Rust Belt Road Trip (2 UPDATES--1/18)

Black Water

“…keep on rolling
Mississippi moon won't you keep on shining on me
Yeah, keep on shining your light
Gonna make everything, pretty mama
Gonna make everything all right
And I ain't got no worries
Cause I ain't in no hurry at all”

I'd also visited this spot when I was a kid, and knew it was worth the trip. We entered the park and saw this sign:


I'm assuming that means you're supposed to look through binoculars from that point on.

If you look at it without your glasses (try squinting) it looks a bit like a small castle with the drawbridge down… Given that vision (and my warped imagination) I figured that they wanted you to begin storming the castle.

The real attraction was at the bottom of a trail and wooden staircase:

All real attractions are at the bottom of a trail and wooden staircase.

Behold the majesty of Blackwater Falls. The dark color of the water is due to tannic acid, which comes from the trees in the area and gets absorbed into the water.

Mini Bonus Feature!

I'm guessing a state park called Brown Water Falls wouldn't appeal to tourists as much.

You may be on to something there.


Did you set the camera on another rock with the timer on to take that one?

We were driving to our final hotel stay on the trip, the Country Inn of Winchester, Virginia.

We drove through there recently (well… we road through there recently)

Sure, the map says it's only 2 hours, but on windy, mountainous, back-country roads, it feels like 4. Every mile featured numerous switchbacks, steep grades and sharp curves. You'd crawl uphill at 30 mph and speed downhill at...let's say 60.

That’s exactly how I remember the original WV Turnpike to be when I was a kid. The wildest ride I ever took was traversing that particular road in the back of a pickup truck with a homemade wooden topper on it and a folding cot for seating… at night… in a blinding rainstorm.

That… was an adventure.

Luckily, her cheese balls had not made a return appearance.

Most fortunate….

We noticed a take-out window on the side of the restaurant. I figured Outback food would taste just as good in the hotel breakfast room as it did in the restaurant. And we wouldn't need to tip the server! We asked at the window and the wait time was 15 minutes. So we placed our order there. Worked out just fine.

Excellent… I may need to do that just around home. The average wait for a table at Outback in my area is 90 min.

Now, I have a question: how many of you have ever had trouble falling asleep on a hotel bed?

:wave2: but… it depends on just how exhausted I am.

Well, my son David has a foolproof method for you. Here's how it works….



I’m not sure what was funnier…
David’s method for falling asleep…
Or the fact that through out the execution of said method…
His sister never even flinched.

That’s a series of pictures that will need to be shown to the grand kids

If you're wondering, yes, I did put him back in the bed. Eventually.

I’d have left him there… he worked so hard for the spot.

We'll check out some impressive aviation.

Udvar Hazy per chance?
The real attraction was at the bottom of a trail and wooden staircase:

I'm sure the falls were amazing and the pics don't do it justice. ::yes::

On my honeymoon, my DW & I hiked about a mile to these spectacular falls. The water was falling for hundreds of feet and we were standing at the bottom of them. We took a ton of pictures and when we got the pics developed we were like- why does it look like we are standing under someone pouring out a water bottle in some grass?


When we finally crossed the VA border, we found a multi-lane highway. Sarah was relieved, and announced that she had been feeling carsick for the last 2 hours. :sick: Luckily, her cheese balls had not made a return appearance.
WHEW... that could of been horrible. I hope that hasn't happened to anyone else.. popcorn::<-- cheese balls

We asked at the window and the wait time was 15 minutes. So we placed our order there. Worked out just fine.
Smart move! :thumbsup2 <-- thumb

We turned in for the evening. Now, I have a question: how many of you have ever had trouble falling asleep on a hotel bed?
Those pics are classic! You should make a flip book with them! :lmao::lmao:
About 10 minutes away from Canaan Valley is yet another WV state park:
Walt Disney measured how far people could walk between trash cans without throwing trash on the ground. The West Virginia State Park Department used the same method of calculation to determine how far someone could drive in their state until they needed a distraction and something to do.

I'm assuming that means you're supposed to look through binoculars from that point on.
What else could it possibly mean? :confused3

There wasn't a whole lot to see there--just the usual facilities and gift shop with crappy t-shirts and lacquered pieces of wood featuring pithy sayings.
I thought the crappy T-shirts were for Brownwater Falls.

