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I am sure VDH will be nice. The last time we went to the land, we stayed at the DLH and had serious FOMO every time we took the daily long walk to the park while having to watch the VGC royalty just get right into the park from their rooms!
Until Disneyland forward comes along and VDH will have its own entrance into the newest, latest and greatest!
I am sure VDH will be nice. The last time we went to the land, we stayed at the DLH and had serious FOMO every time we took the daily long walk to the park while having to watch the VGC royalty just get right into the park from their rooms!
Coming from the East Coast, we did a 3/3 split stay last time and that felt just about right.
All of this VGC talk is killing me! Has anyone confirmed that they are buying back VGC now? Well I guess I just need to wait a few more weeks to find out if I lost mine and hop back on and go for another one if they take it. I just hate the uncertainty….. :)
All of this VGC talk is killing me! Has anyone confirmed that they are buying back VGC now? Well I guess I just need to wait a few more weeks and hop back on and go for another one. I just hate the uncertainty….. :)
No reports of a buyback since Feb 2020, on this board anyway. And that was priced at $165 pp. DVD most likely acquired those VGC points through default/foreclosure. Highly unlikely any points will be ROFR’d at today’s prices.
There is so much wrong with this, I don't know where to begin.

1. 5 nights in a standard room in November (weekdays, and not Thanksgiving, because that's what you're getting with 100 points) is $3,989 rack rate, not $5,000.

2. Nobody pays rack rate, 25% discount is almost always available, so now we're at $2,992. $30 of cash price saved per point is middle-of-the-road at WDW overall, and bottom-of-the-barrel for Studios.

3. Standard hotel room wouldn't include a kitchenette, but it does include daily housekeeping, so we'll call that a wash.

4. Maintenance fees exist.

5. Time value of money exists. Invested funds spin off a return. Straight-line "purchase price per point per year" is not any kind of valid analysis.
there is one thing I have learned being both a new owner and a member of these boards and that is DVC is not about math. Do what makes you happy.
There’s a thread around here somewhere that broke down the math at $400 per point for VGC and it still being a better financial move than paying cash. Rack rates (even when discounted) at VGC are astronomical.

As a west coaster and native of LA, when it comes to DLR stays I see a lot of tunnel vision as well - too much focus on Disney properties (understandable on a Disney forum of course!). At the end of August we are staying at the brand new JW Marriott in the GardenWalk for under $250 a night. The walk is very similar to DLH and the rooms are nicer. Plus there is the new Westin that is under a mile walk. There is no Disney bubble here. The closest beds to the front gates of Disneyland aren't even owned by Disney. To me the cost calculations per night stay are just really different for DLR. We live in Oregon now, but being So Cal born and raised creates a different view on value calculations I think.
have you stayed in a VGC 1BR? They are GLORIOUS. Rack rate would cost $1500-1800 a night as opposed to 31-50 points a night. At that rate, you would make up the initial cost in 15-20 nights worth of stay. Every night past that is almost for free minus the MFs.
This hits home for us. We have three kids and have to stay in larger accommodations when we travel, studios are off the table. Having a full kitchen, w/d, and separate sleeping/living areas, all located only steps away from the parks...very appealing.

I have a DVC travel spreadsheet that compares the approximate value of our points compared to the rack rate price at time of travel, the delta is impressive.
there is one thing I have learned being both a new owner and a member of these boards and that is DVC is not about math. Do what makes you happy.
I completely disagree. What "makes me happy" is going on vacation at Animal Kingdom Lodge and Aulani. Staying at Animal Kingdom Lodge or Aulani using cash versus buying a contract and staying with points does not affect my happiness because I'm going to have the same vacation either way. The decision to do one versus the other is absolutely a matter of math.
Congrats, is it easy to spot international sellers?
Thank you! In my case, a fellow Dis member let me know about the international seller after our contracts were both taken on the same day. I have seen it posted on DVC store right on the listing and on DVC Sales if you click on the individual listing.
This hits home for us. We have three kids and have to stay in larger accommodations when we travel, studios are off the table. Having a full kitchen, w/d, and separate sleeping/living areas, all located only steps away from the parks...very appealing.

I have a DVC travel spreadsheet that compares the approximate value of our points compared to the rack rate price at time of travel, the delta is impressive.
Why are you even asking us idiots? All it’s doing is getting us all riled up over the perceived value of VGC, which for me is no brainer but you’re gonna give the Captain an ulcer for crying out loud! Just buy VGC and be done with it already. You already know that nothing beats VGC period. End this suffering now!!! 🤣
As a west coaster and native of LA, when it comes to DLR stays I see a lot of tunnel vision as well - too much focus on Disney properties (understandable on a Disney forum of course!). At the end of August we are staying at the brand new JW Marriott in the GardenWalk for under $250 a night. The walk is very similar to DLH and the rooms are nicer. Plus there is the new Westin that is under a mile walk. There is no Disney bubble here. The closest beds to the front gates of Disneyland aren't even owned by Disney. To me the cost calculations per night stay are just really different for DLR. We live in Oregon now, but being So Cal born and raised creates a different view on value calculations I think.
Am a west coaster and native of LA as well! Nice to meet you! I disagree about the new JW Marriott, alas. We stayed there for a night last year and were super disappointed. The hotel was new, but felt generic and lacking in both character and amenities. The pool area was crammed in a small space and nothing special. Our room had a view of the freeway…ugh. GardenWalk is no Downtown Disney and felt in comparison a tad low end.

And I disagree about there being no Disney bubble at DL. Of course there is, and we feel it every time we stay at either DLH or VGC.
I completely disagree. What "makes me happy" is going on vacation at Animal Kingdom Lodge and Aulani. Staying at Animal Kingdom Lodge or Aulani using cash versus buying a contract and staying with points does not affect my happiness because I'm going to have the same vacation either way. The decision to do one versus the other is absolutely a matter of math.
The point is that many people do mathematical gymnastics to try and justify it. And you can make the math work to justify it or not justify it. At the end of the day it is about what you want and can “afford”. I purchased direct points because I wanted the direct perks. Even though they are small and maybe the “math” doesn’t work for them but it brings me joy and doesn’t effect me being able to feed my family. I couldn’t be happier with my purchase. Could I have continued to rent points? Yeah maybe. Would the math tell me to do something else with my money? Probably. Do I care? Nope. It was the right choice for me and my family and I am over the moon about it. (Now I am adding resale contracts and probably more direct VGF).
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