Quarantine and chill and kindness chatty clubhouse: Jump in and join the conversation! All is welcome!

Good Morning Everyone :)

Such sweet memories you shared of your kids Pea and Pollyanna Mom, thank you.

Luckyrabbit, hug, so nice to see you a post from you, my friend :)

It's cool this early Monday morning here. I slept well and am praise God feeling good. Another Blessed day from the Lord. As always, also, I am thankful for each of you in this thread. Hugs and good day to all!
The weather for us at the moment is glorious! No humidity, highs in the 70's. Sun is shining, but clouds are coming I think.
Had a great Sunday yesterday, youngest's girlfriend turned 21, long story short she's up here w/o many friends and no family, so we threw her a little b'day party. Champagne, chocolate cake, rum punches and all kinds of tacos and accompaniments! All went well, everyone had fun and she had a bit to much to drink, fell in the creek behind the house- both my sons pulled her out (luckily they were only ones down there with her at moment, so it wasn't TOTALLY humiliating for her!)
I, as usual, made way to much fresh salsa, so most of this weeks dinners will have it featured prominently! Tonight will be leftovers -
Trying to figure out something to do for Fathers Day - husband may or may not be around, and won't know until last second. So it will most likely be a last second sort of situation.
I'm putting together a raffle basket for a dog non profit I do a bit of work with, and it's theme is 'Santa' and I'm struggling with it. I've got until mid-July to gather items together for it and so far I have a plush throw blanket w/ dogs on it and a cookbook for making dog treats. I'm going to go down to the Yankee Candle outlet and grab something....What would you guys be looking for if you were going to be bidding on a dog/Christmas themed basket in July? I thought I'd go with the thought that items would be great gifts to get or give, some dog/breed-centric, some just generic, but I'm just drawing a blank.
I decided to re-read The Stand, and I forgot it was so good! I'm having trouble putting it down...trying to finagle my way home for lunch in order to read for a few minutes while there ha ha-
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The weather for us at the moment is glorious! No humidity, highs in the 70's. Sun is shining, but clouds are coming I think.
Had a great Sunday yesterday, youngest's girlfriend turned 21, long story short she's up here w/o many friends and no family, so we threw her a little b'day party. Champagne, chocolate cake, rum punches and all kinds of tacos and accompaniments! All went well, everyone had fun and she had a bit to much to drink, fell in the creek behind the house- both my sons pulled her out (luckily they were only ones down there with her at moment, so it wasn't TOTALLY humiliating for her!)
I, as usual, made way to much fresh salsa, so most of this weeks dinners will have it featured prominently! Tonight will be leftovers -
Trying to figure out something to do for Fathers Day - husband may or may not be around, and won't know until last second. So it will most likely be a last second sort of situation.
I'm putting together a raffle basket for a dog non profit I do a bit of work with, and it's theme is 'Santa' and I'm struggling with it. I've got until mid-July to gather items together for it and so far I have a plush throw blanket w/ dogs on it and a cookbook for making dog treats. I'm going to go down to the Yankee Candle outlet and grab something....What would you guys be looking for if you were going to be bidding on a dog/Christmas themed basket in July? I thought I'd go with the thought that items would be great gifts to get or give, some dog/breed-centric, some just generic, but I'm just drawing a blank.
I decided to re-read The Stand, and I forgot it was so good! I'm having trouble putting it down...trying to finagle my way home for lunch in order to read for a few minutes while there ha ha-
Oh, I could come up with a lot of things, lol. (And I was in Pet Smart yesterday.) I would put one of those things that carries doggie poop bags in there. I saw a whole rack that looked like fire hydrants, dog bones and a bunch of other shapes. Those are handy to keep in the car. I would also like a portable water carrier. We have one we keep in the car it's a plastic bottle with a bowl on the end which keeps the water clean even if they drink out of the bowl. What they dont drink, you toss, but the water in the chamber stays fresh. There are also portable dog food bowls, again, good to keep in the car. A little blanket is good for putting on the seat if the dog has dirt on them from a walk. Play toys are always good. (We have way too many DD always picks them up on clearance for our dog when she goes to buy hamster supplies.) Treats, of course (but nothing that is not made in the USA - not just "manufactured" in the USA - can be plastic and toxins if from China and elsewhere). Bandanas are cheap at discount stores. Perhaps a leash (not retractable but a good, leather leash). ? Doggie shampoo. ? Brush. They had sneakers for $10 made by Skechers there yest that had dogs all over them, really cute, I picked some up for myself. It might be hard to know the size but maybe an 8 or 9 might be common. Those are all things that I use. Oh yes and a doggie toothbrush set, lol. Fun basket to make! :dogdance:

