Room location request problems?


May 8, 2015
I have been trying to update my room location request for three days with no luck. The drop down selection has been blank each time. I contacted disney signature services and they said the system must be undergoing magical enhancements when I'm trying....but really? For three whole days? Anyone else having any problems? Thanks.
OK - won't work for everyone....

1) If DVC - make requests by phone, or EMAIL TO DVC. Then NEVER touch the WDW Website.
2) Other - CALL. Website has been broken for a good YEAR, regarding room requests.

All personal opinion - I'm not necessarily right, no one else is necessarily wrong.
Thanks. This is our first time staying at Beach Club, staying club level, and staying in a 1 bedroom suite. I don't even know what the options would be. I guess they could tell me when I call? I just like being able to see and think about my choices before making a Thanks for all your responses! To the Walt wait queue I go.
Thanks. This is our first time staying at Beach Club, staying club level, and staying in a 1 bedroom suite. I don't even know what the options would be. I guess they could tell me when I call? I just like being able to see and think about my choices before making a Thanks for all your responses! To the Walt wait queue I go.

There isn't a set of options you must choose from when you make a request by phone. Just ask for what you want. And if there isn't anything specific that you want to ask for, there's no rule that says you have to make a request. I can't remember the last time I've made a request at a Disney resort, or at any hotel, really.

The online check-in site just has a short, generic list of common requests that often aren't even specific to your resort.
I have been trying to update my room location request for three days with no luck. The drop down selection has been blank each time. I contacted disney signature services and they said the system must be undergoing magical enhancements when I'm trying....but really? For three whole days? Anyone else having any problems? Thanks.
I made all of my requests through my travel agent.
I know the website sees a lot of traffic, but it is riddled with issues and glitches! I'd hate to be in charge of that gig! haha...

We use touring plans to fax our request over and have had good luck doing things that way, trying it again this year so I guess we will find out what happens!


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