Quarantine and chill and kindness chatty clubhouse: Jump in and join the conversation! All is welcome!

Good morning . Cloudy now, calling for breaks of sun with a couple of possible showers this afternoon. I talked to Dave last night. They actually came while we were out yesterday, but as soon as they pulled in it started to rain and they left. He said if it doesn't rain today, he'll be here. If not, then definitely tomorrow. The next 5 days are supposed to be sunny and warmer. My neighbor mowed his lawn yesterday afternoon in the cold, wind, and rain. Then he wondered why his mower kept bogging down and stopping. The grass was too long and too wet to mow. I'm waiting for a break in the weather long enough to dry everything out

Got my shopping and errands done yesterday morning before Don's appt, and even stopped at the flower guy and got my tomato plants. I got 8 4-packs of different varieties. Some tried and true, plus a couple of new ones. Pink Lady and Mountain Merit.

@Snowysmom I'm so sorry to hear that once again, Kenny's proceedings didn't go as everyone hoped. It's terrible when it gets dragged out like this. September is a long time to wait for another court date.

@footballmouse At least you came out with what you went in for at Meijer's, the cat food, lol. I've gone in for one thing, come out with 20 and without the one I actually started out going in for.
May the fourth be with all of you, have a great day.

Good morning.

Decided I like to skim to see how you all are but am not going to make responding to everyone a goal.

Does anyone watch A Million Little Things? Last night was the series finally. Very well done but what a tear jerker. I was crying like at the end of West Side Story, The King and I, or Brian's Song.

Today we are meeting at CFA for lunch with Andrew. He had a detail in NYC and will be driving home today. I am skipping Bible study, but this is my baby boy.:sunny:

Thank you all again so very much for all your haircut kind words!
I am glad that you finally got out and it was a success.
I am for sure done with this damp & chilly & gloomy weather. I'm ready for warmwarmwarm!
Me too!!
The court hearing did not go well.
I am sorry to hear that.

And cruisers, have fun and use sunscreen.
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Love the Carpenters
Karen's voice was so smooth.
Robin Williams.
Another one I miss, gone too soon.
She just messaged me that she has to have surgery on her shoulder, again. He said he's never seen someone her age crumbling like this.
She just can't seem to get a break. Too bad they can't seem to get to the bottom of what is causing it all. Joe has a customer whose wife's bones break real easy. It's due to the amount of acid reducers she has taken over the years. It just leached the calcium out of her bones.
I got my 💇‍♀️!
Yay! So glad that you took the plunge.
The court hearing did not go well. Ex is looking for more.
It's terrible when it gets dragged out like this. September is a long time to wait for another court date.
That is way too long.
Does anyone watch A Million Little Things? Last night was the series finally.
I'm behind an episode or two. Need to get on the ball and do some show watching.

James' hemoglobin went up a point all by itself on Tuesday. That is an encouraging sign. Still waiting on his white cell count to rise, it's still 0 at the moment. That will be the sign that his transplant is working. He talked to another transplant patient the other day that told him that his white cell count did not begin rising until day 16. James was encouraged by that, he's on day 10 today.
Glad James is doing well, Kirby. :flower3:

Good mor er, afternoon, time has slipped away this morning. 😱

DH and DS have made a lot of progress in the family room, walls are mostly up, all insulated. Most of the things I ordered have arrived, and I put some others aside I’ve bought. Got all the flooring but it will be a while before we can put it down, we still have to paint. Haven’t gotten my Smith and Noble catalog yet. I want something light and maybe airy for the windows with all this wood. DS got a TV and a music bar it will be nice for movies. (We have others upstairs but this one is newer and nicer.) So, coming along. Still have to get rid of a lot of stuff.

Toto went to the groomer’s yesterday so I took Grady out by himself. He was lost without Toto. And Toto was p’d off when he came home, lol. Did not really want to play or be touched. I can’t really blame him. Grooming is hard on them.

Headed into a work stretch. Vacation is over. 😩 Wishing everyone a good Thursday, and a good weekend! 🐥
Good Morning 🐥:grouphug:

I saw some⛈️around 3am this morning. What an extra blessing to have a safe warm shelter. I definitely prayed a new for those who don't and that they were somehow kept secure and warm. As I finish editing (this page seemed to freeze the first time which was the reason for my incomplete initial post), I hear 🌧️So ready for :sunny: How grateful sincerely I am to God for every day in any weather.