P.S. Will you share your fresh salsa recipe? We were talking about it this weeekend. I have one somewhere but it may be hard to find. A girl I used to work with used to bring in a huge bowl of hers with two bags of tortilla chips and it would be gone in a flash with everyone coming over for some. I remember it had lots of cilantro. I have made a mango salsa and it was also really good.
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Thanks! Good suggestions - I just ordered one of those make your dogs paw print into a Christmas ornament things from Amazon as well.

My salsa recipe? Yikes - well it's nothing written down, but it's along these lines:

Large red onion, diced
1/2 of a yellow onion, diced
2 large green bell peppers, diced
1 yellow or orange bell pepper, diced
two or three jalapenos, diced
fresh cilantro - I use an entire little plastic container of it if I get it from the store, if it's mine I grew, I'd guestimate 2-3 tablespoons of leaves?
4 or 5 large tomatoes, gutted & diced
kosher salt
a bit of black pepper
juice of 1 or two limes,
sometimes I add pineapple or mangos, too. Maybe 1 mango or 1/2 of a pineapple?
*the reason I don't have specific amounts is that I kinda doctor it up w/ the cilantro, cumin & salt and my husband tastes it, then I add more of whatever if needed. He's good at judging the seasoning amounts for me!
So we went out for breakfast yesterday morning. It was the first time we've actually eaten out at a restaurant before Covid. And we celebrated Father's Day for DH yesterday since DD and I are working next weekend. (DH will go to his own father's house with his family and DS will go to his girlfriend's father's house, which works out well.)

Well it was quite the experience! Here restaurants have just reopened last week. First, just the owners were there and no servers. We were fortunate we got there early but quite a line formed behind us. Eating was outside in a tent, but you had to order and pay in line at the time of ordering. Everything came in plastic or paper, too. The owner I don't think was used to the ordering process, lol, so it was painfully slow. And the cost was way higher than it should've been but we didn't figure it out till later (and just let it go). We waited almost an hour for our food. And it was good when it finally came. And the hot coffee took a while to get but was good because it actually got really chilly in the tent and we had no jackets because it was so beautiful out. But it was nice to just be out again and see people around. For dinner we had marinated some London Broils and did them on the grill with grilled asparagus, corn on the cob, mashed potatoes and of course, bakery cake for Father's Day, which was so good. So it was a nice day all in all! Actually, a really nice weekend! Yesterday afternoon DH and I relaxed in the screened porch for a couple of hours, too, which was very relaxing.
Thanks! Good suggestions - I just ordered one of those make your dogs paw print into a Christmas ornament things from Amazon as well.

My salsa recipe? Yikes - well it's nothing written down, but it's along these lines:

Large red onion, diced
1/2 of a yellow onion, diced
2 large green bell peppers, diced
1 yellow or orange bell pepper, diced
two or three jalapenos, diced
fresh cilantro - I use an entire little plastic container of it if I get it from the store, if it's mine I grew, I'd guestimate 2-3 tablespoons of leaves?
4 or 5 large tomatoes, gutted & diced
kosher salt
a bit of black pepper
juice of 1 or two limes,
sometimes I add pineapple or mangos, too. Maybe 1 mango or 1/2 of a pineapple?
*the reason I don't have specific amounts is that I kinda doctor it up w/ the cilantro, cumin & salt and my husband tastes it, then I add more of whatever if needed. He's good at judging the seasoning amounts for me!
Thank you! Sounds good!
Thank you, Easyas123 for your work on behalf of our canine friends :dog2: What about including a paw print or otherwise doggie themed Christmas stocking? I saw a few of them last year at Hobby Lobby when looking at the store selection of Christmas stockings in general (I needed a new one and had been given a gift of money towards it from a dear friend)
I'm putting together a raffle basket for a dog non profit I do a bit of work with, and it's theme is 'Santa' and I'm struggling with it. I've got until mid-July to gather items together for it and so far I have a plush throw blanket w/ dogs on it and a cookbook for making dog treats. I'm going to go down to the Yankee Candle outlet and grab something....What would you guys be looking for if you were going to be bidding on a dog/Christmas themed basket in July? I thought I'd go with the thought that items would be great gifts to get or give, some dog/breed-centric, some just generic, but I'm just drawing a blank.

