Rust Belt Road Trip (2 UPDATES--1/18)

Well, I was going to post an update today, and after working on it off and on throughout the day, my browser suddenly closed out and I lost everything. :mad: :headache:

Guess I'll try again later...

That's why you always type it out and save it in Word and then copy & paste. I thought a veteran like you would have figured that out already. :lmao::rotfl2::rotfl:

It was a gray morning, but we were in a good mood, having stolen an entire try of cinnamon buns from the hotel breakfast area.

Ok, that didn't really happen. I was just trying to get Andy fired up. We limited ourselves to 1 apiece, but I can't say that we weren't tempted to stuff our pockets with more.

Our destination was...


Canaan Valley State Park is primarily a ski resort run by the state of West Virginia's park service. But it's open year-round and features all sorts of activities and services. They have a hotel, pool, ski lift and slopes, golf course, tube slide, and hiking trails. It's also very remote.

I had stayed here a couple of times as a kid on family trips and always enjoyed it. We decided to stop in for the day as a way to break up the drive home. Plus, we'd seen a lot of urban destinations on this trip, and it was time to get out in the country. As we arrived, I used my incredible powers of deduction to determine that a fellow Phineas & Ferb fan was around:


Our first order of business was to go geocaching. What's geocaching, you ask? (Yup, I heard you. Right through the computer screen. Keep it down next time, will ya?)

Geocaching is basically a high-tech scavenger hunt. People all over the world hide "caches", which can be as small as a thumbtack or as large as a shoebox, and then post the coordinates on You look up a region on the website, see if there are any caches you want to try and find, download the coordinates to your handheld GPS unit, and away you go. The cache usually has some simple treasures inside such as patches, pins, coins, or a logbook to sign. You can also go back to the website and log the ones you found.

The resort had their own caches hidden throughout the park and a list of coordinates and hints at the desk. With the list in hand, we headed down the first trail.


After a while, the GPS showed that we were getting close. So we stopped to do what bears do in the woods, which of course is to poke around looking for things people left behind. Why, what did you think they did?

After some searching, we found what appeared to be an army munitions box under some branches.


Naturally, our first instinct was to open it right up. was the geocache! We'd found it, and hadn't blown ourselves to smithereens in the process, which is a bonus. We signed the log book inside to record our names forever in geocaching history....until the page is full and somebody puts a new one inside.


We made our way back to the van.



The next geocache happened to be located at the top of the ski slopes, according to the list. So, darn it all, we were just going to have to take a ride on the ski lift.


We split up, with David and me leading the way on the first chair and Julie following with Sarah and Scotty. As you can see, the chair lift consisted of wide chairs hanging by one arm from a single steel cable with at least a 20-30' drop underneath. We did have a flimsy metal bar that we swung down over our heads to keep us in the chair.


As we rode, we'd have to stop every once in a while as someone was let on or off down at the bottom. When we stopped, the chair would give a slight lurch and then swing a bit, back and forth. Dave thought it was fun once he got used to it.

The view looking back:


And looking down:


We got to the top, waited for Julie and the kids to dismount, and then I asked everyone what they thought of the ski lift. The kids LOVED it! They all had a blast riding up.

Julie...not so much. She was visibly shaking and said, "That was HORRIBLE. I hated it! I was scared to death on that thing."

So, Lindsey Vonn need not be worried about any competition anytime soon.

Still, the view was worth the ride:


And we were also successful in finding a second geocache!


This one also did not explode, which you probably figured out since it would be hard for me to type this TR if it had.

After doing some more hiking at the top of the mountain and enjoying the view, it was time to head back down. Everyone was enthusiastic about riding the ski lift down. Except Julie, who said something like, "I'm not getting back on that @#%$ deathtrap again."

Actually, she said, "I don't think I can ride it down." She got a little pale.

