Sister switched resorts on me!

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Honeybug said:
my anal husband decided to edit the posts. Sorry!

Its ok, I totally understand, forgive all of us for some of the comments that may have upset you or your dh!!

Give your sister and BIL a big hug, its so hard to go through all of that, but hopefully as you sit at CRT on your DD 3rd Bday - you will all focus on the love!! :love:

:love: Thanks for taking the time to share your story, and your pain!! Hope when its all over, you will return and post a trip report on the Trip Report board!!
Thanks for keeping us posted. I am glad you found out it was just BIL trying to surprise your sis. I hope everyone has a wonderful time at Disney.
Be sure to post a trip report when you get back. Hugs :grouphug: to all including your BIL who thought he was planning a nice surprise but it backfired.
Sometimes people get caught up with the idea of a surprise and don't really
think things through.

Have fun at Disney!
Linda ::MinnieMo
Wow -what a ride!

I hope your BIL can work things out to keep everyone happy. And, even if you do end up at different resorts, remember what eeyore45 said -

hopefully as you sit at CRT on your DD 3rd Bday - you will all focus on the love!!
You can all yell at me, but at this point with the original post edited, I am feeling for the sister. I would stay somewhere else, too. Such drama!
I win I win!!! I am the one who said that the BIL might have changed resorts to surprise his wife! So what do I win?

Seriously, Honeybug, this is the best outcome you could have hoped for. Men can be insensitive louts even when they are trying to do something nice. I hope he apologizes to you and your sister for stirring up such a hornets nest. Perhaps re-examining what kind of vacation you all want is in order. Your sister and her family obviously want something a little fancier (she must have made mention of this to her husband at some point to cause him to change the ressie). If she still wants the fancy trip, let them keep the Poly and you guys can keep the value resort andmeet up each day at a designated park. Orrrrr, maybe you guys can turn the trip into a fancier one if you like.

No matter what, hug your sister. It is truly unfortunate that the first (and ONLY) conclusion you jumped to was that it was not only your sister's doing, but that it was a spiteful or deliberate attempt to hurt you by your sis. Some soul searching is in order. Good luck and enjoy your trip.
Jennasis said:
I win I win!!! I am the one who said that the BIL might have changed resorts to surprise his wife! So what do I win?

Seriously, Honeybug, this is the best outcome you could have hoped for. Men can be insensitive louts even when they are trying to do something nice. I hope he apologizes to you and your sister for stirring up such a hornets nest. Perhaps re-examining what kind of vacation you all want is in order. Your sister and her family obviously want something a little fancier (she must have made mention of this to her husband at some point to cause him to change the ressie). If she still wants the fancy trip, let them keep the Poly and you guys can keep the value resort andmeet up each day at a designated park. Orrrrr, maybe you guys can turn the trip into a fancier one if you like.

No matter what, hug your sister. It is truly unfortunate that the first (and ONLY) conclusion you jumped to was that it was not only your sister's doing, but that it was a spiteful or deliberate attempt to hurt you by your sis. Some soul searching is in order. Good luck and enjoy your trip.

excellent post!
Why did you husband would want to edit both post? This one and the other one that I have replied on? Is it maybe just in case your BIL and your sister might read them? It's only right to show your anger (because I would too be angry if my BIL would switch the resort without telling us and changing the amount days of the tickets) and even if they read this post (but they will never know the real post before being edited), they should understand your frustration and since we are all Disney nut here... this is one way to vent out is to post here. Anyways...
Glad that all worked out and I hope that you'll see this as a learning experience that you shouldn't jump to conclusions. Imagine if your husband hadn't talked to your BIL to find out the truth and you either cancelled your trip or went on the trip still thinking that she'd lied to you. That would have made for a miserable trip.

I hope that in the future, you'll stop for a minute and think about things before assuming anything. Your poor sister was the unknowing recipient of your anger for two days because you assumed she'd done something wrong. Go have a wonderful trip!!!
Honeybug said:
I think right now I am more upset about being lied to and them going behind our backs.

