refillable mug and dining plan, when does the clock start when....


DIS Veteran
Feb 28, 2011
you are starting the dining plan on your second day/resort at disney. Thinking of maybe staying at value one night , then switching to DVC. If we get dining plan starting with DVC stay, when and where can we pick up a mug and start to use it? Do we have to be checked out of first resort?

Right now it's cheaper to tack on a day at a value, and fly in a day earlier. But wondering if the mug can be picked up at value resort and use on before we even get to the DVC resort.
A Disney hotel day starts about 6am Eastern time. You should be able to pick up your mug at your resort as soon as the location that has the mugs opens for the day.

All your dining credits are available from the beginning of the day through when the last one is used or the close of restaurants/participating food service locations at the last day of your stay(effectively, some time before midnight), whichever occurs first. The mug is good for 14 days beginning at the day your stay begins.
So if staying at a value, we can pick up a mug at that food court at 9 a.m. and it will be charged to the dining plan that it associated with a dvc stay? That we will check into 6 hours later?

This extra day is all iffy with airfare changes.
Your dining plan is associated with a particular stay at a particular resort. You pick up your mug at (the primary) quick service location at that resort.

If your dining plan is associated with your second resort, you will most likely need to pick up your mug(s) at the QS location at that resort.
Thank you for the information . Just hopeful wishing to save a bit before getting to the dvc resort.
I don’t believe you need to pick up your mug at the resort you are staying at as the DDP is linked to your account, not the resort you are physically at.

I believe you should be able to pick up your mug at Pop at 7AM the day you are moving to your DVC resort. Your dining credits will be available then (and can be used at Pop) so why can’t the mug be picked up and start to be used too?

To clarify, this cannot be done the day you arrive at Pop, only the day you’re checking out of Pop and into your DVC resort as that’s the day your DDP starts.
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I don’t believe you need to pick up your mug at the resort you are staying at as the DDP is linked to your account, net the resort you are physically at.

I believe you should be able to pick up your mug at Pop at 7AM the day you are moving to your DVC resort. Your dining credits will be available then (and can be used at Pop) so why can’t the mug be picked up and start to be used too?

To clarify, this cannot be done the day you arrive at Pop, only the day you’re checking out of Pop and into your DVC resort as that’s the day your DDP starts.
Yes, this is what I was hoping.

Additional question, I’ve heard of the “good for 14 day” rule many times. What do those lucky people who stay for 3 or 4 weeks do? Have to buy another mug? We won’t be there that long, but just realized we may hit 15-16 days……again airfare issues. I’m seeing some big jumps from one day to the next.
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Yes, this is what I was hoping.

Additional question, I’ve heard of the “good for 14 day” rule many times. What do those lucky people who stay for 3 or 4 weeks do? Have to buy another mug? We won’t be there that long, but just realized we may hit 15-16 days……again airfare issues. I’m seeing some big jumps from one day to the next.

Keep your receipt and they will reactivate it
Do we have to be checked out of first resort?
We were told “yes” a month ago.

Were at ASMu first for resort only one night. Attached DP to stay @ GV the next.

Tried to get it going @ ASMu for a coffee that morning. No go, told sorry, had to check out, then into GF before it could be activated.

When dropping luggage at the GF for storage around 9:30 am, stopped @ front desk to make sure we were good to go there. Able to get the mugs, no problem.

Now I have to try this, just to see what happens. Most likely on way over to resort, pick up a 6 pack of soda, just to tide us over to next day. If we can get the mug, great, if not, we'll still have something to drink. Thousand dollars tickets ok, but $5 sodas, unbelievable.
You can grab your mug at the resort you're staying at, and your dining credits start right away, so you can use the mug before you switch to your DVC resort.
Just thinking on this again. Some have said you have to check in dvc resort first. How does this happen these days when we can do online check in months ahead?
I have similar question. I was thinking of mobile ordering quick service lunch the morning of check in day. This will be before physically checking in at the resort, before being on Disney property. I wonder if I can use my dining credits when I mobile order, or I have to check in first before the credits come to my account to use.

I seem to remember that you had to be checked in first to activate the dining plan, it wasn’t automatically active on check in day, but I don’t know if that has changed now.
I am not sure of any of the logic. One never really checks out unless you tell the front desk -I have been told to do this by some and got weird looks from others when I did it-Your DP is in fact attached a reservation which is why some DVC like us will make a one day and ? Day reservation. You can not combine as it will either charge for all days or cancel the DP not sure been told both. Try the app you should be able to order the mug that way if your DP is active otherwise go to the front desk and check out that should work.
I just talked to disney by chat. Told plans of staying at all stars one night, go to park and then go to DVC. CM had to check with others. She said I have to pick up the mugs at DVC resort but will have no issues using credits at park.

Still doesn't make sense to me.

I will attempt to pick up mugs at All stars around 9 ish on check out day. Only 5 1/2 months to get an answer.
We were told “yes” a month ago.

Were at ASMu first for resort only one night. Attached DP to stay @ GV the next.

Tried to get it going @ ASMu for a coffee that morning. No go, told sorry, had to check out, then into GF before it could be activated.

When dropping luggage at the GF for storage around 9:30 am, stopped @ front desk to make sure we were good to go there. Able to get the mugs, no problem.

I thought all resorts now had coffee pots ? Not true?
I am not sure of any of the logic. One never really checks out unless you tell the front desk -I have been told to do this by some and got weird looks from others when I did it-Your DP is in fact attached a reservation which is why some DVC like us will make a one day and ? Day reservation. You can not combine as it will either charge for all days or cancel the DP not sure been told both. Try the app you should be able to order the mug that way if your DP is active otherwise go to the front desk and check out that should work.
Yes, we are staying at Jumbo one night, and then moving. For us, it's only the added value of the mugs, that makes the one day dining plan worth it.
I believe they do - but what those coffee pots produce, from the pods that are provided, is not always considered "coffee" by some of us! :tongue:
Is it much different than the pots at food courts?

We always bring our own coffee for our DVC stays.
Is it much different than the pots at food courts?

We always bring our own coffee for our DVC stays.
It's been some years since we stayed at a non-DVC resort (where we bring our own coffee, like you do), but if I remember correctly, the coffee in the food court at Pop and at Coronado Springs was better than what the little pot in the room made. But nothing is anywhere near as good as our own!


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