So we talked to the guy at the lift station and asked if there was any way she could walk down. "Sure," the guy said. "Just follow the ski slopes down." The kids all wanted to ride, and required adult supervision. We couldn't find any responsible adults, so I rode with them. Julie set off on foot. I was hoping she'd just drop to the ground and roll, but the slopes seemed to be walk-able.



Looks like the kids were still having fun. We enjoyed a calm ride down the mountain and then waited at the bottom for Julie, hoping it wouldn't take her too long. About five minutes after we'd arrived, she appeared like a siren in the mist:


Julie enjoyed the walk much more than the @#$% deathtrap--excuse me, ski lift. She said it was very quiet and peaceful, and she was even able to see quite a few butterflies. She didn't have any pictures, though, so it's debatable whether that really happened.

Coming Up Next: A spectacular waterfall! And have you ever had problems sleeping in a hotel bed? Dave will give a clinic on how to get to sleep.
Wow, I guess it was pretty bad if your own computer didn't want to read it! :scared1:

Now that was funny.

Canaan Valley State Park is primarily a ski resort run by the state of West Virginia's park service. But it's open year-round and features all sorts of activities and services. They have a hotel, pool, ski lift and slopes, golf course, tube slide, and hiking trails. It's also very remote.

I had stayed here a couple of times as a kid on family trips and always enjoyed it. We decided to stop in for the day as a way to break up the drive home. Plus, we'd seen a lot of urban destinations on this trip, and it was time to get out in the country. As we arrived, I used my incredible powers of deduction to determine that a fellow Phineas & Ferb fan was around:


Didn't know Barry was following you.

...After doing some more hiking at the top of the mountain and enjoying the view, it was time to head back down. Everyone was enthusiastic about riding the ski lift down. Except Julie, who said something like, "I'm not getting back on that @#%$ deathtrap again."

Actually, she said, "I don't think I can ride it down." She got a little pale...

Great update. I especially liked the "deathtrap" saga.
It was a gray morning, but we were in a good mood, having stolen an entire try of cinnamon buns from the hotel breakfast area.
That would help my mood a bit.

Ok, that didn't really happen. I was just trying to get Andy fired up. We limited ourselves to 1 apiece, but I can't say that we weren't tempted to stuff our pockets with more.
1 apiece????????? Now that's even more ridiculous than taking a whole tray.

As we arrived, I used my incredible powers of deduction to determine that a fellow Phineas & Ferb fan was around:
Dooby Dooby Do-ba

Why, what did you think they did?
Sh... I mean peanut butter. :confused3

After some searching, we found what appeared to be an army munitions box under some branches.
WOOOHOOO!!! This trip report is finally getting to the explosions!!!

Naturally, our first instinct was to open it right up.
:sad2: Oh, it was just a geocache...

So, Lindsey Vonn need not be worried about any competition anytime soon.
Julie could always use a snowmobile to get up the mountain. :thumbsup2

This one also did not explode, which you probably figured out since it would be hard for me to type this TR if it had.
So when are you going to get to the explosions?

Except Julie, who said something like, "I'm not getting back on that @#%$ deathtrap again."

Actually, she said, "I don't think I can ride it down." She got a little pale.
In other words, she was thinking the first comment, but the filter between the brain and mouth actually worked.:lmao::rotfl2:

I was hoping she'd just drop to the ground and roll, but the slopes seemed to be walk-able.
:eek: I'm not even sure how to reply to that line. :lmao:

She didn't have any pictures, though, so it's debatable whether that really happened.
If she didn't get any pictures then I guess she saw the tooth fairy, not butterflies. :rolleyes1

And have you ever had problems sleeping in a hotel bed? Dave will give a clinic on how to get to sleep.
I'm eagerly awaiting this one. :lmao::rotfl2::rotfl:
It was a gray morning, but we were in a good mood, having stolen an entire try of cinnamon buns from the hotel breakfast area.

:rotfl2: Hilarious!