We noticed a take-out window on the side of the restaurant. I figured Outback food would taste just as good in the hotel breakfast room as it did in the restaurant. And we wouldn't need to tip the server! We asked at the window and the wait time was 15 minutes. So we placed our order there. Worked out just fine.
Way to think on your feet. Excellent strategic move. :thumbsup2

Julie and I just sat back and watched this unfold in a surprised/amused state that was basically half this: :confused3 and half this: :rotfl2: I have no idea what was going on in that boy's head. But it sure was entertaining. And hey, he fell asleep.

If you're wondering, yes, I did put him back in the bed. Eventually.
:eek: :eek: :lmao::rotfl2::rotfl:
Wow, I was going to ask if this was for real, but you can't make something like that up.

That’s a series of pictures that will need to be shown to the grand kids
But only after they're prominantly displayed at a high school graduation party and in the picture slideshow for his wedding reception.
Still, we managed to park at the visitor center without incident. There wasn't a whole lot to see there--just the usual facilities and gift shop with crappy t-shirts and lacquered pieces of wood featuring pithy sayings.
If they were on top of their game, they'd sell little bottle of Black Water. Or at least Brown Water.

Behold the majesty of Blackwater Falls. The dark color of the water is due to tannic acid, which comes from the trees in the area and gets absorbed into the water.
The trees are ruining the water supply! How's that for ironic, you tree hugging hippies?

In any case, the falls were impressive and gorgeous. This meant it was family picture time.
The family pictures are awesome!

After our falls-gazing and picture-taking was finished, it was time to head out. We were driving to our final hotel stay on the trip, the Country Inn of Winchester, Virginia. This would be a fairly lengthy drive...with no major highways for 90% of it.
Too bad you did this before you learned that you can travel by map.

Sure, the map says it's only 2 hours, but on windy, mountainous, back-country roads, it feels like 4. Every mile featured numerous switchbacks, steep grades and sharp curves.
Sounds like the perfect opportunity to really let the minivan unwind! It's an automobile playground!

You'd crawl uphill at 30 mph and speed downhill at...let's say 60. :rolleyes1
White-knucking it on the downslopes?

When we finally crossed the VA border, we found a multi-lane highway. Sarah was relieved, and announced that she had been feeling carsick for the last 2 hours. :sick: Luckily, her cheese balls had not made a return appearance.
Do you ever get deja vu? Like something reminds you of a past event, but you just can't put your finger on what? This is going to bug me all day until I think of it...

and after that drive, the kids probably would have mutinied if we'd made them get back in the car.
I have a feeling Scotty would be leader. It's always the one that you least suspect that would tie you and Julie to the front fenders, start racing around town at 70mph screaming "Looks who's in charge now!" a the top of his lungs.pirate:

After the fiasco at Lou's in Chicago, we didn't have any interest in another long wait.
Do you ever get deja vu? Like something reminds you of a past event, but you just can't put your finger on what? This is going to bug me all day until I think of it...

We noticed a take-out window on the side of the restaurant. I figured Outback food would taste just as good in the hotel breakfast room as it did in the restaurant.
Plus, they have little packets of maple syrup if you want that for your steak.

If you're wondering, yes, I did put him back in the bed. Eventually.
Really? I would have stood him back up on his head.
That is a beautiful waterfall!

But the highlight of that day definitely is your son trying to fall asleep! How funny that you thought of taking pictures of him when he did that. :goodvibes
Yay all caught up on this one!!!!

I think we have stayed at that same place in Weston when we go out to Virginia to visit oldest step son and family. That is when we have driven past the Marshall University exits.

We went to Mammoth cave when I was a kid....the only thing I remember about it was that there was a cafeteria underground. I'm guessing I was somewhere between Scotty and Dave in age at that point. When I was 11 we went to the Kennedy Space Center where I also remember the cafeteria. I think maybe my parents never fed me if the highlights of trips are the restaurants :rolleyes: I do remember dad taking a picture of a sign as we entered a building at the space center and I thought that was a dump thing to do. Hopefully I didn't say that outloud at the time because I have taken many, many more sign pictures then he would have ever dreamed of. Some multiple times....I guess in case the words have changed :confused3

This looks like an amazingly fun trip! Except for that whole death trap/ ski lift thing. Have you seen the movie Frozen? I wouldn't have gotten on one of those things in the first place (and that picture of your feet dangling over nothingness....soooo not gonna be my feet in a picture like that!) but after that movie - not even an option!
OMG Mark - that sequence of pictures of Dave was hilarious. My co-workers couldn't understand why I was belly laughing so hard!