I just ordered one of those make your dogs paw print into a Christmas ornament things from Amazon as well.

Oooh, I love that idea! (And Pea's too - especially the clean-up bags and water bottle dish.)

Chewy also has Christmas dog toys:
https://www.chewy.com/s?query=christmas dog toys&nav-submit-button=

(You can search by all sorts of categories - they even have sports teams, if there's a lot of fan loyalty in the area where the basket raffle is taking place.)
We're having quite the streak of nice weather here in CT lately! Sunny and pleasantly warm. This is just the way I like it.

We went to the Christmas Tree Shop this morning and looked at way too much stuff. Josh finally wore Grandma down and got some marshmallows (he hates Peeps, I don't know why he thinks this will be any different). He remembered that at his friend's party the other night, the friend was the most excited about the bucket full of meat sticks/Slim Jims that he was given (and a rainbow eye mask for sleeping...I love that kid! ;) ), so I bought him a meat stick to try. Man, wouldn't it be nice if this was the way to get him to eat meat...

Then we stopped at the grocery store - they were having an extremely good price on salmon and eggs. I was happy to see that they had a variety 12-pack of my Hint water. We got Josh a Happy Meal at McDonald's, so now I don't have to worry as much if he doesn't eat dinner. Back at home, I ordered a 484-piece "creative box" set of Legos from Kohl's, for Josh's birthday, using my Kohl's Cash and a free shipping code...I paid $5.31 total for it :banana: Feeling very proud of that...

I'll ask....Do you enjoy going to the movies? Obviously when you could go to the actual theater...lol Do you enjoy going or would you rather wait and watch a movie at home??

Sometimes yes, sometimes no. DH and I both refuse to go when a movie is just released, especially if it's predicted to be a big blockbuster. We hate crowds. We like when they have a special event...the first time we did that was in 2013, when the Doctor Who 50th Anniversary Special was shown in the theatre. That was fun! We've gone to see other classic-type movies when they've had an event - Casablanca (my favorite movie), Singin' in the Rain, Rear Window; last summer we went for the Star Trek: The Motion Picture 40th Anniversary special. Before that, we went for the RUSH: Cinema Strangiato concert event. The theatre was almost packed and there were maybe 10 people there younger than us. And very few women (which apparently is a joke amongst RUSH fans, how they have few female fans. Well, I'm one of them ;) ).

Last summer, the theatre at our mall had $1 kids' movies on Monday mornings. There were 10 weeks of it and we made it to 6 of them, I think. Josh's first movie was Spongebob Squarepants: Sponge Out of Water. 90 minutes of my life that I'll never get back. Since then, in the theatre, he's seen the animated Addams Family movie, Sonic the Hedgehog (which we saw 1 week before the lockdown started - there was nobody else in the theatre), and at Christmas one of the family-owned theatres did a Polar Express Pajama Party event. It was sold out (of course); everyone wears pjs (including the adults), and you get cookies and hot chocolate with your movie. It was fun! (Except we ended up next to the people that started noisily packing themselves up with about 10 minutes of the movie left, and the very second the credits rolled, they were out of their seats, telling us, "Okay, it's over, let's go...")

It's just so expensive. Even a kids' ticket is ridiculous. And then they don't allow you your own food - well, I don't want to pay their exorbitant prices for huge amounts of unhealthy food and/or candy. The family-owned place has signs up all over that "outside food will be confiscated" and they even searched my purse the last time we were there. I asked what they would do if someone had dietary restrictions, and they just shrugged and said, "You can't take your own food in." We still like that theatre otherwise, however. It used to be our "off-price" place, where you could see a 6-month-old first-run movie for $5 ($3 in the morning, $4 in the afternoon). But they closed; someone else purchased it and remodeled it (which it needed...there were a LOT of missing ceiling tiles, the seats were threadbare, and it smelled weird). Now it's $8 for brand-new first-run movies - which is still cheaper than the Cinemark - and Josh likes that they have "tables." I like the tables, too, because it's impossible for the people behind you to kick your seat ;)


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