The geogaching excursion looked like a great way to enjoy the outdoors. In addition to what bears do in the woods, I heard that the Pope is cache-olic. ::yes::

Sorry that Julie didn't enjoy the chair lift, it can be a little unnerving.
Every road trip typically has a couple of long driving days in the schedule. It's almost impossible to avoid having at least one day where you're stuck in the van most of the time. I had tried to front-load these days into the beginning of the trip when we were fresh and energized so we could enjoy more time at our destinations later on. But I still had this one day left on the itinerary which would put us in position to enjoy the last 2 days of our trip.

On the bright side, we got our final "new" state for the kids:


Interesting how that sign almost camoflages into the scenery. Can I use "camoflage" as a verb?

You can, but only if you spell it right. :teacher: camouflage:lmao::lmao:


Noun:The disguising of military personnel, equipment, and installations by painting or covering them to make them blend in with their...
Verb:Hide or disguise the presence of (a person, animal, or object) by means of camouflage.
Synonyms:noun. disguise
verb. mask - disguise



After lunch, Steve wanted to show us around town a bit. We took a walk across the street to...the Marshall University football stadium. :headache:


Looks like another great meet up -- do you hold the record now for confirmed number of DISmeets on a NON Disney vacation? :thumbsup2

The photo of the two boys walking together is just so cute.

. The kids immediately found the heart of the area, which involved historic trains to climb on.




Looks like they had a great time on the train! Have you ever taken the kids to Lancaster to ride the steam train there?

On the road again, Sarah found a use for her Good 'n Plentys.


:rolleyes: sigh, how is it that no one has mentioned that these must be Good n Fruity's? Good n Plentys are little heavenly bits of black licorice coated in thick pink and white sugary goodness. THough really they look like Mike & Ikes ;)

And Scotty made sure Buddy Bison was well-nourished.



Um, I'm pretty sure you just did.....

wow, i am worried. I think I agreed with just about everything Glenn said. must be a PA thing :lmao:

I did think about that as a possible danger...

...then I figured, "There's probably nobody reading this crap anyway." :laughing:

I thought crap chapter was at the beginning of the TR?

(I truly enjoy reading your Crap.)

Well, I was going to post an update today, and after working on it off and on throughout the day, my browser suddenly closed out and I lost everything. :mad: :headache:

Guess I'll try again later...
that sucks. really.


It was a gray morning, but we were in a good mood, having stolen an entire try of cinnamon buns from the hotel breakfast area.

that is a lovely gray picture! I love the mountain scenes like that.

Was there camping at that state park? it looks lovely.

That is one sweet ride!
Our first order of business was to go geocaching. What's geocaching, you ask? (Yup, I heard you. Right through the computer screen. Keep it down next time, will ya?)

I have been trying to entice my family into Geocaching but they are not biting yet. It looks like a lot of fun, and I bet the kids LOVE to find that little "treasure" box!


Julie enjoyed the walk much more than the @#$% deathtrap--excuse me, ski lift. She said it was very quiet and peaceful, and she was even able to see quite a few butterflies. She didn't have any pictures, though, so it's debatable whether that really happened.

Coming Up Next: A spectacular waterfall! And have you ever had problems sleeping in a hotel bed? Dave will give a clinic on how to get to sleep.

It's true, that Julie is one smart lady. Hmm hours in the van with the family, death defying ride up a ski lift with said family, and a quiet peaceful walk down hill by her self listening to birds and watching butterflies? Julie I need to take lessons from you!:worship:

Have a GREAT Christmas!!!

LOVE this picture!

As we rode, we'd have to stop every once in a while as someone was let on or off down at the bottom. When we stopped, the chair would give a slight lurch and then swing a bit, back and forth. Dave thought it was fun once he got used to it.

What bothered me more than anything was not having anything to put my feet on. I think if there had been a footrest - even in the open seat - I would have handled it a lot better.

And looking down:


I still get nauseous looking at this one....

We got to the top, waited for Julie and the kids to dismount, and then I asked everyone what they thought of the ski lift. The kids LOVED it! They all had a blast riding up.