You should be proud of him! :thumbsup2

Glad you enjoyed it! We were laughing hard at the time. I still laugh at the one of him on his head against the wall. How do you even do that? :confused3

What is with kids and their sleeping positions? Doing Jedi Knight moves in his sleep perhaps? That was a hilarious montage.

Maybe that's it! He was trying to lift the X-wing fighter out of the swamp. Or the Mike's Place parking lot.

Whatever happens on your last day, you have no chance of toping this update. :rotfl2::worship: Freakin' awesome. The whole time you were taking those pictures did you chuckle to yourself and say, "I can't wait to put these on the DIS boards".

::yes:: Pretty much, yeah. These were meant to be shared.

I know what you mean about those WVA roads. I skied once at Snowshoe. Holy crap. Those were the craziest roads I have EVER seen. And people lived right at the top of the those hills. Must really put the 911 system to the test every now and again.

They're not for the faint of heart, that's for sure. So easy to get carsick.
And a beautiful one at that. The family picture I mean, the falls are cool too and educational.

Thanks! I'm a sucker for waterfalls. Could stare at them all day.

Right about here I said to myself - self why doesn't he put in a to-go order?

Great minds! :thumbsup2

So glad you listened to me! :lmao:

I appreciated your psychic nudgings.

Holy Cow - that is hilarious. :rotfl2:

Thanks! I'm glad everyone is finding it as funny as we did.

Great update Mark.

I was worried initially that the Black Water Falls was going to reference something else, but this was much better.

:eek: :sick:

Also good call on the take away. I'm guessing the tables in the breakfast room held the food just as well as the tables in the restaurant across the street. (We should have thought about that at Lou's) :confused3

Well, at least we learn from our mistakes. Truly, we have a dizzying intellect.

Oh and Dave is a master sleeper. That was just amazing. :worship:

That's an interesting idea. I didn't know there were different levels of sleeping achievement. We all lose points once our wives have babies, I think.

Maybe you were looking through them the wrong way? :laughing:

Or maybe they were out of focus. It was hard to get to the knobs while driving.

Yeah, Brown Water Falls brings to mind something completely different. :eek:

I don't imagine any of them are pleasant.

I don't know how you could ever pick out a favorite family picture from this trip....there are so many that are great.

Thanks Glenn! We ended up copping out on our Christmas card and just putting a bunch of pictures on there.

One question: did you actually drive up to the window or just walk up?

I just walked up to this one. I don't know if they get many people hanging out in there waiting for food, though. :confused3

Hilarious! I'll have to remember this for the next time I'm on a business trip. Hopefully it'll still work even if my sister's not with me.

It's unorthodox, but it seems to work!
“…keep on rolling
Mississippi moon won't you keep on shining on me
Yeah, keep on shining your light
Gonna make everything, pretty mama
Gonna make everything all right
And I ain't got no worries
Cause I ain't in no hurry at all”

Wow, my TR now has its own soundtrack!

If you look at it without your glasses (try squinting) it looks a bit like a small castle with the drawbridge down… Given that vision (and my warped imagination) I figured that they wanted you to begin storming the castle.

Maybe a little. We would certainly have fun storming the castle.

All real attractions are at the bottom of a trail and wooden staircase.

I don't remember a wooden staircase at Space Mountain, but we'll go with it.

Mini Bonus Feature!

You say "Mini Bonus Feature", I say "Whatever I Could Plagiarize From Wikipedia."

You may be on to something there.



Did you set the camera on another rock with the timer on to take that one?

No, this was done by a guest photographer, known as The Guy Who We Asked To Take Our Picture.

We drove through there recently (well… we road through there recently)

Truth be told, I don't remember much about it.

That’s exactly how I remember the original WV Turnpike to be when I was a kid. The wildest ride I ever took was traversing that particular road in the back of a pickup truck with a homemade wooden topper on it and a folding cot for seating… at night… in a blinding rainstorm.

That… was an adventure.

:eek: Now THAT sounds like a story!

Excellent… I may need to do that just around home. The average wait for a table at Outback in my area is 90 min.

Yikes. Definitely the way to go in that case.


I’m not sure what was funnier…
David’s method for falling asleep…
Or the fact that through out the execution of said method…
His sister never even flinched.

