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It looks like most people get ROFR "pass or take" within 14-20 days. We're right at day 15 now so it's all I can think about. I'm hoping the mouse passes so we can become first time DVC members! This has been my dream for years! Best of luck to everyone else in this waiting period! It feels like torture and I'm getting nervous seeing them taking so many SSR listings!
I'm at day 11.

Ours is SSR, 100 pts $88/pt. None for 2016 and 89 for 2017.

I'm nervous as H-E-Double hockey sticks.
In case anyone wants to see the stats on February ROFR from contracts sold at DVC Resale Market....

From the blog:
In the month of February, Disney exercised their right of first refusal (ROFR) on 37 of 250 contracts sold through the DVC Resale Market, representing 14.8% of the contracts sold. This raises the year-to-date buy back rate to 12.2%. Thus far, the 2017 buy back rate is more than 2.5x that of the 4.4% buy back rate of 2016. In February, 85.2% of contracts were waived by Disney and year-to-date the waiver rate is 87.8%.

Once again, same as January, the majority are from Saratoga.
Ugh. I'm not even a week into waiting. Looks like they are still into BLT too, they took a 160 @ $113.
I'm at 1 week today, with SSR, full points available. Priced under the average sale price. Oct use year, and I don't see many of those on there, so maybe that's a good sign.
BEW---$77-$15708-180-AKV-Oct-3/16, 180/17, 180/18- sent 3/1

DVC virgin....fingers crossed that AKV remains less likely to be taken by the mouse!
There's something going on here with Saratoga, it's weird. Someone else just reported that they too have been told at the DVC Sales Centre some revamp is coming. Apparently they were even told Murphy beds are going to be put in, in the revamp. So that's 2 people now.
I wonder how big a difference it makes to Disney when the buyer is paying closing costs and MF's for the points they are purchasing that will be available. That means more money upfront from Disney to buy the property, so I would have to think it does matter. I will get 179 of the 200 points in June, but I will have to pay the seller for those 179 point MFs. I could have negotiated this, but I thought the ppp was fair. Who knows. Time will tell!
Something to keep in mind while waiting on ROFR:

"In the month of February, Disney exercised their right of first refusal (ROFR) on 37 of 250 contracts sold through the DVC Resale Market, representing 14.8% of the contracts sold. This raises the year-to-date buy back rate to 12.2%. Thus far, the 2017 buy back rate is more than 2.5x that of the 4.4% buy back rate of 2016. In February, 85.2% of contracts were waived by Disney and year-to-date the waiver rate is 87.8%"

Basically, over 85% of contracts aren't bought back. Again, I have no idea what they will do with mine, and I might hear back in at any time that they took it back, but it does put things in perspective.
Doesn't it make sense for the majority of ROFR'd contracts to be SSR contracts, simply because SSR has the largest amount of units...?
Yes, correct. Nearly a quarter of SSR are being bought though, and they seem to be the ones with 2017 points. Shame we can't get stats in terms of percentage SSR bought back with full 2016 points. It is bound to be higher than 25%, but what- 50%, 80%? Who knows. The agents could tell us...
DP58---$70-$17311-220-OKW-Oct-0/15, 118/16, 220/17, 220/18- sent 2/7, taken 3/1
I had a feeling it was going, at least I'm out of my misery

I'm surprised as we've recently sold a very similar contract and it passed ROFR in 10 days.

I hope you find another one soon.
Doesn't it make sense for the majority of ROFR'd contracts to be SSR contracts, simply because SSR has the largest amount of units...?
It would but it seems they are targeting SSR with nearly a quarter of them bought back. See the stats on the above link.
I wonder how big a difference it makes to Disney when the buyer is paying closing costs and MF's for the points they are purchasing that will be available. That means more money upfront from Disney to buy the property, so I would have to think it does matter. I will get 179 of the 200 points in June, but I will have to pay the seller for those 179 point MFs. I could have negotiated this, but I thought the ppp was fair. Who knows. Time will tell!
Wondering this too, mine has all 2017 points but the seller is paying the dues.
Just got the email, we passed! Literally no logic to this but I'm one extremely happy camper!!

Sean91---$74-$12290-160-SSR-Feb-0/16, 0/17, 102/18- sent 2/10 Passed 03/02

Yay! Congrats. Enjoy your future trips!
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