Julie...not so much. She was visibly shaking and said, "That was HORRIBLE. I hated it! I was scared to death on that thing."

After doing some more hiking at the top of the mountain and enjoying the view, it was time to head back down. Everyone was enthusiastic about riding the ski lift down. Except Julie, who said something like, "I'm not getting back on that @#%$ deathtrap again."

Actually, she said, "I don't think I can ride it down." She got a little pale.

Just couldn't handle the dangling feet any more!

So we talked to the guy at the lift station and asked if there was any way she could walk down. "Sure," the guy said. "Just follow the ski slopes down."

My new favorite person at the time!

Julie enjoyed the walk much more than the @#$% deathtrap--excuse me, ski lift. She said it was very quiet and peaceful, and she was even able to see quite a few butterflies. She didn't have any pictures, though, so it's debatable whether that really happened.

:hippie: There were TONS of butterflies. It was a truly beautiful, peaceful experience. :) :hippie:

In other words, she was thinking the first comment, but the filter between the brain and mouth actually worked.:lmao::rotfl2:

Exactly!!! :thumbsup2

Sorry that Julie didn't enjoy the chair lift, it can be a little unnerving.

Sorry Julie did not like the Chair lift. Glad she was able to walk down.

Thanks for the sympathy!

:rolleyes: sigh, how is it that no one has mentioned that these must be Good n Fruity's? Good n Plentys are little heavenly bits of black licorice coated in thick pink and white sugary goodness. THough really they look like Mike & Ikes ;)

You're right! Come to think of it, they were Mike & Ikes! +1 to you for noticing a TR error! :thumbsup2

It's true, that Julie is one smart lady. Hmm hours in the van with the family, death defying ride up a ski lift with said family, and a quiet peaceful walk down hill by her self listening to birds and watching butterflies? Julie I need to take lessons from you!:worship:

I KNEW there was a method to my madness!!
Great update. And don't worry, Julie, I was on a ski lift once and did NOT care for it at all.

I really want to wish all of you -- Mark, Julie, Sarah, Dave and Scotty a very Merry Christmas.

I seem to be following Marv around tonight....

Mark I wish your entire family a
:santa: Merry Christmas :santa:
You're right! Come to think of it, they were Mike & Ikes! +1 to you for noticing a TR error! :thumbsup2

I KNEW there was a method to my madness!!

I am from the town next to the town that created Mike and Ikes. plus I LOVE those fruity jelly candy coated treats.

I thought of you when I was on the sky ride with Katie last week at Hershey Park, hoping not to be in the newspaper the next day as freak accident.:scared1:

YAY we were not
Hope you all had a wonderful wonderful Christmas.
I’m late to this party… but I did make over here.

Canaan Valley State Park is primarily a ski resort run by the state of West Virginia's park service.

I’ve never been over to that part of the state. It looks a lot like the rest of the spots in the state that I have been to, but still, there are some right nice views in your pictures.

We decided to stop in for the day as a way to break up the drive home.

Because… That’s what you do.


By the way… I have now sunk to the low depths of mini-van ownership (having just acquired a decade old specimen to be used as a third vehicle). I may need to do something like this to brighten up the driving experience.

Hi ho… Hi ho… it’s off to work we go…
(I’ll let everyone else decide which of you is playing the part of which dwarf here)

And… another great oblivious family shot. That is some very pretty countryside.

BTW… who snapped the picture?

*** insert wolf whistle here ***

*** whamp***


Don’t worry, that was just my DW whacking me with a frying pan.
(I’ve got to stop letting her read Barry’s TR… She’s learning things from Bambi that are not in my best interest.)

Coming Up Next: A spectacular waterfall!

Is it like the ones y’all saw back in Ohio?

Dave will give a clinic on how to get to sleep.

This should be interesting…
Well today I learned what geocaching is (actually I think I spelled that wrong, but I am not going to correct it :laughing:). What a unique and fun adventure.

