Received Cruise Docs Today for 3/9/02!!


Earning My Ears
Dec 15, 2001
I can't believe it but I received my cruise docs today for my 7 day Magic cruise on 3/9/02! After reading all the posts here I thought I wouldn't receive them until about 2 weeks before the cruise. Lots of information to go through but it certainly makes me even more excited than I was before (if that's possible)!

I'll be reading them from cover to cover now....

Palm Harbor, FL:)
Wow, they're really getting early!! I wonder if we'll get our Easter cruise docs. before our Feb. 7th cruise. We had the ones for Jan. 17th and Feb. 7th at the same time, and of course hubby filled in the wrong ones. :smooth: :smooth:
But I was careful to make sure that we brought the correct ones with us on the trip!
Visit the Platinum Castaway Club at:
...but we didn't receive our docs today. maybe you got yours so soon since you are in florida???

anything in there worth sharing?
Originally posted by atigeg
Easter cruise docs. before our Feb. 7th cruise. We had the ones for Jan. 17th and Feb. 7th

WOW, Holly Cow! Jan 17th; Feb 7th; Apr ?. Three Cruise in first four months of 2002. What a way to start!. I'm so envious. No wonder you guys are Platinum cruisers.
We are sailing in March too (Easter weekend)...we usually do a week at a dude ranch, but due to 9/11 I don't want to fly too far, so we are doing a total of nine Disney cruises:
#18 was 1/17
#19 Feb. 7, #20 in March (Easter), #21 in April, #22 May 25th (a 7-day on the new itinerary...yay!!), #23 July 4th weekend, #24 Labor Day weekend, followed by four days at WDW and then #25 that next Thurs. and #26 Thanksgiving weekend. 9 in one year...whew!! We'll "only" be doing 7 in 2003, as we want to do a dude ranch and African safari that year as well.
Visit the Platinum Castaway Club at:
That is sure encouraging! I am hoping we receive our March 30th early too - want to have time to pour through them and get totally excited about our cruise! LOL!
I am sooo jealous, do you think since we are on the 16th we could get ours next week? How thrilling! :eek:
Thats fantastic news! That means I just have to wait only about say NINE MORE months to receive our Dec 7 documents, I can hardly wait! I just had to share this with someone as nobody else here knows about our trip. I hope I don't break down and tell DH!

Have a "WONDER"FUL, "MAGIC"AL TRIP! I'm sure you will have a great time the ships are beautiful. I can't wait to board again!
What a surprise this evening! Right outside our door was the famous FedEx box with our cruise docs. Only six weeks from tonight we'll be at the Raddisson!
I am sailing March 2th and I didn't receive mine.

My TA told me that I will receive them only two to three weeks before.

I come you receive yours ! Did you book directly with DCL ?
We're on the March 16th cruise and I can't wait to get our documents. It's always exciting to receive mail from Disney!!!
We booked directly through DCL last March. When we made final payment in December, DCL rep also said we would receive our docs about 2 weeks before the cruise. What a pleasant surprise to receive them 6 weeks before our Magic cruise!
We're sailing 3/9 too but haven't received anything yet. The sled dogs tend to slow down this time of year. Actually it's been a mild winter here in Northern Ontario but it's never mild enough for me. Six more weeks!!!!!
Didn't get documents for the March 9, 2002, maybe Monday. I am suddenly getting very excited.
woo-hoo! it's becoming real!! i'll tell you, though, the packages sure have changed since our first cruise. then, we received the brown envelope of today in a larger, blue package that included a much more elaborate brochure and a dcl notepad.

anyway, time to get serious!
We got our Documents on Tuesday for our March 7th cruise. Talk about excited..... I nearly fell of my chair at work when they arrived.

I was expecting them in about 3 weeks!

I didn't get mine yet for the March 7 cruise. I really don't expect to get them for a little while because I only made my reservations on Monday!!!

Melissa:) :earsgirl:


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