I guess she's used to it by now! :rotfl2:

That’s a series of pictures that will need to be shown to the grand kids

Absolutely! Great blackmail material here.

I’d have left him there… he worked so hard for the spot.

Except I probably would have tripped over him when I got up to go to the bathroom.

Udvar Hazy per chance?

Are you peeking ahead?

I'm sure the falls were amazing and the pics don't do it justice.

They were beautiful.

On my honeymoon, my DW & I hiked about a mile to these spectacular falls. The water was falling for hundreds of feet and we were standing at the bottom of them. We took a ton of pictures and when we got the pics developed we were like- why does it look like we are standing under someone pouring out a water bottle in some grass?


:lmao: I think it looks pretty nice. Hard to get a sense of scale in a picture or sometimes.

WHEW... that could of been horrible. I hope that hasn't happened to anyone else.. popcorn::<-- cheese balls

I wouldn't even wish that on my nemesis!

Smart move! :thumbsup2 <-- thumb


Those pics are classic! You should make a flip book with them! :lmao::lmao:

I like it! I like it a lot...
Walt Disney measured how far people could walk between trash cans without throwing trash on the ground. The West Virginia State Park Department used the same method of calculation to determine how far someone could drive in their state until they needed a distraction and something to do.

:rotfl2::rotfl: Well, you saw the "Attractions" sign earlier.

What else could it possibly mean? :confused3

Um...I'll get back to you on that.

I thought the crappy T-shirts were for Brownwater Falls.

Sounds logical to me.

Way to think on your feet. Excellent strategic move. :thumbsup2

Wow, I got a rare Andy stamp of approval! :thumbsup2 :woohoo:

:eek: :eek: :lmao::rotfl2::rotfl:
Wow, I was going to ask if this was for real, but you can't make something like that up.

I only wish I was that creative.

But only after they're prominantly displayed at a high school graduation party and in the picture slideshow for his wedding reception.

This will most definitely happen!

If they were on top of their game, they'd sell little bottle of Black Water. Or at least Brown Water.

Mmmm...sounds tasty.

The trees are ruining the water supply! How's that for ironic, you tree hugging hippies?


The family pictures are awesome!


Too bad you did this before you learned that you can travel by map.

Yeah, that would have been a much better way to go. :sad2:

Sounds like the perfect opportunity to really let the minivan unwind! It's an automobile playground!

I was afraid we were going to look more like Wile E. Coyote's playground.

Do you ever get deja vu? Like something reminds you of a past event, but you just can't put your finger on what? This is going to bug me all day until I think of it...

It'll come to you. Give it time.

I have a feeling Scotty would be leader. It's always the one that you least suspect that would tie you and Julie to the front fenders, start racing around town at 70mph screaming "Looks who's in charge now!" a the top of his lungs.pirate:

I don't think that would be surprising, actually.

Do you ever get deja vu? Like something reminds you of a past event, but you just can't put your finger on what? This is going to bug me all day until I think of it...

Give it time. It'll come to you. (see what I did there?)

Plus, they have little packets of maple syrup if you want that for your steak.

Perfect for brunch!

Really? I would have stood him back up on his head.

I don't think that pose can really be duplicated.
That is a beautiful waterfall!

But the highlight of that day definitely is your son trying to fall asleep! How funny that you thought of taking pictures of him when he did that. :goodvibes

Other parents might have concern for the welfare of their child. We grab the camera. :rotfl2:

Yay all caught up on this one!!!!

I think we have stayed at that same place in Weston when we go out to Virginia to visit oldest step son and family. That is when we have driven past the Marshall University exits.

Welcome back Tanya! Good to see you here again.

We went to Mammoth cave when I was a kid....the only thing I remember about it was that there was a cafeteria underground. I'm guessing I was somewhere between Scotty and Dave in age at that point. When I was 11 we went to the Kennedy Space Center where I also remember the cafeteria. I think maybe my parents never fed me if the highlights of trips are the restaurants :rolleyes: I do remember dad taking a picture of a sign as we entered a building at the space center and I thought that was a dump thing to do. Hopefully I didn't say that outloud at the time because I have taken many, many more sign pictures then he would have ever dreamed of. Some multiple times....I guess in case the words have changed :confused3

I find that sign pictures are good for doing the "you were there" proof picture. Also for helping to organize when you get back on the computer!

