Some thoughts


Super Moderator
Jun 20, 2005
I'm not sure any of this will be considered coherent thought but I decided I should try.

I first met Bob and Diana in the Magic Kingdom on the corner by Casey's...where the tip board is located.

John had been living with Bob and Diana when we met. He told me that these folks were "like family to him" and that it was important that I got to know them. To say I was nervous would be an understatement. These folks had been friends and co-workers with John and Pete and here I was...the new guy.

I dont ever remember any time in my life when I felt so welcome or accepted. Bob said to me that "if John thinks you're ok...then so do we." They became friends that night. That was in the fall of 2001.

Bob and I quickly fell into the routine of him mispronouncing things and me correcting him. It got to the point where he would do things just to make me roll my eyes and suck my teeth. It became a part of who we were. He loved it.

A lot of time transpired between those days and the beginning of the podcast but Bob and Diana, along with Ann and Majk (it's pronounced Mike....and yes....we've used every conceivable line on him because of this) and John and I, well...we became a rather tight knit social group. We had dinner together at least once a week. We spent holidays together. We traveled together. There is no other way to say it then to say we were best friends. These were the folks that we chose to spend our time with.

Bob loved planning our weekly get togethers and outings. We used to rib him about "synchronizing our watches". If we were going someplace new of different, Bob would get there hours early (sometimes the day before) and then call us with the best directions and where to park and what not to miss. And yes....I used to tease him about that...but that was part of who Bob and I were.

One of my very favorite Bob memories is of the Candlelight Processional. Bob's Mom was very old and frail and not in the best health. She had moments of lucidity but they were few and far between. Well, she sat there watching that show and singing her heart out. She knew the words to almost every song. I sat next to Bob and his Mom and watched Bob watch her with tears in his eyes. He was so kind and gentle and loving. I was heartwarming and heartbreaking at the same time.

Bob's Mom passed during that next year and he told me that the Candlelight Processional was going to be really hard this year. I sat next to Bob at the next Candlelight show and the two of us sang along with tears in our eyes. He thanks me for understanding and being ok with it.

Bob was the kind of guy that offered whatever he could do or had. John and I live about an hour away from Bob abd Diana. The airport is in between our two homes. When John and I would travel, Bob would offer to take us to the airport. He would open his home to anyone that needed a place to stay. Bob loved nothing more than a house full of people.

When we started doing the Round Table version of the podcast, it took a while but we all fell into being ourselves. We all agreed that the only way to do this was with sincerity and honesty.

I have been criticized for "picking on" Bob, but we were who we were in real life. I dont know if anyone will understand this, but Bob loved that we picked on him. He would set up situations with glee and warn me..."this is really going to get you". Bob loved nothing more than making me crazy. It was never malicious or hurtful and if I thought it was I would have never done it.

I would never do anything to intentionally hurt Bob. He was one of my best friends and one of the warmest, kindest nicest men I have ever known.

Bob also loved the attention and spotlight that this allowed him. It was part of why he encouraged it. We used to joke that he had "only child syndrome". It's why we used to tease him about only reading emails that had his name in them.

Bob also loved meeting the folks that listened to the podcast. He put Christmas lights on his "kaht" so folks could find him. He loved making people laugh and he loved helping people enjoy their Disney trips. Bob spent more time in the parks then any of us and he'd come to the podcast letting us know that he met so and so and that he posed for pictures. And yes....we'd tease him with him grinning the entire time.

I'm sharing this today out of my need to let you all know that Bob loved that you all cared about him and loved him. It brought him incredible joy. He'd recount meeting listeners with absolute glee.

I dont know any other words to explain this, but I loved Bob. While life will go and we will move ahead, our lives will be a little less full. There will always be a hole that cant be filled. He is truly irreplaceable.

I think the very best way to honor Bob is to make sure that you tell the people in your life that you love them and what they mean to you. Dont miss the opportunity.

I talked to Bob yesterday morning at about 10:15am. I called to ask how he was feeling and if he needed anything. He told me was ok and feeling better.

I'd give anything to have that chance again.

Dont wait. Tell them.

Thanks for letting me talk about this.

Oh Kevin...thank you for sharing!!!

(Now I'm a sobbing mess again. :sad1: )
As I sit here with tears in my eyes, I don't know what to say but thanks.

Thanks for telling us a little more about him and I am glad that you had the pleasure of being his friend.
Kevin, thanks for sharing this. I can't imagine how shocked you and the podcast crew must have been. I have been praying for all of you, and Bawb's family. Heaven has its newest angel. Bawb Varley.
:grouphug: I am so glad you posted this and shared your thoughts with us. It was so touching your words on the Candlelight Processional, and what it meant to him. They broke the mold with him.:grouphug:
Thank you very much Kevin for sharing this. I am so sorry for the loss of such a dear friend to you. He was such a special person, and touched many of us without us even really knowing us. I am so sorry that he is gone. Please accept my heartfelt sympathies. Thank you for helping me get to know him and understand him a little better. I would be a better person if I were a little more like Bob.
Hang in there Kevin. There's something special about "chosen family". I can only imagine how much you all are hurting.:hug:
Thank you for posting Kevin. I cried myself to sleep last night thinking about all of you. Although, we have never met, I feel as though we are friends. I thank you for sharing yourselves. I am a better person for knowing Bob and all of you. :hug: Those of us that have been listening for awhile could tell Bob loved to be picked on.:goodvibes Gosh, I'm really going to miss him:sad1:

I really appreciate you sharing this with us. Most of us 'knew' Bob only from what we heard on the PodCast. It is really nice to know more background. A background that only supports what came through on the PodCast every week - that he was a good soul who loved what he was doing, loved all of you and had a great time even in the 'moments of torment.' For me, it was pretty clear that the teasing was two sided and not meant or taken with any offense.

I am so sorry for the loss you have all suffered and I know, in time, the memories you have of the great times with Bob will be the things that come to mind, rather than the sadness.

Kevin -

That was very genuine and from the heart. Made me cry. You are right though, never miss a chance to tell someone you care about that you love them. I am glad that you have so many happy memories with Bob to look back on.

I find myself checking the boards every hour, I am not sure what I am looking for. I didn't even know Bob and this is very sad. I can not imagine the pain you and the rest of the podcasters are going through. My prayers go out to all of you and the Varleys.
Thank you for sharing Kevin. :hug: I can only imagine what pain you feel today. :sad1:

I am sure your love and friendship mean't just as much to Bob as his did to you.

Bob will never be forgotten.
Thank you for posting this Kevin..... :grouphug:

You are so lucky to have had such a great friendship. Bob will be missed...:sad1:
:grouphug: My heart is just broken today. I cannot imagine the world without Bob. He was so excited about the "live" show this weekend and the upcoming Podcast Cruise. :sad1:
THANK YOU for taking the time to post this even though it brought tears to my eyes!! I am sure he knew just how much the pod cast crew loved him and how much the DISers loved him!!!
I'm so very sorry for your loss, Kevin. My heart aches for you and all of Bob's friends and family. It is very clear from listening to the podcast banter what a close knit group the podcast crew is. The loss for this community is tremendous and terrible, but I can't even begin to imagine the loss you all are feeling as a family . Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us all. Hang in there. :grouphug:
Kevin, your words brought tears to my eyes. It's clear that Bob was a dear friend of yours and will be missed forever.

Thank you for sharing your memories with Bob. We'll all be here to support y'all through this difficult time. Bob's spirit will never be forgotten.

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