Question about 4* Hotels in WDW Vicinity (Priceline)


Proud Parents of EJ!
Dec 18, 2000
Is it true that there only FOUR 4* hotels in the WDW Vicinity, for which a bid could be accepted through Priceline? I have heard that they are: 1. Swan (onsite)
2. Dolphin (onsite)
3. Wyndam Palace (Do they have EE and e-nights? This is in DD, correct?)
4. Marriot Orlando World Center (How far offsite is this?)

I am planning a May trip (05/12 - 05/20) and would love to steal a deal at either the Swan/Dolphin or the Wyndam. Has anyone here been successful at booking these resorts through PL for $50 to $75 per night? Any information would be helpful. I have searched the Priceline/Exepdia bulletin boards.


04/99 off-site Radisson Resort Parkway
05/01 off-site (?)
To be honest with you I haven't heard of anyone getting the Swan and Dolphin lately. I have heard mostly at the Moarriot worls with very few at the Wyndam.

Last Feb. I bid that same vicinity for an Aug 22-26 stay. My bid was for $68 and I had $10 for some credit card application. I did get the Swan and was so impressed that I will bestaying there twice this coming year.

Before you do Priceline please read the FAQ on the resort. You may qualify for one of their discounts. They also have the Entertainment card rate and an AWESOME annual pass rate!

Click HERE to go to the FAQ!

Hope it helps!


<font size=3><font color=red>
<marquee> Co-Captain & Charter Member of the Swan/Dolphin Cheerleading Team!!</font></font></marquee>
<font size=4><font color=green>HAPPY <font color=red>HOLIDAYS<font color=red>!
<font color=red>15 times to Disney 3 on-site
<font color=green>Next visit Dec. 2001 to the Swan</font><center
I've decided NOT to try Priceline. I've stayed at the Swan and enjoyed the convenience of being onsite and close to Epcot and MGM. I think I would not mind Wyndham... but the Marriot?? I just won't risk it. It's a very nice resort.. but I want onsite.

Dolphin next time. Teacher's discount for me. I've learned that all I need is a nice bed in a convenient location. We spend so little time at the hotel. I don't even care about my room view (unless it's a free upgrade!)

We will also stay onsite at Universal on our next trip. Entertainment discount.
You don't have email info in your profile. I would like to contact you as you live VERY near me.

Last Year in August I placed a bid of $50. plus a $25. bonus through priceline for a four* hotel and I was also crossing my fingers for a either the Swan or the Dolphin or the Wyndam, however I got the Marriott World Center and my family loved it!! It's a beautiful hotel with about 5 outdoor pools and 1 indoor and numerous hot tubs. The rooms were very nice and we had a great view of Disney especially the fireworks at night-very close-and the restaurants there are great, and they are almost finished installing a food court.
We couldn't have asked for nicer accommidations and we were at Disney in minutes(driving ourselves. So you may be surprised, I think all of the hotels in that category are great!
I recently got the Wyndham Palace for a bid of $55 on Priceline. :)
Molokai, that's a great price! Did you use the $20 AMEX bonus on your bid?

-- Robin
I got the Wyndham Palace back in Dec (20-23) for $40 + $15 bonus. The lowest rate at that time when checking before bidding was $105.

It was a last minute trip--had canceled ressies on site because DD couldn't get to take exams early, so entire family could not make trip. Decided at last minute that DS & I would go for a couple of days. I think I bid about 7-10 days prior to trip. Ended up paying more for airfare than I had wanted to, but with the great rate I got for the Wyndham, it was ok.

Nice room--great view--6th floor facing Downtown Disney. Did lack some of the "magic" of on-site, but for the price, no complaints.

unctigger, the $105 rate you quoted for December at the Wyndham Palace does not sound right. Was that a government rate? If so, that rate is really not an indication of occupancy because gov't rates stay constant. I would suspect that the lowest available rate to the general public at that time was close to $200 at a minimum.
Aloha Robin,
No, it was just a straight bid. And it made me very happy. :)


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