That ski resort looks lovely and I'm glad the kids enjoyed their hike and their trip up and down the mountain. Julie - not so much....:rotfl: I have been on all kinds of ski lifts in my younger years so they don't freak me out too much. It looks like a lovely resort and so old school.

Beautiful pictures.

Oh - and that van - too funny! :rotfl:
Great update Mark! Since your off for the rest of 2011, we should see it all wrapped up soon, just like Barry's report right :rolleyes1
Plus, we'd seen a lot of urban destinations on this trip, and it was time to get out in the country.
Excellent. Every vacation needs a good mix of Yuppies and Rednecks.:thumbsup2

As we arrived, I used my incredible powers of deduction to determine that a fellow Phineas & Ferb fan was around
It's a shame the license plate didn't read "D.E. INC"

Our first order of business was to go geocaching.
Hey Mark - what'd geocaching?
Geocaching is basically a high-tech scavenger hunt.
Oh, thanks. That sounds like fun.

After a while, the GPS showed that we were getting close.
Wouldn't you be surprised if you found a CTA bus stop out there? Yeah, I don't think I would either. :sad2:

So we stopped to do what bears do in the woods, which of course is to poke around looking for things people left behind. Why, what did you think they did?
Differential Calculus?

Julie...not so much. She was visibly shaking and said, "That was HORRIBLE. I hated it! I was scared to death on that thing."
Julie - you did a heck of a job just getting on and riding up. :thumbsup2

This one also did not explode, which you probably figured out since it would be hard for me to type this TR if it had.
You could be doing it with one of those Steven Hawking-type voice things...

Everyone was enthusiastic about riding the ski lift down. Except Julie, who said something like, "I'm not getting back on that @#%$ deathtrap again."
You think that's a deathtrap? You should take a ride in my rolling rust bucket of doom mini van. The ski lift at least gets regular inspections by trained maintenance personnel. My van gets looked at by a semi-trained chimpanzee with a monkey wrench. Which is ironic, because chimpanzees are apes, not monkeys. What was I talking about again?

Actually, she said, "I don't think I can ride it down." She got a little pale.
What did she do with the little pale? Did it come with a little shovel? Was she going to make sandcastles up on the mountain?

So we talked to the guy at the lift station and asked if there was any way she could walk down. "Sure," the guy said. "Just follow the ski slopes down."
Did she jump from side to side and make a "woosh, woosh, woosh" sound as she went. Because I probably wouldn't. :rolleyes1

About five minutes after we'd arrived, she appeared like a siren in the mist
Did you have the kids tie you to the van so you could listen to her enchanting song without running into a pile of rocks and killing yourself? Wait a second, that's Rob's Trip Report. My bad.

She said it was very quiet and peaceful, and she was even able to see quite a few butterflies. She didn't have any pictures, though, so it's debatable whether that really happened.
I believe here. Sirens have never steered anyone wrong before. Except for that whole Odyssey thing from my last response.above. Which we've already determined belongs in Rob's TR. So I'm not sure why we're even talking about this.

Great update Mark! Since your off for the rest of 2011, we should see it all wrapped up soon, just like Barry's report right :rolleyes1
:confused3:confused3 :guilty::guilty: :headache::headache: :mad::mad: :dance3:
I'm not sure what those dancing smilies are doing in there.
Did you have the kids tie you to the van so you could listen to her enchanting song without running into a pile of rocks and killing yourself? Wait a second, that's Rob's Trip Report. My bad.

:lmao: :lmao:

Yes… but Mark’s TR is certainly more interesting then mine
(at least the post & read counts and the number of folks commenting would lead one to believe so).

However… mine does come equipped with explosions.
Hey Mark...

I'm all caught up! I love your report! I think I need to save this link for when I take a road trip, which according to my DW, will never happen. :sad2:

I skipped the banter and it still took me 3 separate times to read through all your updates! :rotfl2:

I'll be reading all the useless jargon from here on out! :surfweb: :rotfl::rotfl:


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