I have to ask. Why would you bring this family drama to a public bullentin board? :badpc:

No offense to the OP, but is there any way this thread can be locked soon? A lot of people, like myself, were empathetic with the OP and posted as sound of advice as we could. The OP virtually ignored it, still wouldn't face her sister directly about the perceived problem, and lo and behold, the sister was NOT at fault! I think the cliche "Mountain out of a molehill" might describe this whole farce of a thread, knowing the outcome of this. If the OP would have just talked to her sister before coming to a bunch of strangers for advice for a non-existant problem, this waste of time need not have occurred.

To attempt to hide how foolish she made herself look, I guess her husband, who apparently must also do her talking to her blood relative for her, her original post was edited, and subsequent ones.

I feel like an idiot for having posted in this thread earlier, to be honest, and I probably look like an idiot now for keeping it going on even longer with my post, even though I'm asking for it to be locked. This personal family matter really wasn't appropriate for the Disney Resorts forum, but I jumped into it like a lemming anyway, because I felt bad for the OP. I wish I had the ability to delete my own posts, so I could "recuse" myself from this, but I can't, so I'll have the virtual "Idiot" label on my virtual DIS forehead for eternity.

OP, please talk to your family, and this includes your sister. And I agree with the above poster that maybe some soul-searching on your part might be in order.
grimley1968 said:
No offense to the OP, but is there any way this thread can be locked soon? A lot of people, like myself, were empathetic with the OP and posted as sound of advice as we could. The OP virtually ignored it, still wouldn't face her sister directly about the perceived problem, and lo and behold, the sister was NOT at fault! I think the cliche "Mountain out of a molehill" might describe this whole farce of a thread, knowing the outcome of this. If the OP would have just talked to her sister before coming to a bunch of strangers for advice for a non-existant problem, this waste of time need not have occurred.

To attempt to hide how foolish she made herself look, I guess her husband, who apparently must also do her talking to her blood relative for her, her original post was edited, and subsequent ones.

I feel like an idiot for having posted in this thread earlier, to be honest, and I probably look like an idiot now for keeping it going on even longer with my post, even though I'm asking for it to be locked. This personal family matter really wasn't appropriate for the Disney Resorts forum, but I jumped into it like a lemming anyway, because I felt bad for the OP. I wish I had the ability to delete my own posts, so I could "recuse" myself from this, but I can't, so I'll have the virtual "Idiot" label on my virtual DIS forehead for eternity.

OP, please talk to your family, and this includes your sister. And I agree with the above poster that maybe some soul-searching on your part might be in order.

Don't feel like an idiot. I just feel sorry for her sister and her family. :confused3
I always am interested in family drama and how people react to it. I'm an only child and when I hear about sisters/brothers/parents fighting it really surprises and upsets me.

You are lucky to have your family! Expect the best from them, and maybe you will get it. Love them! Forgive them! :grouphug:
Some important lessons here:

1. There are ALWAYS at LEAST two sides to every story.
2. Never post something about someone in a public forum that you wouldn't be willing to say to their face.

That is all. Carry on. ;)
I noticed people keep saying this and it really doesn't make any sense to me. Posting to a forum doesn't require much time. She was in need of advice and maybe wanted more of it before she spoke to her sister about it. Posters keep saying what great advice the other posters give on these forums and IMO, its unfair to tell someone they need to get off the computer and call her sister. Maybe she hasn't thought of a way to approach it yet or maybe she hasn't found any advice that works with the type of person she is yet. Who knows? I just don't think its right for people to keep telling her to get off the computer and call her sister.

skipwick1 said:
You can only be a doormat if you allow yourself to be a doormat!!!!

You need to stop posting this all over the DIS boards and call your sister.