Dad talked with April from General Mills a little while ago who told him that our bag of flour dated to be used by in September should be perfectly fine. Good to get that extra reassurance from a live person rather than a recorded message. Dad is checking out of the 99 Cent Only Store in our neighborhood which is at most 10 minutes depending on traffic away. He's thankfully coming home afterwards where he will safely stay for the rest of the day.

We looked at our 📅last night and this morning I so enjoyed tentatively writing down JC Penneys on Tuesday, May 16th! I would rather go their before Kohls and by then will have gotten my birthday reward offer. What a blessing that and going to Kohls will be!

The Wedding Cottage turned out to be such a sweet story. I really felt as though I was at Scott and Amy's wedding and part of the Stony Bridge, VT small town. Snowysmom, so glad you enjoyed this movie, too. I would definitely recommend it!

Sdk, so glad to see you post again :) I am the Quacker that shared about tending to prefer traditional home finishes. I agree with Bobbiwoz, that your 🏡sounds lovely. How cool that you live in a home with such a long history.

Bobbiwoz, please do bundle up warmly🧥 for your 🚲ride with your friend. I am so thankful to God that He has given you a bike ride buddy. 48 to me is freezing! I hope you two get to enjoy a warm drink or breakfast together afterwards.

⚽ team win :cheer2:Footballmouse! I forgot. What is the name of Evan's team? I am thinking Riders? I could be making that up. I'm just glad they won. God Bless Baby Mia! Thank you, always, for virtually allowing us to care for her, too.

Lynn, enjoy your :sunny:weather for me and send some to me, too, please. Grateful Don's appointment is over with and that Dave is coming, too. I hope that means just maybe you will be able to relax more today🛋️📺

Thanķ you, Carol. Getting my 💇‍♀️after 3 1/2 years truly was such a blessing! My hair still feels so much newer :) Posting in our thread should always only be fun and posotive, good plan. Enjoy your lunch 🍗anf visit with Andrew. Please thank him again from me for his service.

Thank you also, Kirby. 🙏 for Joe's customer's wife and always to you, James, and the rest of your family. Praise God, James is absolutely recovering!

Pea, continuing 🏠 remodel prayers. :dogdance::hug:to dear Toto and Grady, too. Champ never liked to be groomed or away from home either. He was always so thankful to see us. God brought to my mind a sweet memory a little while ago. May it bring an extra smile to each of dear you now. Grandma had rescued Champ from being groomed and the two of them surprised me by coming together to pick me up one long ago afternoon, back in the very early 90's, from volunteering at the Discovery Shop. In my heart, I can hear my beloved grandma saying something like, "Champie, go find Mona," as she opened the dutch door to the back room of the store where she knew I was either doing steaming of donated clothing or taking in donations. Sure enough, Champ found me :)

Have a dry and warm Thursday, friends. I will check back in later.
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Just a quick stop to say ~~~


Things are crazy busy here this week, getting ready for a charity event we're helping put on over the weekend. This morning I've been gathering supplies and typing up the labels and lists for the raffles. - We had some really cool things donated!

The kids' game was cute last night. :)
Just a quick check in to see how everyone is doing. Kenny is coming back with the kids soon and we are going to investigate an Aldi's about 20 minutes away. Never been to one so looking forward to seeing one. I was in the office today so out of the house by 5:30 am. I need to beat the traffic so I leave early and get back here before afternoon rush hour.

@Kirby Good news for James! Glad he is keeping his spirits up.

Have a good day.
What is the name of Evan's team?
No team name, I think they're just listed at the Red Team.😄

Someone earlier asked about watching A Million Little Things. I watched a few episodes of the first season when it started but I couldn't get into it. Then I heard that James Roday joined the cast and I liked him in Pysch. I watched a couple of episodes a couple of weeks ago and I did watch it last week and last night. 😭
I watch Million Little Things, but haven't seen the finale yet. All I watched last night was Survivor.

