"Smart Guy"?

Slightly Goofy

Sep 30, 2000
I am not sure if this is the right forum but hope someone may be able to help me. My two grandsons are begging me to bring them back some "Smart Guy" t shirts from Disney. As I feel terribly guilty because they can't go with us I HAVE to bring home a bit of the magic. Could someone please tell me where in the 'World' I might find t shirts from the Disney Channel?

One day to go and we are on our way! Yeah!!!!

Grandma Linda
I know when we were in MGM, they had posters for "Smart Guy", so that would probably be your best bet. I don't know which specific shop would carry them, but you could probably ask information when you enter the park.
Hellow, thank you so much for taking the time to reply and help. That sounds like the ticket. I might be forgiven for leaving my little ones behind if I can bring such treasures home.

Alsmashdar - Maybe we will bump into each other at the shop? I am a former Buckeye also. Two nuts can always find something to talk about. LOL

Linda and Tom


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