: Is everything okay??
DB: Yeah, guess what movie this is from. "Pullover! No it's a cardigan but thanks for noticing!"
Me: Sigh...Dumb and Dumber
DB: (laughing) Yeah! That's all.
Me: Bye

The best scene in that movie...

But yeah, frustrating! :rotfl2::rotfl:
that meant closing the hatch as quick as possible while things were still in motion and finding a place to settle.
Just be glad there wasn't a video camera stopping you from shutting the door.

We spent the next 10 minutes picking bags up off of the asphalt and re-loading them.
I wish I witnessed this.

Why does a hummingbird hum?

Because it doesn’t know the words.
Great joke!


Which actually probably makes it funnier than it would have been otherwise.


That family in front of you was out of their mind. I can't believe what they were doing.

The next show on the agenda was one for FiL and myself. Hall of Presidents.
I still haven't done this in all the times we've been in WDW.

I still say Rapunzel got the shaft though,
You are right.... such a nice area for bathrooms.

She nailed it. Head on. Square contact. I’m talking she went from 4 mph (however fast they go) to 0 in the blink of an eye.

But we had time for one last ride before we did it. The kids got to pick and the winner was…

It’s a Small World.
....aaaannnnndddddd, I don't see a problem here.

We headed back out to Town Square in time to catch the tail end of the flag ceremony.
They do a great job with it.
What a fantastic last afternoon at MK, and you certainly had a few memorable moments.

The A&E family story is so funny! Kind of a preshow to the meet & greet. I can just picture the battle of the wills between that mother and daughter. Hopefully the pictures they got will become treasured family lore. Eventually.

The pictures of your daughter and Anna and Elsa are precious. Your daughter is just glowing with delight! The ones later, with your son with a big smile on his face, are also fantastic.

The scooter mishap must have been something to see!!! I can understand how it would be difficult to hold it together.

I'm glad everyone enjoyed Philharmagic.

Nice time enjoying (enduring) some classics: HOP, CoP, Small World, Country Bears. What- no Tiki Bird Torture? Oh yeah, you did that earlier in the trip.

Mmmmm. Disney fudge!!! Do you know what happens if two teenagers consume a pound of fudge overnight on a class trip? Well, a phone call after midnight to report a vomiting incident to the chaperone (who is so sleepy I- I mean she- hangs up on him).. Just in case you were wondering. I hope you paced yourself eating the treat.

OMG! The A&E story!!!!! I don’t even know what to say. I mean, my child does a lot of costume changes on Disney vacations. But, um, not IN LINE! :laughing: And the pictures they must have gotten! Hilarious! For the record, all costume changes in our family are decided on by the person who has to actually make the change! :rotfl2:

What an adorable meet DD had with Anna. So cute! I can see how, appearing separately, Anna would be the more fun one. I actually wish they would have kept them together at MK. When they can interact with each other, I think they are better - at least it makes it a bit easier for Elsa who has to BE ELSA, you know?

DD doesn’t like ice cream
Wow!!!! :scared1:

How great for DD to meet A&E twice. I am baffled that a PP photographer didn’t take a single posed photo with Elsa. That is just WEIRD.
Hi Andy,
I have been following along reading from my phone, but just haven't had time to comment. Your first meet with Anna and Elsa was very cute, and how hilarious with the antics of the little kid, but really? The parents just stripped down their little girl in public? I mean what kind of message are they teaching her that early on?

That woman with the scooter, I'm totally not surprised, if you saw my post on Alicia's TR I steer clear of folks who rent from Disney, they are total rookies and have no idea what they are doing.

I'm amazed with Fran using the scooter in our house with her fractures. We will need some paint touch ups, but for the most part she is doing pretty good with the moulding and corners.

I was looking forward to the country bears since we don't have them at DL anymore. I guess on my rebooked trip...


Whenever that is, we won't know for a while.


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