I'm glad everything worked out and hope the OP enjoys her trip. Maybe sis really wanted to stay at the Poly all along and knew what the reaction would be, so the story would just have to be "blame it on BIL, it was a surprise.." Regardless, enjoy your might have a better time not being with eachother every step of the way, anyway. :flower:
dreamangelx said:
I noticed people keep saying this and it really doesn't make any sense to me. Posting to a forum doesn't require much time. She was in need of advice and maybe wanted more of it before she spoke to her sister about it. Posters keep saying what great advice the other posters give on these forums and IMO, its unfair to tell someone they need to get off the computer and call her sister. Maybe she hasn't thought of a way to approach it yet or maybe she hasn't found any advice that works with the type of person she is yet. Who knows? I just don't think its right for people to keep telling her to get off the computer and call her sister.
just one addenda:
IMHO, it's not so much not that it's not right, she did ask for an opinion, just not as helpful as she needed. Using the Dis as a sounding board rather than go off half-cocked, i think, is a better idea--
Have a great trip!
jeannej said:
I have to ask. Why would you bring this family drama to a public bullentin board? :badpc:


Are you guys kidding me?

First off to Honeybug, thanks for the update, and I do hope you will continue to post and look for things here at the Dis to help your vacation be all that it can be!!

Good Grief, I can tell you its better to get it off your chest, reason around, and if you're lucky you have a freind to help you brainstorm - in this case lots of DISNEY friends!! then to jump on any poster, because you can?

I apologize to the moderators for getting too emotional! and ot
jonestavern said:
just one addenda:
IMHO, it's not so much not that it's not right, she did ask for an opinion, just not as helpful as she needed. Using the Dis as a sounding board rather than go off half-cocked, i think, is a better idea--

So are you saying that the alternative to using DIS resorts board to sort out her family problems is better than going off half-cocked? What is going off half-cocked? Talking to her sister in the first place about it? :confused3

To me, after seeing how little this "problem" really was, it could be considered going off half-cocked getting so angry about her sister on the DIS boards for no good reason. A simple conversation with her sister could have solved the whole misunderstanding.

Again, I mean no offense to the OP. I'm just a bit upset that all this good will was given by good people trying to help, and it was really kind of a waste for what it turned out to be.
Honeybug said:
I am hoping I can get some advice on some family drama. In October my husband and 2 little girls under 3 were going to take a vacation to Disney World with my sister, brother-in-law and 2 nieces under 3. We booked the trip on my sister's credit card. When we decided to take this trip we agreed that we were going to stay from Oct.1st-Oct.9 at the Pop Century in connecting rooms. This WAS supposed to be a cheap (since we booked because of the great dining package) and fun vacation for both families.

Huh? What's the problem?
grimley1968 said:
So are you saying that the alternative to using DIS resorts board to sort out her family problems is better than going off half-cocked? What is going off half-cocked? Talking to her sister in the first place about it? :confused3
To me, after seeing how little this "problem" really was, it could be considered going off half-cocked getting so angry about her sister on the DIS boards for no good reason. A simple conversation with her sister could have solved the whole misunderstanding.
Again, I mean no offense to the OP. I'm just a bit upset that all this good will was given by good people trying to help, and it was really kind of a waste for what it turned out to be.
1) by 'half-cocked" i mean a big nasty emotional scene with her sister. she seemed very upset to me. In that state it is easy to say what you'll soon regret! Not a good thing to 'talk' with someone without a clear perspective & the emotions running high. I think we all know she really needed a little venting, she was so hurt & angry. I don't at all mind
2)it was a good reason to her at the time & probably saved a lot of ill will between her & her DSis by getting other, uninvolved, viewpts. I thought all the advice given here good & some of it excellent! Some posters could be blossoming 'Dear Ann's"
3) I am sorry you feel like 'an idiot'--you were simply responding, in an honest manner, to OP's call for help & advice. Mountain or molehill, good intentions shouldn't make anyone feel foolish. I think it is a very nice thing that Dis'ers are so unselfish & take the time to offer suggestions & let others vent

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