I got the lawn all mowed and weed wacked, finished it in sprinkling rain but it's done.,except where the trailer is sitting, and the the ladders are laying. I'll do that when they are all done. Dave and his son showed up and got about 15% of the roof done on the other side, until a torrential downpour started. We even had some hail. Now the sun is back out, but all of us got soaked through. We were rushing around trying to pick up the tools and ladders. I'm going to take a hot shower, and dry off. They will be back tomorrow to do more work, and I talked him into replacing the porch carpet for me. It's green and I want either darkish blue or gray.
Have a nice evening everyone.
That sounds like a lot of fun, PollyannaMom:hug:Thank you so much for volunteering. Hooray for the twins and their ⚾team--does it have a name? I think you may have shared some type of animal as being the team name?

Enjoy 🛒 at Aldi's, Snowysmom. There aren't any near me either, just further out. Dad has gone into a couple Aldi's a few times. I don't think I ever have. Just enjoy extra time with Kenny and possobly your grandkids, too.

Bobbiwoz, your blood is warmer than mine, lol. Thankful you had a good 🚴‍♀️
Red Team⚽:cheer2:extra, Footballmouse :)

Please do enjoy a warm🚿 Lynn and maybe put on cozy pajamas afterwards!

Now that Athens (Garbage Service) has moved further down our street, all is quieter here. The rain has stopped for now, too. Gave a great rest of the afternoon, everyone. Please stay warm and always well.
@Pea-n-Me Toto was telling you what he thought about going for a grooming! :) Bunny poop is awful and I hope he cleans up well. I hope your DS is feeling better. Aldis was interesting. It was actually better than I was expecting. The produce looked good. They did have lots of good snacks. The kids got cheese puffs and vanilla wafers. Not bad. I like reduced fat wheat thins for a snack. They had thin wheats. Again , not bad. The grandkids like them too. Kenny did a fair amount of shopping there and spent under $50. The kids loved to put the quarter in for the cart and then get it back again when you return the cart.

@bobbiwoz Have fun on your cruise. Safe travels.

Good morning. Yet another dreary day here. It looks like the sun may come out later in the day. I am mostly packed for the cruise, just need to add my passport to my carryon. I always get nervous when I go through security. Because of my knee replacements I go through the big machine and usually have to be wanded. Meanwhile my carry on is at the end of the rollers and I can't get it. In the past Chris would get it so now I will have to ask my friend to get it. When I travel alone I will just have to keep my eye on it. I keep my license and passport with me and just hold my hands up holding them.

Off to work.
Have a good day.
Happy Friday!:Pinkbounc

Got my laundry done last night so I just have to clean the house this morning before my Friday buddy (Mia) comes over for the day. I work tonight so now sure how much of a nap I'll be able to get.🥱

Finally was able to watch Survivor when I got home from work.

Getting excited for the Coronation tomorrow morning 🫅. I'll be working but I'll have it on at work and drink my tea while watching. I'll record it so I can watch the rest when I wake up.

Kentucky Derby is Saturday, don't forget to pick your horse!🏇

That's about it, back to work and cleaning. Have a great day & weekend.:wave:
Good morning. Woke to a bright sunny, blue sky, white clouds morning. Going to be absolutely perfect weather, after8 days of rain. We had more downpours last night, this morning it's all drying up quickly.

@bobbiwoz Safe travels, and have a great time on the cruise!

I love Aldi's. They have the best produce and best prices for it around here. I love their seasonal specials, I bought a couple of their dessert specials this week.

Not only is tomorrow Derby day, but today is Kentucky Oaks day, and there's racing all day. It's one of my favorite weekends of the year. I'm not a fan of King Charles, so don't plan on watching much of it live. I'll watch some of the highlights later in the day. Does anyone know if Harry and Meghan will be there? If they are, I hope there's no more family drama.

Off to sweep the kitchen floor and pass the swiffer, now tha the rain is finally done. There wasn't much point in doing it any sooner.

Have a great Cinco de Mayo

Good Morning from 🌧️and cold LA,

Dad, I sure extra pray will stay warm and :umbrella:he's at the laundromat right now. I always feel so badly when he gets caught out in the rain especially on laundry days. I don't hear any rain so hopefully it either has stopped or at least is very light.

Bobbiwoz and Snowysmom, extra 🙏that you both will enjoy safe and relaxing, fun, of course, too 🛳️s. Maybe one day the two of you will be able to set sail together at least on Small World, anyway :)

Snowysmom and Lynn, Aldi 🛒:cheer2:to you both. I'm thankful both of you are able to get good deals shopping there.

Footballmouse, get some 💤please! Enjoy as always Baby Mia!

