Question for y'all


USF Rocks!
Nov 29, 2000
Hi! Just wondering when you folks think a good time would be to head down to USO for about 3 1/2 to 4 days of vacation. We were fortunate enough that when we were at IOA 2 years ago we all 3 got free 1 day tickets to Universal. (Long story, the guest relations folks asked us to help them out by giving out some special tickets to employees of the parks that were doing exceptionally good jobs). We want to do a quick trip down there, like do a 4 day weekend, and also go to Sea World while we're down there, and probably get another day ticket for Universal too. If you guys were able to, what time of year would you go? Mardi Gras is sounding interesting, but is it awfully crowded then? What about some other time? Thanks for the input!

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We visited the parks in mid-October, 2000 and it was wonderful. The weather was warm enough to ride the water rides without being cold when you got off, but not so hot that you were miserable the entire day. There were no lines at either park. We spend 2 days there, Wed. & Thurs., and never had to wait more than 10 mins. for anything. Of course, the hours are shorter at that time so that is a draw back. It was perfect for us.

Been there, done that, going back!!!


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