This looks like an amazingly fun trip! Except for that whole death trap/ ski lift thing. Have you seen the movie Frozen? I wouldn't have gotten on one of those things in the first place (and that picture of your feet dangling over nothingness....soooo not gonna be my feet in a picture like that!) but after that movie - not even an option!

I have not seen that movie, and now I'm not sure if I want to. I'm definitely sure Julie will not want to see it.
You say "Mini Bonus Feature", I say "Whatever I Could Plagiarize From Wikipedia."

That’s what I said.
You just translated it into proper American-English

Are you peeking ahead?

“Impressive aviation...”
somewhere between Winchester VA and your home in DE...
which means most likely along I-66
“one more DIS-meet...” (DEA?)
considering the rest of the trip, it's probably not in DC...

Dulles seemed to be the most likely possibility.

That... is a nice collection.
I want to go back there (soon)
Excellent… I may need to do that just around home. The average wait for a table at Outback in my area is 90 min.

The wait for the one closest to the house is like that too. I have been know to to do take away on occasion. It is great, everything come right out to the car. And you can ask for extra bread!!! :thumbsup2

Now if can figure out if they do a Wallabydarned to- go I would be set. Somehow I think not- going home with an open container in the car and all.
“Impressive aviation...”
somewhere between Winchester VA and your home in DE...
which means most likely along I-66
“one more DIS-meet...” (DEA?)
considering the rest of the trip, it's probably not in DC...

Dulles seemed to be the most likely possibility.

That... is a nice collection.
I want to go back there (soon)

I might just sit back and let you write the next chapter for me. You've obviously figured out my thought processes...whoa, that's a scary thought. :rotfl2:

Anyway, at least I have someone interested in the next chapter. Since you're hitting on your predictions, where did we have lunch? :rotfl:

The wait for the one closest to the house is like that too. I have been know to to do take away on occasion. It is great, everything come right out to the car. And you can ask for extra bread!!! :thumbsup2

Now if can figure out if they do a Wallabydarned to- go I would be set. Somehow I think not- going home with an open container in the car and all.

It's always fun to come up with a way to beat the system. Especially when it involves very long waits.
Mark, we had a roller coaster of emotions last week. I came to read your update and I found myself absolutely :rotfl::rotfl::rotfl::rotfl:. Your son in his numerous sleeping poses was just too much for me and I bust out laughing. It is now official: my office KNOWS I am nuts.

The waterfall is beautiful, as are those people in front of it. :goodvibes
I might just sit back and let you write the next chapter for me. You've obviously figured out my thought processes...whoa, that's a scary thought. :rotfl2:

So which one of us should be more concerned?

Anyway, at least I have someone interested in the next chapter. Since you're hitting on your predictions, where did we have lunch? :rotfl:

Peanutbutter & Cheese Balls? :lmao:

Knowing you penchant for interesting lunch/dinner stops… that would be a tough one.
If, however it was in the Dulles/Reston area… I’ll take a stab at one of these:

- Anita's - Vienna, VA
- Chutzpah - Fairfax, VA
- Weenie Beenie - Arlington, VA
- El Pollo Rico - Arlington, VA

But I suspect you found something more interesting.
Mark, we had a roller coaster of emotions last week. I came to read your update and I found myself absolutely :rotfl::rotfl::rotfl::rotfl:. Your son in his numerous sleeping poses was just too much for me and I bust out laughing. It is now official: my office KNOWS I am nuts.

The waterfall is beautiful, as are those people in front of it. :goodvibes

Thanks, Kathy! I hope the laughs were good medicine for you after that week from hell. Glad you enjoyed it.

So which one of us should be more concerned?

I believe Andy has his finger on the pulse below.

Peanutbutter & Cheese Balls? :lmao:

:crazy2: What kind of nasty lunch is that?

Knowing you penchant for interesting lunch/dinner stops… that would be a tough one.
If, however it was in the Dulles/Reston area… I’ll take a stab at one of these:

- Anita's - Vienna, VA
- Chutzpah - Fairfax, VA
- Weenie Beenie - Arlington, VA
- El Pollo Rico - Arlington, VA

But I suspect you found something more interesting.

I wish. Sadly, I think by this time we were more interested in finishing the drive home than in searching for another cool spot. Although I would have loved to go into DC to try out Ben's Chili Bowl.
Julie and Tamara.

+1 :thumbsup2


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