All is quiet here. I will check back in later. Have a good day, everyone :)
@Pea-n-Me Toto was telling you what he thought about going for a grooming! :) Bunny poop is awful and I hope he cleans up well. I hope your DS is feeling better. Aldis was interesting. It was actually better than I was expecting. The produce looked good. They did have lots of good snacks. The kids got cheese puffs and vanilla wafers. Not bad. I like reduced fat wheat thins for a snack. They had thin wheats. Again , not bad. The grandkids like them too. Kenny did a fair amount of shopping there and spent under $50. The kids loved to put the quarter in for the cart and then get it back again when you return the cart.
Lol I’m glad you liked it. It seems like you either do, or don’t (general you). It was my FIL believe it or not who kept telling me how much he liked it, so I gave it a try. And I like it, too! There are certain things I stock up on when there, like butter (the blue container of churned butter with sea salt is really yummy, I buy several at a time and store), milk, eggs, yogurts (Chobani-like ones are pretty good, and sometimes they have specialty flavors, also good), salad dressings (vinaigrettes all really good) and a bunch of other stuff. I’ve found their produce to be hit or miss around here. I usually buy their (raw) chicken tenders if I’m there, they’ve always been good. And sometimes they have these specials that if you see them and like them you should stock up on, because when you go back, they’re gone!

The running joke in our family are the Millville cereals. The summer my son played in a collegiate league out of state he had an Aldi’s across from where he was staying, so we would get him gift cards to use. He had to learn to budget, cause $50 bucks only goes so far! So we would say why are you getting the General Mills cereal when the Millville brand is half the cost? :lmao: I still buy them if I’m there, sometimes just to tease him, but honestly the ones I’ve bought (like the Rice Chex) are just fine. He pulled a Millville Capn Crunch out of our cabinet the other day and was like, “What is this?” and we were laughing about it.

I always get nervous when I go through security. Because of my knee replacements I go through the big machine and usually have to be wanded. Meanwhile my carry on is at the end of the rollers and I can't get it. In the past Chris would get it so now I will have to ask my friend to get it. When I travel alone I will just have to keep my eye on it. I keep my license and passport with me and just hold my hands up holding them.
I hear you on this, it always seems so chaotic going through security. I’m pretty organized but I always feel like I’m holding up the line somehow. When we took Mom, in her wheelchair (and carrying a walker with us), they would have to pull her out and scan her in a private room because she had a pacemaker. Some of the searches I thought were a little rough and invasive for a 93 yr old, but I gave them the benefit of the doubt since we all want to be safe and you never know, I guess. Once we left the darned walker at the baggage check area but didn’t realize it till we got to the gate so we had to go all the way back! Anyway, I hope things go smoothly for you. Take your time and try not to worry. And have a wonderful trip! Will be thinking of you guys (you and Bobbi) on your cruise! (My groomer is going on one, too!)

Have a good Friday! 🐥 And a nice weekend. Wish I was going to be home for the Coronation but I’m working, to @footballmouse! Enjoy it!
@Pea-n-Me Interesting you mention security getting a bit rough with the patdowns. I am always asked if I want to go to a private room and I say no. I feel that people can see who they are doing extra screening on. I do think I should be offered dinner afterwards. When I first went through security after my surgery the agents were rude in some airports (Boston and Orlando.) I wanted to tell one in particular in Orlando that I had my knees replaced just to annoy her and make her work harder. Now it seems like the patdowns and the agents are a bit gentler and explain better and are just more courteous. Now that I have said that I will probably meet Attila the TSA agent. I just get concerned about my license or passport getting stolen which is why I keep those in my hands. I do have money in my carryon but my friend will get it this time. On solo trips I will just say a prayer and keep an eye on it. Maybe I will ask the agent if they can get it or I can before we do the patdown.

I did like the produce in this Aldis. Kenny got some strawberries, carrots, and salad mix. The salad was really good. Next time I will look at the butter, salad dressings, and yogurt. The snacks and desserts are tempting. I have to walk by and not look.

I went to Kohls to find a hat for the cruise. I have one but I wanted to see if I could find something better. Their hat selection was awful. I ended up ordering one on Amazon that looks cute and has good coverage. It should be here tomorrow. I also checked how much sunscreen I have and I am good to go.

Have a nice evening.


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